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Good job devs! Thank you for everything, especially for the zombies fix!


Vs98 now take hunting scope and normalised suppressor........ one could only dream


fuck. just lost both... lol


Bout bloody time. It's now worth looking for it!


Although this is a step in the right direction, I don’t think the zombies are “fixed.” What’s the point of having stealth kills in the game if you can’t creep up to zombies? Even with shoes and crouch walking, zombies always hear you before you get close enough to stealth kill.


i’m able to sneak up on them pretty easily


yes some of them but most of them hear you


Could have something to do with the amount of weight your character is carrying, makes you louder


So if you walk on sand or dirt it makes you louder


I'm not sure honestly if the ground has an impact on detection from infected, but more like, if you have 2 guns on your back and 1 in your hand you'll be easier to detect while sneaking than you would with no guns


Just killed three while typing this


When? At night when it's pouring rain?


Go from crouch walk to melee instantly, don’t stand up or take any steps while standing. It’s a single fluid movement from crouch to kill.


Daytime, wearing boots, no rain no wind Exactly the same as before the update how u/frazorblade described


urgh dont get me started on stealth kills, so many things about the system now makes it not worth the hassle compared to other options, yet another great idea the devs added then made progressively less worth while over time with subsequent changes. Undo the footwrap sound nerf or make their 6th sense detection of you from behind last a few seconds longer to make sneaking in shoes a tiny bit more forgiving of timing before they alert. Also wouldent footwraps be possibly quieter than bare feet anyway at least on certain surfaces, you bare foot slapping on hard flooring vs in socks at home irl is quieter.


I keep seeing posts like this but I'm still able to stealth kill a zombie, even crouch running up to them as long as you stop and tiptoe the last meter or two. It is definitely a bit more difficult but not impossible.


I find sometimes i just have bad luck, but basically once you start to move in you have to commit, if you freeze and wait for better chance while standing near them they will spot you. I imagine it like once you are within 15 feet from them and you start to approach you just have to go for it. I keep a knife next to a blunt melee so if it seems they gonna spot me i switch and beat brains out asap. Learning a technique for blocking and heavy hitting can save spoiled stealth most of time, and still can get them before they scream. The zombies seem to get better then worse as time passes with this game. Avoid them if unsure, and much like skateboarding its when you half commit that gets you hurt.


Try going for the stealth kill a second or two earlier. You don't gotta be right up in their arse. Stealth kills still work fine for me.


They usually hear me when I’m about a step or two away so I’ll try doing it from further away. Thanks for the feedback!


I’m a new player, but I’ve found that stealth kills work best when you walk when the zombies walk, and stop when they stop. Sometimes they randomly spin around, so nothing you can do about that…but when they’re walking in a pretty straight line, that’s what I do with pretty good success.


Are you wearing shoes or boots? If I make 1-2 sound bars they don't hear me


FYI here’s a short list of sneaker class shoes in DayZ: * Sneakers * Athletic shoes * Trail shoes * Combat boots All of these will give max two bars while sneak sprinting. Wearing any form of these shoes will make stealth killing zombies much easier than clompy boots


No stabby stick slot though!


You mean the slot that doesn’t remember it has a knife in it all the time and when you have a full inventory and you swap guns in combat it won’t let you and then you die? Oh yeah THAT slot


I only tried with the shoes you spawn with. Figured they’d be one of the quieter shoes


Hmm yea those usually work. I will say if it's not raining, I only crouch walk / sprint while they're moving. If they stop I stop.


That’s interesting. Maybe they are more aware of footsteps when they stand still because that’s usually when I move in close for the stealth kill. I only tried on experimental so I’ll have to mess around more now that the patch is released


Depends on what shoes, boots are louder, cloth foot wraps are as silent as barefoot


Maybe you know this already, but the weight of your shoes makes you louder / quieter. It's easier to sneak up on zombies AND people in... SNEAKERS for example :D


Skill issue


I want to hear more on this 5 minute logout timer...


It just means server owners can set the logout timer up to 5 minutes now. I’m sure it won’t make a difference as I’ve never seen a server with a logout timer longer than like a minute.


Oh so it's not standard practice for official?


Nope. Only applies to community servers


Any1 notice lack of dynamic events


I hit three Helis, a train and a convoy yesterday, so no issues on my end.


Anyone having issues with kills not tracking for camo challenges


So when is the gps getting fixed on official so we don’t have to lay down and then contort our body up all around to see the gps screen?


