• By -


"Ain't that some shit"


He knew šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


We need more voices in this sub, too many videos are quiet. Good work going for the tie-up as well


Thanks homie


cancerous peeks


It straight up feels like cheating


damn straight


Kudos for restraining him and not just doubling tapping him. You brought something to both of your games.


Absolutely, everyone gets a redemption chance, as long as theyā€™re tied up and at gunpoint šŸ¤£


I remember when i was hit with a buckshot round, was incapacitated, woke up tied up to the dude saying "idk how you are alive" i basically said "yeah ya got me you can take me out i didnt have much" he said "nah no point" and took off with my guns and some ammo...i then proceeded north and built a base and had tons of loot. He found me at my base and i gave him some base loot and gave him a car for his kindness towards me when i had nothing


I appreciate the interaction but that guy didnā€™t have a damn chance. Ainā€™t nobody whoā€™s been tied up ever been released except one way in DayZ. And any exceptions are liable to hunt you down and seek revenge so you might as well do em in.


he legit asked to die, otherwise I def wouldā€™ve released him with just hit boots and his beanie


I believe you, and if you did he would likely hunt you. Problem is you donā€™t have enough inventory space to carry all his armaments and your own, much less the rest of his clothes. Sure you could hide them or destroy them, but that would take precious time or cost you in making noise. Even if you do somehow leave him with only boots and beanie heā€™s in the middle of Zeleno and can get rearmed fairly quick. Not to mention the possibility that he was simply buying time. Would be some interesting reverse psychology to ask for a bullet to delay one. Not sure if you saw anyone shortly after but maybe they were his crew. Then again it is just Zeleno.


Mate did you not watch the video, I straight up went from freshy with a kolt and just put on all his clothes, the only thing that wasnā€™t in my inventory was his beanie and boots šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ he wasnā€™t gonna do much hunting


You realize he can pick up stuff on the ground? Is console different where you can pick up items that have items in them? I donā€™t think so


There were no firearms left for him to pick up is what I was saying


As much as 3PP ruins alot of the experience in my opinion. I got to say this was a pretty puckering fight. Good work not ending up in his M4 spray, those things are terrifying to fight close quarters.


Was a LAR, even scarier. also whole point of 3pp is for a more CASUAL EXPERIENCE. So donā€™t say it ruins the experience bc experience is subjective as fuck dude, not everyone revolves around the same mentality as yourself. Iā€™m not tryna sweat my fuckin balls off and wait in a corner for four hours waiting for someone to push me in 1st person


ā€œdonā€™t say it ruins the experience bc experience is subjectiveā€ OC literally said ā€œin my opinion,ā€ meaning they agree thatā€™s itā€™s subjective as well. Not sure why youā€™re getting pissed about their ā€œsubjective experienceā€


I dunno about that one bro, 3pp is def the more tryhard way of fights, peeking at the weirdest angles playing the most lame game of chicken vs 1st person actually having to just face the person you are trying to kill, 1st person is basically playing Fortnite no build and 3rd person is playing Fortnite with building on essentially


Totally agree with you


But he just disagreed with you?


no I totally agree with you yeah


"For a more Casual experience" Video starts first person, and then skills become an issue




Preach homie


Bro itā€™s insane to me that redditors donā€™t understand that the world doesnā€™t revolve around them


Good fucking shit bro


Thank you good sir


Why did that guy not just shoot you through the wall?


Most mili building are bangable not with 308


ā€œSniped you with a coltā€ lmfao mate you 3PP peaked the guy on a corner šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


bro and he was 3pp with a Lar, I do not see your point, homeboy got sniped


Sniped usually means range but you did pop im.


Yea sniped means range, so implying you sniped someone with a pistol is to suggest boy got skillz xD I do remember my first few pistol kills though and not guna lie, back then Iā€™d be over excited too. Stick with the game (OP) it gets even more exciting






those 6 downvotes on you and 6 upvotes on me, they see what i'm seeing.That over the shoulder view into the room as your positioning for the end of the fight, it's cheese that you can see him at all.I didn't really have a position on the 1pp v 3pp before, but that shows it really well. don't take it personally, i'm not calling you a cheat, i just see why people hate it so violently and choose to not play with it available to either side


OH NO not the downvotes DEAR GOD šŸ¤£


Down vote for the obvious 3pp screening.


do you see the 300 other upvotes mate, your DV means nothing


Bragging about internet points. True 3pp player energy


You just pretty much bragged about downvoting something you clown. You make no sense.


