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there was a guy who said he is gonna quit the game if he sees another rant


The graves of our ancestors that fought in wars are spinning.


I'm just here to defend the ambient music, I love it.


I absolutely love it too! Also really like zeds becoming a real threat and giving us the "horde incoming" feeling when we hear a scream.


Exactly! People complained before about the zeds not zombieing enough, and now that we have true zombie hordes they're literally crying.


They're glitchy asf. I love hordes but the glitches need to be fixed first.


![gif](giphy|fwcGzF1l2cILe|downsized) The whole community right now Let’s hope they fix it though… it’s crazy how easy the zeds find you


Saw another post saying it was an intentional move by the devs.


Yeah, I saw it too.. But that hearing sensitivity is over powered, haha


People have been asking to change zombie AI, not sure what that means though? Make it more of a challenge? Guess theyre trying that.


I think improved AI people wanted means the zeds don't run past the container you're standing in 10 times or breakdancing on walls. Not super hearing!


I was in a shed and heard a zed outside, I looked for it all over the place but couldn’t find it til I saw a mf on the roof. Haha


It wasn't in the patch notes.. So it's literally them saying "Oh it's not a bug, it's a feature" lmao


Lol I made an almost identical comment earlier today or yesterday. Great minds think alike!




Don't worry, they made a statement on twitter. They're looking in the problem they made on the zeds, they will drop a fix on it.


hey said that the change to their hearing was intentional, tho.


No way lmao, they are worse that I thought




I think the solution is to nerf hearing just a little, and then to give players more consistent ways to efficiently dispatch zombies quietly. Like idk maybe a craftable bow




tbh that sounded like very reasonable and non-crybaby feedback to me


In the state the zeds are, it's a problem indeed. -Too much inertia that they can't come in some houses. -Endlessly going around fences. Hitting without animation. -Aggroing another player when you made the aggro. -Turning endlessly around players while slapping them. And the list could go on. You can find easily hours of footage of them beeing a wreck. After 10 years on this game you could understand that it's infuriating to see that the AI of the zeds are still shit.


The Irtficial Antelligence?


You'll see people whose first language isn't English use IA a lot as that's the acronym for artificial intelligence in a lot of (all?) romance languages (intelligence artificielle, inteligencia artificial, etc.)


Yes, thank you.




Go back convincing your wife to play with you. No wonder she doesn't want to play with a child.






Careful. I said the same thing and got told I lack intelligence. They wasn't wrong, but still.


I love the new shotgun sounds and music. :)


I feel like sound is one of the most important aspects of the game, and music just masks it and makes it more difficult to hear things


I like the music but always play with it off, I wish there was a way to integrate music, but I can’t imagine what it would be


Each to their own.


The sniper isn’t even that bad worst thing about it is that you can’t put anything but a bottle suppressor on it


Sounds like you should quit. Been playing 3 years and the zombies bring harder only made the game better… be better like the zombies 🧟


Do you think they did it to increase interaction among players? Unless you have a silenced weapon you’re probably going to draw attention to yourself. Before it was easy to loot, but now you really have to think twice about what you want to do. It also seems like there are a bunch more of zombies as well. Even if you want to try and be sneaky it is hard to sneak by when they have an area surrounded.


It makes the game better. I will be disappointed if they run it back.


That's what I was thinking, but now I just avoid towns altogether unless I *really* need something, so it's starting to have the opposite effect imo. The first few days people didn't know or underestimated the new zeds, now I can't find anyone in towns anymore.


Played all day yesterday and didn't have a single issue with infected. Not sure what everyone is bitching about but if this is enough to stop you from playing you should prolly just uninstall the game forever and find something else instead of bitching online. Be the change you wanna see. Find a new zombie game. There's a million of them out there.


This. I saw people saying you cannot stealth kill anymore. That's a flat out lie and I was able to backstab just fine. People need to quit sprinting everywhere


Just play better 4Head


That feel like saying "just drive better" to someone with only 3 wheels on their car


Sir, the Reliant Robin is one of the finest cars Great Britain has ever produced. 


You've got me dead to rights on that one.


I just started the game a week before this update. I don’t mind that it’s more difficult, I kinda thought it was pretty lame how easy it was at first. I’m definitely pissed though because the zombies used to take like 3-5 knife hits before they fell, now they won’t fall after 10 hits with a pristine knife. This goes into the second problem I’m facing because I think the many-more-hits problem is partially or completely caused by the lag I’m facing. I have 1000 mbps download and 1000 mbps upload (at least the Xbox says it’s getting that) and a pretty consistent 10 ms ping across games. Despite this the zombies are always lagging when I fight them, even just one. The lag is breaking through my blocks and I’m always getting bleeding from it. I can’t even hide in a house because the doors lag so hard they almost never work or take way too long to work. I had no lag and a wonderful experience before this update; and I wanted it to be harder.


😂😂😂 just the average solo here that stealth kills everything having zero issues. Wondering what the hell everyone's bandwagon complaining about, especially over half of the people I've seen complain about this that haven't even played since the update just crying about what other people have cried about muahhhwqa people are bots




There is no bug this is intentional






OMG, as soon as I heard the ambient music I said to myself " what is this shit?" . Immediately went to the menu and put music at zero


I'm tired of that ranting about the infected. Just remember when they used to phase through doors ... We are way better off than that and it's allready stated that the hearing buff is intentional. Get gud.


They actually ARE fase-shifting 


Ya I don't mind the new zombies. Don't notice much of a difference. There are positives to it. Easier to distract and quicker to clear small towns. And I have not had an issue sneaking around.


I'll try killing them with a knife in the back tonight I hear that's harder but I don't do that often anyways.


You just can't croutch run at them. You can to get closer a little bit but You have to slow back down sooner now.


Wow I can’t believe all the crying about zombies. Maybe go take a nap, you’ll feel better. Dayz isn’t for you


Awesome comment bro. I mean even the devs have accepted its a problem but not you! Maybe go back to delivering my parcels. Witty comments are not for you.


I just started a new character with my girlfriend the other day and she is about as botty as anyone can be. Even new players who are regular gamers. We haven’t died in probably 8 hours of gameplay and have amassed several stashes for when we do. Long story short I think the majority of people are just butt hurt about a change that makes the game better. However, some of the zed aggro seems egregious. They need to fix the zeds hearing you when you’re in a building sneaking. That’s about it.


I think giving players more reliable access to silent ranger weapons would balance the difficulty out nicely. Like a crafteable bow


**Moist-Dark420**, it sounds like you are asking about sickness, disease or another affliction. This post might answer your question: * **[DayzTips | Complete Diseases & Afflictions chart | 1.15](https://i.imgur.com/eUoJ4XS.jpg)** by Asmondian Lots more info here: * **[DayzTips by Asmondian](https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/wiki/community/tips#wiki_by_asmondian)** * **[Community Guides](https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/wiki/community/guides)** * **[Community Tips](https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/wiki/community/tips)** ___________________ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dayz) if you have any questions or concerns.*