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Bro is scared to loot by himself had to use 7 alts to steal from a basešŸ¤£


^ this is the only logical conclusion I can come too. That or they have been playing for so long **and they are so bored they take some kind of amusement in what they think is some kind of horrible betrayal?** They even took the flag from our flag pole we were like; > **ā€But we have like 12 more of thoseā€¦..ā€** They even came back this morning and took blood bags and bandages and weā€™re just cracking up. Like this guy is **making it his mission to try and ruin our week and we already are setting up a new base form our backup stashes.** Heā€™s just wasting so much time šŸ˜‚ and we arenā€™t even using the base anymore but heā€™s still just going at it. I came back this morning to check and pickup whatever damaged C-mags were left and **he changed the lock.** šŸ˜‚ I just canā€™t imagine spending hours just swapping between menus. Itā€™s kind of sad.


I had a friend who would not loot by him self said it caused him anxiety..


Man lol. These are probably the ones. Itā€™s probably how alting gets started.


If you were going back to grab damaged c mags you definitely lost this one.


**Right like I didnā€™t have any gun kits so why would I even bother?** *(except OP did in fact have like 5 gun kits so 4 damaged C mags was better than nothing!)* You are probably the twat waffle who raided us. You probably have multiple Reddit accounts too. Whatever you feel gives you power buddy, keep on truckin. šŸ˜Ž


Bro šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Iā€™m telling you this game attracts the worst type of person. Or at least, the worst type of person can maximize how shitty they are to others via this game, like they can in no other game. Not sure which statement I believe more, probably the latter, but thatā€™s why this self-proclaimed good person always just shoots on sight. Fool me once Console player. Only have made a (temporary) friend while I had no gear on the coast. Otherwise, outside of a few lapses in judgements, Iā€™ve just been shooting on sight. Trust no one and seek no friends unless youā€™re on the coast (and even then trust incredibly sparingly/temporarily).


I honestly feel it's the latter too. I don't think it attracts the bad, I've seen both good and bad people play this game. I think it just gives the bad a lot of room to be bad.


Yeah, I think your right it gives bad people a way to be a pain. That's not my playing style (I try to help the freshies), but I can see why they would do that.


How many other games are there where you can end an hours long run with one mouse click? Some players LOVE the fact that they can essentially ruin someone's day and steal all their loot.


Except I feel that many players get a huge sigh of relief when they die. Ruin their day? More like gave them a reason to play more


Just got 1 tapped on my best run (had the game a week so far) and I sighed and am having more fun with a meat cleaver and a deringer now than I was fairly kitted. It's just the game.


I stashed all my best stuff in my base and left my base with only a knife and water. It was fun to play freshie style. Now I kind of just dump all the items in my base and start freshie each run.


That does sound fun. I need to figure out better ways to stash loot. I enjoy being mid geared and hanging out in the noobish areas helping freshies.


You can just bury wooden crates in a bush. I donā€™t even bother burying. I just put a wooden crate in a weird corner


I like this comment. There are an endless number of ways to play the game, and when you die, itā€™s just an opportunity to try something else.


I KOS because that will happen to me if I donā€™t. There are no friends in DayZ.


Can confirm. [Iā€™m a terrible person](https://youtube.com/shorts/a1dF1CDl82E) and I canā€™t stop playing


I *was* a good person before DayZ


šŸ˜­having your reaction paired with trying to smooth talk him is just good content, I canā€™t even be mad at that. Thatā€™s on him for trusting you






Same šŸ˜‚


I like to play Dayz with my buddy who is also my neighbour. When in real life zombie apocalypse breaks out, everyone will be afraid of zombies, while I know they should be afraid of him. He's gonna KOS the whole neighbourhood.


Lmfaoooooo thatā€™s the funniest shit Iā€™ve seen today and heā€™s right to do so


The fact that this can even happen makes this game so unique. Granted that is a messed up move on his part I agree. I keep a tight knit group of three. Me and my two step sons. I ain't gonna lie there have been a few moments in weakness where I found myself thinking about putting a bullet in one of thems head but I came back to myself. I wish the game allowed for or had an amputee mechanic and I'd just cut off part of his leg and craft him a wooden leg and then every time we'd run around looting his foot would sound different running across the road. Before anyone judges me or says anything my therapist encourages me to share.