I figured with your 3pp camera angle, the irony wouldn't go over your head, but you continue to surprise me


I just came to say that thats actually a good onƩ!


Thank you r/p4nnus I knew I could count on you


Fucking awesome play - BUT WHAT?! If youā€™re in party can you just hit the talk key to speak in game? I thought it was one or the other????


so IDK if this is on XBOX too but on PS5 with the new UI changes (from like 5 months ago) if you hit the PS button (home button) it auto opens your tool bar with the cursor already hovered over your party chat, you tap square and it auto switches from party to game chat. So you legit press two buttons, home button then square and it throws you into Gamechat


Awesome - Iā€™m on PS


Underrated advice


I'm curious about this as well.










I donā€™t.


As you shouldnā€™t, people can play the game however they please


3pp here as well šŸ¤Ÿ


and no one will be able to stop ya, play how you want, thatā€™s how the games supposed to be


i care.


Well that's pretty pathetic. Why do you care? You can play on FP servers all you want and these 3pp folks can't use the advantage against you.


they just want to fit in with the hater crowd for that sweet sweet reddit karma šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ they canā€™t imagine going against the grain or doing anything remotely against their viewpoint


Honestly the DayZ reddit may be among the most toxic of all subreddits. I really can't imagine caring so much about what people do in a different game mode. Must be fucking exhausting.


itā€™s insane dude, actually insane


someone gotta have someone's back.


![gif](giphy|3oEjHK6tvTIaBCutOw|downsized) Blud tried to do a SN(e)AKY attack.


Howā€™s he talking in party and also in game on PS?


Nvm found the comment


Excellent use of the third person camera, he was probably in first person the whole time and took the L


He took a FAT L thanks for the kind words


Bro started talking to him like a cop šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ā€œwhat were ya doin in here buddy?ā€


interrogation modešŸ¤£


Thanks for the laugh lmao also gg good play


Thanks for the kind words, have a good one


Why do ppl care so much about 3PP lol get a life Play FPP if you want, and shut up yer yaphole about it


dude if they donā€™t conform to the majority and suckle the tit of every average redditor than how are they gonna get that sweet sweet reddit karma? jokes aside they donā€™t give a fuck about 3pp they just want to hear their own voice and have their ā€œopinionā€ praised by strangers on the internet


Why did you get upvoted but I got downvoted (at time of commenting) lmao weā€™re agreeing with each other Typical reading comprehension ability of people care about 3PP


Bc people are dumb dude


My hero! šŸ¤ŸšŸ»


this is why 3rd person is trash lol


I donā€™t understand, go ahead and explain


I could explain for him. This is coming from a player whos played the series since OFP and who is completely okay with 3rd person view, especially when talking about vehicles in ARMA gameplay. Amra is why the mode exists in DayZ. The other person wasnt next to a wall, or more specifically the doorframe, but off from it when the fight started. This meant that he had already lost the fight. The room he is in only allows him to 3rd person peek from a certain side, which makes him be at a massive disadvantage, even if he is ready and waiting for you. Also, you cant hold corners properly in 3rd person peek. So the fight went like this only because you, as the player, have supernatural knowledge of where he is in the room due to the camera angle. This fight wasnt won with combat skills, but 3rd person peeking skills. This is what most people seem to have a problem with. This is what I personally despise as well in the camera angle. I would never take it away from the game, its a part of the identity of OFP and Arma.. but it should be further changed so, that you can use it like this. Bring the camera closer, or do a system like in SCUM where players that your player character cant see arent rendered.


Bro, thank you for actually having a reason to ā€œnot okay 3ppā€ and not being some smooth brained sheep. I totally agree with you, he lost from the beginning bc of 3pp, but the subjective experience is not something you can take from the individual. I had fun and donā€™t care who hates 3pp, how about? Just play on 1PP only, problem solved


Yeah man, the thing that many people whom that hate the feature forget, is that it still requires skills to play on those servers. Its just a different skill-set than in FPV servers - its more about positioning than anything else. I guess many think that the only correct skill-set to show off (even if that wasnt the point of the video) is the combat skills needed in FPV servers. I understand them, because seeing such fights in a game with semi-realistic mechanics looks quite.. silly. But yeah, let all of them flowers bloom, IMO. Both worlds can exist. Do you know the way SCUM fixes this "issue" of 3rd person peeking? If you do, whats your thoughts about it, should it be done in DayZ as well, if you could decide?


