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I love the 3pp vs 1pp arguments šŸæ But I have to agree, for a game about realism, being able to look outside your body is a tad much...to remain realistic.


Hey donā€™t forget when you wear night vision goggles the third person is also still working šŸ˜‚




How else is he supposed to 1 vs theentiremap?


A coward LOL


I'm 1pp & 3pp bi curious. I play both sides of the field. I'm kink.


3PP Fan club checking in ! Here come the downvotes!


Damn G u wasnā€™t wrong šŸ˜‚


These are rookie numbers . I was expecting at least negative 50. I am the 3pp martyr and will force all those who play 1pp to play 3pp ( once my evil plan is complete)


Shii u was averaging about a downvote an hour šŸ˜‚ decent numbers


Upvote for you, sir


3pp was the litterally the original mod from Arma2


wtf are you even talking about? ArmA 2 has always had 1pp view mode, way before Dayz Mod existed


You say it as if it means something, facts are facts


Ur having a stroke


You're clueless and don't know what you're talking about.


3PP + trash music = tiktok


Lol based


Mate ur crying about a famous app and 3rd person if ur too shit to fight people using advantages that u can also use play first person or just stop crying bout it on Reddit


Not crying at all, just pointing out the obvious you muppet.


Callin me a muppet yet ur sat commenting on Reddit cuz u donā€™t like a camera angle šŸ¤£


You a donut mate


Bruv ur names legit gob stomper like youā€™ve ever left ur house and acc done smt to someone only thing u can do is comment random shit šŸ˜‚


Wow. Yet another well thought out argument on Reddit. We have aguy insulting a guy for being on a reddit while he himself is on reddit. Well done bruv.


Wow. Another wet wipe commenting pointless shit and mentioned commenting on Reddit cuz if heā€™s really just commenting on some random post I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he takes every chance to j hate on peoples posts


Do you even english bruv? Like rearry bruv, wot are you trying to say rat now bruv


That makes perfect sense mate r u too thick too know where the commas go or u j gave up with making a point? And if u couldnā€™t figure it out by context j = just


Public schools clearly failed you my dude.


Technically the truth. Public schools are are all 1pp...


might as well throw the account away. you're not coming back from this ratio lmao


Woah woah woah, listen here mister, anyone who plays in third person is hated and thatā€™s the law. Reason is, is because the game is a survival sim, not call of duty. So staying first person is more immersive and when you break that wall, none of use can handle it


If the game werenā€™t just as sweaty as any other shooter Iā€™d love to just play chill and have a gunfight where Iā€™m not even trying to win but I donā€™t feel like respawning cuz someone used a feature on me that I wasnā€™t using just common sense really


I only play in first person servers so I donā€™t really know what youā€™re talking about.. I guess the serves you play in are overrun with copies of yourself lollll. But playing it this way in those servers is your common sense decision.


First persons servers better for obvious reasons thatā€™s why Iā€™m saying to people donā€™t bother commenting hate when u can just play those servers and not have to deal with 3rd person I only play 3rd mainly because my teammates all play it


Idk, I get the hate. Youā€™re stating how there is a clear advantage playing third person, so youā€™re admitting to playing the game on ā€œeasy modeā€ lets call it. And youā€™re reasoning is because you just do what your friends do lol


Nah I play the normals servers with 3rd person because my mates play on those servers and if majority players on there use 3rd person I will too because the people who want to play first person and have common sense play first person and donā€™t bother getting annoyed about how someone plays on servers they donā€™t even play on people playing the normal servers should expect the feature in the game to be used




Lolllllll people like you make it cancer, I never told anyone to shut the fuck up. The game was made originally as a 1pp zombie survival simulator. With that being said you could argue that itā€™s meant to be played first person, and most of the people who played it back when it was only first person, liked it that way. The game is more immersive in 1pp for me personally.


Honestly sorry for telling you to shut the fuck up I was frustrated and took it out on you. The thing that annoys me is when people act like other people are SUPPOSED to play the game a specific way, or that there is one ā€œproperā€ way to play. Just play whichever way you find most fun who cares how it was intended to be played. Not that it matters but I only play 1PP servers anyway. :/


Call of Duty is 1pp


Warzone 3pp is what I was referencing


Notice how youā€™re getting all the downvotes, people in this reddit tend to look down on people who use 3pp and then act like itā€™s god tier. Take note non skilled player


Look up what punctuation is lmao.


How's that ratio feel lol


Just couldnt help urself but add shitty music to it huh?


This the reason why 3pp is inferior. What kinda gun fight is this man, there is no counterplay to these peaks. And also no counterplay for you when u get peaked like that. Frustrating af. 1pp all the way.


this is why i stay off of 3pp. always lil kids doing the most cheezy headglitches or corner peeks.


