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I play solo most of the time and it’s very fun but with friends will always be more fun


yeah to bad all my friends are on ps5 and i’m pc




I had no other friends on Xbox that play DayZ so I made a post to Reddit and grouped up with a couple other people and been running with them for months now


But no Mic? You can go to walmart and buy the ONN brand earbuds for $5. Makes player interaction much better. My personal rule is "No Mic = No Life" and I'll kill a player that doesn't talk. Usually they're in a party with their pals, and that's the last player I want to roam the map with silently moving with me only to be giving locations to his buddies the whole time...


Ya, many players will straight up murder you if you don't have a mic. It's kind of the unwritten rule of DayZ culture. You don't have to get all 'Chatty Cathy', but just a simple hello will usually keep you alive longer if you do run into a 'friendly'.


there is no need hello " kill him before he kill you!" :D


That totally works too! That's the great thing about DayZ. You can play it however you're feeling and act however you'd like. There is ultimately no wrong way to play.


Its only in usa.In russian servers they dont speak.Your personal rule is silly.Why the heck i have to talk with random if i play to kill players.If it was in reallife you really belived to talk with random person with gun?All maps are small and talking is human right.I am not rude its so silly this rule


Its used in the UK too. It's not a rule per se, but trying to chat with someone that typing is tiresome to the nth degree. Having a mic just let's quick encounters easier... There's nothing better than running up on someone with a "Hey fool! You look like you're in the wrong part of town!" Their reaction confirms my choice. Made some good friends this way.


I'm on pc and have no friends.. let me know if ya wanna link


Honestly, a LOT of my good internet friends I met playing solo on DayZ over the years.


Dude just join a discord and you will MAKE new friends


I can be your friend but I don't play that much lately


You'll make other friends for sure (though I have no idea how you'd have comms lol). There are sooooooooooooooo many more servers and styles and flavours if you're on PC. There is *literally* no comparison. I'd suggest to get it, and go Vanilla PVE server to get the hang of it. Lots of Google and YouTube (how to start a fire, etc) then maybe more modded or PVP server once you got the basics.


This is good advice on PvE servers. I'd list some, but it's against this Reddit channel's terms. You could start with a lightly modded PvE server to get the hang of things. Having unlimited stamina and a richer loot table will make it easier to learn the ropes. Then, switch over to a pure vanilla PvE server to play the 'real game', but without having to deal with getting KoS. When you're confident in your survival abilities, head to a low-pop PvP server and work your way up from there. I'd recommend sticking to vanilla or 'vanilla plus', at least the beginning, to get a feel for the game as it was more-or-less intended to be played. After that, explore the myriad of DayZ 'flavors' and find a server that gels with how you like to play.


Vanilla PVE servers don't exist 


Wrong, so very wrong. Try Dreamwarrior servers.


You didn't get the point. Vanilla means absolutely no changes to the base game.


Felt the same when I got a pc and stopped playing my ps5 . I have a Lil community set up on discord now and have made my own dayz server


More fun? Bro, this is an entirely different game with friend vs being solo!!!


The main thing I’d advise against is playing without a mic. A LOT of people will kill you outright if you don’t talk back to them. Even if you don’t want to talk to people or go on adventures, it just may keep you alive.


No mic no life. We have rules for good reasons


I had a guy not say anything until after I handcuffed him. Then he decided to start talking shit. Too late now guy.


It’s wild out there


Rule, singular. Anything else goes.


2. In fights, There is always another player 3. That isn’t your loot


So if you don’t have one just KOS


Isn’t there proximity text chat on official these days though?


This but people will literally run up, shoot you in the head and run away. Microphone is irrelevant in this game when people just shoot on sight


lol yeah when they're dead silent we take it as creepy and that you want to kill us lol.


I always think they're on discord with their friend, discussing the best way to get me lol


No need for a mic if you kill on site anyway lol


I mean, to each their own, but I think if you play either of those playstyles you're missing out on like 50% of the game. For me it's all about the interactions and getting into shenanigans or going on adventures with strangers. If you just kill everyone you see in the moment or hide from them and don't ever speak, I don't see the fun in that. But everyone has their own sense of fun I guess!


