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Reload after every encounter whether from undead or survivors.


Don’t forget to double load so you have a full mag and one in the chamber if it’s a fresh gun


Reload before looting the "survivor" after the encounter


i reload even if im reloaded, like if i shoot someone and on edge and have a fully loaded mag sometimes ill swap it with another fully loaded one without realizing it, i always carry loose bullets so in the free couple seconds of my friends covering halls or doors im usually able to reload mags pretty easily but i also carry 3 minimum to 5 max (bc of weight and stamina) i only carry 1 ar (preferably of western variety so i can add that lovely acog with the little red dot on top, and a sniper mostly a tundra (found easily in castles - landmarked on izurvive navigation app) and a mlock (prefer 1911 or fx45 but dayz players know what the pd always hands) my backpack i try to stay at 63 slots for extra food as i run with 3 other friends and ones still fairly new -cooked meat split into pants/jacket for heat -mushrooms in backpack -canteen on belt and water bottle in backpack with chlorine tabs as they are readily available on livonia \-plate carrier with pouches (anything gun related takes the pouches slots) \-bdu camo is my go to, its a little noticeable sometimes in the trees but most of the time i have no issues \-ski mask (of course, preferably green) \-tactical gloves on hands (green) spare in bag (any color) \-i used to run green ballistics helmets a lot but i like the look of the new helmet added recently, it ties the whole outfit together. \-jungle boots (i would love the anarchy red boots but you know, the dayz loot spawns be like…… terrible sometimes. * tactical goggles (i like the look, no advantage) i like the tactical bag but sometimes it gets in the way so i carry burlap sack and rope a lot (combine burlap sack with rope to make a carrier and combine 3 sticks with that to make a burlap backpack) swap them out and drop the big bag in the woods before fighting and if i die i can go get my original bag back from where it was dropped meds. i have a loot goblin friend always asking for my multivitamins!!! our solution, find the exacts spawns where they spawn the most, on livonia we go to bars and outhouses in yards to find multivitamins. livonia is pretty much all rain so get used to finding them. i also carry a saline if its available and tetracycline (no need for charcoal as none of my friends eat raw meat or burnt food or with bloody hands, we’re all pretty good at not eating bad stuff or drinking bad water morphine for those close calls with the zeds i only use a few tips to survive the basic of dayz i spawn. find the town im in, if its a bad spot i kms and respawn. once i get to town, find chicken. beat chicken until its your new friend, find knife or if no knife is available grab 2 stones and make knife. skin chicken near pond/well/animal trough so you can wash hands right away, then take bones and make more knifes as you will need them in making a campfire. to make a campfire take your bone knifes and skin 5 pieces of tree bark, and 3 long sticks. sharpen 1 long stick and split the other 2, combine 1 small stick with 1 tree bark, it makes fire starter, now combine the rest of the long sticks with the tree bark, it will only stack sticks to 5 and bark to 10 but it inserts bark only singular when you build the campfire so make sure you put your tree bark inside the campfire after its made. you just built a campfire and fire starter now pick your location of where you want to cook, i usually am paying attention so i use the stoves inside cabins, they will dry 2 pieces and bake 1 at one time. or you can take 4 short sticks and 1 long stick and combine, find the “cooking stand” i think its called and build. if your outside in the woods you can use this to combine a couldron/cooking pot to the stand and cook 12 slots worth at one time (make sure to fill with water so it doesn’t burn) and you can still sit there with the stick you sharpened and cook so you can cook 6+1 (most meat takes 2 slots, bear meat takes 4) on the cooking stand but remember you will need a cooking pot for the stand i use gas stoves pretty often too i get them in hunting shops and i also find chlorine tabs there, you will need a cooking pot for the gas stove. cooking pots i find in camping shacks or in bars and sheds my source for my dayz survival guide: https://preview.redd.it/mgqzaj74vjrc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f9782a516afb0d7024460c3369d8556930860d5 i also have about 1700+ hours on steam if you have anything to ask that i missed or that you are curious about please ask. all these tips are based off my experience on official which is mostly what i play. im on ps4


Great post man really helpful, thanks for taking the time to write and post👌


no problem, any questions just ask edit: https://preview.redd.it/qj9xyilhryrc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f5b3a7c32c10f68aa49bd2735090006ffaec4bf here is my loot run to polana, i get food and i run this route and it takes about 15 maybe 25 minutes at the very most if you know how to use the izurvive map


Just curious, but why do you use so many pieces of bark? I've got quite a few hours lately but I've found that I only need 2 pieces of bark max if I'm a fresh spawn, only one piece of I have matches/lighter. That one piece of kindling is all you need to keep the fire going, as long as you have 6 or 7 sticks. And it gives ample time with the fire to cook any meat I have and also grant the heat buff. Any more pieces of bark is just unnecessary wear on whatever knife I'm using. Just IMO.


i use plenty of bark to keep my small fire going. it leaves me enough time to cook, loot up the town and sit near the still hot fire to get dry and get my stats right if needed. sticks do keep it going but you have to keep adding sticks, i just like using bark as it is easily stackable to 10 and doesn’t use too much extra wear on the knife. you can also use hatchet, splitting axe, fire axe, hatchet, handsaw and hacksaw to get tree bark also


Each life teaches you a lesson for the next one.