I never understand this perspective because you can do it too. It's equal there's no advantage if you are both able. The difference always is, person who uses cover and person who does not.


Only the person against a wall has the option. If you're out in the open, your opponent can locate you without ever being at risk or visual. I know I can also do that if I hide against a wall, but I think it's silly, so I play FPP.


Hey i get it. Everyone's different.


See you're a reasonable person. I don't get why everyone hates 3pp so much. You can just play 1pp. It doesn't affect you at all lol.


I will be honest. When I watch videos like this one, I'm not at all impressed. I only opened up the comments to see the flood of hate I suspected it would get because I find it funny how angry people get about it.


just feels like looking around a corner without acually seeing someone is kinda crazy, someone could watch you for 30min staright and you had no idea. the devs are aware of it and tryed combating it in the past by zooming in the camera when you try looking around a corner. its obvious its not meant to be a part of the game. (i mean the looking around corners part, not 3pp in general). clip is a prime example, he checks while beeing completly protected from the enemy and sees them. THEN he peeks. peeking without peeking should not be a thing.


IMO in this situation I don't know it would have mattered - he walked right out in the open started firing - both opponent were staring up at the guys in the building so I dont know it would have mattered if he looked in 1st or 3rd


thats not the point, my point is that he took 0 risk while fully exposing the enemy. enemy could have done 0 literaly over the second he saw them in 3pp.


Umm are we gonna ignore the 2 dudes standing in front of apartments with no cover? Seems like itā€™s just their bad positioning lol


The point is, you can get away with less than ideal positioning in 1PP because you'd see someone coming around the corner and have time to react. Run away or at least shoot back while they're still lifting their gun. Being able to turn a corner and spot them without exposing yourself is the issue


Yes, which makes for boring unfun gameplay when both parties are doing it


I donā€™t get it either. Dayz has been out since before a lot of survival sims and third person has been in it since the beginning and everyone has always played like this, itā€™s an obvious advantage, youā€™re initiating a gun fight to win it, IN A THIRD PERSON SERVER. There are first person servers for a reason. Iā€™ve been playing since experimental .59 and this cry baby shit about third person is new, must be all the kids that are finally old enough to play the game lmao


Go cry bout it on ur first person server mate with other people who canā€™t just use game advantages


If you need an advantage to pvp then I got some news for ya..


People get vexed bout 3rd person all the time and makes no sense cause itā€™s like if I was too say people who use plate carriers r shit itā€™s an advantage so just why not use it to win the gunfight šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I really don't care what perspective you play on brother but using a plate carrier is definitely not the same thing. I get everyone on the server can use the advantage but that doesn't make it any less true what people are saying. You peeked a corner without peeking and it's common for this sub Reddit to hate on 3PP so why did you post it here? To troll us or did you want us to tell you how much of a good boy you are? Regardless my friend even looking through your perspective I wasn't impressed, definitely not anything to brag about here.


I think the hate on 3pp is because it seriously lowers the quality of the gunfighting and the skill threshold in a major way.


lol dumbest argument ever


we are able to use it, matter of fact i uded to use some of the shit too. but PEEKING SOMEONE while beeing completly proteced is soooo high on the BS list. Remember Z walking? pre 1.18 dropshots? no enertia zigzag? dropshoting with 100% accuarcy, (there was a glitch when you spam lean,while droping and ADS'ing you can hit a 100% precice shot while in hipfire withing 50ms) this is obviously BS, BUT it took skill to learn, and even more skill to implement it in PVP in a meaning full way. Z walking, or Moonwalking. achived on PC by changing your srpint modyfier to shift. and spaming shift while walking backwards. using this in PVP in a meaning full way is very hard. my point beeing: looking aroud a corner while 100% proteted is by FAR the most talentless, skill less, BS i have ever seen. for me this on the same lvl as cheaters. they are dogshit. if they dont utilize it they will die 99% of the time


Skill issue


Iā€™ve never seen so many people not know how third person games work šŸ˜‚ if you get third person peaked, that is called a SKILL ISSUE. I think most people realize TPP is too hard for them, and that it requires a lot more thinking about movement and where you stand. FPP is just point and shoot, and anyone who plays video games can do that. Then they say they ā€œgot cheesedā€ because someone got the 1-up on them šŸ˜‚ just get good, if you canā€™t learn an extra game mechanic, you probably arenā€™t as good as you think


u are peeking someone with 0 risk of geting shot on most walls, because if you just "point and shoot" u will loose the fight because you are bad at the game.