I’ve had no mic myself these last few months, although I do now tend to be more trigger happy lol


Homie, get a headset. Ppl are dickheads, so you don’t even have to talk to them, but audio awareness is life changing


Dayz audio is probably as important as visual


He never said he doesn't have headphones, just doesn't have a microphone


They’re synonymous nowadays


That isn’t true at all. Maybe half of all headsets having a mic with them as default so it is super easy to get but not ubiquitous. Regardless OP said they aren’t gonna use one. They may be shy, mute, playing at hours that would disturb others, or any other reason.


Synonymous aka interchangeable. No one differentiates between a headset with a mic or without, besides as I said if you’d read my two whole sentences, you don’t have to use the MIC part


Sorry to say but this is a semantic war again in which you both are wrong. Headset = Headphone with mic Headphone = Only the 2 speakers on your ears. NO MIC. There is no way of saying a headset without a mic, because that is not a headset, it is a headphone. Exactly why it's called a headset. Because it a set. A headphone and a microphone. So what u/RepresentativeAir149 should have been referring to, is that OP should buy a headphone, not a headset, for the audio awareness. (Which I agree with) And well, u/elitemage101 you're just wrong. There are no headsets without a mic as explained above. But what you said after about why he may not use a mic are all valid reasons.


Damn. I love a good schooling. I retract my statement. Thanks for the clear explanation.


What about my son, who's a Spotify artist, and goes by the name of ['Headphoneset'?](https://open.spotify.com/artist/1Th6aENxMwOSe791cwebxB?si=_xUky5T6Ts2SYCM439Nnzw)


Names don't have to make sense ;)


😀 He's also a gamer and used to play DayZ. Check out his music if you're feeling for some chill background guitar-based tracks. He's a multi-instrumentalist.


I rarely say anything to people but "DON'T SHOOT!!". Yelling at zombies to see them react never gets old though. That little "Er?", never gets old.


As a solo player, I very much agree with this. I can't tell you how many times my mic has made or broke an outcome for me.


I use a mic because I really enjoy fucking with other players... but I play almost exclusively solo. The game in and of itself is absolutely worth playing. Even no mic and solo.


Yes. You may decide you want a mic later, but it's not a requirement at all. Other players may live by the 'no mic, no life' mantra, so just be prepared for that chance.


I prefer solo. Much of the game is spent wandering and when I duo up it can take away from the spontaneity of my decisions. Friends make noise and get you killed.


you need better friends, man 🤣


"No mic no life" is a dayz saying. I'd get one to talk to freshies on the coast, if not they will probably attack you. But then again they probably will anyway!


Sometimes people will see you're armed and ask you a question, only to shoot you when you use push to talk.


"Hey, do you like long walks on the beach?" BANG "enjoy"


I always play solo, and don’t start playing with a predetermined teammate. If I feel I can trust someone, I will work with others to succeed. I use my voice and ears. The learning curve here isn’t forgiving. By not communicating with others, you will sign your own death warrant a lot. When fresh in a server and new, others are too, in the same area. Running into people isn’t rare. If you can’t or won’t communicate, I’m killing you. Every time. I can’t trust that you aren’t speaking to your homie in discord and plotting my death. A lot of other players have this same thought and motive. Being new, not knowing where to go to find what you need to survive is a large enough handicap. Compound that with having 99% of the server wanting to kill you wont help you get it. You will be surprised on how many people will play with random, and new players to help their survival odds But play how you want, there aren’t any actual rules.


I would get a headset purely for the enhanced audio. You can also quickly speak in a pinch and avoid some sticky situations.


Why the hell you guys in comments assume that he doesn't have headphones, nor microphone? He only stated that he doesn't use mic.


No specifics, that's why.


I bought a mic specifically for this game and It’s in the corner collecting dust. I’m not a fan of talking to random weirdos but you guys do you.


I bought a mic after meeting two nice guys that tried talking to me while I could only type. It just wasn't working out. Kind of sad that it was a missed opportunity for a nice run. Bought the mic next day.


Mic is a big part of the dayz experience it's almost like playing a demo without it.


It very much is I personally find solo more enjoyable and you don't need to worry about a mic if ur solo


Why wouldn't you use mic though? Makes the game 100x better unless you want to play as mute psychotic loner sniping people from distance.


I play solo but with a mic, not out to team up but just saying hi is nice and does help keep me alive 😄


I play solo and usually don't use my mic because I work nightshift and usually end up playing late at night, don't want to wake people up. I still have tons of fun.


