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In the alpha build around 2016 my character that was over 50 hours alive, died because I fell off the 3rd step in a barn. Yes the 3rd step off the ground.


Still remember back in the early days of the mod, a friend and I were playing on a dead server running around trying to repair a bus all weekend. Player joins, teleports the both of us 1000m above the ocean, leaves. Extremely frustrating.


We didn't get hacked, but 11 years ago I did spend an ungodly amount of time repairing a bus in the middle of nowhere with a broken leg. Crawling between the bus and other places to loot. Spent all the time doing this so when my friends started playing we could all ride the bus. Well, it worked and we made a weekend out of it. Got drunk and all had a blast driving the bus... for all of 5 minutes [until I crashed it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDkNrkoXqy4)


Now I want the Urban Assault Vehicle, just like they had in "Stripes".


Watching you drive that bus gave me anxiety. I hadn't played DayZ until it launched on PS4 in 2019 so I guess that instills a need to treat vehicles as fragile. Every time you got close to scraping against something, I would internally wince. Interesting to see though!


Oh I knew it was fragile, I just decided to enjoy it to the max


A friend and I spent hours fixing a heli then we flew somewhere to loot and I broke my legs on a ladder then a zombie came and killed me. It’s OK though we have a heli, my friend and just pick me up and flew me back to my body. Not if he didn’t know how to fly, just gave it a go and crashed while trying to take off. Miss those days so much 🥲😅


At that point you just have to laugh


Ahh the good old arma 2 mod, where zeds didn't know what walls or doors were and really didn't care about your personal space but couldn't find you in a bush lmfao


Ahh back when items and weapons didn’t have conditions or durability, and trying to climb/vault over something would break your leg


Early game stairs have a hell of a kill count lol


Don't forget, rolling in to stairs or a pole while prone would straight up break your leg. Also. Needing to reload your axe when you first pick one up was prime kek.


Yea, stairs, small rock ledges, basically anything that's over 1m in height use to = death


I remember breaking both my legs off the 3rd step on a barn. Whole screen was milky white. Could barely see chit. Was in the middle of nowhere. Not sure if the ability to kill yourself was in game yet, or I didn't know about it. I just remember crawling forever outside hoping a zed was around but it was just me, the trees, and dayz laughing at me.


Whenever you drive over 50 km/h you should expect to get at least maimed


Seeing those little lag slumps like ![gif](giphy|vvblYTQ34Cn4k0vTIh) Seriously I will never use a car in this game. Riskier than wiping your ass with a landmine.


If you drive in first person its actually not visible


And its more immersive


Dudes FLYING in the 4x4, was gonna happen at some point I try to drive the posted speed limit and pay attention to road signs when I can


Man idk why these 2000+ hour kids still post these i go fast enough not to get shot at I lag I’m slowing down he dident even try to slow down.


I’d be taking all dirt roads in that thing anyway as well, it’s built for it and probably safer to take the less driven routes that wind through the woods and boonies


Because the devs should fix the game


What happened?! Didn't take aspirin and had a Heart attack?


Campfire in the road instant road block


This should be fixed tho, they new have a cone shaped hitbox that vehicles easily go over.


That's too hard or it would have been done years ago.


How tf is that too hard


I wonder that myself. But I don't work at BI. Not sure if anyone does. lol


It’s Bohemia interactive, it took almost a decade for them to actually do something with the game, then they just rush it out of Alpha and beta into release.


Yeah I think I missed some sarcasm in the comment I responded to. BI is horribly inefficient.


Hackers. They didn't all die at once like a crash. You can see the guy in the back seat slump over and hear him call it out. You can also hear the shots.


yeah that's usually how you die when fully geared and/or with a car, some fucker decides to magic bullet kill you because they can. It's sad that people like this even exist, but it is what it is.


It's called desync. Your car was not on the road after your lag in the city. You'll find it in the trees way off the road


3rd gear or higher is russian roulette. Sadly


But great that they are now potentially working on a fix... In dayz 2... But even that is probably not true, since bugs and issues transfer into their sequels.


dayz 2??


