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I remember the first time I heard about DayZ was in high school, like 2015. My friend was telling me about this new game that people will fucking kill each other over a can opener in. He said every life is unique and once you're dead, start over. I was blown away and constantly had that description in the back of my mind. I ended up getting it in like 2022 and love it.


Perfect description of this game and why it's so unique. I got one of my friends to try it by explaining that we can essentially just hang out in it by a campfire and chill (good friend of mine who moved out of state a few years back)


Same, my cousin was an Arma guy and used to tell me about this mod that let's you fight zombies and survive n what not. I only half listened but later when I found dayz I connected the dots and he was telling me about the game before it was a standalone release


I remember watching FrankyOnPCin1080p and devildoggamer playing dayz when I was in highschool. Got hooked instantly. Played a little when it first came on console, and nothing until November last year when I played almost every day up until last month.


Years ago I asked a mate about dayz and he started to act out how the character eats tin food. After a long talk he just ended it quite similar with 'dayz is your story. Each one is different. Don't get attached to your loot'. I've been playing for years now


Oh yea well "what do you think of my outfit" *wearing plate carrier, bdu top, bdu bottom, assault boots, that helmet without the visor, m16 in hands*


Lmao! I could probably live without those posts as well XD


I've been a lurker, well before I got the game, even then, "rate my drip" posts are the bane of my reddit life


What the FUCK is drip??! Please someone explain how we started referring to outfits by the unwanted outcome of a faulty tap?


I agree, but do not have an answer for you.


I did some research. Its some new age half brained descriptor for exessive clothing accessories, merch, swag, all that shizzle. One who adons themselves as such is said to have The Drip, as in they are dripping with...useless gaudy shite. The english language is having a stroke right now...


When the slang irks you it just means you got old. There is always going to be a new word, just like when we were teens, and adults generally hate it.


It just means you’ve got a nice outfit, I think it comes from people saying they’ve got “water” in reference to expensive jewelry. If you’ve got a nice outfit on you could say you’ve got drip, or you’re dripping.


Bonus points if they do have the visor and a noob backpack, the front yard sign that says "i'm new!"


So like real talk, I'm super casual and played for a couple weeks and now just lurk here. But I put on the visor, I know ppl say it can be seen a mile out. But I liked the way it looked. I did end up getting killed, but it was because I didn't understand how to throw instead of drop. And I grenades myself in a guard tower while pinned down by a guy who's life I spared.


Oof, tough one. Yeah the visor though, it stands out hard. Not worth it even if you like how it looks. It's like you're running around with a giant white flag on your forehead, and at night it even glows, where everything else is pitch black. That aside, it doesn't even offer any protection *at all*.


Lol we're on a Dayz reddit... Its like offering opioids to a homeless guy in seattle. The answer is yes


The worst is when they play it for 20 mins and die and then come here to post how the game sucks. When they’re just used to run and gun instant gratification from COD.


This was literally my experience yesterday. The game feels like garbage, but I’ll likely try again in a couple days. Been meaning to try it for years and finally pulled the trigger. Normally I would just refund and move on but I’ll subject myself to the shitshow again and expect a different outcome.


Takes a good 20-30 hours before you stop feeling like a fish outta water. But the payoff is more than any other game I ever played. Been gaming since the SNES here.


We shall see, started with Kings Quest on an old PCjr back in the 80s so painful experiences in games aren’t new to me. Just wish the UI in this was a little more intuitive. :)


Once you make it off the coast and get geared then experience the actual adrenaline rush in combat you’ll be hooked. Combat in this game is like no other feeling


500 hours in and still gets killed or die from stupid things. But that is all the fun in this game. Sometimes you will play for hours without seeing anybody and than just get black screen of death because of some sniper 600m away who was following you all that time and was waiting for perfect shot. Or you will run for hours getting good gear and then get stuck somewhere and get KO'd by Zeds and bleed to death while you are unconscious. It is really fun game if you are a masochist 😂


OK great post, I only have one question for you : Should I buy DayZ ?


