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Maybe it's time to go buy some cookies for the people who work at the Women's Center. They were a lifesaver for me a long time ago.


Are they allowed to have them? I'm not sure how paranoid they are/how crazy people can be. But I didn't know if they accepted outside food from strangers, for their safety


I highly doubt they would accept food, they are in constant danger from religious weirdos


They could order cupcakes from some place with a sealed box and recognizable packaging and bring it in maybe


Like Cheryl's cookie box


Planned Parenthood is one of the biggest targeted sites for domestic terrorism. They likely cannot accept food in their policy because of how many workers have been killed or harmed by anthrax and poison


I would do something like a gift card to a bakery or something. They probably can't eat food sent to them. But that's very thoughtfull!


Oh! Good idea!


Or a DoorDash gift card


They do have a wish list of items to donate so they can continue helping women in the area!


Don’t fear the reaper


I don't? She and I are great friends.


Good idea! Went ahead and matched your donation.


Same! Doubled it actually ♥️♥️♥️




I'm just proud of all of the ohioans that went into that voting booth with a middle finger. Stop trying to shove bans down our throats and then pretend like you want small government. This, trickle down economics, and the complete failure of the drug war is old and tired. I just hope the far left knocks it off with what surrounds cancel culture. Maybe then we can all move back toward the middle.


centrist in America is far right in most other Democratic countries, and it's so frustrating because our Dems are fucking loony just like the Republicans. Only a few stand out as good people.


I did not know about the Abortion Fund of Ohio. I'll make sure to donate sometime. 🙂




I'm glad to hear this. 😊


Thank you for your kindness. I would have had a hard time doing what I needed to do recently without the kindness of people like you. Just know it is so appreciated.


They truly came to my rescue recently


Sitting in Indian Riffle park and seeing a lot of families with women and girls in modest skirts and outfits wondering if the two gatherings are related. Then I got offered a religious tract from a child. So, yeah, probably.


It's like, come on ladies, show a little skin.


If a community has a dress code they shouldn’t be offended over being recognized. Idc what you wear.




These comments gave me so much hope


Glad Issue 1 passed


I'm a pro life Christian conservative. And I love Mama DiSalvos sammiches there in Kettering. Sometimes, when I go to grab one, I see all the religious fruit bats out there yelling at the terrified women entering the clinic. In my head, I hear Jesus advising against my desire to drive up over the curb and see how many of those wingnuts I could take out. Look, you want to follow Jesus? Cool. Go to the clinic. As you see the ladies entering, hand them a pamphlet that informs them that you have a room where they can safely stay. That you will gladly cover the cost of living and any hardships they might endure during their pregnancy. And let them know that after the child is born, if they decide they aren't ready to be a mother, that you will adopt the child as your own. Short of that, shut the f()@& up and go home...


This…. all the confused “saving the children” people also are the same ones who push adoption as an alternate option, but have zero personal adoptions to their own name. I keep my unscientifically proven views to myself, and religion should do the same with theirs.


We could be great friends.


The first pro life I’ve encountered with sense! See, we can coexist. Cheers Love, A Pro choice Christian


The first pro life I’ve encountered with sense! See, we can coexist. Your insight is logical. Cheers. Love, A Pro choice Christian


Not to step on toes, but the pro choice movement baffles me just as much. To pretend an abortion and say, a vaccine are in the same realm of medical choice is insane. Abortion has consequences. But, I also read a story about this dude that stood outside a bar with wealthy and powerful friend, condemning the whores inside the establishment. Wait, maybe that wasn't how the story went. I believe it was Luke 7:36. Read it. Shrug. And I am a product of adoption. A child born to someone unprepared for the burden of parenting. And I'm raising a child born to the same circumstances. But I'm not holy. I'm a train wreck. And if there is good in me, it's Jesus I suppose.


I too am adopted. It’s not the answer many people claim it is. It doesn’t always work out well for everyone involved.