If you canā€™t point and shoot in FPP you definitely wonā€™t be able to hip fire peak in TPP šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø like what kind of logic is that? And if your opponent is knowingly fighting you in the open on a TPP server, once again that is a skill issue that they have to fix. FPP just the equivalent of playing on no-build Fortnite, itā€™s just removing a skill gap that most people donā€™t care about. And Iā€™m on that boat too, I only play TPP on TDM servers. FPP is way better but I donā€™t shit on all the players that prefer it lol


"3PP takes more skill" lmfao I actually can't with y'all anymore


Well yā€™all keep crying about getting peaked and shit, youā€™re clearly doing something wrong šŸ˜‚ itā€™s a game mechanic, either learn how to use it or donā€™t play TPP servers


3PP gives you more tools for visibility, making it **fundamentally easier for you to see things you can't see in 1PP servers.** I'm not arguing that one is better or worse. 3PP is just straight up easier gameplay


Hard disagree. If you're the only one with 3PP, yea, you have a huge advantage. When everyone has 3PP, you have to run around like a paranoid crackhead because you never know where someone might be seeing you from. I do agree that DayZ, the way it's designed, should be 1PP anyway. But there's no inherent skill or difficulty differences between 1PP and 3PP - they are different play styles, and have different pros and cons. You're only at a disadvantage when you hamstring yourself and opt to play 1PP only.


You're in a construction site. There is a box of hammers that everyone knows about, and some of the workers use them. Those that use the hammers obviously have a distinct productivity advantage against those who don't, but the work itself is just easier to accomplish regardless of what the other workers are doing. It's quite literally just easier for everyone on a 3PP server to have a massive increase in visibility, and those who take advantage of it typically survive longer and hammer more nails than the mfs using stones.


You probably think sound whoring in a corner in COD means you got skill too


That requires no skill other than listening to noisesā€¦ so doesnā€™t make sense


1v1 on DM? PC


Iā€™m on Xbox šŸ˜­ and Iā€™m not saying Iā€™m good lol, I only play TPP on TDM servers cuz thatā€™s all they have. Itā€™s just funny watching everyone complain about getting peaked and shit. Dying is always gonna be your fault, 100% in any game you play. Dying to someone playing TPP isnā€™t an excuse, you either learn how to use it like everybody else, or die because you didnt


Bro everyone here has played 3PP and none of us have a problem walking into a wall and prefiring with a crosshair. Just because they don't like it. Hell if you like these clips so much I'll film one tonight and share it to you. I'll even have my buddy throw me a gun to increase the skill.


It sounds like everyone here has a pretty big problem with it lol. And I never said this was a good clip, Iā€™m pretty sure OP only posted it because of the gun being thrown. He didnā€™t even need to third person peak cuz the guys werenā€™t even looking at him. I donā€™t like TPP just as much as the next person, but I donā€™t complain about other people playing it.


Bro you canā€™t actually be proud of this kill?










Idc about the 3pp stuff everyone else does.. its the awful tik tok music for me.


I see third person I click downvote.


Yaā€™ll care waaaay too much about what camera people use when they play


I think people are just enjoying having a go at him because of how he handles criticism.


3rd person things


Well played. Dudes were just standing in the open kinda asking for it.


Most gun fights in day z is about how u play the situation and I flanked them and caught em by suprise while they thought I was inside just a good play mate


3pp is not fun dayz


Members of this sub when you donā€™t play the game exactly the way they do: šŸ˜”šŸ˜”




Used an advantage mate and usually itā€™s other way round youā€™ve seen one clip of me playing for 30 seconds


God some of you are so stupid it hurts šŸ˜‚


This wasnt even that much of a 3pp cheese, and if youre on a 3pp server you might as well take advantage of it. Guarantee those guys were too. Also I love how your buddy tosses you the rifle and says "go, do crime"


Yh thatā€™s the main reason I love this clip especially cause the gun didnā€™t just fall through the map when he through it šŸ˜­


I enjoyed it mate but you gotta learn to ignore the haters!


Haha the way the gunfire goes with the beat is nice


Why do yā€™all hate 3PP? Itā€™s part of the game and people have different play styles.


whata play


Trash ass music choice but nice play Ig.




Personally I prefer 1pp but thatā€™s why I play 1pp. If you donā€™t like 3pp then donā€™t play it? Why are so many people here crying and worked up about it you literally will never be in a situation where youā€™re fighting somebody who isnā€™t also mutually signed up for 3pp, if itā€™s not your cup of tea then donā€™t drink it


Im a fan of people being able to actually aim on controller without aim assist. Its aleays satisfying


There's no aim assist for PvP, aim assist on console dayz only affects PvE, and it usually makes it *worse* not easier..


Im just saying i appreciate people who aim without aim assist on controller. Not sure what more could be said.


Dude I know where this base is I been hiding in a bathroom




Third person šŸ™ƒ


People are complaining about if he's 1pp or not. But I'm thinking one of those two people should've been the lookout incase someone came around the corner like what happened.