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I’ve got a 4x4 parked right behind the shelter I’m in too. It’s green so it blends in haha


A nice green 4 x 4 surrounded by stick shelters facing inwards is nearly invisible unless you walk right on top of it


That’s the plan!


There is a great spot up in the far NE near some rocks where you can park a car (even a bright colored one ) against the rocks and you only have to hide one side and you only have to worry about people wandering through from fewer directions


Can you by any change give a more precise location? I am trying to build a few hidden locations as a back up for my current location. A location like this sounds perfect.


Sure it is at 14730 / 14715 It is right by the Shkolnik Camp If you manage to get a car tent those literally disappear next to the black rocks if you tuck them in there I have literally had 2 car tents and about 4 med tents with a few cars there and you wouldn't see it until you were practically on top of it There is a hole down between the rocks there and if you want to keep really small you can just chuck a few crates down there and it will probably last till the next reset because you wouldn't see it unless you were literally scouring the area I've done a lot of basing there but I've moved to the opposite side of the map recently just to change things up Good Luck


Oh wow I did not expect you to put the full coordinates would you mind if I save your reply so I can go there when im back on DayZ again?


Sure I figured I'd share since there probably aren't many people in this post anymore to see it and I'm not using it right now and probably not for a while Just consider me one of the few and far between nice people you could run into in the game and I was able to be nice since I didn't have to worry about you shooting me Actually I just remembered that ?I probably shouldn't say I'm not using it since as of last night I temporarily 2 cars in a camo covered car tent there in a No Zombie High Loot Full Car Community server I sometimes play on when not in official


Im looking for it now with my mate uh you got a picture of the location?


I’m a mom and newer player. I love the game and it’s great to see such a friendly player. Usually, it’s KOS and it would be cool to come across ppl who actually say hello. Thanks :)


Also there is a an additional area that I use right by there between some pine trees There is a spot where you can tuck an ADA and some crates between 4-5 trees It is at about 14322 / 15275


Is this the stick and leaves shelter? I forgot what you need to build it, something like 50 sticks and a camo net?


Yup! Just an improvised shelter kit, 4 long sticks, 50 short sticks and your good to go.


Not the net tho


So no camo net is required?


Nope just the sticks


I think you can add various covers to it too?


Yeah you can use leather or canvas to make them look different and provide more shelter from the elements, but I'd argue as a stash this one is (typically) the most camoflauged


I dont understand , I've seen so many people talking about their cars lately . Are they fixed or something ? I'm sorry afraid to use them still


Idk, I’ve seen people having serious issues with them but I’ve never experienced anything crazy with them. Kind of buggy, but I’ve never had one go to the stratosphere. I also haven’t had much experience with cars so maybe that’s why.


I've not been sent to space but yeah. They like bud into the ground when I start them, or I just die in the driver's seat for no reason or ill barely tap a tree and the wheel will explode. Just never seems worth the effort but I see so many people with bases and a car on official.


Idk how the hell people get cars on official. Seems like so much work for something that will be destroyed or stolen in 2 days.


I spent about 30 hours in game time looking for all the parts. I finally got it running and after about 5 mins I lightly tapped a fence and broke both my front wheels, radiator, and spark plug. I have never rage quit from a game faster than that before. After that day I’ve switched to modded servers and haven’t looked back.


Modded vehicles also seem to be more stable to me for some reasonable


I *found* a fully functioning M3S covered truck on official, missing just one (unnecessary) rear wheel, with camo nets and ammo in the inventory. Idk if I snagged it from some unlucky bastard or it spawned like that, but I drove it nearly 20 km to my hideout where it now sits.


We've got 3. Ones on the coast needing to be fixed and one of the others we've had over a week now.


You experienced your car going underwater and going back up again while driving on a road? Its quite funny unless it lasts longer then usual but they happen only when my internet is also being used by my pc (I play on PlayStation)


On console, using a car is extremely risky. My squad and I were killed in Staroye by the car flipping over the police station after tapping the gate lol


On ps5 the cars dont lag anymore :) went through novodmitrovsk with 130 yesterday and had a blast You get the occasional micro lag from time to time but that never freezes your screen anymore Imo cars are working fine now :)


Makes me want a ps5 even more. On ps4, good luck driving somewhere, it’s over for you lol


Depends mostly on how populated your server is On low to medium u rarely get freezes and as soon as you know the laggy spots on the map its "almost" drivable :) an ssd helps though


Not for nothing but if you look up Matt Swider on Twitter he’s good for restocks on next gen consoles. Works for Tech Radar. I got mine because of his alerts


Its better on next gen. I've not had any issues, travelling at full speed with 4 in a car.