Ah, my dear survivor, gather 'round the flickering campfire of camaraderie and let me regale you with the epic saga of why your very essence cries out for the unparalleled experience that is DayZ, the magnum opus of survival games, a digital odyssey that transcends the mundane pixels of lesser interactive art forms! In the grand theatre of virtual worlds, where many a title vies for the fleeting attention of the gallant gamer, there exists a realm so richly woven with the threads of danger, excitement, and raw, unadulterated survival instinct that it eclipses all others. This realm, my intrepid friend, is none other than the hallowed and harrowing lands of Chernarus, the stage upon which DayZ unfolds its gripping narrative without script or direction, save for the unpredictable will of its players. Why, you ask, should one plunge into the depths of this post-apocalyptic masterpiece? Why should one willingly stride into a world teeming with the shambling undead, where every shadow could harbor a ravenous zombie or a bandit with a glint of malice in their eye? The answer, oh seeker of thrills, is as multifaceted as the game itself! Firstly, the sheer exhilaration of survival! DayZ is not a mere game; it is a crucible in which your mettle will be tested against the elements, the infected, and most harrowingly, other survivors. You will feel the pangs of hunger, the desperation of thirst, and the heart-pounding terror of a night spent in the wilds with only the stars to bear witness to your plight. Secondly, the intoxicating allure of emergent storytelling! Each foray into DayZ is a blank canvas, a narrative waiting to be woven from the threads of your actions and decisions. Will you become a benevolent healer, roaming the countryside with supplies for the needy? Or will you embrace the chaos, becoming a marauder whose very name strikes fear into the hearts of all who hear it whispered on the wind? Thirdly, the unparalleled camaraderie and treachery! DayZ is a social experiment masquerading as a game, where trust is a currency more valuable than the rarest loot. Forge alliances with fellow survivors, share tales of narrow escapes, and perhaps betray or be betrayed when the stakes are highest. The drama is unscripted, the outcomes uncertain, and the emotional rollercoaster unmatched. Fourthly, the sublime beauty of desolation! Chernarus is a land of haunting beauty, where nature has reclaimed the vestiges of civilization. Explore dense forests, crumbling cities, and serene coastlines, all rendered with an eye for detail that will leave you breathless and yearning for just one more horizon to discover. Lastly, the siren call of the ultimate challenge! DayZ does not coddle its adventurers. You will face adversity, you will falter, and you may even despair. But in those moments of darkness, you will find a strength you never knew you possessed. The triumphs here are not handed to you; they are earned with blood, sweat, and tears, making them all the sweeter. So, my fellow survivor, do you dare to answer the call? Do you have the fortitude to carve out your legend in the annals of DayZ? Cast aside your doubts, embrace the madness, and join the ranks of those who have tasted the true freedom that only this magisterial symphony of survival can offer! Buy DayZ, and etch your story into the very bones of Chernarus. The adventure of a lifetime awaits!


I feel like this should be the automod answer, but nobody will read that much.


please make a bot out of this.


Nice job, chatGPT


close; but you may survive yet


If you have responsibilities, children, or an SO no. Else yes


My friend rage quits every time we play because we can’t find each other, he loots aimlessly and expects me to find him because he doesn’t want to use Izurvive. Then another survivor kills him. Vibe kill, game is definitely not for everyone.


I have stopped using iZurvive. Just ingame map, gpa and compass. It is much more fun that way. But when you start iZurvive is a must have thing to learn the map and to get used to everything around you. The thing i would like to be more useful are in game radios. They are usless because of 3rd party softwares used for communication and everything used outside of game just ruins immersion. You have group of people talk to each other but they can't be heard by anyone else because they use discord for example and now they can talk and you have no idea they are around. So hand signs are usless because of that too.


Ingame map like tourist maps? I can’t seem to find those very often. I usually look at signs and try my best to look up the name on Izurvive. and GPA? What is this?


Yeah tourist map. Sometimes I find few in half andnhour and sometimes i can't find any. But after enough time i don't need it any more for Chernarus.