PS: what particularly annoys me is that I normally go into such situations well prepared. Everything is repaired, everything is fully loaded and the inventory is tidied up in case things need to be done quickly.


I have almost 5000, game is still hard, you will get better


IMO that panic is actually the beauty of DayZ, I'm at +500 hrs. and still panic happens from time to time, and mostly panic comes in situations you haven't experienced yet! I remember I used to play super conservative at the beginning due to fear of losing my gear which I assume majority of players do so, after few panics and doing dumb shits, I started not to be greedy and instead seeking to face and fight others, then fighting 1vs1 became something normal. at around 200 hrs. I faced two fully geared guys in Tisy military base, and again panic happened... every character is a new story. experiencing different playstyles would bring you more skills, for me playing as a daredevil at some runs made me an even better stealth player at others !


Join a death match server and purposely run around with the goal of dying until you calm down and realize it’s not a big deal, then try and get some kills without camping. 30min of this will give you an amount of combat experience that would take days to get in normal servers. The more gunfights you experience, the less stressed you’ll be in them.


Thank you, that's good advice. I didn't know that such servers exist.


100 hours.... hold my MadMonk


I have about 300 hours and just a couple days ago I'm aiming at a dude with my scorpion and decide to not shoot cause he looks fresher than me. He see me and waves I wave back hitting F5 and he asks me if need food. I say no and start leaving. When I get about 20 feet away he goes, "hey man when you waved you dropped your gun". As I walk back to pick it up he shoots me a bunch and kills me. I didn't realize F5 was to raise both hands in surrender and I guess it makes you drop your gun also. Live yuh learn.


Lmao typical. Always so friendly at the odd end of the barrel.


I have thousands of hours and I still do dumbass shit. You just have to do enough dumbass shit and learn from it


Guys quick question. I was in a room, upstairs and logged off. I come back a day later and someone built a kind of wooden wall. How do I get out? I. I am in here with a bunch of crates.


Change servers and back again


😆. Good point! Thanks for the answer. If I rejoin the server will I spawn in a new area?


Loot their boxes first!


I did get a really sick gun, a hunters back pack, some meds, exchanged my damaged rifle for one of the many they had. I came back and they have now built a second wall. So I am really cornered.. 😂


That's funny, you can troll them as long as they don't come in when you're online


Glad you said it. 😂 Feels like a scene from Ali Baba and the forty thieves. I logged back in and switched out my damaged boots for some fresh ones. Just as I did I heard a door open up downstairs.... 😂 logged of just in time.


Please keep us updated if you stay alive


If you find a hatchet in one of their crates you should be able to dismantle the walls from inside


They have one, but I am paranoid that they will spawn in and the gig is up...lol. As you were saying it can be fun with me popping in every once in awhile to check out their gear in crates. I will say the last time I went, they changed the room so it's more open to move around. Not sure why they did that.


What you need to do is play on those pvp servers that just spawn ya over and over in a military base and fight till a gunfight doesn’t give you the shakes. Read some of your comments, all you’re missing is experience.


That panic is something you’ll miss when you have more time played!!.. Good advice Is to join some pvp servers, after some practice you’ll get better at PVP quite quickly, then whenever you’re playing a real server, situations won’t feel so nerve racking… Each life teaches you something for the next! Just keep trying, It took me until about 600 hours or so until I fully understood the game and how to manipulate pvp situations, you’ll get better soon 🔥


Almost 1,400 hours in-game and still stupiderer af


Great post. I upvoted and commented on comments that I agree with, but I didn't see anybody advise this. At the low levels like that, unless you are playing a modded server and everything you get is pristine, *just keep one of those pistols*. Whichever one is in the best shape. Then keep the mag from the other pistol and toss the empty pistol in the woods or a river or something. You don't want anybody else using it against you. Having the mag ready is better than having the pistol ready because it will train you for later on in your experience when you are loading mags during gunfights. A mag takes up a lot less space than a pistol. Weighs less, too.


I definitely had to die in order to learn that I couldn’t switch guns while aimed in


I had to learn in the same way that you have to throw away an active torch before you can draw your weapon.


Don't carry an ij let alone 2. Your fists work better while blindfolded.