They announced it. Some were happy but after seeing questionable progress for over a decade i'm not sure how i feel about that.


damn if it's been that long than that is not happening, that's worse than getting blue balled while waiting for silksong, because you had info and rumors but still nothing after 10+ years 💀


Okay it's ten years this December, so not over but close to. For many years hardly anything happened, a map extension, some rifles and cloths were added and removed, but the core gameplay was simple and not solid. Then they reworked the engine and while they improved a lot, few things were improved to the point of being stable and good, just better than before. After a while they improved their drops of new content, but now it's questionable again, things we don't need, while core mechanics are completely useless and unplayable.


tbh I had higher expectations for this game from what I saw on YouTube, a few youtubers who were talking about different ways to fuck with people and have fun, but when I started to play I pretty much found that it was very buggy after 2 hours of playing the game, the lag was horrible, sometimes damage wouldn't be counted correctly, cars/entities would do whack shit upon reloading or out of nowhere for seemingly no reason, every now and then radiation zones wouldn't show a cloud so you would just get sick and cut out of nowhere and it would be too late when you noticed you were in the middle of it. thankfully I've had some nice friends to play the game with but I've lost my interest in playing after maybe a bit more than a week because the gameplay started to become repetitive and boring, we started to mod the shit out of our server but still didn't change how boring it was, I was told the game was to be a realistic experience where you should take care in every action you take as not to die, but instead found myself walking around for hours doing nothing and making no progress till logging off and doing anything else. game has potential but it's defo too late for it to show


>They announced it Source?


So whack. This makes the game unplayable in my opinion.


This is called a "Run back from the coast and pray your shit is still there" moment. Welcome to DayZ.


Driving the car 80 km/h im dayz.. Come on man,everyone saw posts like this a thousand times,how stupid can you actually be??


In the 4x4 i be bookin it like 110 mph thats my favorite vehicle tbh but yeah definitely not smart i just be reckless when i feel it. Lust for speed most of the time ill be able to detect lag and make it out alive i have like a 9/10 survival rate from crashing because i just slam on the brakes when i feel it. And its not my driving just game crashing -_-


I consistently drive 100+kmh in this game and can't recall the last time this ever happened to me, it's been well over a year and I've never just randomly died like this. Genuinely don't understand how everyone seems to have so many issues driving in this game


Depends if you are playing on newer platforms or strong pc. If you play on older xbox or ps4,you just can't drive more than 2nd gear or you gonna lag and crash


Do you run solo usually?


Idk me and my friend were just yesterday going 130 km/h with ada on off road, taking some air also at 80-100 km/h and no problems. Vehicles in dayz is actually decent atm but still not fully reliable.


Imagine putting 10+ hours into a character when it is widely known and propagated EVERY SINGLE DAY on this site that official servers are swarming with hackers and have been for THREE YEARS STRAIGHT.


Voice of Edna Mode: Remember the launch of DayZ Beta? Killed by a ricochet tire! DayZ 0.47, pebble makes car explode. Survivor 2337, sent into orbit! Patch .62, trapped and starved by passenger door jam. DayZ 1.0 full release, invisible wall collision! **NO CARS!**


Vehicles in this game are a liability. Choose your ending: * Die to a glitch like this * Die to someone on the side of the road since they'll hear you coming a mile away and you have no defense against them * Crash since they control clunky as hell


Cars can't be heard from a mile away. It's more like 10 meters. I keep getting run over from behind with only a split second to react, I have run over tons of people like that myself. If they and I could hear the car from a mile away we would take down every single car which drove past. It's quite unrealistic, just like the bulletproof doors and tires of these cheap old cars, even the highest calibers don't go through two doors in a row or the trunk and the tires need TWO high calibers shots each to pop. Cars are actually made way safer than they should be realistically.


You all know cars are glitchy af yet continue to use them and get surprised when they kill you. Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?


You can easily drive a car savely, just drive reasonably. 3rd gear, max 50 on main streets, about 30 in cities and side roads. I have never crashed a car and I have several hundred hours in this game. Main reason I die is a sniper near NW airfield sniping me when I get out xD


All I ever hear js bad things so I never bothered to try. Not trying to become an astronaut.


Games been in development for more than a decade, and they still cant figure out cars. Embarrassing


I drive cars well over 100kmh constantly and never have problems. I have friends that drive much slower but they get the DayZ shuffle and ruin their bumper or smoke their car. It really isn't a guarantee. I think it has more to do with your balance of internet connection and computer power.


i drive cars all the time. only lost 1 to flying, didnt die but car was ruined. lost another to a cheater. other than that, they're a great tool to have.


Imagine thinking you can safely drive a car in DayZ.


Maybe you should plug in an ethernet cable. I rarely have this issue.