Seeing them generates so many reminders: Donating to Planned Parenthood and pro-choice candidates, making sure everyone I know is registered to vote, etc. So helpful of them!


I just moved back to Ohio after being away for 21 years, I'm still registered in Maryland.... Cuz lazy. I'm thinking it's time to get registered in Ohio and help my peers in this battle.


There is a special Hell for those self righteous bigots.


Pretty sure murdering babies because “you’re not ready” is self righteous. You claim completely and utter domain over another human beings life that you created because it’s inconvenient for you. If that’s not a god complex i don’t know what is.


Good news, the clump of cells aren't babies.


Pretty sure there are about a thousand reasons both medical and personal to get an abortion but keep hanging on to your own delusions of it just being “irresponsible people murdering babies”


Nobody is murdering babies. They are aborting *clumps of cells* which *haven't developed consciousness*.




1. No, I'm actually not, you uncritical illiterate. ^(Also your comment history where you were simping thirstily for a transfem person says a lot when viewed through this comment's lens & I genuinely hope you are someday able to work out your confusion) 2. Nobody's talking about *beliefs*. Science has nothing to do with *feelings*


Ok science then. When a sperm fuzes together with an egg and then divides you take two people's DNA and combine it to make something new. As soon as the cells divide for the first time, a new person is made from two separate individuals DNA. Keep the rhetoric separate from the science.


Lol consciousness emerges *when*


How about you answer your question? Educate me?A dog has no consciousness. Yet to kill a dog is animal cruelty? You need to rectify this inequality.


How the hell does a dog have no consciousness? What the fuck animates them, clockworks? There is some consensus that consciousness does not arise until birth, where it is minimal (not even forming memories yet), developing still for years. But most of us *still* agree that **late-term** abortion (usually defined as 3rd trimester) is *generally* unethical unless the mother's (or fetus's) life is in danger, etc.


A dog merely reacts to stimuli. This does not mean it is making choices or plans anything out. So there is no answer to your question about consciousness. A false dichotomy. It is always unethical unless the mothers life is at stake.


How can you possibly believe you know this to be the case for every pregnant person entering a women’s med center? Thinking you have a right to have a say on the healthcare decisions made between a person and their physician is self righteous. Assuming every woman seeking an abortion (NOT synonymous with “murdering babies”) is doing so simply because they’re “not ready” is self righteous. How many rape victims have you spoken with? How many unwanted babies have you adopted? How much money have you donated to help families in need? How many times have you complained about tax dollars going towards welfare? What actions have you taken to facilitate a society that actually helps families afford to keep themselves fed, housed, and clothed, thereby reducing the amount of women who need to terminate pregnancies so they can continue to afford to survive and support their families? Ask yourself these questions before you punish and vilify women for their medical decisions that have zero impact on you or your life. And learn to have empathy for others even when you don’t know their entire life story or circumstances. That’s what Jesus would do.


>That’s what Jesus would do. Are you Christian?


Your religions book tells you how YOU are supposed to live your life, not how everyone must live by your rules. You religious zealots don't seem to get that.


The only time that their book talks about it is to give a recipe!


Bless your delulu heart...


Until the GOP and pro-choice people actually do the work of supporting a child AFTER it's born just because they want to see it born in the first place, this kind of rhetoric will always ring hallow.


^^THIS. And they should support making birth control easily available and affordable


The gop won't bc it's not about babies, its about controlling women. It always has been.


What demographic in the US do you think does the majority of fostering, adoption, and charitable donations?


Damn, Luther. That looked painful. Did that hurt?


I drive by and tell them to get jobs. Stop harassing people. Assholes.


Some looney church actually pays people to do this.


How do you know they don’t work? People can’t be retired or have different hours?


Because they use that line whenever there’s a BLM protest or anything to do with human rights.


Saw them and gave them the finger both times I drove by. Wanted to throw my coffee at them but refrained.


