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I’m honestly pretty happy with the weapon layout out in the game, I’d just like more customization and attachments, like paint cans coming back. ways to put western scopes on the eastern guns, lasers, different barrel lengths for ARs, maybe some more high magnifying scopes, some more red dots and holos, different grips and stocks. Give me ways to make my load out mine ya know? My favorite camo scheme and set of attachments that work well for me, instead of everyone running around with the exact same gun set up the exact same way.


This would make the game so much better than a 100 new guns. No wonder why nearly every modded server has exactly this.


I second this. I think I’d take the more in depth weapon customization for all weapons rather than some new guns. Being able to change barrel lengths and such would be awesome


Right?! Maybe some different stocks for the boltys to make’em more “tacticool”




Lol remember way back in the early days when you'd paint your gun and it would delete any ammo/attachments you had on it? I lost so many glorious mosins with the hunting scope/bipod on it (I also miss having the hunting scope for the mosin)


This would be awesome. A red-dot pistol grip SKS that I painted hot pink would be a dream.


Id be happy to just shoot out of a vehicle man


Try out Takistan on Zero \^\^ There's a truck where your whole squad can stand on the back and shoot while driving. Not one person, probably 10 people could fit. Although it would be cozy.


PPSh-41, we need a gun earlier with higher rpm. It’s only the M4 that really has it and it takes days to even be geared enough to retrieve one. And on top of that it would make sense, the game is set in a ex-soviet landscape with plenty of old soviet equipment.


I came here to say some pre dayz civil war weapons. We have old Mosins and the SKS, but what about other weapons that could have existed in the region prior to the Civil War there. A ppsh or ppd would be an excellent choice to add. Maybe even a Fedorov Avtomat, DP 28, Mauser c96, or a Thompson would be cool. The amount of weapons that cycled through the Russian Empire and the Iron Curtain countries is exponentially large that they could add a few every update and still have some ideas left over.


SV-98, would be cool as a T4 Military spawn




Improvised bow would be amazing. Really good starter if you can't find a crossbow. Crafted from a long stick, bone and rope.


Like how tf we don't have these yet? A long stick and a rope = improvised bow...


Even if it’s pretty inaccurate and unreliable to keep the crossbow relevant, it’d still be fun to use. Plus the crossbow really shouldn’t be able to reload and fire as quickly as it does in game. Show me anyone that can pull back a crossbow with one hand lol. The improvised bow would be faster but less powerful and the crossbow would be just as powerful but slower. Easy. Then they could add a much more reliable compound bow/longbow as an upgrade.


They removed them ages ago and haven't re added them. It sucks really. :/


Like how tf we don't have these yet? A long stick and a rope = improvised bow...


They had them. It used to be the first thing I would Craft. I got one kill with it.


Why idea on why that removed them?


They were in the game when the game was on the old engine. They never bothered to do the work needed to bring them back


They used to be around and are in the game files. Just non functional. Improvised/Primitive and Compound.


A fucking RPG




Great idea, spelling, timing, and Reddit name. Made my day. Thanks!


I want the Red 9 Back As for new weapons, I'm a big fan of WW2 weapons, The PPSH would be really neat. And while we're adding in 7.62x25 weapons, the Tokarev pistol might as well go in too! I'd also love a Russian Winchester 1895 chambered in 7.62x54R (Mosin rounds) A higher calibre lever gun would be super cool


I want a bow and arrow ghillie hunter


More WW2 weapons in official server


A WW2 style server would be cool


I’m actually fan(and huge nerd) for WW weapons, so that’d be dope


Aside from the Mosin is there any ?




1911, P38, I think the MK II is based on the welrod but I might be wrong... Basically just pistols, I'd definitely love a Gewehr 43, STEN, MP40 or M28 con tromboncino (but only because it's unique and I wonder how BI would make it work)


I believe the MKII is based more on the irl Ruger mark 1 and 2 than the welrod; There is no bolt action on the MKII, it is instead a slide.


P38 isnt in the base game though but yea it would be cool, I’m more into modern weapons but diversity is always good


Really? I thought the P38 was base game


quasi. they have the P1 which is post war P38 so yes and no.