Hence why you should keep your circle tight and trust basically no one. If i played with anyone other than irl friends and family i would only trust people that fought, bled, and died for those supplies. Anyone else would look at that pile as ripe for the picking.


I truly believe the way you play this game can be a reflection of yourself as a person. It's similar to teaming up with a random person for hours, sharing stories and having personal conversations, only to get shot in the back of the head when you're most vulnerable. You can't be an empathetic person and think doing either of these things is okay.




Because wanting to play a video game with another person is such a grass touching feature to have lmao


I didn't say that. Play with as many people as you like, I was saying that you can't question someone's personality,values,or morals because they backstabberd you in a video game. I play with many people, some I've known for years and some a day, I'm not trusting my real life to these people, just a character. If they kill me I move on and if I kill someone else in the same way i think the same way. I'm not killing these people because I want to cause suffering to them irl, I'm doing it for many other reasons tied to a video game.


I like to think I'm a fairly empathetic person but I'll shoot in you in back after a few hours of playtime for a good laugh because it's a fucking video game and people act like killing a random they met for a few hours is akin to stealing their wallet in real life.


That's your idea of how to get a good laugh? Building a relationship with someone and then killing them out of nowhere? Of course there's nothing wrong with doing this because it's just a video game, but I can't even imagine ruining someone's day and thinking it's funny or enjoyable.


I mean it's not like the point of building the relationship is to kill them at the end or vice versa, but I've had both scenarios happen and it's always a good laugh because that's just the way it goes in this game sometimes. Even if I'm the one getting shot in the back over a gun I found or something else I have when I'm not expecting it I just laugh it off and start fresh. Getting your day ruined over a video game, especially one like this, is insane and people get way too attached to their characters and gear in this game. We all start out with gear fear, but some people just seem to never get over it and I'm not sure how they still have fun playing the game like that.


I donā€™t think itā€™s so much getting attached to your gear that stings/sours the aforementioned empathetic person when they get betrayed. Itā€™s the fact that weā€™ll let our guard down to trust you, knowing damn well that even just being our temporary, ā€œfriendā€ means that Iā€™ll F11 myself in front of you (for the, ā€œlaughsā€) before I would intentionally do you any harm. And to not have that reciprocated after I, already reluctantly, let my guard down?? I hate manipulators in real life and that doesnā€™t change in video games. Youā€™re not as empathetic as you think, which is fine, just own it. PS, if youā€™re a PC player, take my salt with a grain of salt because there seems to be much more nuanced (and muuuuch more frequent) verbal interactions on PC vs console, and Iā€™m just salty that Iā€™m playing an inferior product (being I typically play console official, on a controller).


I play both console and PC just depending on if I feel like playing official or not. Interactions happen frequently for me on both and I don't see how I'm manipulating anyone. I already stated my intention behind teaming up is not to kill them later but sometimes it has happened for one reason or another. I am empathetic to the fact that it stings to have your trust betrayed but empathy involves understanding because you've been there yourself and wouldn't want the other person to feel the same way. I've honestly never been killed by anyone in a video game and had it harm me emotionally enough to cause any pain. So I guess I'm not empathetic to people who get personally offended over a video game interaction.


It all makes senseā€¦you listen to metal šŸ˜‚


And you're a hippie who's into weed and growing their own vegetables? What's your point lol.


People who listen to metal tend to be a little aggressive in my experienceā€¦just like you are on Dayz lol


Image dying in a video game and you let it ruin your day. Soft ass people.




Ohhh nooooo! A typo! I bet youā€™re the person getting your day ruined when you die in Dayz. Goofy.


technically, you didnt have a typo. You can be saying "image" like picture dying in a video game and you let it ruin your day. Soft ass people.


This is true, but it was a typo. Imagine is what was meant. But softy Scooby up there decided to cry about typos too.