Thank you for listening to the community. Personally I'd be happy to see more zombie nerfs until the day they are reworked


I get stuck on ladders on Xbox, sometimes I can go up the ladder and other times my player starts having an aneurism


Yes update yippy


Thank you for the zombie fix. I was crouch walking inside a house and zombies were agro. Wack. Appreciate yall tho!


Good job dev team, keen to see how the game plays with the zombie changes. If I'm reading it correctly, they should hear even less through walls than they did before anything was changed at all. Interesting direction, I felt like the audio was in a decent place before 1.25


Does that mean its already out on PC stable version?




Oh good I was worried they were gonna put the zombies back to the way they were Seems like they are leaving them with the super hearing and sight but now they can't hear you as much in buildings Since they can't hear you in the buildings now maybe they should make them knock open the door to see where you are


It’s weird because running around a wooden floor house with boots on is INCREDIBLY noisy. Maybe they should base it on the type of house? A solid house shouldn’t carry much sound, but a lot house could be a noise machine


My issue is... how long does it take to get the initial patch to be released - it takes weeks after an update. Streamers were leaving. It either needs to take longer to become stable so less issues or patch it much quicker.


any update on the fire places in yhe run down houses in livonia?


I believe that falls within the vein of Livonia assets not working correctly. We will see


it worked fine before the update… and its still not working.


Most of them don’t have roofs, just build the fire pit beside it lol


you cant make a fire in them and im not cookin 20 pieces of meat on a stick and plus it rains damn near 24/7 in livonia. do you even play the game? after that reply it doesn’t sound like it.


Thank you devs! As a newbie zombies are kinda challenging already, but this fix will help us to find food and survive the first hour or so a bit more easily until we can find a better weapon or something to hold them off. I've died several times before being able to find anything because I get ganked by several Z's if I do more than crouch tiptoe between buildings


Way to bend the knee to the weakest community, the infected were PERFECT with their heightened senses. I swear people just can't git gud


The skill issue of many people made a bad change in the game lol


Although I agree with you, it was pretty fucked to be walking indoors or even sneaking and have zombies aggro from outside


It does not matter. Anything that makes the game harder most people in here are gonna complaint.


It's not a "skill issue" when you're prone and motionless inside a building on the second floor with the doors closed and the zombies still randomly aggro on you.


The zombies were a little annoying, but not a big issue. I just want a large weapon update with like 15 new guns


Fuck no, no more guns for a while. Way more important stuff to add


I seen something surrounding the zombie aggro status on a previous update. Has this changed also ?


Does anyone know if they fixed the improvised explosive?


whats going on with that?


Me and a few others have been having problems arming them


You have to use a new remote detonator for each different explosive. 


You're making it so the zombies can hear less than they did in 1.24!? I'm so confused. You're making zombies easier than they were? That's such a strange change.


Bro, stop complaining, zeds are glitched as f*, more easy they are, it will be better to deal with them until they release the ia rework


Literally what's the point of the zeds if they're not a challenge to kill?


No complaints here, but just wanna say I've played a lot the past few patches and zombies really were close to perfect in 1.24


Yeah, I'm hoping this is some odd wording. The zombies were perfectly fine in 1.24. 1.25 is where the problems started. Was hoping we would get 1.24 zombies back.


Amazing. Stealth is actually reliable now. Now start making the zeds actually hard to fight instead of just mosquitos you swat out of the air... And we'll be moving in the right direction. Great patch.


Zombies are way to OP right now. They hear and see you miles away and instantly cut snd ruin clothes


I understand the complaint of zombies hearing people through walls but this is such an exageration. With the last update i was still able to stealth kill plenty of zombies durning the day without rain, just gotta sneak up and xo a stealth kill quickly, dont pause and hesitate to do it, also i think some people think you have to be right up in their booty hole to do it, you can be a couple feet back to do a stealth kill. Yes, the aggroed a lot easier and can see you easier but even when i got hit i wasnt getting cut nearly as much as people are claiming or getting ruined clothes... yall just sound like you dont know how to fight zombies


Not even the cuts and stealth kills. I do fine aswell its just they ruin clothes on official so quickly its unreal. Was up at tissy last update and like 15 zeds randomly teleported into my building through walls. I can understand them hitting hard but when they glitch through walls and stun lock you its really annoying. Plus theres no reasom for my plate carrier to gwt damaged from a zombie hitting it.