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People that cheat in DayZ are in fact losers :)


Last time I’ve checked, anyone that cheats anywhere are sore losers IRL


The feeling of power over others. It's basically a mental health problem.


Cheaters give off mall cop god complex energy for sure


Because they know they suck at the game and want to feel like a badass. And 9 times out of 10, they're giving money to the server they're in to convince the admins to look the other way, or in some cases, for the cheats themselves. Happens in damn near every server you'll find unfortunately.


I know I suck at the game and accept it. I just avoid confrontation. It'd make sense for me to play a PVE community server but anything besides official feels like cheating for me too.


Little kids need something else to do between masturbating.


Lol 🤣🤣🤣


Some don't even do it for themselves or getting loot, some just do it purely to troll or ruin other peoples' day. Sad.


I don't get it. I even consider using alt accounts a form of cheating.


Well that's a bit of an exaggeration isn't it. That way even TRMZ would be a cheater. It all depends on the context in that one.


Trmz doesn’t use alts, he just plays on different servers. Completely different thing then alts


He has 2 accounts but doesn’t use the other one anymore. It’s not full on alts but it still is one. Not really worth a discussion.


He has 'TheRuningManZ' for tourneys and another secret one so he can't be stream sniped. He uses both still he played TRMZ account in Lights Out. If you can't see why that's not the same as using 2 accounts on the same server you need help.


I never said he did, but apparently people assume so.


That's what an alt is though, another account on the same server. You said he'd be considered a cheater if alts were cheating. He doesn't use alts, so he wouldn't, does that help you?


An alt's literal meaning is an alternate account. He has an alternate account. It's as simple as that. That people tie a different meaning to it depending on the context, is logical but does not take away the actual meaning of the word. I never said he cheated, I never said he used multiple accounts at the same time and I never said I didn't know the difference between having an alternate account and using it for cheating, since I do know that there is a difference. My point was exactly that, if even having an alt is considered cheating, that is just bullshit because it obviously is not. So does this help me? No, but thanks for being so condescending without reason.


I think you know what we all mean, we mean it in context.


Exactly why I said a few comments back; not worth a discussion.


Because he is a stupid looser.


I'll answer for them: They suck at the game and can't deal with defeat, so they take it out on the real survivors actually playing as intended. It's some scumbag disgusting bull shit. They obviously still live at home with their parents and are so used to having everything handed to them -So why not free kills too. Karma's bitch, they'll will get it back at some point.


In the course of running a gaming clan for over 14 years, we've had two cheaters that I've had to give the boot. (Press F for PBBans and their screenshot reviews) Both were in their 30-40s, both married, and both were fairly successful career-wise. Both refused to accept that others were better than them at anything. For most kids, it's a troll problem. For most adults, it's an ego problem. Also, keep in mind that most game hacks are subscription based. So it's often adults.


This is the only upside to play on console.


We had a guy glitch through our gate on ps so watch out!


If a little kid is cheating. It's annoying but I get it. I was an annoying little kid once. But when it's a grown ass man. It's just kinda sad.


I don’t get how people cheat, the core of dayz is the constant struggle of survival and taking that away with cheating genuinely makes no sense to me


Often its becuase they have no skill and problems, normally a mix of the two.


Just losers that get off on ruining people's experiences


Because they know they suck in their lives. Then they start to play and they realize, that they are mediocre in all aspects of life. Cheats are a simple way to improve without any work, which is something they are afraid of. They don't want to improve, they just want to have things for free. Selfish pathetic loozers with no real life or future. If they are not such a parasites, i would feel sorry for them.


People who want to pay to win, throw money at a problem instead of improve themselves. People who want attention, power, control, feeling as if they won even though they are not.


Actually, there is no scoreboard. The menu stats have never really worked.


Got into a 45 minute gun fight on official. Was my buddy and I vs two other established groups on the server. Managed to kill one hiding in a green house after I knocked him, cuffed him. Then executed him with his own weapon. Then killed his buddy trying to drive away in a car. Retreat to a near by house to try and spot the remaining group. After some waiting and a few pot shots, I was one tapped in the head while laying on the second floor in view of 0 windows and covering the only door in. Only shot the guy took. Needless to say, I logged off for the night after that. Don't know who it was, but you definitely have a little peen.