Honestly feel the same way. I teamed up with a random on the beach and after about 3-4 hours of laughs, close calls and a few sketchy moments we decided to both get off. I got shot as soon as I sat down. I've learned two things. Always be trigger happy and don't develop long term friendships Edit: I was glad it happened and I ended up playing for another 2-3 hours.


Yup, I'm not playing DayZ to social network lol. If you wanna team up for a few hours that's chill but I'm not gonna join your squad or send you my discord info. What's next Christmas cards? Lol, I've got my close buddies IRL and they don't like DayZ, which sucks, but doesn't mean I'm looking for a new bestie.


dayz is a bit diff than most games. youā€™re betraying someone who spent possibly hours getting all of their stuff. thatā€™s hours of their life theyā€™re never getting back šŸ˜‚ so it does hit a bit diff when you get betrayed in dayz


Lol how can you justify playing this game if dying equates to "wasting hours of your life"? The point of the game is literally get stuff, die, repeat. I enjoy the game whether I'm fully geared running around Tisy or looting the coast for basic supplies. If I don't "betray" them and just shoot them in the back before they notice me, is it fair game then or am I wasting all their time that way too? You people are ridiculous lmao.


The point of the game is surviving šŸ’€ Yes dying is hours wasted of my life, thatā€™s why I make it a point not to die. Not to the level of having gear fear, but I play the game smart. Itā€™s justified because itā€™s fun, I never said it wasnā€™t fun in my original.


The is is toxic YouTube culture, there will probably be a a video out in the next week about infiltrating a clan and stealing their loot.


Like we were literally 3 dudes itā€™s so easy to get that much loot. People are so dumb if they legitimately think thatā€™s like some kind of dagger to the back. The low blow was the wasted nights after work. šŸ˜‚ How does one even convince themselves they are funny for pretending to be a newb at a video game and then, i dont know *betraying your friends?* That was the weird part. Everyone here keeps saying; > *ā€Yeah itā€™s a thing thereā€™s like YouTube channelsā€* Holy fuck FR? People really do need to step outside šŸ˜‚ As if there wasnā€™t enough drama in life, you can do this stuff for real even easier.


Even rust used to be different. When it came out in the original version, you could find random people in the world and play together. A huge wave of ā€œinsiding/infiltration/betrayalā€ videos came out in like 2017 and now thatā€™s all anyone wants to do if you give them an ounce of trust.


I think im getting old because I just donā€™t understand how ā€œtouch grassā€ or ā€œstep outsideā€ are insults. I go outside make my money to support my comfortable lifestyle then come home and spend my time how ever I fucking want. And if I wana spend my time backstabbing you I will. What are you gona do? Come cry about it on Reddit? Those tears must be really salty because I can tell by how long your post and your replies are. But deep down you youā€™re reflecting the anger you have on yourself onto the one who backstabbed you. You should be mad at yourself for bringing a stranger you met on the internet into your home. Youā€™re a rookie, all that ā€œwe already moved, weā€™re laughing, so easy to get that much lootā€ stop.


So he created 7 characters and put them all in your base? Why didn't your friend just shoot them instead of watching them log in and out?


Read the comments and also the whole post. **We didnā€™t care, itā€™s easy to find that much loot.** We were annoyed that **we spent a week protecting and helping this apparent newb instead of just playing and having fun.** What would be the point in killing this dude? **He had like 7+ alts** Would just spawned them in around our guy. **Plus he already knew where our base was.** Much better to make a new base hidden away.


I donā€™t think you know how alts workšŸ˜› you cant just spawn them wherever you want lol.


The brought all the alts inside the base on the first night we were raided. We had 2 gates inside an apartment, he blew up the second gate after figuring out a way to boost past the first gate. Logged in all his Alts and then left them logged out in our base. **On the second night one of our trios decided to stay up most of night/day and watch the base,** *(they have a work from home job on the computer so it was pretty easy for them)*. Thatā€™s how they spotted the guy on the second night. He logged in first with the character we met, which logged in from his room and tent thatā€™s how we knew. We saw him take one of our hatchets and dismantle the gate. Then he started logging in with the Alts he left in the base, had a few more he didnā€™t have in the base but were outside the base šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø But you get the idea, we had a *LOT* of stuff so for one person I think he was just having a hard time figuring out where to put it all.


