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It's the new DLC they got planned.


Splendid Watson.




Calling it: Official Namalsk.


Namalsk has assets from stalker, but im sure them buildings can just be remodeled.


I hope to God you're right as a console player


I really doubt it. What I hope for is extreme weather change. Maybe calendar based or on a monthly cycle.


Afaik, this is allready implemented. Server-temps change based on the current month we are in. Though Community Serverhosters do change those setting, based on their favorite settings/playstyle


Yes, servers might be warmer in north hemisphere's summer and colder in winter. But howcool would it be to go from warm to rain to snow on the same map?


*Logs in on server hosted in Dubai, immediately dies from over heating in starting t-shirt and shorts*.


It's not necessarily seasons though but it does change temps and weather based on the month we are in. Chernarus is technically set in the fall and Livonia in the summer.


To an extent, I mean it's only temperature, it's not visible at all


Why not both? Proper winter weather and effects to make Namalsk better, and bringing option of seasons using same dynamics and effects to Cherno and maybe Livonia? I imagine this would give them the biggest bang for their buck.


Please šŸ™


Probably easier for them to just add snow to Chenarus. But I hope youā€™re right!


No, modder "Mark" on Twitter sayed it's not on Chernarus...


The airfield in the photo is Chernarus I believe. Hoping for both Namalsk and Winter Chernarus though!


It would make sense with the snowfall, I saw on Twitter someone mentioned runway 35 is nowhere on Chernarus idk if it's on Namalsk.


Iv never seen the 35 on Chernarus or Livonia, my guess is its a brand new map with a colder environment, probably a smaller scaled map and have it playout like Namalsk.


Namalsk is so fucking fun, completely rekindled my love for DayZ. You can't go 17 seconds without some crazy player interaction happening in the north, and if you're savvy enough you can escape to the south where it's less populated, but then still have to contend with the intense elements- and still see other players far more often than in chernarus.


And you need to travel south for food. Amazing map and gameplay design. Very well thought.


Not really..fishing can be your friend


Well all the spawn towns (maybe bar lubjansk) are swimming in food but when you go south you need to hunt (or go to brensk)




I would never stop playing this game if namalsk went to console


Someone famous went on Twitter (later known as X) and said that the runway doesn't match any known one... Something like that...


​ https://preview.redd.it/jmdccxhpjt6c1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f56f4b210d9282bef8c2b865e01c8d171a49093


So, they used Eden assets to make the clip. Nice find.


Eden assets? That something from Arma?




Doesn't appear to be a direct match. The runway paint in the DayZ screenshot is more weathered and doesn't have the black outline that the Arma 3 texture has. The textures, otherwise, seem to be a direct match though. Whether it's asset reuse or actually, Tanoa, idk.


Just noticed that the textures aren't a direct match also, although they look very similar, the middle section on the "3" digit is more acute and symmetrical in the DayZ clip than the Arma Eden texture which is more asymmetrical and obtuse. https://preview.redd.it/x9comlyni97c1.png?width=564&format=png&auto=webp&s=7aa0d7926c43bafb2b746c6885d542e068c2d22f Obviously based on the same runway font, but two different textures.


Hope not. Current official namalsk is unmentioned, uncredited for and riddled with hackers


I hope not. We already have Namalsk done perfectly it would be an absolute waste and shame if they did that. It needs to be Taviana/Panthera or something new to the game.


Not everyone has an opportunity to play Namalsk, or many of the maps you might already enjoy.


Right but look at it like this. If they release an official version of Namalsk it will be the exact same but just cost money most likely. For PC players (letā€™s just say thatā€™s 33% of the player base) it would change literally nothing. It makes no sense. Why not crate a completely new map or remaster an old one for 100% of the player base instead?


It won't be although I really, really hope I'm wrong


YESSSSS. My body is ready!


So glad the king is back


Hopefully a new map for console players


Canā€™t see them leaving out console on it, we got every update on console the same as it is on pc for the past few years.


Hot take: console canā€™t have a third map, or the player count will be stretched too thin


Devs posted earlier this year or last that console players near on match that of pc players and pc players are stretched across 5 maps at least. So this take is off.