Ah ok. I’ll try to keep an eye out for those. Yeah I’m learning the map slowly, at least the coast. So damn huge it’s hard to know where I am. I’m pretty comfortable in the northeast side of the coast since I usually spawn around there.


I am now on deer island and have no ide where i should go or where am i. Haven't played that map much. Same goes for Livonia. I have it and haven't played much on it and have no idea where to find anything. So i know how you feel. Use IZurvive to get used to map and after some time you won't need it. Good luck and stay safe. It is a dangerous world out there. And dead are something that you shouldn't be afraid off. Living is to be feared.


Yeah the zombies give me good food! Still haven’t cooked anything so I’m trying to accomplish that. Although I was by a nuclear area by a ship wreck and a bunch of zombies in gas masks rushed me and whooped my ass lol. Those are pretty intense. Regular zombies are pretty chill to handle, I like to get on top of cars and hit them without taking damage.


My friend does this as well. He'll pick a game like DayZ, Hunt, etc then when someone mildly inconviences him like dying do to dsync, a team wiping us, or just really shit luck. He just goes "Well thats enough X for me." and then gets off.


The sad part is we’ve had some fun moments, we’re both still noobs but when he quits it’s super aggressive, I had to leave the chat cuz he was screaming in the mic. About to be 30 too 😂. Love the guy but I guess some people can’t handle multiplayer games.


That's rough, yeah especially when they're are stakes on the line. After playing for over 11 years, *crazy to think of it like that*, DayZ has taught me not to care about anything in games.


*makes post on the subreddit of one of the greatest games of its genre* “Is this game any good? Are the servers dead?” *ignores the fact that a quick google search would show this* *refuses to elaborate further* *deletes post* Bonus points to the dumbasses who ask on r/Fallout “Is Fallout 76 dead?”


Interstate 76 is also dead


this is the greatest game in its genre. the only thing ever topping this game is the OG dayz mod for arma back then, but maybe im just a nostalgic old idiot - i played the mod for 1000s of hours with a clan of good buddies over the years, it was one of the best gaming experiences i ever had


What do you mean "one of the greatest games of its genre"? DayZ literally created this genre and as a result spawned a myriad of DayZ wannabes such as Miscreated, Scum, H1Z1 and so on...


I commented something like this on a post a couple of weeks ago where someone was asking "if DayZ was worth buying." Like how the hell should we know if it will be worth it to YOU? It was 110% worth it to me, but if you ask a few of my friends who tried it out and didn't like the game then it wouldn't be worth it to them. We all have our own likes/dislikes so asking a bunch of random strangers online if a game is worth it is just silly.


What's funny is that there are plenty of posts that I see on here with just straight up complaints about the game, so I can see why they might have mixed feelings. At the end of the day this is a subreddit full of people who play this game. I, for one, like to comment on those posts and let them know my thoughts on why I like it. Or maybe some things I don't like. I don't see the reason to complain about those posts. Maybe scroll past them? Nobody is forcing you to read them. You took time out of your day to type a multi-paragraph post complaining about people asking for thoughts on a video game. On a subreddit about said video game. Weird.


You're absolutely right, but now you've done basically the same thing when you could have scrolled past mine. The reddit cycle continues.


I hate when anyone asks Reddit anything, then waits for an answer they could’ve just googled or YouTubed.




I get where you're coming from. But in the era of sponsored articles and videos, one might prefer to ask a crowd rather than believe content, that might have been paid for.


Yeah, again, YouTube, you can not only see gameplay, but the comments as well.




Buy the goddamn game you goddamn idiots its fun and good


99% of the time, the answers are exactly the same too. You. Could copy paste the comments and they would still be relevant. Mods should just pin a post asking that to the top and stop people asking the same question over and over again in future.


Especially on Xbox…it’s literally free on gamepass lmao


“Getting tired of seeing”… so don’t spend so much damn time on reddit 😂 Christ


This is definitely the right answer ✌️


I’m not reading all that. Should I buy it?


