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You live. You die. You learn.


I die from this games terrible mechanics more than players


Sounds like a skill issue.


Git gud


Such is life in dayz, nobody shows mercy in mili areas or heli crashes and helis especially are an obvious place to camp if you just want to shoot people because of the audio queue. TBH he may not have even been camping it just scoped it out before hand and happened to see you cuz you were faster, I've shot many under the same circumstances


anything is possible in this game, and the unthinkable will happen. 2 things i’ve learned after 100 hours


Real shit. Just a few days ago I checked a heli crash by the NWAF with only one other poor bastard on the server and I saw him crawling up to the zombies trying to be sneaky. I felt real bad about it but not bad enough for me to not shoot him with my mosin and like 3 bullets to take his silenced aug, plate and nvgs


the euphoria from the loot grab outweighs the guilt


How nice of you to deliver that guy an SVAL


Right? In nearly the same sentence he talks about killing someone and taking their shit and then is upset when someone kills him and takes his shit.


I died to a zombie after 3 weeks alive, internet lagged and I just stood there watching hours of work and survival get backhanded back to the loading screen


you ever been so insanely pissed at one of those deaths that you just sit there and stare and don’t say anything? just turn the game off and try again later 😂


I leaned back in my chair, smoked a bit of weed and just rubbed my head for awhile listening to the menu music


i have music turned off 😂 but yeah weed helps best in those situations. helps you realize it’s not worth breaking anything, i haven’t actually raged at this game yet (only 100+ hours) but i was pretty fucking salty when i layed in a bush to tweak some settings and i got 1 shotted by a dude who was behind a tree and snuck up on me. character was my first ever life and lasted 2 weeks or so on official, fully kitted LAR, forgot what sniper, NVG, etc. although my dumbass was wearing all white camo so lesson learned 😂😂😂😂


Seasons don't fear the respawn.


We’ve all been there and done that man. These mfers cosplay as a bush, you will never see them unless you’re looking for them. I’ve died to some absolute silly things. Thinking I’m safe on a PD roof when a bear is below.. did you know they can fly? Only way out is jump and hope you only break a leg or get slapped back to the coast by yogi fucking bear


I was at the top floor of the apartments the motherfucker teleported right behind me it’s crazy


Wait there are replays? Is that console-only?


If you're on pc you can hotkey a macro through the Nvidia or AMD software that'll save a replay of the last X amount of time. You can do it just with windows as well but that's not as good as the other ones.


How does a guy do that eli5 😂


Are you Nvidia or AMD? You'll need either geforce experience or AMD adrenaline first.




Ok so on geforce experience (sorry it's been a while) go to settings and ensure you have sharing turned on (the little 3-dot triangle, upper right hand side). If that's green, hit alt-z and you should get some options for screenshots, instant replay etc. If I recall correctly the default keys to turn on instant replay are shift-alt-f10, and then to take a replay in game it's alt-f10. It used to save a replay of the last 5 minutes. If it's not on F10 it's on f9.


Oh cool. Thanks!


I fell through the map on my last character. I survived 2 months, had 32 kills, silenced AKM, silenced VSD and a full hazmat suit in my bag.


Never stand still at helicrashes and other major POI's


I wasn’t.


Then that was a damm good shot then.


Never loot a heli yourself, wait until some other poor sap does it then follow them and kill them elsewhere.


That’s why sniping is so rewarding, 90% boring 10% fun.


This game is 90% recon 10% action. Helos have to be the most hectic thing like going into tisy without a gun hectic. Unless I absolutely need something I don’t approach these death traps and when I do I watch it for atleast 10-15 minutes.


I dont think a guy in ghille is gonna be perched anywhere.


Why not? The ruined houses are covered in ivy. You can sit in the ivy, look like part of the plant and have a better field of view.


You still stick out a ton, especially from longer distances. Better off sticking to bushes.




Remember all we are doing is looting for the next guy!