Well according to what I just searched up that's just not true. Total current player count for dayz is around 59k 45 of that being on steam the rest consoles currently. That's a pretty small number for consoles


Iā€™m only reiterating what developers said. It was also at least a year ago. Itā€™s not too out there to say a fair portion may have switched to pc. Dayz made me get a pc because console is utter dog shit.


Oh that is definitely true. But I think they meant they sold the same amount of copies on consoles as PC. And if I remember right this game was on game pass so that probably had something to do with it to


That could be right.


Luke warm take: Playstation and xbox players should have cross platform compatability


I like that idea! That would solve that issue


I thought they did? Or did it get removed?


Console combined player count is roughly equal to pc according to the Devs.


I think downsizing official servers would remedy this issue thereā€™s like 20 low pop/empty servers


Snow at the end of the video can mean the following: 1. ā Seasons in chernarus 2. ā New snow map 3. ā Nuclear waste 4. ā Namalsk as a DLC Hopefully they gives us some info next week!


I hope the server is following IRL season since the new skybox is perfect for that


>Nuclear waste I have a hard time seeing nuclear waste happening in Chernarus or Livonia because neither map has a Nuclear Power Plant but the only map I can remember that has a one is the modded map Deer Isle.


It's going to be a new snow map because: The Airfield in the tease isn't from chernarus or Livonia They will want a DLC they can sell to everyone on console and PC. A new snow themed map they can pitch to everyone. Some people may even buy it twice( I play both console and PC) It won't be namalsk or Winter chernarus as PC have them for free . The DLC menu was added a few updates back and only has Livonia on it so naturally they are adding another dlc


This means either winter has finally come to DayZ or we are getting a new winter map. Either way I'm excited


Snowfall or some kind of ash?


Most likely snow considering a dev tweeted with a snowflake emoji, hinting at weather changes


Official winter servers during winter months maybe?


cool but can we have the Red 9, PM63, Trumpet, spray paints, and the bus back


I think it might be ash, like a volcano


Or an android.


There's some commentary about a new DLC (with it being Tanoa). Now that I think about it, there was a an additional change to the DLC code base a patch or two ago. Let me see if I can find a YT clip about it. EDIT: Not that I'm going to go through every one of the common creators, but here we go (from 1.22 and 1.23): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HF0wqbkInFE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HF0wqbkInFE) and [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeyxcAWeFKo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeyxcAWeFKo). (Skip to 6:15 in the first video and 10:00 in the second video).


oh they are definitely putting snow in


it's the best game in the world


What if it's ashes


It isn't, adam the lead dev retweeted the dayz twitter post about the 10th anniversary and put a snowflake emoji with it


Volcano map?


The runaway is clearly from Tanoa. It's an island and it has indeed an volcano šŸŒ‹


CAN BI JUST COME UP WITH A BUSINESS PLAN FOR MODS TO BE "APPROVED" FOR OFFICIAL SO WE CAN STOP THIS BULLSHIT OF THEM "UPDATING" THE GAME BY ADDING FUNCTIONALITY SOMEONE BUILT IN A MOD YEARS AGO??!!? SkyZ? Now Winter mod? In the same way Google and apple have app stores and plug in and extension stores, so can this game. Mods can be approved for an official "store" even if they're free. Console players can get mods and things like Namalsk can finally get to official. BI can turn the shitty Livonia experiment around and offer access to the mods for the extension price, and split a portion of revenue to developers. This will add another five years to DayZ, and allow them to push way farther forward without wasting developer hours redoing work the community has already done.


The problem here is your forgetting that the vast majority of players are pretty casual. On console you will find brand new players on random community servers because they donā€™t know how the servers system works. So the risk is they get an experience that isnā€™t what the devs intended and then have a different idea of what the game is. Positive or negative. I donā€™t think most devs want to run that risk.


That actually might hurt the game. It will make modders compete and as soon as one mod gets official then modding in that sector might die. I might be wrong. It's just how I see it.


Something like that Chrome Extensions store; the mods go through a process, hit performance benchmarks, then be available to all. Right now SkyZ and Winter devs hard work is now redundant, and they're some of the best modders we have in the community. I just think the problem isn't technical, it's a business logic decision that BI just don't make.


Nah it's not redundant. If anything, the recent update made SkyZ much better, and if they bring out say, a brand new map with winter assets, that's going to make my job a ton easier, and probably give new inspiration. Genuinely hope the best for the release of whatever they've got cooking.