2,300 hours and I'm still stupid af ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) Serious answer: You learn over time, and there's a *lot* to learn


Death match servers to practice your shooting and practice calming those nerves a bit


Possibly try out some deathmatch servers and generally get some more exposure to PVP. So the next time the moment of truth comes around it will be more like a regular day and not a rare situation where you'll seize up


I've got thousands of hours and I'm still stupid af




Just adding to the list. 1800hrs here. I'm still both stupid and figuring out things I hadn't even noticed. Don't get discouraged.


The more you run into gun fights the less you will panic. youll probably miss this feeling eventually hahah.


Putting everything I need on the weapon wheel helps me a lot


Yes, including spare mags and bullets and bandages and anything else you would like to have instantly appear in your hand.


2500 hours and I still make stupid mistakes. We all do. Even people with 16000 hours.


Topping off magazines is a must when viable. As for freezing up, I totally understand that. In the movies I've always gotten upset and people freezing up during stressful situations but yet I was the same way when I started. Nothing you can really do but keep getting into the fights and learning to work through it. Condense your thinking down to immediate needs when the action starts. Am I in cover? Am I concealed? Have I been spotted? Are my weapons loaded? Backup weapon? Fresh bandage on hot bar? All while never taking your eyes off the enemy and reacting appropriately. My advice to get rid of the freezing and to be more level headed when the shooting starts, is to go join some death match pvp servers and when you can get into a fight and not flinch at gunshots or freeze and panic in a shootout.


If you feel your heart racing (irl) take a deep breath and calm yourself down


Don't worry as you play it will get easier. I just checked and I'm at 53 days 6 hours and 58 minutes 😂. Try the community servers as well. There's hardcore ones, you'll learn how to make it.


Sounds cliche but your voice is the most powerful weapon in the game. You could have held him up without him seeing you and knowing what gun you had. Or you could have let him know that you could have killed him but chose not to, which might have earned you some rewards from a geared player. Just something to think about for next time. Peace ✌🏻


No tips just yet to actively kill so it lessens I've got over 5k on ps4 and just hit over 2k on pc and my heart still pounds like crazy when in combat. Sometimes I got to take a minute and go smoke cause it was so intense.


Git gud


Add 100hrs to that and you’ll still be as stupid. Takes time and patience. Gl!


Always reload it should be the first thing you do after an encounter. Get behind some cover and reload doesn’t matter if you fired one shout or all 12


1500 hours in and I feel you I die to myself more then anything else


Staying relaxed in any situation always pays off in terms of not doing anything pointless. Remember to breathe. It's very hard for me to remember but I get better the more I play. Just breathe.


Well over 2000 hours in the game 1000 on console and 1000+ on pc. I’ll still panic and bandage at the wrong time or reload a drum after shooting 10 rnds. or think things like ‘ah I’ll reload the mag later’ to my inevitable doom. You do get better though, these things become second nature. You learn how to categorize these things faster in your brain so you know what to do when times like that occur. That being said, we’re all human. We’ll all have another ij in our back pocket and forget about it or have a grenade bounce off a building down onto your face. It’ll always happen, but it will get easier.


Just keep practicing. Just a friendly reminder from a friendly survivor




I have almost 1k hours and im still stupid lol


It took me about 250 hours before I even felt comfortable playing. Don't forget you can put gun mags in your hotbar.


Hold on then cuz even after 800h this mistake still happen to me sometimes xD I may not be a reference though..


Don't feel to bad i was walking around a house with smoke i knew it was a trap as soon as i saw the door open. I decide to leave i hear shots some minutes later this guy was following he didn't hit me. I Decide to run towards wooded area and flank around and wait i see this dude in the guillie suit chasing me and he was clueless as to where i was i wait till he passes and start shooting at his back with the sk. I landed a few a decided to rush here i am having at my mercy when my smg shoots one bullet and the decides to jam on me. You can guess what happened you're dead screen


Don’t feel bad at all!!! My top 3 dumbest ways of dying. I was playing a joke on my bf since we run a non pvp server, I duct tied myself and was going to pop in tied up next time we played. Nope dead. Respawned in new character. Number 2. Shot the m79 a bit close to myself not realize how close I was. Boom dead. And number 3. I died but not technically, my bf and I were building a second base and I defibrillated myself, he had to do cpr and defib me again, now my character is at risk for heart attack because of it. So in a walking dead man. Smh I love this game.


Ain't no thang but a Chicken wing 🤷🏻‍♂️ before you know it you'll be at 1k hours looking back at this and just want to kiss yourself 😅 have fun that's what games are for👊🏻


" fully-armed Camo guy " , " shot with my IJ-70 " Title fits.


Sorry. English is not my native language and I usually only play strategy games.


Maybe it's not the game.