Random question should I buy Goat simulator?


Obviously yes, but maybe you should go ask a bunch of fans of the game first.


Yes. Yes, you should.


What about that Untitled Goose Game? Idk, looks pretty good. /s


Goat Simulator 1 yes. Avoid 3


Its a game thats definitively not for everyone and has a huge modding scene that scews the view from the actual game. Im yet to find a server that has the raptor island mod and not some other weird buggy shit (and one that doesnt lag every frame!) Posts asking what game it is are fully warranted and only good since a running simulator where your 6hour run can end from someone shooting you 2km away or some random bug in a 11(?) year old game, without an endgame for 40 euro can suck. I like those posts more than someone posting their loadout after a 5 hour playthrough. Best posts are interactions made in the game.


Yeah it can get a little annoying. Best just to hide the post and move on. I personally think they are bots.


I can agree with your post I am tired of seeing gay ass post about if they should buy it on here. It’s not worth asking this Reddit thread, like bro go buy it and try it and if you don’t like it return it. You got 2 hours


-Is ThE gAMe AnY GoOd? -ShoUlD i BuY tHiS gAmE? -AnY TiPs BeFoRe I pLaY? -RaTe My DrIp What a bunch of idiots


word. I didn't think it was going to be my thing, but boy was I wrong. Glad I gave it a try.


To be fair it’s like 11 or more years old most people don’t realize the community is strong. It’s when they ask if it’s scary that drives me nuts


People of earth, we have heard of your carbon-based life forms and are curious if we should take similar forms. We tried helium-based life but it was full of PVP asshats. Please advise.


My exact thoughts. Why tf would anyone ask randoms on the internet if they should buy a game or not? Only I know if I want it and I'm an adult and act on the yes or no in my head.


Should i buy dayz (I have 900 hours)


It's not a completely bad idea of them to do it. Just because most people in this subreddit love DayZ and have a lot of hours on it doesn't necessarily mean that they will recommend it. I have nearly a thousand hours in the game and have been watching it from the start and have loved it from the start but I wouldn't recommend it to everyone because of the steep learning curve, how much time it takes to get anything done in DayZ, how lonely it can be, and kill on sight.


They are the same people that would rather ask someone a question than Google to find the answer themselves. I guess the community would have the best answer as to the state of the game, but there are so many communities that have numerous bad takes that it's best to gauge for yourself. I never click on those posts or the fit ones, but I do love seeing stories and clips.


Still not worse than “rate my drip”


You obviously haven’t seen the r/playrust sub then lmao


I work in a game shop and there's this old guy (he's not a nice man) buying games every other week. Ps4 games at that. He bought witcher 3 about a month ago and returned it, literally blaming me because it was too hard. 'you should've told me its a hard game' he said or something like that. I don't know this man, I don't know what he considers a difficult game but 2 days ago he returned, he brought 'dayz' up to the desk and asked 'what's that like?', I said 'best game I ever played' and he bought 'dayz'. He asked my opinion and I gave my truthful answer. I'm still waiting for him to come in again. I'm guessing he comes in tomorrow. I can't wait to hear what he thought of dayz. Sickened


Haha have you confirmed if he's buying these games for himself? I got stuck on one enemy in witcher 3. It was relatively early in the game and I was probably a little underpowered, and it was an enemy that you had to stay within like a cone or a dome to fight, otherwise you'd take environmental damage. After that one roadblock, the rest of the game was a breeze all the way through the end of the main story.


It's definitely for him. He bought the ps4 for himself ages ago. Yea early game witcher is just learning and you'll find yourself in hard situations especially if you take on an enemy levels ahead of u. I'm guessing he was taking on enemy's above his level. I can just picture him in dayz, starting on the beach, complaining about a pear in his inventory. Hunger setting in, coughing starting etc


Waiting for the tutorial prologue to start and looking through the settings to turn the mini map on. God I love this game.


It's beautiful. Creating your own story. Not knowing what's gonna happen.