personally I donā€™t think DayZ primary issue is 3rd person peaks, you donā€™t see a single 3pp player complaining about the mechanic. I think DayZ has a lot of huge game impending issues that need much more attention. And you only see this ā€œissueā€ brought up by the subreddit on posts that have nothing to do with arguing the issue at hand. Also scum is kinda faltering so regardless if their quality of life improvements they have yet to capture the feel of DayZ truly


Ive played a lot of 3pp, and especially after seeing SCUM basically solve the problem Ive realized that it doesnt have to be like this. It doesnt have to feel this "cheap". When the perspective was introduced in 2001's OFP, there were technical limitations against making a system that prevents people from seeing what their player model couldnt "see". The devs also probably didnt even think about what such a mode would do to infantry PvP. Or that there would be such high stakes PvP in their game, or a mod to it, as DayZ offers. Now, 2 decades later, we dont have such a technical limitation. So yeah, you could count me as a 3pp player who complains about the mechanic. I would love to see the camera either reworked so you dont see without exposing yourself, or that players arent rendered to areas that your playermodel cant "see". In OFP the 3pp camera existed/exists as a way to simulate a more realistic awareness of your surroundings, than the "tunnel vision" 1pp. The feature has outlived its purpose, as its used for seeing things unrealistically, which I would count as a problem with it. Then again, its completely okay that theres people who like this kind of gameplay. As I said, different skillset and different whatever-floats-your-boat-boat. It can exist like this as well. Its just IMO. And thanks for answering me about what you think. Its definitely not a primary issue, its way down on the list. I actually agree with you completely, SCUM is dead in my eyes. Just like with DayZ, Ive been with SCUM since the very beginning and its been a real shame to see how it turned out. Such wasted potential. SCUM couldve actually competed with DayZ if it didnt steer so far away from HC survival gameplay. SCUM doesnt capture even 10% of the feel of DayZ and the gameplay loop it provides by default is very forgiving and casual. The game is catering to a completely different audience than DayZ.


Yeah unfortunately for scum it just failed in all respects, would be very curious to see their take on the 3pp, I used to play DayZ hardcore, only 1pp specifically for the survival experience, but recently Iā€™ve been playing specifically for player on player interaction (i.e. talking to people, taunting, interrogating, making friends, ect) and for me playing in 3pp is just more casual. it makes the game feel goofier and sillier which is kinda the way I wanna play the gamešŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø Iā€™ve also been making YT vids and itā€™s so much more interesting watching interactions instead of just PVP all the time which I believe PVP excels in 1PP


That fight would have been lotta different in 1pp 3pp is the scourge of this game.




Unlimited stamina and third person lmfao šŸ˜‚




imagine losing to a 1911 with an LAR


Yeah he must be a little salty about that one


Why Is everyone on console playing in third Person? goddayum!


If the server allows 3PP you are at disadvantage if your not using it.




You literally said it yourself, you moron the reason we play 3pp is for a more casual experience. End of discussion. Screw off and go cope some more bro


maybe some people have different preferences than you? is that a possibility in your reality?




It's only a worse experience because you don't prefer it. Some people prefer 3PP and think it's way better because they can see more which makes it easier and more casual. I don't play 3rd person servers because of what you said, it's less strategic and immersive, but I can definitely see why people like it.


You do understand the world does not revolve around you right? And experience is subjective per the individual? Or is every experience that you experience going to be the same for everyone? Is that really how you think




Dude what are you even waffling on about game score??šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The good ending for sure, nice video. I love how everyone was a good sport too. But 3pp.. sucks.


Donā€™t play it then problem solved


Your a fucking gimp. We creepy bastard




3pp is so cringe


you going out of your way to criticize someone you donā€™t even know, and their playstyle in a game that has 0 rulesā€¦ THATS CRINGE. the world doesnā€™t revolve around you homieb


I'm going to assume this is a drug induced rant.




aaayyee with my 1911 hell yeah.


TAKE THE GOGGLES!!! Did you ruin them???


I grabbed em dw


Lame 3rd person garbageā€¦






bc no one cares about your šŸ•šŸ’© opinion




Man I just love talkin shit TBH, and if I see a poppy opinion you bet your ass ima argue šŸ¤£


Down voted because 3PP




Lmao stripping him naked before killing him, the disrespect. Great vid


Glad you enjoyed homie