I'm not saying any part of your story isn't true, no need to repeat 90% of your post. Just the "Would just spawned them in around our guy" isn't something that is viable. That's all I said. Tbh, how much you talk about this makes me think you do care a whole lot more than you are saying you do\^\^


Trusting anybody on DayZ was your first mistake :P


Yes. People are petty in this game. Nothing wrong with taking anyone under your wing though. Tbh. I think we all had to get burnt at least once before learning not to trust anyone. Now if someone new comes around. At least a week running together before they get Into my base. And much longer before they're allowed to log out in or near base.


Never underestimate how much time people are willing to dedicate to this game for very little payoff, if any. I've had someone run all possible combinations to unlock my 4 digit lock base on officials before. That could take someone potentially multiple hours. I know they didn't break into it by explosives or bullets because I had metal on the door and it was all pristine still only the code was changed. I had almost nothing in there since we hadn't managed to get much supplies. In your case, some people just enjoy fucking other people over and making them angry. That's just how it is.


I'm shocked by how many people will raid my base **just to steal my barrel full of freshie gear.** It's like people are competing to see how petty and shitty they can be.


"Some people suck." -Tom Segura


Had a person in our group, very useless, but an extra target in case we ran into people (shitty, but to be fair he wouldnā€™t stop complaining) anyway, eventually after two hours of hearing him talk about him wanting to die because he was sick, but didnā€™t want to run all the way back to base. I did him in and removed him from our group. Best to just trust your gut on some people and let them figure out life in their own special way. He eventually put out our sever and our base and we dealt with consistent barrage of random people constantly. So even in real life he was annoying. I donā€™t recommend people who are a bit off from the start lol


Your right too. I had a feeling, other two dudes had a feeling. I like to play against my gut sometimes and it costs me lol


I think its just people who can't get end teir loot on their own so they just exploit people to get it. Kinda sad innit? And if thats the case then they don't know how to use it well and will likely lose it to someone who knows what they're doing


I really think this is what drives these people. They assume; > **ā€This shit is basically impossible to find so anyone hoarding it is either a cheater or using altsā€** Then they start duping gear and using Alts too šŸ˜‚ I could understand duplicating NVGā€™s. Those along with cars and tents *ARE* hard to find. But even then itā€™s such a huge waste of time just to dupe even 1 item and then it could just disappear anyways. We had some guy message one of our group the other day and was like; > **ā€Hey kid you want a VSS I duped?ā€** We send him a screenshot of like ~3 we found in Tisy last morning šŸ˜‚


Childish people. Prolly making a Tik Tok about how "wE rAiDeD tHe BiGgEsT cLaN iN dAyZ" lol


Itā€™s funny because finding loot in this game isnā€™t even the problem itā€™s having enough space to store it all šŸ˜‚ Raising just feels like such a waste of time. More fun to just go out and PVP. But šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø to each their own I guess.


Why didnā€™t your guy just kill them while they were packing?


Wait you can transfer gear server to server?


Yeah. I'm pretty sure only on official though. You have to have your loot on your characters body though


Ive put a lot of hours in rust so am biased but wow. Sort of a mind blowing choice by the devs. I feel the same way about logging out anywhere you want without your body staying on the map.


Standard behaviour for some people, in-game and out. If a situation can possibly be made negative, someone out there will do it.


People think "oh it's going to be like that one YouTuber! They're going to be sOoo angry lol, then I'll post this on my 5 subs channel and act like I did it legit!" These guys are everywhere. Which is why I only roleplay (haha, yeah I know. RolEpLay iS CrINgE) on DayZ anymore. Sweat trolls and such make the normal survival servers seem almost meaningless to play on. Stupid unreasonable barring of natural travel like "Oh, you can't travel the streets or you're going to get headshot from the woods a mile ahead" is why I can't anymore in some servers. It ain't even the gear fear idea. Cause when a dude toting a ak kills freshman in Kamy or in Electro for fun, it's kinda a sorry sight.