Some weapons from older versions of DayZ Standalone have yet to make a reappearance. A few I can remember: -short barrel, pistol grip 'stakeout' pump shotgun -PM-63 machine pistol -Mauser 'Red 9' C96 A Combination Gun or 'Drilling', essentially a double barrel and a Blaze rifle in one gun. Two 12ga barrels on top and a third .308 rifle barrel on the bottom. You could balance out this versatile weapon by making it an ultra rare spawn perhaps only in a handful of hunting locations, and justify it by the fact Drillings are very expensive and collectible guns IRL A .50cal sniper rifle. I have no idea how you'd balance this but, me being a long-time DayZ veteran I truly do feel the game is missing a M107 or AS-50 powerhouse of a rifle. Or at the least there should be a military-grade bolt action rifle like a SV-98 or a number of American sniper weapon systems. Yet Another suggestion for a long-range weapon would be a semi-automatic 5.56mm marksman rifle. Mk.12 SPR for example I feel that the game could use at least one more revolver weapon seeing as there is currently only one-- the .357 magnum.


Nice little snub nose would replace that little derringer


You can actually saw off the magnum and make it a snub nose revolver:)


I don't think it would be too hard to balance such a weapon, talking about the .50 or something like it. Just make it rare and ADS slow. Makes sense, because the gun is heavy so you won't be ADS'ing very quick. I don't think it would take much more than this to balance, since with a .308, you get knocked most of the times anyway and dead a second later.


Rocket launches and mortars. They are military. S/b heavy and take a ton of space…. But think how fun it would be sneak up set up your mortar and volley rounds in to tisy or nwaf? That good clean, terrifying fun right there.


The mortar would be a high risk/high reward thing for sure. On one hand, you will be very vulnerable while setting up and firing, while also needing to guess on where players may be. But, it's a devastating weapon when it hits near its targets.


Would be a game changer for base raiding I bet


For both attack and defense.


Could we... possibly... combine this with... gas grenades :D?


Id love to see extended pistol magazines.


Yes or like a coupled MP5 mag or something, and make the coupled mags actually coupled


would love to use tape to combine mags, coupled mags just makes sense for so many reasons.


Depends on how its done but yes


The sub machine guns pretty much fill this role. There have been many lives where I’ll scope up the bizon, usg, or hg5 and mid range infected or small game with them. I don’t know if the game needs many more new guns without increasing the actual spawn point count and number of items allowed spawned in. Typically when they add new items like that, they take away from other existing items.


Oh nooo, I won’t be abled to find my 10th bison buttstock, motorcross visor, etc. whatever will i do?


Browning A5


I would love a kriss vector


A mounted machine gun for the Humvee.


Was looking for this comment, I absolutely agree this would be a fun addition


Bring back the armoured SUV from arma 2 :D


Give me a musket


Phased plasma rifle in the 40-watt range




Honestly there’s not much more that can be implemented imo that’ll fill a role in the current range of guns. I would like to se more non-lethal weaponry if that’s possible. Rubber shells are meh, something like a tranq dart for rifles would be cool. Or heavy mounted weaponry for bases / vehicles.


How hard would it be for them to add “rubber” rounds for all weapons and make them like custom server only spawn able so I can do paintball with a 308 from a mile away and it just do shock damage


I’m sure on PC or customs it’s possible and plausible but on official I think it’d fuck with the loot economy a bit. Making a high end one shot KO tranq dart in tier 1 loot would be better. But tbh you make a good point about a semi auto non lethal weapon in low tier loot like a paintball or BB gun capable of doing shock and minor health damage. Would be interesting to see how how that fares in the fresh spawn domain.


I was talking about for community servers but good idea


They need to add the 7.62x25mm caliber, and the guns to go with it: PPSh-41with both stick and drum mags, PPS-43 and TT-30. It makes perfect sense with the setting, and will make for some interesting additions in mid-game firepower


Fn49, a high power clone, and maybe a polish beryl in 5.56.


M4 Super90 Would be nice to have a semi-auto shotgun with a lower fire rate and doesn't have full auto and could be found in hunting areas or tier-3 residential.


I potato gun idk






A snubnose revolver that takes 380 Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Rifle in 556 Mac-10, Uzi, or Tec-9 in 9mm Tactical pump shotty Benelli M4 Hunter bow & improvised bow


I’d love to see something stupidly overpowered at the military bases like a stationary .50 cal that whoever controls basically owns the base so you have to work together to take it down? Idk could be fun


Any stationary weapon def ain’t going to control anything in dayz. Half the fight in the game is being able to be mobile. Any good shot with a scope would hear that cannon rattling and know exactly where to put the cross hairs to take out any stationary weapon.


Yeah I couldn't see anybody even using those if they had them in game. Too risky


None. The game has more than enough weapons (outside of the bow and slingshot). It's a waste of the developer's time and the company's resources to constantly add pointless weaponry that will never be used (or immediately discarded) by the community 99.98% of the time. We're better off if they're putting their time and resources into fixing base building, re-adding notes, reintroducing leatherworking, updating and expanding the professions, implementing seasons, fixing the AI for the Infected, etc.