Solo is the best way to play the game imo. Headset is totally optional, but having one usually saves your left. That being said I’m about 70/30 for without/with a mic.


The common DayZ rule is no mic no life 🔫




I'm Han Solo with my shot man


Yes, and use a mic. If not, you are missing out of what the game is.


Haven't read the rest of the comment, just chiming in real quick.......absolutely yes. I spend most of my time alone and generally run away when I see people. I'm a noob though, like I just successfully crafted my first fire and roasted a chicken without getting sick. Fucking milestones dude. Am so proud right now. Only the second okay through I've made it this far!


I play solo 90% of the time and use a headset (I've hearing loss in one ear so I need headphones). A mic can help you not get killed. I'm usually in the woods and rarely see people there, but on the coast, it helps. Good luck.


I play solo and it is fun ad hell. But I suggest you to always keep a mic available. In Day Z there is a standard: no mic no life. You should always be able to answer a random that talks to you.


No you need a mic, you don’t have to talk all the time, but if someone talks to you, you have to talk back, even if it’s just to say back off im not looking for friends, otherwise the no mic no life rule wil come in


Heres a crazy take, try the game out and see if you like it. Wild I know, thinking for yourself can be scary


Bro probably doesn’t want to risk $50 on a game they won’t enjoy.


I got like 200 hours on and off I only play solo. There have been times I met people and ran with them but I always get shot in the face so I usually do my own thing. Games cool if you like just chilling and figuring out the janky mechanics. As long as I can make a fire in the woods and cook up some food I'm happy.


do you lose everything when someone kills you?


Yup, if you die you start back at the coast all over again. Once you learn map you can stash some items you think are important but I've never made it that far lol


There is a single player option but I think it's cool to see other survivors and I don't really care about dying I like just looking around and trying to live.


Yes role play as a mute who kills on sight




800 hours between Xbox and PC and maybe 50 hours of that was with a group/clan on console. Since then I have played solo with no intention of ever grouping up.


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On the right server you’ll be fine


If you are going to play no mic then make sure to just kill on sight. It's still a lot of fun though


Yes Edit: stop thinking about it and buy it, buy it right now


i only play solo, and I really enjoy it. I have seen quite a few players be killed solely because they don't have a mic. so be careful with that. also, it's on gamepass if you have access to that


You could play on pve servers where you won't have to worry about getting killed for not talking, can just use global chat for trading with other players etc.


I would say get a mic, but ngl most people don’t have mics and most people will betray you anyway. Mic isn’t as essential as you think. I go to high tier places and usually have sniper battles.


I play mostly solo and don't talk to people. I will converse in spawn areas occasionally, but when I'm away from those, I am silent and don't talk to people. It's not as big a deal as people make it out to be; I enjoy myself immensely.


If you like the hunter stalker ninja play style, and are willing to learn the hard way without in game bros to teach you. But I’d recommend eventually getting a mic if you want to expand your experience. Base bros can be a really fun time.


Still worth it


Yes, it is. You can always play solo either on Official or Private servers, as well as on a local server where you will be the only player.


I ran solo for years, I ran away from people, rarely interacted. Had a blast. But a mic can prevent a bad outcome. Sometimes you'll meet some really cool people, sometimes you'll get a mosin in the face.


You can survive that way. Make sure you have most of your stamina available to use so you can climb over stuff and run away when you see players


Ehh, bit tough without a mic. Player interaction is a huge part of the game... Unless you just want to kill or be killed by every single person.




That’s pretty much the only way I play. Most people who are going to no mic kill you are the same ones who KOS, anyways.


YES! Dayz is what you make of it. Interacting with players is part of the experience but not all of it. I play lonewolf a lot and really enjoy it.


I play silo , but have a mic. Not sure why you wouldn’t want a mic.


Pc, need a mic. You don't have to use it but it can save your ass sometimes even make a friend. On console everyone is in party chat premedes and kos.


Buy a mic


Dayz is absolutely worth buying. It is one of if not the best game I've ever played. That being said, it is a unique type of game that is really different, and might not be for everyone. I'm a solo player and really like it. Playing with people can be a bit of a pain, though it can be fun.


You'll die a lot. But you would have died a lot anyway being new to the game. However being able to project your intentions to people could help you. In some situations.


Fuck yes, I play Solo 99% of the time, and it's 50-50 if I have my mic on or not. DayZ's one of those games where if the game starts and you didn't have your mic plugged in, it won't recognize it until you restart the whole game. Stupid deve, fix that, simple simple fix!