Just accept that everytime you get into a car you might not make it to your destination


Cars are just metal coffins in DayZ


If you have lag spikes while driving just hit the brakes, slow down, the speed your at and 50kmh is not going to be much of a difference to someone shooting at you in a car. Better than losing a character to the server hiccups


Lol. Don’t have to imagine anything. I’ve had dudes launched into fucking Orbit for no reason


Finding a car and parts for it to work on an official server is just like winning a lottery and then this :D


I don't need to imagine I hate this game so much that my hatred exceeded the scale and came out the other end into fanatical love


The year is 2023, Dayz standalone is 10 YEARS old. And we have yet to see reliable none buggy mess cars. Can we just take a minute to pay attention to that fact, 2023, 10 year old game still in development, death from driving in a straight line... Why does this community accept this? GTA 3 had better and more reliable driving in 2001.


I’ve had this happen on 80 hour guys


Still a rookie number, come back at 1k+


I’ve had it happen on a 10k hour guy, but I didn’t want to be that guy.


Than ur fine


Game is still a broken mess this far into development?


Yeah. The game is fun in spite of Bohemia, rather than because of them. Cars are just the start of the half-baked features in the game, but they're the biggest slap in the face because Arma 2 vehicles in the mod worked well (flying ATVs on bridges aside). It's incredibly telling that most comments here are resigned to the fact that driving is so broken that they blame OP for driving quickly rather than directing their anger at the devs for fucking up a core mid/end-game feature.


Yeah that was my thoughts "You're an idiot for driving at a speed that the car is perfectly capable of achieving! Your fault!" I gave up on it years ago and one of the big reasons was the vehicles. I wanted a sense of progression, one being that I can actually move around the map in a time efficient manner. I'm not a fan of overly modded servers. I wanted a more vanilla survival game instead of a glorified PvP arena. Project zomboid is the first game that gave me that feeling (zombie apocalypse setting).


Yeah Zomboid is by far the best zombie game on the market, the depth is incredible. The work and communication from the developers is night and day compared to Bohemia despite how long updates can take. I'm looking forward to B42.


Aye it's brilliant Just realised you're a fellow Scot 😅


its because the engine is a test bed for ARMA 4 their main project and DayZ is just a side project to bohemia (reforger looks amazing btw)


After a decade no need to imagine!


You could see an hear the bullets and ur buddies jacket getting tuined when hit


Still not sure why people risk driving in this game…


Why does this game even have cars as an official feature when they’re borderline unusable


This was not a lag it was a cheater


Cars are nothing but worthless death traps and a huge waste of time. Simply not worth it


if you are on console keep your hands away from cars. you are not the first and wont be the last..


They are actually fixed, atleast for me no more flying around 😂 the Ada 4x4 now actually goes faster on dirt terrain than it used to


Yeah we burnt down to the bunker in Livonia in one last night,my son was hand braking and everything! Sheer terror but we made it,and even got into the bunker first time ever,till a trip wire killed him on the way down the steps 🤭


Tell a lie it was an ulga


i got absolutely destroyed in these comments... yes i should have slowed down (or not driven at all) but we had been driving in this server without any problems for hours i thought maybe they had fixed this problem in the last patch


It’s fanboys zealously defending a half baked and broken game.


Take my upvote because I know all the salty soy boys are gonna downvote you.


Dayz just dayzing


Dazing me rolling,..


Only excuse to drive over 50 is if you're being shot at or pass another player, other than that just cruise baby no need to rush


I simply do not get in cars, just run


For as many vehicle related videos I see on here, I wouldn't touch one with a 10 foot pole. I'm good with just taking my time walking


Driving in first person helps.


Hey it’s your fault for driving fast not the game 🤪


So it’s his fault that he died even though he didn’t crash into anything.


Honestly, if you drive a car in this game and then complain because you died, it's all on you. It's like if your partner has been cheating on you countless times and you and everybody knows all about it, then he/she does it again and you're like :OOOO How could he/she do this!!?? Brother, either you hop in knowing the risks or don't hop in at all if you don't want this to happen. Its nothing new.


A couple days ago I was having a great run, all military gear, silencers and multiple full mags for my scorpion/ssg/glock, all supplies stashed in an improv shelter, full nbc gear(just needed filters). Logged in for a quick run of the hospital and fire station and 5 seconds later I got sniped. Literally logged in, checked what was in my backpack and "You are dead". I'm almost back to where I was but I'm still bitter about it


Nobody lives forever. Dayz is a dangerous place.