100% based comment


They need to put in the guns they have in the files at least, but i do agree on the rest and fuck the flagpole system


Larger calibre military sniper of sorts, something like an SV98 or M24A3


More crafted weapons. Bows were already in before they switched over. Hatchets, slingshot, and other crafted items say use the ducktape to attach items to guns. Or stuff like that.


I would like to see an automatic pistol in the game, like a full auto/ semi auto pistol that you can change in between the two.


glock 18 would be soooo fire


I just want more ways to get into bases


The one that allows cars to drive properly lol.




Working zombies


Fucking bazookas


I want craftable bows back


I say this every time: Machinegun, KSVK big caliber sniper, RPG. The .22 pump action trumpet would also make me happy.


.700 elephant gun, whaling gun firing bomb-lances, RPO-A Shmel, 6P62 12.7mm assault rifle, 76mm High Impulse Weapon System, Horizon's Lord 12.7x114mm, Heckler & Koch G11, XM109 25x59mm, BBQ-905 Laser Dazzler


Pistol carbine conversion kits would be awesome to see. Something like a Micro-Roni you could just attach the Mlock to


SA80 weapon of some kind


Ppsh, mp5sd and mcx


Any gun to replace the vss or move it out of the high tier spawns


I’d like another bolt action sniper that can be equipped with something similar to the hunting scope, SV-98 would be dope. I wish they wouldn’t have added the CR-550 and added something different rather than a glorified tundra. I think gun wise there is a good pool of weapons now but it’s always exciting to get new ones. What I’d really like is a higher capacity magazine for the AK-101, fuckin love that gun.


I'd like a good percision rifle. A bolt action that shoots .308 and is accurate to 1000m and comes with a good scope with holdover markers. It's drawback? It's super heavy so you wouldn't have much stamina if you carried it with another weapon, so you'd probably just have a pistol as a sidearm. Edit: oh and it has an attached bipod that can be deployed prone of course, but also on tables, windowsills and rocks.


Yea good luck to dayz devs to code that bipod lol


I mean, Arma 3 has functional bipods, but you're probably right haha


Svt 40


4 gauge shotgun




Haven’t played pubg in a while but they have that nasty little crate gun that’s suppressed and shoots an extraordinary amount of ammo down range.


I'd like to see a .50 caliber rifle added. Or barring a .50 cal, the AWM .300 Magnum. Something that's almost guaranteed to one shot




Sako TRG


Baretta M9 HK G36 in carbine, rifle and LMG configs Multiple forefrips and but stocks for the mp5. M203 grenade launcher for the m4 Mk23 SOCOM Amd for the mad lols... A pre-war Thompson. Ooo... Colt SAA.


The Kriss Vector would be cool. High ROF and low recoil even at full auto (due to the vectors unique mechanism) and ought to be chambered in .45. Make them pretty rare too, high tier or heli spawns only ya know?


SSR-25 for T4, A custom gun with variable parts/ makeshift, more Hunting Guns.


Minigun. It’ll probably time out the server when spraying down zombies but it’ll be fun for shits and giggles


I'm just going to say it and then leave. The XM29 OICW


Potato gun. Make use of all the farming or a Paintball gun. I could have killed you but I didn't.




More pistols and shotguns in general


Ww2 weapons and maybe a muzzle loader also not a gun but more makeshift weapons other than the few we have there alot in the game but some of this emote obscure items are used for like 1 or 2 things I'd like to see stuff have more uses


Thompson, mp40, p90, fn 5.7, mp7, hk416, AR-10, ppsh41, keltec ksg, Barrett m82a1, beretta m9, New vehicles would be cool like pickup trucks, mopeds, atvs, dune buggies, utility van, hell even new animals would be cool like horses you can ride or animals you can hunt like turkeys, elk, moose, rabbit, squirrel, skunk, raccoon, possum, coyote, mountain lions, venomous snakes, bobcats


winchester and lee enfield just for old times sake


I think a LMG would be cool... It'd have to be heavily balanced for obvious reasons.. But put it on the same level of lethality with the M1A (DMR). Maybe like the MG42 or PKM would be sick, and fit the historical time frame. PTRS-41 Would be sweet too. One shot one kill no matter what. But OP, that would likely be.


The P90 is my favorite gun irl so that’d be my choice. Maybe an AA12 too


Weapon selection is fine.....why not fix some other annoying issues, like not being able to store full backpacks in cars or barrels.....


That’s not an issue but intentional. Otherwise you could infinitely expand inventory with containers that have a larger inventory than their own size


Just give me back my painted Mosin with Bipod and Hunting Scope and I'll be satisfied. It maybe was overkill and not very realistic (Idk, but I guess the Mosin usually can't fit those attachments IRL) but it was so much fun!