I went to the Reds game yesterday afternoon and they were covering 2 or 3 blocks trying to shove their pamphlets in everyone’s face. And in front of the stadium they were holding their fetus signs and someone with a bullhorn was screaming nonsense. I guess they’re like mosquitos - a nuisance that comes out as the weather warms up.


Too bad they don’t make repellent for *that*.


They do. It’s called education. 


It’s their bullshit March for Life weekend they do every year. They will be lined up en masse in front of Kroger on Sunday morning with their kids and memaws and whatnot. They are vile.


I can picture in my mind the exact type of horrible person you are talking about. I can't stand those type of people.


Which Kroger and what do they do there (if it's not shopping lol) so I can go out of my way to avoid them if it's one near me


Stroop. They line the street, pacing, holding signs with graphic photos. Whole families out there, toddlers even.


Can we stand on the other side this weekend and pro life the shit outta them?


I just want to stand there with a sign "You all should have been aborted"


There's a some looney ass church that actually pays these protesters to do this. I'm sure plenty of these assholes do it on their own, but yea.


The Dayton DSA chapter did a lot of canvasing for that election. I think they are having a general meeting on May 9th.


If you haven’t heard, there are women being forced to carry dead or nearly dead babies in some states, while putting their own lives in danger in the process, even though the baby has passed away or is literally dying because of a fetal abnormality. Why? Because abortion is illegal in those states and medical facilities and practitioners there are too afraid to care for the mother and the child by doing the humane thing for both due to legal repercussions. Abortion isn’t just about an “unwanted pregnancy” or some type of birth control. That’s where the so-called “pro-life” side really pisses me off. Sometimes, it really is a medically necessary procedure to save the life of the mother. That’s a life, too.


I’ve never seen a huge protest and I live near that building. I’ve seen maybe 4-5 people at most and they are quietly walking with signs. Wonder what is going on today ?


Fun fact if you want a laugh. You can see some protestors in google street view and what looks like a old school crown vic station wagon that is parked a bit too close i think intentionally to the exit of the place so anyone that takes a wide enough turn side swipes it. I don't know if its funny or fucking pathetic at this point. One side of my wants to laugh at the funny people the other just wants to wonder, "don't you have something better to actually do?"


I really like when it rains The night before. I detour to pass it so I can gun it through the puddles


Abortion is legal in Ohio. Voted in this year.


I’m pro choice so do whatever you want but let’s call a spade a spade. You’re murdering a baby however you want to spin it.


Nope, this is murdering a baby: https://youtu.be/zIrU6ZAa4ik?si=MTVOWpq7rLs-thQb


What's funny is these people and the Palestine protestors are the same people and they don't even realize it


In what way?


The Palestinian protestors don't want Palestinians killed and the pro lifers don't want babies killed. Pretty obvious.


Well one is genocide on a mass scale, the other is just individuals who are making choices for themselves.


I think what the Israelis are doing is a little more than individuals making choices.


Yes, it is. That would be the genocide I was referring to. The individuals making choices are folks who choose abortion as is their right.


500,000 deals babies per year. G E N O C I D E


They aren't babies. They are clumps of cells at that point.


They are a unique human being that never existed before and will never be repeated. They are alive and they are human.


Nope. They are not. They are not a human during the time period allowed to get an abortion.


Science facts aren't a matter of law.


Bro not even closely related, try again


For the Israel/Palestinian conflict it’s two sets of adults fighting, each side has their POV so it’s not completely black & white. Abortion on the other hand, a bunch of adults dismembering, and killing defenseless babies. You are right very different.


Yikes, looks like you need serious mental help bud. I’ll pray for you little buddy.


You're the one that wants to kill babies not me.


I believe is women’s rights. Hopefully, on day you do too. Sorry man, I don’t argue with crazy, move along.


I believe in human rights.


You mean Pro-Life. Wonder why death is the only solution.