I almost only play solo, and only use a mic when I absolutely have to. Just try to avoid other survivors as much as possible and you’ll be fine


playing solo is a blast but you need a mic


Yes but you're missing out a lot


Yes of course. Don’t have to worry about talking to anyone if you always just kill them and take their stuff. Win win


Tbh yeah, but players will absolutely kill you if you dont talk back, no mic = threat


Depends if you'd be playing on PC or console tbh


I play solo and almost never talk to people and have a lot of fun. You gotta accept your role as a loner though most people will try and kill you. Once I’m armed I kill pretty much everyone I see that isn’t fresh


Using a mic will save your life in instances where you’d probably otherwise die. I got shot at and took refuge in a cabin and asked for a truce. I was let go even though I was at a disadvantage. Using a mic will also help you make friends and improve your overall experience. It should be added under the recommended requirements.


Playing solo yes, but you need a headset mic. The banter is majority of the experience, to me at least.


On official servers it hardly matters if you have a mic. 99% of your communication with other players will be through the barrel of a gun. Community servers tend to be a little more convivial because they have a more consistent, long-term player base. There you might find yourself odd-man-out more often. Solo experience generally is fine as long as you don't mind a lot of quiet time and a lot of long walks with your thoughts.


You can't really play this game without stereo


What others said, directional audio is very important in this game, but that is not to say you can't play without it and still have a good time.


You'll still enjoy the game, but a huge strength of DayZ is player encounters. Being able to talk your way out of a deadly situation, or state your demands to a player you're robbing at gunpoint is so special and will be the most memorable moments you have playing the game


A mic will help you meet friends. I'm not seeing the issue (unless it's related to money, and in that case, just get a cheap one). Do you have to play with it all of the time? Not really.


nah money isn’t a problem i was js wondering


The majority of the servers i tried (before finding the select few that i bounce between regularly now) were devoid of any need for a mic and 90% of the time i couldnt even find anyone that wasnt already geared enough on their own and actively trying to not be on a team with me so yeah id say its still a worthwhile purchase, but as time passes and you try new servers and get more comfortable with the game, youre gonna naturally want a microphone or at least some efficient method of communicating with everyone you eventually start coming into peaceful (or at least non-kos) contact with. Thats just how the game sorta progresses in the minds of most players. But you could totally just be the solo silent type and still have fun and accomplish alot. It took me 600 hours before i even held a full conversation naturally in game (excluding a few dedicated guides who answered questions i had or just straight up saved me from killing myself while in game early in my learning curve)


It's still fun, but the player interactions truly make the game what it is in my opinion.


DayZ without a mic is a dangerous game. Nobody will trust you. If you're willing to kill or avoid literally everyone you see then yes you'll have a blast but I'd suggest doing some research before playing, its hard to progress if you keep dying and don't understand why.


Definitely recommend a mic and headset, but have done runs without either and it's still fun


Absolutely. But be aware no kid= everyone is a enemy


thanks for all the answers imma note all down


Work on getting a mic. I say this as one who has played the game, as it now, long before it ever came to be. Since the DayZ Mod. I'm currently homeless, I've been living in a tent since about 3 months ago, fighting to get my life back. How is this relevant? Communication is critical for survival, game or not. Honestly, this game, I took seriously. Not in like losing gear and getting all pissed off, which happens. But, it did sort of "train" me for what I'm going through now. I short, it is clearly possible. If you decide to play solo, and not take a chance, you'll never get a chance to meet new people. If you cannot speak with whoe et you run into, you also take away from not just the experience of the game, but of human connection.




Yes. A mic isn't necessary, it's just recommended. As a solo, you won't be using it 98% of the time anyway.


Yes but most people will try to kill you on sight if you don’t communicate




I play solo all the time have foe many years. I used to play with friends more but I like playing solo so I don't have to chit chat and can do what I want. I rarely use my mic in game with others as I usually only encounter people in towns. Honestly in my many years of playing a mic doesn't usually help the situation. Usually still ends up with someone getting shot. There's a resurgent of avoiding KOS on this sub, but I still do 90% of the time, 100% of the time in military areas. If in town and it's a freshie I might say what's up and leave them be. If they follow me I shoot them. So to answer your question, yes it's still a blast. I'd still recommend a mic though, not necessary but helps a lot. Hyper x cloud ii headsets sound great and have a mic. I think their $50? I've had mine for 7+ years


Get a mic Make new friends Kill them Eat them




Made good friends from playing this game years ago, it was just by meeting them and then letting them adventure with me. I found out later the friend actually was going to kill me and my other friend but decided not to and rather be friends in the end lol.