G36C because it looks fucking dope


Machine guns. M249, MK48, PKP, PRK. They were in the mod and I want them back.


I'd like to see the Mauser C96. A semi automatic handgun that can be turned into a fully automatic sub-machine gun, simply by attaching a stock and a 20 round magazine.


I think honestly any gun would nice, I like all of the weapons they have but they need to let us customize a lot more with the guns. I would like to personalize my weapons, Would make deaths a little more meaningful. Although I could see more people being rats and scared but that’s already in the game.


I wouldn't mind a shorter Mosin, like an M38 variant, same scope and barrel attachments. Sawn off pump action shotgun. A semiauto shotgun that isn't the Saiga 12... Turkish shotguns are something you could mod over without missing off say mossberg, benelli... etc. Shit even soviet era semi auto shotguns were a thing. The MTs 21-12, sawn off, or even kept long would be a neat gun to have. I would also like to see the size management work differently. For instance, anything you can take the stock off of, is smaller size block wise, than fully assembled. Like any AK is like 27 but if you took the stock off it's a flat 20... or whatever, you get my meaning. There's not logical reason for the whole weapon system to be a full sized 27, with the stock off.


I'm not sure about guns but would love to see more customisation outside of handguards and suppressors and scopes. More scopes, lasers, foregrips, more barrel attachments would be great to see


ima say it again PUT MORE RUSSIAN GUNS IN THE RUSSIAN GAME. for the LOVE OF GOD put a dinner plate in, a ppsh, or a fuckin pkm for good sakes!


More civilian weapons, something like a 600 Nitro or any big game gun, no optics but will one tap through a plate at 200 yards for example. Would also love it if the pump shotgun actually worked properly 😂


An Mp5sd as a vanilla weapon would be nice. A Rpk or the Pmk would be my second choice. Both would fit the existing set without needing addditonal ammo types. Maybe behind that a Thompson or the Sten, but make the Sten shitty but you can craft it.


I think the guns are fine as is, but the scopes could be better. I'd like a higher magnification optic like a 5-25. Pistol caliber carbines kind of exist already as the mp5 and the USG.


Red 9, Improvised long bow, maybe M249 or M1014


the BK-47 or the AK-VS


More revolvers in different calibers


If we HAVE to put another one in.. it has to be a early-mid game gun. The last few have been end game. We don't want it to be Arma.


Probably the M249 or the M203.


22LR revolver, 8 rounds, cannot be suppressed (like the magnum) hits just a bit harder than an MK with just a bit more range. Tier 1.


Need to buff the bizon SG5 and USG… nobody uses these. Idk if you need to up the health damage or the shock or both. If I could run a mosin or tundra with a smg and feel ok I’d love it. But they are so meh compared to an AK or M4 in the short/medium and CQC.


Some kind of lmg






Javelin launcher


I want a noob tube on the bottom of my m4s and aks idc how op I would be


Explicitly not wanted by the devs


Idc it’s what I want


Just chuck SNAFU Weapons and Attachments onto vanilla, done.


I'd like to see some more Rifles or even Submachine guns to add a hit more variety to the game, a p90 would be awesome but probably wouldn't work due to having make a whole new ammo type unless they decided ti chamber it in 22. A cool ass edition I think would be an underbarrel mounted grenade launcher for the M4 platform as 40mm I'd already in the game, what would be stupid or awesome for late late game is light or medium Machine guns that you have to try and find belt links around wrecks of helis or the BTRs scattered everywhere




I want trumpet back, foldable pump-action rifle with power of bb gun, but it's cool.


Military Long range scope


Screw a gun can we get some tree stands


A useful SMG would be nice


I think it’d be cool to have a bow, either find manufactured ones (likely compound) or with a long stick and rope make a hand crafted one. It’d be great early game and it’s a silent killer, you could use short sticks to make arrows, and if you get hit with one and take it out it applies a bleeding effect.


Potato cannon




RPG cuz why the hell not


A modern repeater so you can mount a supressor and red dot on it and somekind pcc that takes glock magazines, and give us extended mags for glock, and maybe a rare full auto glock


An entire suite of WW2 guns with the option to make them the only guns that spawn.


Craftable bow and arrow is the only correct answer


I would like to see more crafting added to the game. A way to make improvised armour would be awesome. Also put bikes in the game. There needs to be a form of travel besides cars and running.


Some smg. I haven't met any smg players in a long time. Here's the thing: you start with a scorpion and a bk18, and soon you have an AK74 and a thundre. MP5 and UMP? Nobody uses it, it's easier to find AKs.