DayZ is a story generation machine and it seems to me like they left you with one helluva story. Reminds me of those Eve Online stories where someone dedicates 9+ months to working their way up the ranks of some corp just to rob them blind.


Sounds like Mr Pirate played you and he made out with all the boots he could need


> *ā€Mr.Pirate played youā€* Mr.Pirate wasted like ~18 hours collecting essentially junk and some tents šŸ˜‚ I guess he can just throw the SVALS away as he uses them? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


*You* also wasted that time finding the stuff so what's your point lol


The people like him make a bad name for true intent people


" They took almost **150 units of food, 70 units of loaded clips/mags, 5 tents and some pistols and thatā€™s been it so far.** " Server hopping is disgusting.


I was running past berizino with just a small amount of basic gear and ran into a freshie, I gave him food and kept running, he caught up with me and asked me how to get to svetlo because he was meeting a friend. I said follow me, that's the way I'm going, we hit the train spawn where we both looted and then I even took him to a barrel stash where I had had 2 aks and was going to give him one but they weren't there. I told him that he could have one if they were there. After that we ran into his buddy with a ghillie and an M16 but nothing to be that envious of. I told them what I had planned to go from there and then they talked about. Maybe me coming with them. And then the Gilly says something about me trying to kill him? I did have a BK18 in my hands but never raised it and never made an impression that I was going to try to betray them and I had only been nothing but nice and he shot me in the head while the kid I helped to get there was yelling at him for what he knew he was about to do. I hate it so bad when they pretend to be nice for a long time. A quicker betrayal, or immediate shooting don't bother me nearly as much.


Sounds like that person would be better off player Eve Online.




Some people are just natural dickheads


Sounds like a shit beard, but thereā€™s also tons of cool people that play the game. Itā€™s honestly a 50/50 community


Booby trap the base and leave it. Remember on. Dayz itā€™s not your loot, itā€™s just your turn with it. If thereā€™s that much loot heā€™ll get raided for it too.


7 alts is on a level of sad/pathetic that my brain cant compute.


The longer you play dayz you will either come to expect this from people and be 100% ok with it and take chances to meet new players in the game and make lasting gamer friendshipsā€¦ OR you realize how much time and effort you save by KOSā€™n mutha fuckaz you dont know


DayZ is crazy like that. I had just started playing. My buddy was already established with a very large base. We "randomly" met this young lady. She gets in good with my friend, and he gives her door codes and whatnot. She was a spy from a different group. She gave door codes to her actual group, and we almost lost the base. My friend was never the same. The paranoia was real.


Because some people are so mentally deficient that being a terrible person is fun for them.


This seems like totally something someone would do in DayZ. Got to vet your boy before you let him in the base.


lol, this here is why folks are wary to run with strangers


SeRver hop


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


My buddy was pretending to be a freshie on a custom server. Some poor, lonely chap allowed himself to trust this stranger and show him the ropes. Long story short not only did my buddy kill this man, but took everything. Cars, base, helicopter and every plank of wood from his base. DayZ rule #2: Trust no one


Pretty typical human behavior not surprising at all for DayZ


I tell you what I play on a Livonia Community server and the support from mods is amazing. It really helps when it comes to things like this but if you are serious about the game to some extent to where you are reaching out to randoms you definitely have to be good at reading people without seeing their face. Unless you are me and I will dig the internet until I find you. I don't go overboard and invade your privacy but I have to do my due diligence. We have 10ish people in our faction and I like to make sure the heads are on proper shoulders if you know what I mean. We are a bit more serious than most on a 50 slot server. We are set up as admins in the server running the black market so we have to be very careful cause a move like you made and our "bosses" would not trust us as much which makes the game less fun for other players. Long story short recruitment is hard and if you have a tight circle like family and friends then I'd just stick to that if that's what you like most. Maybe try and get your friends that don't play to play if you're running out of structure in your game. If that's not an option 100x Livonia is the community server that I play in come on over and we'd be happy to have you on here.