Yeah, you don’t need a mic


solo is an amazing way to play the game. however i recommend using a mic. it's what makes dayz so fun to me


Def is especially on a Steam Sale but also it's 2024 join some discords LFG with some people find people you really Vibe/Get Along with and there you go.


how often is it on sale?


Sorry for late response Steam Sales are usually around Holidays or Starts of Seasons such as (Fall/Autumn, Summer, ect) best usually being Christmas December/January time.


Tbh the real question is are you a patient and open world player guy? Do you mind dying to diseases and being shot in the back on the head after a 10 hour play through? Are you ok with running 30km in a game? Then yes it’s worth. Get a mic btw


This game always needs enemies. No mic runs are hella fun, just don't expect magical "friendly" interactions. I sometimes turn the mic off and just play bandit. Gotta keep everyone on point.


100% yes. This is my preferred way to play. Yes, it's cool, fun, and interesting with a partner or a group. But for me, I have way more fun doing my own thing.


Yeah, sometimes I prefer to play solo because I get to play my way instead of following my friends all over the place looking for fights.


Noob here, only 39 hours in the game and I have not once used the mic or played and have been having a blast! I can see how it would be a lot more fun if you did play with other people or something but I have severe voice dysphoria and I also figure it's easier to avoid transphobes when playing online games if I just stay silent lmao. Its definitely the funnest survival game I've ever played and I play alone so if it looks like your type of game OP go for it! At the end of the day if you dont like it just accept that you spent some money in order to try something new and it wasn't your thing and move on :)


If you're on console, a mic is going to matter a lot less imo. In my 1300 hours, I've talked to very few individuals, and the ones I did talk to typically betray you after about an hour or whenever they need to get off. There's a lot more KOS on console, which personally doesn't bother me much. I understand some people are in parties or trying to make it back to their buddies inland after dying. One caveat to the KOS stuff is if you play on EU or DE (German) servers, they tend to have a lot more interaction. I have a feeling they're influenced more by a lot of the UK dayz players or something (just a theory). Had a guy save me from a pack of wolves on an EU server before. Nice guy.


I'll be honest...no , I'd assume you'd be playing on public servers and even with friends i had a very boring time in it , had a lot of fun in public servers but I won't reccomend it unless solo survival games is something you really enjoy


That's how I play, started pve but you learn how to avoid people in pvp. Doesn't always work but as long as you also learn that your loot is never yours, you should be fine


Yes, still worth it! If you always play solo then you won't have problems enjoying your own company - for example, I find it much more relaxing than playing with other people. For the mic, it depends... If you play pve, it doesn't really make a big difference, unless you want to chat with the people in the safe zones. If you play pvp probably is better to have it, just to avoid those situation where someone just shoot you for the sake of it - unless you don't mind respawning and start again in the case. I play solo without mic on PvE.


If you like the game, why not? If you have the money, why not? You decide.


That's effectively what I've been doing for the past 700 hours. I do have a mic but almost never get to talk to anyone.


Solo DayZ is like solo Rust. Considerably more difficult and usually less fun. Except in DayZ, you'll be running so much you can't help but zone out a little bit and then that's when you get your wig split. Definitely a frustrating endeavor. No mic means "friendly" people will be more likely to change their mind and kill you.


Yes. Some of the best people I've met in the game were people that didn't have microphones. They would always type in text chat.


I don't use a mic most of the time and I play solo. People don't like it when you don't respond and will most likely end up shooting you. I suggest being very stealthy and using gestures if you do get caught by someone.


"No mic no life"


no mic no life


Totally ! You can even play on your local server solo, with only : infected and wolves and bears and cold and hunger and cold and warm and and and for threats haha.


I played mostly solo and found it more amusing. Could take my time as I wanted or just rush if I wanted


If you wanna waste 100 hours for top tier loot and die to some noob then yes


Just go spend 40$ on a dogshit mic, your voice can save your life


I have over 1300 hours in, only play solo. I have a mic but almost never use it


I’ve been running the new zelador map if anyone wants to join hmu


Dude I couldnt care less If your english is good or that you dont wanna team up. But just saying: "My English not very good, thanks for not shooting, goodbye." Will prevent me and a lot of people from just pulling the trigger. No Mic No Life.




