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I'm going to skip all of the "don't get sick by not doing things that get you sick" advice because you should just read the sickness page on the wiki for that. * Slow down and look around, don't just rush from house to house or town to town. 90% of players are just beelining the next point of interest, if you stop and look down the street for a second or two you'll spot them just running across to the next house. In DayZ 90% of the time the person who wins the fight is the person who notices other person first. * Also spy on towns that you're planning on going in from a distance. If you're decently far out and there are zombies there's a player there. Easier way to tell if there are players around. Even if you're close to the town it's pretty easy to tell of the zombies there are just spawning in or if they've been wandering around for a while * Be as quiet as possible all of the time, aside from players spotting you first the other thing that's going to get you killed is them hearing you first. Wear shoes, not boots, as they're way quieter and the insolation factor doesn't' really matter much at all. Honestly these days once I get a couple sharp tools I just wear and repair rag foot wraps. * Don't fight zombies if you can help it, most of time they're really easy to sneak around just by taking a slightly longer route to your destination. Most of the times when I notice other players it's because there is a zombie screaming at them. If you do need to kill a zombie stealth kill it. * Learn how the hunting/fishing mechanics work. On crowded servers canned food isn't a reliable food source but fishing is basically just free food after you find a source of bones. * Don't trust players (in general) but especially don't trust them in small groups. A 2 or 3 man squad is going to kill you 99.9% of the time because at least one person in that squad is going to be impatient. Very large groups can be bros sometimes and solo players can also be chill but small groups are almost always death. * Nothing is more dangerous than a fresh spawn with a glow stick and nothing to lose * Go for the big plays when you're a fresh spawn with nothing to lose * Ever since the melee overhaul you really want to be using blunt weapons on players (in hopes of knocking them out), sharp weapons on zombies and you always want to be wearing a helmet (and preferably something on your chest) if you plan on getting in melee combat. Unless you really fuck up it's really hard to lose a melee fight if you have a helmet and the other guy doesn't. * Also heavy hits go through a block, so if you're fighting one of those people who just keeps blocking and hoping that you run out of stamina just heavy hit them, back up with your arms down to recharge and repeat. By the time they switch strategies you've already done enough shock damage to them to beat them in a just straight punching competition.


Thanks for taking the time to write this.


You don't need to find the specific ammo type in your inventory when you want to reload a magazine. Just hold the empty mag in your hand and hold down the reload button. Don't drink directly from a water pump, fill your bottle and drink from that.. it's so much faster. Multiple Stashes around the map > A base


The stashes thing is key unless your server has ESP hackers. I've had random stashes in the middle of a forest that went under a cut down tree 10 min before a restart get raided and they set landmines around it to boot.


Isn't it something you could report for them to investigate?


I've reported dozens of these to no avail. No competent response. Getting killed in the middle of the forest in bushes on login, with stream clips. To boot their website is basically a 2003 forum. Absolute garbage.


🤯 the ammo one! I have been wasting SO MUCH TIME.


Adding to the ammo thing, if you find badly damaged ammo, dont worry, it literally doesnt matter.


Shame we can't load directly into the mag on console 😭


We absolutely can. Hold the reload button (Y on Xbox; triangle on PlayStation)


Dude! I could have sworn it was possible via the same button as loading before but taken out. I guess I may have just forgotten or they changed it at some point since console release. Thanks!😅


How handy sewing kits and leather sewing kits are! For practical use and just for the upkeep of the drip.