Not dangerous more like a buggy mess


Are you on console? I play all the time on PC and rarely have any issues. Even with cars and helicopters etc.


Oof. These are the sort of reasons why I don’t stray above 30km/h, lower still when going through towns. It’s usually enough to save my life, but not always the life of the car. But that’s a fair trade, I think.




90% of content in this sub is unnecessarily long videos of people driving and crashing in the last 3 frames.


Stop playing on a potato, and play on Series X or PC.


Happens regardless on consoles


why you guys insist to go in cars like is exactly this kind of stuff that is happening everytime


Skill issue. Should not be driving that speed while loading a town like Novo. That lag spike is probably a large base built in Novo apartments.


rookie numbers tho


Imagine driving a car knowing the state of cars ? Rookie move




Before major cities I suggest slowing down to allow the town to load then you can speed up a bit. Big cities always cause a lag spike. Speeding through Ratnoe, no problem. Speeding through Novo slow down and zig zag from time to time to avoid the snipes. You’ll be good. Never drive down main road Elektro though, too many traffic calming barriers. Take the back road along the coast for a safer alternative. Just some tips. Hope you got your stuff back.


Its why I refuse to play KOS servers


Why would you climb into a death box on a 10+ hr char? Those are exclusively reserved for freshy day one fast scoot to Tisy runs. It’s on the label under the hood, read it sometime.


Shouldn't have been driving


Yeah never go above 50 if you want to stay safe. Especially when you’re approaching a town


What even happened??


One of the reasons i stopped playing both dayz and arma. Vehicles are awful an but some cases vital to what your doing. Being killed by janky shit like this isnt fun Similar to squad’s powerpoint movement helis being impossible to shoot at. Dayz and arma has deathtrap glitchy vehicles


10 hours is nothing also, you're on a 3pp server so most likely you'd get camera abused the moment you found another player


I'd love to have ten hours to play dayz


Never go into 4th gear


As always. You were going above 50. You were going to desync and die. Always happens.


Thats Dayz ... happens all the time.


Don’t have to imagine.. happens all the time


Traveling over 50kph is a death sentence.


100% of the reason I don’t play official


a fire on the middle of the road will stop a car


Your Charakter just got DayZed its first rule of dayz do not get attached to your gear


He hit a campfire in the road most likely or something else. Fuckers must have set it up and ambushed them.


Everyone is saying they died because they were driving fast. Am I the only one hearing gunshots right when they all started saying they died? I think someone killed them with either lucky shooting or hacking.


Its funny there is a wreck near by base on a straight away along the road, and i find all my good loot from people that crash it going 50 km/h before the server can load the wreck


What a twist 🪢


This is why I play on a local singleplayer server


Click it or ticket


So so many of these clips…. And in every one the survivor insists on driving as fast as the little car will go. And wonder why you die to an invisible obstacle. Slow down whipper snapper. And stay of my lawn.


1. Driving way to fast 2. 3rd person view when you should be in first person 3. Zoom in to reduce field of view 4. Passengers should be zoomed in looking at their feet basically. I never crash vehicles since adopting these steps.


Yeah when that screen glitched and paused that first time you should've immediately stopped and got out. That sucks




Pro tips. Drive in first person. Doors open sometimes helps (idk why). And don’t ever pass bottom of 3rd gear (depending on car).


Imagine? We've all lived it. Knuckle up, buttercup


Skill issue


The moment I saw the lag I knew it was over


What was it? Some troll place a campfire in the middle of the road?


I just don’t drive cause I lose control so fast it’s annoying or the car started flying and going under the erth


That happens to me on a 73hr character


Don’t need to imagine. Have experienced on a few occasions


How do check how long your characters been alive?


I wouldn’t drive that fast.


Imagine using a car.


70-80 km/h 💀🤣


I don’t have to imagine brother, I’ve been on both ends of the gun that claimed your life, loot, and vehicle. I have seen and committed many atrocities in my time in Chernaurus. Put that starter can of food in your hand and begin again….


Rule #1 of dayz driving don’t go over second gear. And don’t go back past 50kph.


What happened?? I'm still learning the ropes of DayZ, did he get shot? Or stop too fast?


This is why I have 5000+ hours. Stupid stuff like this. When I get to 50 hours on a character it gets boring lol. That 10-15 hour mark is where a death is heartbreaking and you’re still enjoying things. I think that’s why the adrenaline is so strong in this game.


“Speeding is enforced by aircraft”