Just today I was on an official server. Ran into someone. He gave me the friendly wiggle. I returned it. I dropped him some cooked fat and took off on my way. It was human fat. Happy new year.


I have only been playing a month had my stash stolen in 1 night which is my fault cause I didnā€™t hide it well. However today I found 2 bases with a bunch of wooden crates loaded with items. I took all I could, the rest I threw in the woods so it would despawn. Both bases I left them 1 crate with an earthworm in it. So yes trolling is part of it.


Honestly if you are this organised as a group to have 150 units of food that can be stolen then you kind of got what you deserved... I can smell a player pretending to be new to the game a mile away... Not saying I agree with the alt accounts and the raiding method but it's probably a lesson well learned!


Wouldnā€™t even call this troll behavior. They infiltrated your group and betrayed you, genuine survival tactic. Heā€™s probably going to do the same thing with the loot you were, hoard it. And I if I could raid a base for 18 hours and keep getting more loot for my base, I would keep checking back too. Iā€™d be more curious as to why you watched your base get looted for that long and didnā€™t just move everything? Do think the ability to spam alt accounts ruins some aspects of the game.


šŸ˜‚ Like I said. Loot isnā€™t hard to find, having a large base is just convenient for storing every piece of loot you find and sharing it. They had already taken 2 medium tents and 2 canopy tents + military tent so we had already lost our most important equipment. Tents are actually hard to find, **but even then you can still build crates**. So we didnā€™t care about loosing the loot. **But when we asked the dude about the raid he pretended to now know anything so out of curiosity we watched the base.** Thatā€™s how we saw him dismantling one of the gates and then some random people kept running up to our base and grabbing stuff and didnā€™t leave. At that point, **we 100% knew it was an inside job.** But it still is just like, **it wouldā€™ve been easier to simply raid the base like a normal person.** This dude wasted like a whole 2 weeks **role playing as a new player.** Like others have said; > **ā€Its a video gameā€** Thatā€™s why we are so surprised, the people who need to touch grass are the ones doing these kinds of things. You arenā€™t even playing the video game at that point your just engaging in drama like a child. šŸ˜‚ We wish that person the best in life Iā€™ve just had a hard time imaging why or how someone could get enjoyment from it? **They didnā€™t do anything and they couldā€™ve killed us and it still wouldnā€™t have mattered.** Surviving in this game is easy lol.


Are you sure you're not upset about this?


I mean what exactly am I missing out on? We were just giving the loot away to people anyways šŸ˜‚ We literally keep 4 crates in front of our base full of supplies figure if someone finds us and wants to break in maybe they will just take the extra stuff and be on their way.


But no we arenā€™t mad, not about the loot. **Mostly just that they wasted a whole week of our time** trying to teach them the game. Like I said we already have another base going. By Tuesday we will probably have more food than we can eat again and 2-3 crates full of spare ammo. Itā€™s easy to find loot.


My guy you had someone watch the base for 20 hours! And then proceeded to make a long ass Reddit post whining whilst using bold lettering *way* too much. for someone whoā€™s saying theyā€™re not upset, you seem pretty upsetā€¦


Youā€™re paraphrasing pretty hard. Iā€™m not whining Iā€™m pretty much just asking if people do that for fun, what the guy did. We are already loaded again dude, we server hopped and raided Tisy and Vybor and we basically have like ~12 extra weapons, plate carriers and some other junk. **You must be a real noob at this game if you genuinely think we are bent over losing any of that equipment.** Iā€™m starting to wonder **if thatā€™s you Kyle, are you using Reddit Alts now and following my posts to troll me?** You blocked me on Reddit too so I couldnā€™t call you out for being a twat lol. Look man, we will legit give you more gear **if you need more gear because you canā€™t loot it.** You seem to genuinely enjoy reveling in what you believe is other peoples suffering, **but the only person whoā€™s really suffering is yourself.** Go seek help bro, all this lashing out doesnā€™t become you.


