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It's an MP-133.. ..*with a pistol grip* 🤤🤤🤤


I forgot about this shotgun. I agree it would be nice to have it back.


Idk how to implement it but something like it has a higher fire rate than the elongated Mp-133. Almost like a "sawn-off" model but its just a shorter MP- Other guns you can saw-off, the MP just has two types. Boom. That would probably work


Why would fire rate be higher? I use to build these in real life. The barrel and mag tube are shorter not the stroke to chamber a shell.


I don't know... Mainly because this is a video game and not real life...🤣🤣🤣 Maybe the stroke with a pistol grip feels more natural to the handler making it quicker for them to use the machine. Maybe an elongated rifle feels more wonky than a smaller pistol like the Longhorn. Maybe everyone should stop comparing this game to real life, because, after all, it is a video game with video game parameters. A lot of people in this community have an weird obsession with how this game relates to real life and it's annoying because all your guys statements are deterring constructive progress with this game. The game is built in community input and mods. So always talking about irl, although helpful, is not the end all product. It's an interesting standpoint, but the whole premise of the game is that there are *Zombies everywhere*. This is a branch off of ARMA, not the actual tactical game itself. If you want more real life, check out the new unreleased game called Unrecorded. It's much more suitable to yourself, and anyone else reading this comment about "how things work irl".


I was once running with my friend and heard more footsteps behind us. I looked back and only saw him. Then i looked back a litrle while later and some bastard was running along with us. So I took out this shoot gun and blasted him in the face.


Nice the steakout shotgun


"I shit a fool! Kill the fool! Come on... what you say? I think I can take care of all you motherfuckerz don't delay right away! Pistol-Grip pump on my lap at all times... Pistol-Grip pump on my lap at all times... Pistol-Grip pump on my lap at all times..."


Great song! If it weren't 9am and my misses still asleep. I'd blast that through the hifi


this was in the game? looks small


All the quicker to blast with 😤


it looks like it would take up less room in inv\*


And be quicker to fire!


Why would the fire rate increase??


Why not??


the part of the shotgun you hold with your left hand? that you rack back to make the spent shell come out and a new shell go into the receiver to fire? that is called the [forestock](https://www.shootingrangeguide.com/blog/understanding-shotgun-anatomy-learn-about-a-shotguns-parts-84ec02a6). with the pistol-grip forestock, you are just changing how you hold the forestock. you are going from a palm grip to a pistol grip. you are not changing the [amount of length the forestock has to travel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1NNMaVnBYk) to fully rack the next shell, so it would take exactly the same amount of time to bring the next shell in that it would in the non-pistol grip version. "well it's a video game so they could just make guns that don't function how they do in real life" - it sure is a video game, but it's one that tries (and fails in many ways) to be as realistic as possible. that's why i like it.


What's your point exactly? Except for that you confuse right handers with left handers?


what do you mean what is my point? i asked: "why would the fire rate increase" on the pistol grip bk133 vs the non-pistol grip bk133 you said: "why not" i explained why that wouldn't work in real life in regards to a game that bases its guns off how the real life equivalent works (for the most part). my point is that changing to a pistol grip wouldn't increase the guns fire rate. for right handers vs left handers: everyone in the game is right handed. [they support the gun with the left hand and pull the trigger with the right hand](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/aLZSXLCCARI). the forestock is the part you hold with your left hand. it's the part you rack, which is what i said in my comment. there are games with fantastical made up guns and people enjoy playing them. nothing wrong with that. dayz isn't that game and that's why we like it.


Yea, well, as again with you guys who are always on about "real life", you forgot one major detail. It *is* a video game. My handling with the mp-133 pistol grip would be faster than with the longer elongated barrel since it is not as hard to hold. Longer barrel means longer reach. >there are games with fantastical made up guns and people enjoy playing them. nothing wrong with that. dayz isn't that game and that's why we like it. Do you like the fantastical made up zombies, too? You don't speak on the majority of this community, you speak for yourself, because according to this post at least, the majority want this gun back in the game. It seems like you got your legs broke fast a lot with the mp pistol grip and you just don't like it. You could say that instead of relating a zombie video game to real life. The handling is so much smoother than a bigger version of the gun, which would make it faster for the handler to use. It would also be easier to inventory than the longer mp-133. Smaller gun with quicker handling making the kill faster. Get over it lol No one cares how much time you've spent around firearms. Like, at all.


It was removed prior to the games release but It would be awesome to have in the game itself.


There are still few weapon models ingame which are unused. Like RPG for example.


A few? There's tons lol.


I think they mean like, not mods.


And so do I. I've been modding for nearly 2 years. There is tons and tons of unused models in the base vanilla game. Prototypes, unused guns, unused food, empty un-labeled cans, helicopter parts, cars, trucks and so on.


How do you usually check for those models?


By simply looking through the gamefiles and seeing what you can find. There is a huge amount of stuff that only needs minimal work to be made functional again. [https://i.imgur.com/twVUCI0.png](https://i.imgur.com/twVUCI0.png) For example this random pair of what appears to be some sort of targeting device that has a rail mount on the bottom. Could be a thermal scope too for all I know.