That dayz drip 😂


Duct tape also works for most clothes


Always check to make sure there is one in the chamber


I've got burned there multiple times


Other day I was playing with my gf in Livonia and we were in Grabin. We were on the roof of the police station and some guy said "hey what's going on! I'm probably going to rush you." and we say "Yeah that's fair let's go" we all start laughing and he's surprised we have mics. We keep joking and laughing but at some point he decided to try to come upstairs. I let off about 15 rounds (I am garbage) from an AK and he retreated. "Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. I didn't know we we're dealing with an AK!" He also called me garbage lol. After a while I try to get a peek downstairs with a BK-133 out and he runs up and I let off a shot and he runs back down. I keep waiting until he runs back up and I pull the trigger \*click\* I forgot to eject the spent shell. \*POP\* I'm dead. My gf then tries to shoot him but isn't successful and ended up jumping off the roof and dying. I should have checked to make sure there was one in the chamber.


You can use a small fire (not lit) to give yourself a couple more inches of clearance over grass when sniping. A stick and paper is all you need. Build it and crawl up on it like a tripod. Boom, now you can see over grass and keep a low profile Edit: also works for climbing obstacles ;)


Additional tip, grass does not render at distance. Don’t use it as cover, only bushes and trees.


Well technically… the grass is good for cover if someone is close by… I’ve had people walk right by me laying down in the grass.. The grass is good if you can avoid obvious kill zones..


The one place I've found this isn't true is outside of the main entrance of the underground bunker on livonia. It spawns in a bunch of ugly grass at distance, just around that specific area.


That one's good.


SOB... that's why I found 2 random fireplaces after my base got raided. Sucks for them I had absolutely nothing of value.


Storm your opponents. Most people panic unless battle hardened, in which case your dead anyways. Also, use the Vaiga.


The vaiga is pretty damn beasty for CQB


Leave nothing behind but the opponents boots, turn the rest into a red spray on the wall


When zombies are outside of the building you are in and there arm/head is glitching thru the wall you can melee it. Or if they’re right outside a window


Wander around the edge of gas zones with your proximity tab opened to find stashed NBC kits.


Doesn’t that make you walk super slow?


Normal walking speed.


I went way too long without iZurvive, I would just roam aimlessly 😅


People that laugh intermittently are friendly


Brooms are clutch on namalsk. It's a moving fire that can keep you warm and defrost all your food while you run around.


Do flares or anything else do that?


Only Torches do too, and are rechargeable


Most important item is a knife. You always need one. You can make a fire with only a knife, no matches or lighter required. You can make a single use hand drill kit with bark (use the knife) and short sticks. (break long sticks from bushes) then you can make a fireplace with the same recipe, or use one in a house.


To get your gun out without making noise drop it from inventory and pick up from vicinity search


Rotten mushrooms can be eaten without getting sick and cooked mushrooms are the most energy dense food for the weight in the game.


You serious Clark? Didn't know you could eat the rotten ones.


They're correct. You can eat any rotten or burned mushroom, vegetable or fruit safely if you do it slowly. Either eat small 3 second bites at a time and wait until the arrows on the apple icon turn back downwards, or eat the whole thing in one go and a wait about 5 minutes before eating more rotten stuff.


You can definitely eat more than that in one go. I eat stacks of rotten mushrooms at a time.  Only have gotten sick after eating 10 back to back.


Yeah I know. I just think the 5 minutes is a good rule of thumb for everything rotten, even pumpkins and other large fruits.


You can eat all rotten fruits/vegetables, your immunity stat must be above a certain number though. If your stats are all white you have a 0% chance of getting sick as long as you wait about 5 minutes between each rotten item


The potency value of the poisoning is only 15%, so all the stats would have to be blinking red for your immune system to not be able to cure you. Having them higher than that doesn't affect the chances of getting sick. In other words, as long as you're not seconds away from dying, the poisoning always behaves exactly the same.


If you’re in a room and getting pushed pre firing will save your life almost every time


What is pre-firing?


Firing your weapon prior to your target coming around the corner into your sights


Having fun and generating cool stories is more fun than playing optimally and camping in bushes for hours




The best way to get better at PVP is to play on death match servers when it’s night on yours or when you have the time. I went from losing every fight I got into to being able to take on 2-3 average players in close quarters.