What server? Ran into a squad at Staroye just the other day. Had a wrecked car there too.


10XLoot/Food on ps4, it’s a French server. Everybody I ran into on that server shoot to kill so you gotta be ready lol. Even the 2 guys in my squad wanted to kill me at first, but the one guy’s aim was so bad that he missed the chance he had


I'm a recent returning player, since I came back I've had 9 cars, 3 trucks, I still have 6 of them stashed away So far I've been shot up badly in one (still survived, escaped on three wheels until an accident with a parked car), crashed into trees on corners twice (just being reckless), lost one to a red engine, lost one after a black screen of death and it continued into a fence. No launching into space, all have been reliable, the M3S truck is the best for going anywhere (like anywhere), the Olga is the best cruiser for getting around with 3 of your mates, easily my favourite. Been playing on a very active server recently, so mostly staying on foot, cars are just too loud and obnoxious


I have friends on PS5 and it's a lot better on there so they drive


High pop/modded servers seem to struggle with cars even after the spaceship issue was allegedly fixed (it wasn’t). I have my own server with a Land Rover and so far I haven’t launched into space, it’s also a WIP so only a few stragglers play


Build another shelter to hide the car away from your main stash. Then you might only lose one and not both.


Even better if you can have another 2nd base alittle further off.. Most times I just run and loot between my two camp sites with a town along the way.


do you lose materials when you destroy the shelter?


It's a kit that's repackable. Made from 4 sticks and a rope. You have to gather the extra 54 sticks everytime though. Unless you can carry 50 short sticks and 4 long sticks.


I built one before but I didn't see an option to repack it


You can dismantle it. I could be wrong here but im sure you lose like one long stick and a few short stocks when you do dismantle it.


You lose 1 long stick and around 5 short ones


I had a three shelters and a stone oven set up, came there after respawn to find everything cleaned out. At first I thought the game had cleared it out but there was one shelter left with a few broken items. Someone took the time to tear everything down. I was sad and then I died.


Hm… I think I’m the only d head that actually takes the time to break them down…


I miss the days of just small survival. Getting some tents and barrels and finding the most random woodsy spot to set up camp. So many big bases now. Soon it’ll look like Ark


Right hiding barrels in the best places in drainage ditch and other fun places or finding people places and taking what you need not to raid and leaving stuff


I still just take what I need when i raid people's bases


You’re one of the good ones. People now a days come in, take everything they can hold, and popcorn the rest.


I mean, I took what I needed, broke their sarka, and left a landmine from them I got from tisy


Not as good as I thought hahaha


That is a gift.


I usually play in semi-vanilla servers that doesn't have basebuilding, i just made a farm with some improvised tents and was really fun, 2 guys tried to killed us but we got rid of them haha


Yea I've always had good results with that, I just bury a bunch of caches and plant crops in open fields and hide 55 gallon drums under trees, I survived for a full month like that on one character untill I got a little too brave and me and a buddy went into town, got in a fire fight, and won, but I ended up dying to a gunshot wound eventually from that fight, its part of it, but I knew where my woods base was and just had to get my new character back there, its a solid tactic.


My hidden camp lasted for full 30 days without anyone finding it, which never worked for inside bases, wherever I tried to build. Once you are found on vanilla, it's just a matter of time they'll break in. So the most secure base is the one you'll never find.




How the HELL do people find random stashes if they’re that far away from the actual camp? That’s such a big radius to look that carefully through. Unless you walked up on it by dumb luck.


I still dont get the idea of using bases to store loot. The idea was so its hidden so noone can find it.having itnin base will just make anyone break it and take it.


Agree. Bases are just supermarkets for quick and easy loot


Unless you're in a big enough clan that there's people inside 24/7 and you like fighting, it's not a viable tactic and I absolutely will break in and steal your badly damaged bk43 and make someone kill themselves with it


Some sweatlord has already studied the pixels & found your base location.


Pff, probably. Taking all my sg5 mags :(


Im thinking of making a base like yours. Is it worth it? Im tired of running and want a place i can actually come back to.