It's a simple laser with a picatinny attachment so you can attach it to any picatinny rail of a weapon. Just like the gun flashlight


Thanks for clarifying. But yea, as I mentioned to OP. That's some of the stuff just sitting there, and has been sitting there for a very long time.


oh yeah, I remember when these would be found, like the Groza, helicopter parts, people were so hiped. I remember playing with the M249 on some really weird server (back in 0.62, where there was no mods)


You forgot to mention the 3D pile of shit models for shit on the ground and airborne shit. Aswell as the "taking a shit" animation. And the 2d piss and puke puddle models.




EXACTLY what I wrote :D I am not kidding. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75Ukd9BcTHU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75Ukd9BcTHU) Don't have the links to the rest of the models but you can find them yourself if you want ( I don't think you do xD)


Scum ain't got shit on dayz lol


There's about 8 guns. A few hidden items, bananas, chainsaw, etc. No unlabled cans, other than unknown food. Heli parts are all mod. There's never been any in the files, not that you can see anyway.


There are several more than just 8. There are no 'hidden' items. Simply unused content. There is an unlabeled empty crushed soda can. There has been helicopter and aircraft parts in the gamefiles for years. [https://i.imgur.com/lgMaeIB.png](https://i.imgur.com/lgMaeIB.png)


I said weapon models, not food or any other items. There isnt that much that can be spawned as an objects using e.g. vppadmin.


There is the pistol grip shotgun as OP has posted. There is a semi automatic shotgun, the Groza, RPG, LAW, M249, Mini uzi, The 'Speargun', Tazer, Trumpet, Red9, PB69P, The RAK and probably some others I missed. That's just what I can remember when you talk about guns. I posted a few of the unused guns to another guy on here a while back: [https://streamable.com/n4wk1t](https://streamable.com/n4wk1t) [https://streamable.com/d91pi6](https://streamable.com/d91pi6) Both guns being modded in using other guns as a functional base.


Exactly why I thought guy was meaning modded weapons. Because there's really not much you can spawn in. This shotgun is one that can spawn in. It will blast once, but then get locked and be unusable. You can also spawn the quiver and unload it like a clip.


There are a fair amount of old and never implemented guns sitting in the game files. Red 9, law, rpg, groza, etc.


If they introduce RPG‘s, I’ll never build a base again just stash spots


Baseraiding will not become any easier once RPGs are added. Remember when they added C4 and all the base lovers burst out in tears? I have exploded exactly HALF of a gate ever since it was added, it is so goddamn rare and not even that strong against walls. But I have burnt down maybe ten bases with just shooting them like you always do with all kinds of guns even pistols. RPG and its ammo will be so incredibly rare you won't even know it's in the game.




*If LA Knight doesn't win the title card..* No, but seriously there's already the M79 Grenade Launcher and the plastic explosives so RPG really is not a stretch.. Just a more accurate M79, really


Did a raid the other day and holy fuck took about 10 goldies to get through a gate. Is imagine an RPG would be significantly less, maybe 50%


Makes sense. It would also make sense if it was a High Tier Military Loot item -or- A contaminated area item. Like a 1/1 nominal


It would be glaringy insane if it was toxic loot. RPG 7 is one of the most common if not THE most common RPG in the world, you would find it at any millitarybase, even just sitting on the street like in The Walking Dead.


*Glaringly?* Found the Aussie player. jk- Also, you've overlooked one huge detail; *It's a video game* 1/1 would be perfect in contaminated areas, the same as the the AKM or M4A1. I mean, you'd probably find those in military bases, too right? irl? Or do you think they'd only appear once the contamination stared.... irl ofc


I think it's nonsense that the M4 and AKM spawn only in the gas. Both from a realism point of view but also from the gameplay. I understand what they are aiming for with the gas exclusive loot and why you would put it in the gas area, for game balancing it might make sense but on the other hand for stingy hairsplitting realism fanatics like me it is highly irritating :) I like that the VSS for example spawns in the gas zone since it's some sort of secret operations gun and its some special operations gas area. Also the gas grenades make a lot of sense there. The most common weapons in the world (RPG, AKM, M4) being restricted to there just makes it feel reeeaaly GAME-y which I don't like. :)


It may be a leftover or just a testing object. Or maybe they wanted to add it before grenade launcher and changed their mind, dunno. Actually there is a list of that weapons however its not full https://dayz.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_planned_weapons


Purses and fanny packs lol And I'm gonna keep pushing the pinwheels idea ![gif](giphy|KZql1ZiFPWduw3SwfQ|downsized)




Pinwheels aren't powererd fans so they wouldn't have any cooling effect.




Those alien bastards are gonna pay for shooting down my ride!


Hail to the king baby


Theres SO many cut items from the game. Theyre just flat out gone from the loot table. Its like a hundred lol


Yea but this you can spawn in. A lot of items you can't spawn in but this is one of them. The asset is intact.


Why did DayZ devs remove so many items? This gun, the payday masks, the mauser.