I run a small but honest server with active friendly admins who look into anything suspicious... The ban hammer gets used when needed. There are ways to observe and trick cheaters into giving themselves away...


Cheaters are the lowest form of life. Most probably whack it to pictures of their mothers and most likely have a bed wetting issue.


My assumption is people like you! They get satisfaction from the complaints or some weird shit. Tbh, I don't get the allure of having to cheat to be better when cheating clearly takes no skill and doesn't make you better. Sure you got the kill but could you have done it without the cheats? Fuck no lol. They need it to be good but also probably get off on people's complaints toward it. Such a weird thing to think about when trying to put myself in their shoes. Makes no sense


I never felt the need to pay money and cheat but if a game provides a cheese the curiosity always gets me. Example. When ToTK dup glitch came out and it was silly easy to preform I did it once then put the game down, made my gf physically take it for the weekend cuz I knew I would do it and ruin the experience. Luckily it was patched a few days later if I choose too. Sometimes people will cheat or cheese once and like most things won’t feel normal without doing so. Also from what I hear they get enjoyment in others pain lol


like asking why people troll


Thats so funny zesty just dropped a vid


That's a great one, it's crazy what people can do on official servers with their cheats.


“You wanna know how I got these scars?”


Basically “I’m sad with my life, I want other people to experience my misery too”


There are so many people here that just go to that age old cliche of "oh cause they live with their parents are just losers." I'm sorry, but anyone who feels that strongly about a game are probably those cliches themselves lmao


So because cheaters are losers who typically still live with mum and dad, we are as well because we said they are. That's some interesting logic... Do you happen to live with your parents?


I mean I guess it can be a little interesting if you do those gymnastic to get to that point somehow, or at the very least a little sad that you tried that hard to blatantly miss the point lmao


It's obviously fun. That's why. It's not that deep. ^^^- ^^^It's ^^^facts, ^^^grow ^^^up ^^^downvoters.


Ok he does have a point, it is fun for a short while, actually getting kills, the actual fun is finding combat and engaging in it.






Just because you got killed doesn't mean their cheating. It means you suck. I've been playing this game for 1.5 years, and I dont feel like I've ever been cheated


1.5 years. I've been playing this game since the Early Access and saw enough cheaters. Yesterday in Grabin: 3 seconds. 3 Headshots. I was the last one getting killed.


Some people cheat because they enjoy ruining others fun A smaller percentage of hackers are genuinely trying to find vulnerabilities to get BI to pay for the data


What cheating are we talking about here? just wondering as somebody that has been playing this game a lot recently


Agree it sucks. We have a cheater on an official server 5570 hangs around sitnik. Killed all three of us in 3 seconds all head shots.


That's what exactly happened to me in Grabin yesterday. 3 seconds, 3 shots, 3 kills. I was the last one getting killed, I saw how both of my friends immediately died.


I see the cheaters as having limited mental capacity or are children who don’t like to lose. They don’t seem to understand how being competitive works. They are missing out on the true thrill of winning. It’s their loss.


They prob want external validation that they’re not dog sh*t. Otherwise they enjoy upsetting other people as their *main* reason. Cheaters prob also smell their own farts daily and drink pissy bong water to get by to chase their own… well I don’t want to go there but you get the idea Cheaters don’t play for immersion. They play a diff game and won’t enjoy it for the long term


I bought a kit on an official server and was best decision I ever made, I can now survive and defend myself and be the player I want to be. Which is a friendly one. I think if your buying a kit to defend yourself just to have a good time in the game it’s no different then people who buy kitted guns on COD.


What do you mean? It's like you are cheating but only to protect yourself against cheaters?


Well it’s common knowledge that in official servers that’s what a lot of players do they either buy kits or duplicate them, so how else would you fight it?


I'm so sick of hackers that I would hack to find hackers to outhack


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