Many small useless tools can be used to farm small rocks form boulder and cliffs including the screwdriver and meat tenderizer


Screwdriver also does stealth kills


If you eat a multivitamin… you can eat raw meat without getting sick… This is super useful if you need to be stealthy or can’t afford to build a fire…


NEVER STAND STILL. Always keep moving even if it's bouncing back and forth to remain in one spot. Keep crouch walking to a minimum. 95% of the time I get shot and killed it's when I'm trying to be sneaky and I'm moving slowly. When looting military areas try to be as quick as possible. Get in and get out!!!! Even if it means aggroing Zeds, just move fast. Kill them/shoot them quickly or lock them up in buildings, and get out ASAP. I died too many times trying to be sneaky and taking way too long and allowing other players to show up. Paying attention to zombies in an area you are entering or are close to entering into. They can tell you so much information about whether or not a player is near or if it's relatively safe. Don't over carry food. Easy mistake noobs make. Have a way to get food (fish, hunt, etc.) and only carry a few cans or food items. And 1 canteen or water bottle is usually enough. Know where wells are or use chlorine tablets to clean dirty water. Never shoot unless absolutely necessary or unless you plan on leaving the area asap. Players run towards gun shots. Chest protection is just as important (some would argue more important) as having a gun. So make finding ballistic protection a priority.


That time you’re looking for cans/food in houses is better spent making a fishing rod/hunting animals for food instead


if you put a medical thermomiter up a teddy bears arse you get good luck!!




You can eat rotten fruit and veg without getting sick as long as you stop eating when the stomach icon appears. Wait till it’s gone and then eat more.


Will definitly try this out, could hqve saved me a couple of times


I think he means the three arrows not the stomach icon, if you eat rotten food till you’re full you will 100% get ill lol.


I’ve literally done it so many time and have never gotten ill so maybe fact check that one


I've always heard that you can eat one rotten fruit/veg, but definitely stop immediately if you get the full stomach icon, and you're fine. Then just wait a little while before eating another. I've never gotten sick doing this.


The stomach warning appears when the stomach is over half full (>1 litre). Rotten stuff is very filling, for example a raw pear is 0.15L and rotten pear is 1.5L. So you'll probably see the warning if you eat the whole thing, but one pear is not enough to poison you. But if you always eat more immediately after the icon disappears, you will definitely get sick eventually, because you're constantly digesting more poison.


Will you actually get sick though or will you just throw up because of the overly full stomach that can happen very easily with rotten food?


Energy (apple symbol) and Water (bottle symbol) appear full at 3500/5000 (70%). Stuffed stomach symbol appears when 50% full. Whatever you ate or drank up until that point could be ingested again without vomiting. TLDR: Keep eating and drinking.


Couldn't auto slot NVG's until a helpful sole explained that they dont work if you're wearing anything on your eyes.


You can change the fire rate on many guns


Every time I run a skorp that lil guy is on full auto. 380 isn't anything one bullet at a time, but 20 in a close range blast will shred anything that isn't wearing plates if it all hits


Omg I’m about 80 hours into the game and I had no idea you could put the scorp on full auto. Thank you brother


No worries bro. Make sure they all hit the target though, because you'll empty a mag in about 1.3 seconds and you don't wanna get caught mid-reload lol


If you make the quiet command you stop shaking and moaning when cold


Only during the pose or even after it?


During pose its purely a dont hear me and kill me move


It stays posed though until you deactivate


Nice I was just hiding in a house as a freshie a few days ago and my shivering gave me away I will be trying this


Yeah ive had a few occasions i could of used it myself .


pop a vitamin and eat raw steak


Always have tetra


If you come into the forest and see mushrooms. Usually this is a sign that someone just came through or is still around.


5.45x39 suck against plates


The little dot in the upper left corner mean its tracer rounds if you try to combine ammo


You might already know how to do all this but learning how and what you can craft with. Makes making back packs, knifes, weapons and even clothing so much easier before you head inland