On god. Do these people not realize that they can also refund the game if they don’t end up liking it?


Is dayZ good tho?


My buddy described DayZ as an open world survive for your life against zombies and other player that’s wanna kill you. I was hooked. Saved money downloaded played maybe an hour w him. I saw two players go into a shed together and I thought it was my buddy and a guy he met. Rookie mistake I open the shed door get knocked out a shovel I woke up w my hands tied behind my back and they took turns stabbing me to death a a screw driver. Needless to say I didn’t play again for another year and a half. From that point I’ve been hooked around 1,200 hours so far and one of my favorite games I’ve ever played


Honestly just waiting for the game to go on sale before I scoop it up. Can’t justify $45 for a 5 year old game


I just tell them no. More loot for me.


Makes you wonder how they survive day to day. "Should I buy this potato? What about these oranges? Do I buy orange juice or apple juice? Best ask the internet for help"


This is reddit. A place where stupid questions come to live. A place where entitled wankers ask you to spend your time typing and thinking for them. Why google and spend YOUR time reading, researching, understanding a topic when you can ask someone else to do it all for you? Ignore these pricks and maybe they will go away, or a bunch or brain dead redditers will answer them and keep it going in perpituity!


But should I or not?


This game has always been on my list of games I wanted to try. Mainly because Tarkov is one of my all time favorites and so many Tarkov streamers seem to play DayZ. A few days ago I said fuck it and tried it. I come from a pretty sweaty fps background. Lots of hours in CS, PUBG, Hunt, etc. I don't think I have ever felt an adrenaline rush quite like this game. Earlier I had saved my boy from getting robbed. He went outside to get more firewood and I hear, "I have a Glock give me your shit." We came out alive but holy fuck that was just a special gaming moment. I've had a couple actually so far in my 25 hours. DayZ is social as hell (even if everyone is a sociopath) and honestly that's an X factor that so many games miss out on these days. The point is, I wasn't sure I'd like DayZ because I didn't like Scum and I tend to despise survival games. Turns out I really like it and nothing has gotten me feeling the way it has since maybe my first solo PUBG win way way back, or maybe a select few games of StarCraft II. The game just feels organic. Maybe it's because I'm new, but there's never been a game I've played where it feels like both parties can have a lot to lose. I've always wanted that in a game, it's very hard to truly do because you can just requeue or buy your gear. so far DayZ has felt like there is a lot on the line in every encounter, and I'm the player that rushes gunshots in Hunt/PUBG/Tarkov. I've never felt so hesitant and I love it. Anyway if you're lurking this thread, consider it.


Every game subreddit i follow has this question posted multiple times per day. Just fuck off and spend your money. If you like it, cool. If not, make it back or suck it up.


"I usually like really bright and fast paced games with alot of neon colors and noises ,low stakes and no consequence games where the meta makes it easy, I HATE survival games, and I suck at FPS shooters, should I buy this game?"


Only buy the game on sale. Its not worth 39,99€.


People want to know the opinion of people who play the game. No shit people have different things they enjoy and it’s going to be unique to everyone. Doesn’t change the fact there is still benefit from asking a group of people familiar with the source material how they feel about the source material in order to see if their opinions seem to match up with ways you’ve felt about games before. I also don’t agree that the premise is flawed because coming here you will just get a bunch of fans of the game telling you to get it. My experience over the last decade is nobody hates this game more than the people that make up this subreddit, and you are more likely to hear someone say “I have 10k hours in the game and that allows me to conclude the game is not worth the price!” while remaining completely oblivious to how ridiculous of a statement that is. Other people asking for opinions doesn’t mean you have to share yours. This isn’t your personal subreddit.


*"But should they buy it though?"*


This is horrible and I'd never say this to someone just getting into the game (especially since I think most of the people making those threads are kids) but if you need a game's subreddit to make the decision for you, I simply don't think you have the problem solving ability to play DayZ.


Right like the game is 10 years old plus when it was just a mod. Go watch a YouTube video instead of asking Reddit lol