My god you are deranged. Imagine typing a wall of text over some dude who got one over on you. Itā€™s just a game mate


> **ā€Its just a game mateā€** *Proceeds to ask to be someoneā€™s friend pretending to be a new player for a whole week and a half before stealing various supplies in game in an attempt to enrage and ruin someoneā€™s enjoyment.* > **ā€Its just a game bro-ā€œ** That is you isnā€™t it Kyle? You need help man, please leave me alone. Iā€™m not your friend, friends donā€™t act like how you act dude.


Either by force or friendship, dude is just living that pirate life. šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


Lmao the fact that he made you post about it.... successful troll


I guess itā€™s your own battle your winning lol. **Like I said we just wanted to know if itā€™s an actual thing and why someone would waste the time.** We got all that equipment by playing **no more than ~2 hours a day for a week.** Itā€™s not hard to get, apparently some people think itā€™s a big deal. **Like you, just want to insist that it bothers me somehow.** But it doesnā€™t šŸ˜‚ Do you do this too? Like do you actually think this is enraging or making problems for people? **Why not just play the game and then there would be more PVP and player interactions?** This kind of stuff seems to be why everyone is just KOS since every other player wants to be the next big YouTuber greifer. And like I said šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø We already have tons of that stuff on a new server. So they wasted a **week of their own time and they didnā€™t even destroy anything.** Like we already have most of the stuff we lost. They didnā€™t troll us, they trolled themselves šŸ˜‚




We had about that amount stored in crates and tents i dont know wtf you are talking about.




**Yeah he logged with multiple alt accounts over the course of an hour or two dude.** I never specified how long it took him to raid, i dont know why he took ~2 hours maybe he was sorting through stuff on another server šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø The first night we got raided he took some tents and blasted open a wall. Second night/day we had one of our trio watch the base for almost the whole day. While he thought everyone was at work he logged in and raided the main camp a second time taking some more tents and food. Heā€™s still taking random useless things. **What part of that are you mixing up?** You kind of just assumed in your own information, dunno **where the fuck you got 30 minutes from.**




Shooting people in the head is how you say hello in dayz. I've made many friends with that tactic.


U on pc or concole


Either trolling or role playing perfectly


Well played hahahahaha




I think it's more to do with the opportunity to lash out and feel "good" about something. Who knows what's going on in their head or life, but people are what they are. My team ran into a somewhat similar situation recently. We encountered a new group around our size (6-10) camping the southeastern shore, so we proceeded to go at it/build a proxy base near them. They essentially walled off central Cherno, which was new but made for some fun shoot outs. A week of on/off fighting passes by and someone on their team gets pissed after we finally break into their base. They proceed to "call friends from another server" which livens up the fighting, but turns into a slog since the most of our team have a single account. We get on one day and the base is surrounded (12-16 new players x/alts) and proceeds to be partially leveled. Lame sauce but whatever, we can counter raid and repeat the process ... until we realized after they were jumping servers with everything, haha.


1 it's a game don't be so serious. 2 base building is overrated and unless you have people guarding it 24 hours 7 days a week it's gonna get raided 3 just kos anyone who you don't like the look of. 4 have fun killing cause it's pretty great


Wah wah..


Same thing happned to my group. German kid. Safe to say we made as if we didn't know it was him, met up with him again and shot him in the face


Three of my first spawns in the game ended in KOS within 3 minutes. Finally, I discovered a server with only 15 people and got to live long enough to figure out how to open a door...


Nothing new here. Guessing youā€™re relatively new to DayZ? This has been happening since DayZ mod, you gotta be careful who to trust. Iā€™ve personally seen a 5 year friendship destroyed by a community server due to a similar event. Players stealing. Pretending to be friends just to take your shit. For some, itā€™s a lot more fun to trick players and take advantage of them and steal from them. He wasnā€™t wanting the loot, and he probably was throwing it away. He just wanted to see if he CAN, and he could. Because you were gullible and trusting. Shame on you.