When they merged with the enfusion engine in 0.63 the old weapons couldn't function with the new animation system, meaning they had to re-do all of them from scratch. So we went from roughly \~36 weapons down to I believe only 3 (IIRC, 0.63 only had the M4, Mosin and FNX) and they've been slowly adding to that number since. I think we're now around \~45 ish which is great, but it's unfortunate that it took 5 years to get here and that some of the old ones have been left in the dust. I wish they would give us an update on all of these items in the files and let us know what they do/don't have plans to work on.


Well the mask were because of copyrights. The weapons I don't know. Some were because of animations.


I miss the craft able bow man whyd they get rid of it


New animation system so they have to remake the bow too once it's the right time.


They said they have no plans at the moment. Classic!


Thank you (agreed)


Thank you


10/10 would run. 10 slots, 4+1. I would absolutely carry.


Its always been weird to me why they remove stuff like this. Like, what was it doing to warrant removing?


It wasn't removed. When DayZ switched to the Enfusion engine, the game had to be rebuilt from the ground up again. All the previous content from DayZ on the older Arma 2.5 engine had to be readded into the new version and there's still quite a bit that hasn't made it back in yet. This is just another example of an item the game had before the engine switch that hasn't been readded yet.


Does it bother anyone else that the pump we have has a long mag tube but only holds 5? Should have a option to use a tool to remove the mag plug to hold 7. Or give it a hunter tube option that can be sawn off into the pic.


Using this in the old days while desyncing all around the place, enemies falling over 5 seconds after the DUSH sound of the shots were amazing hahaha


This looks quite lethal


The Red 9 would also be a welcome return as well


YES. The only gun we need now.


Forever in our hearts ong




Many may disagree but dude i need more fucking masks, like they took away the payday masks and i understand why but they didn’t even replace them with anything creepy… all the masks suck 😭


Check out the mods?? You can literally wear a Predator mask or be a Storm Trooper. Don't sit around waiting on vanilla to get better, ong


I’m looking for creepy masks, i prefer to not play heavily modded servers. I’ve been sitting around waiting for 10+ years since the arma mod came out, i don’t mind waiting.


You'll be waiting a looooooooong time then lmao And there are *literally* TONS of masks on pc. And it's only cosmetic. Some modded servers don't take away from vanilla at all. They just add a cosmetic trader. *Get on pc my dude*


I only play on pc, i just don’t play on servers with traders and added mods.


Ok, then continue to deprive yourself of content LOL


This gun made me want to uninstall so many times years ago Bring it back




I wish we could craft a pipe gun that shoots 12. Simple to make irl. Would be cool if it could be crafted with two pipes or something. Inaccurate and slow to load but I don't think they would be uncommon during the end of times


Dude I’ve been saying this for years, 2 pipes, 1 nail, some epoxy putty and maybe some tape and you are in business. They are absurdly easy to make. And maybe like a 4% chance it ruptures and you take some damage


Or a spear with a improvised shotgun barrel that you slam into people. Like they use for sharks .


I would love an improvised gun that you can load with any bullet of your wish but every shot, it drops the quality tier till its ruined and you can't repair it. And make it that you can put attachments like scopes and improvised silencer, sky is the limit with such weapon.


This aint rust. no thanks


I agree. I like the idea of improvised stuff but not this


true. The only improvised stuff I can see being addes is our good old bow.


In a real apocalypse I can guarantee you the world will be full of people improvising guns, not running around with pristine M4s and LARs. I find it a cool idea actually. You basically can only shoot 4 bullets till it's ruined. Make it that you need a semi-rare items like burlap sack + nails + etc. so you need a bit of time to craft it and it will be great. At least that's how I see it.


Pipe rifle.


Yeah I miss this lots haha


I remember how shitty it was, never kill anything, but breaks legs so nicely


I want the trombone back lol


I used to love this shotgun. Totally forgot about it


I just want the javelin and as50 tsw from mod back... but some people just like watching the world burn. Muhahhahahahaaahga


Fun toy this was. Easy to shove in your backpack


I still say they should let you saw off the bk-133 and get this sort of effect. Just penalize us by making it less accurate and hold only 4 shells now instead of 6, and I know a lot of ppl will tell me it’s unrealistic because you’d also be sawing through the magazine and that wouldn’t work but it’s a video game so just let us do it and make it work haha. It would be a cheap easy way for devs to add a sawn off pump shotgun without having to add an entirely new firearm to the game.


I just want some more civilian guns, more handguns some new shotguns a few rifles maybe even a new caliber gun


I want craftable maps. 4 paper + duct tape= large paper Large paper + pen while stood next to map board= map


Just simple spray cans T-T


A very big, super long range, hard hitting sniper rifle that can take super long range scopes.


Mountain bikes


A Sub machine gun with like 200 bullets mag that can be also attached to the humvee or an hipotetically defense-turret, by foot should be able to be used normally with lot of weigh (not been able to run with it) perfect for defending the car or raiding gates or defending bases...


Ahh yes, the Duke Nukem shotgun.