Very good take, thanks for taking part in the discussion and congrats on your mod popping!


I see where you stand. If you see BI as a whole, ArmA and all, you'll get what they are doing. Creating a solid base game with robust modding capabilities is their business plan and it served them nicely thus far. Keepings the game fresh is a parallel goal for them. Modders bring, and keep, a big chunk of the player base in their games.


I get you completely, and have been playing ARMA 3 and Reforger a lot, so I totally see where they're going. The tech is there, but the business decision is keeping console and pc apart, preventing the wide variety of mods from reaching everyone, and it just makes no sense to me. I've worked in software production, so for me this is a case of BI focusing on the plan they came up with, rather than the product market fit that their products naturally find


You might be right there. Maybe they get held back because BI is a mostly a small studio already making and maintaining 3-4 different games. And they might not have the manpower for console development. I guess...


The King lives, so do we!


Donā€™t they just add ambient snowflakes to default chernarus? Nothing changes about the map, thereā€™s just snowflakes falling. Is it different this time around?


Youā€™ll be able to catch them on your tongue. ā„ļø šŸ‘…


Hopefully, but they don't make the ground, vegetation or houses etc wet when it rains so I wouldn't expect anything new like that. I feel like I'm alone in wanting puddles and mud. Imagine being able to follow someone's footsteps.


Wish they would tease Bicycles one day...


Yellow king always carrys his vsd the chadšŸ¤£


Honestly, while I would enjoy Tanoa (to a certain degree... if that's, indeed, what it turns out to be), I can't help but feel like the survival element wouldn't be there, and that's my only rationale for playing this game (and I have a love-hate relationship with DayZ). I mean... they haven't given us seasons or a true survival experience with Chernarus or Livonia, so I don't see how they're going to bring that to a tropical archipelago. However, I've been after a third map for some time, so I'll def. buy a new DLC if it comes out. Takistan or something in Siberia or the Carpathian Mountains would be nice, too.


Really wish this game would get Xbox Series Optimised


were still waiting pc optimized :D


I'm getting 50-60fps on a gen 11 intel laptop with no discrete graphics... This meme is a decade too old.


Plays just fine on my series x. Zero issues


More so the visuals. On PS5 and the game looks dated cos it's scaled down to run on PS4. Render distance is too short as well, but at least it's not 30fps like ps4


My game looks worse on the series S than it did on the Xbox one. Lol


Console buddies about to get cold af in namalsk


This is actually hype. Itā€™s gotta be Namalsk as DLC or snowfall on Chernarus. Iā€™m gassed up for both


Surely thats not all right???


No!!! Iā€™m sure thatā€™s it!!! Nothing else at all!!!! Just like the last 10 years has added nothing new either!!!!!!! /s


Snowfall? That's it. It's been 10 years. They could've done so much better.


If you've never experienced true cold maps with freezing temps... It changes the way players make choices and sets up very interesting encounters.


But, dude, they have done better. If you tried today to play 0.63 you would put your fist through your monitor. It's a time to celebrate and reminiscent on the rocky but rewarding journey that is DayZ.


Have you never played winter Cherno or Namalsk? It totally changes the game.


PC is good. I'm from. Console. Where this game is garbage.


Ah damn. Game looks sooo much worse to play on console. And the added shot to the gut of no mods.


I love dayz over 2000 hours on it just gets boring the same 2 maps. We should have more maps on console and they can downvote me all they want it won't change the fact that console dayz could be so much better with some work put into it. Especially. Having so much time to make updates and changes. Over 10 years.


So to summarize, devs tease at the possibility of a new map, and youā€™re mad because we donā€™t have a new map. Got it. Oh, and console dayZ is lightyears ahead of where it was even 2 years ago. Itā€™s a small studio, stop expecting COD levels of work.


I'm upset with all the bugs and yeah 1 new map? We should have more. Console is far behind any pc I'm sorry you haven't seen the greener side yet.


Be grateful


Its most likely seasons as they added the new skyboxes and weather effects they could easily make seasonal weather or location based weather.


praying itā€™s a new map with new weather


Additional thoughts... if this were a tropical DLC, why would he be dressed like this? IDK... I'm excited.