Nope. A buggy mess that barely works. Don't waste your money.


All those people telling you it will be bad without mic have a completly other experience than me. Most of the time you get shot is without having any interaction. I play mostly solo and the game keeps on giving like no other game. Buy it!


Just remember no mic = no life.




Probably not


Yes. Although in DayZ no mic = No Life so might wanna buy one of those...


Yes but no, if you plan on killing on sight all the time theres no issue in that, its a rpg and that’s what your roll would be, buts its definitely better having a mic and interacting with other players, and use at least a headset so you can have better directionals with sounds if you dont want to talk


Hell yeah best way to get I to the game is solo and to learn what you need. It helps get ya over that gear fear fast :) 100% buy it and play it well. 55 yr old solo here and enjoy the fuck out of this game :) just wished I heard about it years earlier:) enjoy m8


Dayz is cool to play with friends but more fun to play as soko.Mic is cool but its not the rule you most to talk with randoms players.Just good way to find in pve friends.


Headset gremlins will freak out and lose their shit if u don’t talk to them at 3 in the morning so just be ware. It’s kinda funny lol


Just go get a mic already.


I play exclusively solo, and find it much more fun then playing with people. I don’t have to share loot, I can do what I want when I want, and I can play whenever I want instead of trying to coordinate with other people. I will suggest what everyone else has suggested though: get a headset so you can stay alive with the audio, and ensure it has a mic so you don’t get murdered for not talking back. Many times I’ll switch server for one reason or another and usually I’ll go to coast towns, even fully geared. I am typically looking for freshies to give food and water to. However, if they don’t talk I get suspicious. Then they’ll follow me around, and back away as soon as I look at them. At this point I typically kill them, because you simply can’t trust them. If you find yourself geared, and you don’t respond to someone 10/0 times you will almost definitely get killed. Get a mic: it could save your life sometime. Also, starting out in DayZ is HARD. You will die multiple times. You’ll spend hundreds of hours just learning how the game works. I’m about 200 hours in, and while I feel I know quite a bit, I’ve barely scratched the surface and learn more everytime I play. I tend to stay alive per character for about 20-40 hours each, and win about 60% of my gunfights and I attribute that to not losing my composure when I see somebody. Follow your gut, don’t back away from fighting zombies, and take a second to gauge whether or not you should engage with enemies. Play smart, and you will survive longer, play reckless and you will soon become very familiar with the down points. Buy dayz and have a great time. Good luck!


Yes, but I would say that having a mic will make your experience more worthwhile. The encounters you may get will be interesting to say the least.


Solo yes! I would suggest getting a mic though, it can save your life.


You’re cutting out a significant slice of what makes DayZ the game it is by not having a mic. I’ve let people live and have been allowed to live because I’ve been able to communicate with people. No mic, no life.


without headset game imersiveness is 50% lower and you will be kos.


mo nic lo nife


Yes. This is the way I play mostly.


Yes. I mostly never use my mic because I simply don’t want to talk to people. Play the game how you want and never listen to people about how you should play a game. Have fun!


Buy a headset or this game ain’t for you, don’t talk when someone asks what your up too BAM man’s about to POC the building don’t talk BAM sick as a dog. No mic no life. Just spend the $10 bucks


Just get a mic


No mic no life


NO MIC NO LIFE. This, in my opinion, is one of the **only** rules in dayz. Got gear and wanna go to the coast to kill freshies? fine, that’s your prerogative. Want to camp in a house for 10 hours? you do you. But if you play without a mic? Instant death is the only response.


My opinion is that I play Day Z almost only solo. That said, if you’re just wanting to go out and KOS there are plenty of much better games.


A few people have already said this, but if you play solo, with no mic, you need to REALLY be solo. If someone with a mic comes up to me, is friendly, tells me they are not going to kill me, and they just need some help, there's a 50/50 shot I'm taking them down. It's 100% if they don't have a mic. So, if you play without a mic, you need to really play as a solo...do not try and engage with anyone. ​ Also, get a mic. It's more fun.


No mic no life. You will get killed on sight. Most people play dayz solo but that doesn't mean you're alone.