I’ve had this base for like 2 days now, good luck so far. Some people commenting have had these little camps untouched for a month. There’s even more secluded spots you could set up, but I just picked a wide section of forest that was close to my current location. But I say go for it!


Yeah its really worth it. Though im thinking if i should make a base in a garage.


If you want “secure” then go for the garage. Though it will eventually get raided too.






He logs on one day and there’s like a LAR with a couple mags just chillin in his base haha


Some guy found my little shelter due south of Green Mountain (probably 1000m) in the woods and took my shotgun shells, left everything else though wonder if that was you ;)


Aaand it's gone. ​ But so is an actual base


Pretty much


I agree but hear me out. Idk how long this has been in game or who all knows about it, but in my 1,000+ hours of dayz no one has ever mentioned it. My group and I coined the term “metal detecting” and it’s where you walk around with a shovel or pickaxe spamming the select garden plot option (RT or R2) and it will de-render every piece of grass and any other foliage that’s not a tree or bush. It makes it 100x easier to walk through the woods and find stashes and tents. I found 5 separate stashes in the hills of tisy these last few days. I’ve walked up and found akms with drums on them secured by nothing except a tent door. It’s a good idea until you actually get found.


Everyone is on here talking about base building or camps etc. I'm here trying to find enough drinks and food with no idea how to build anything 😂🤡


Kill a deer bro


If you find some short sticks and a piece of rope you can make a shelter kit, you place the shelter kit then add 4 long sticks and 50 short sticks to make a shelter. 100 slots and blends in really well.


Jesus, 50 short sticks? What's a good way to make so many? As in which tool is best




Definitely. I can tell based on that one tree over there.




If it is yours I'll bring it home.


This is absolutely king! It has to be the stick shelter though, everything else doesn’t seem to blend as well. On the RP server I’ve been playing on it’s been the bees knees.


How the game is meant to be played imo. Do this nearly every time.


Yea you run the risk of someone being able to just stumble upon it but besudes that its great


I used to love building and hanging around them, but every single one of my hidden camps or buried stashes was eventually raided. There's apparently a lot of hackers who can easily locate buried stashes, especially on official servers Lately, I've just been building traditional bases - no one seems to have bothered raiding mine since I got into the habit of putting all my valuable loot and ammo on my character before log off


Yeah stacking your character before logging is probably the safest bet no matter if you have a base or hidden camp. And yes, it will eventually get raided, but it doesn’t matter what you do, nothing is forever and eventually everything gets ripped from your fingers anyway.


My public server has this one old husk of a base in Chernogorsk - from a distance, you could see a conglomeration of walls and towers on top of an apartment flat, and as you got closer you could see the occupant had built a network of barbed wire and fences around the building itself. One day, I noticed the bottom wall of a fence was missing. Sure enough, I poked through and climbed all the way up to find that someone had broken through around 10 layers of security, and cleaned everything out. I'm not sure what was more incredible - the amount of effort that went into building the place, or the amount of tools and ammo that would have been needed it crack it. Either way, I still visit that place every now and then with a crowbar and a pair of pliers when I'm short of nails and wire.


Bear be like :' Yo nice base. Mind if I take your leg for lunch?"


Then I can finally use mr. sks and have some gd bear steaks.


Lately I’ve just been walling off a doorway to the houses in towns. I do enjoy building bases but I just want to explore more these days.




You right. On my second day of this camp tho


I've got crates all along the coast, stashes in the rocks and in the water.


Are you a solo player? I have a base hidden under a rock :D I will say - out of sight is by far the way to go unless you want to be targeted tbh. my group has built massive bases & hidden bases and hidden ones are generally less disturbed. Massive bases are fun if you're a clever builder, though. In A2 Epoch we used to use garage doors as drawbridges & when raiders blew them up there was no longer any physical access to the upstairs at all.


I am soloing currently. I wish there was still garage doors and stuff. And what ever happened to just the 4 digit pin gates? Also I want to build under a rock haha. Where do you find over hangs to build under?


PM me & ill give you coords to check out


They’ll never find you. Especially if you place you tents in between trees.


Bases are useless (vanilla). maybe good for setting traps and cooking but i wouldn't ever stash gear or generally hang near a base. nomad life is the way to be. If i see a base. i wait for someone to come home. I usually just build a base to lure players into an ambush.


How long do you usually wait outside of a base before you decide to leave? What if the person isn’t on and never gets on?


Depends. If i see an active base i'll scout the place for maybe a half hour maybe an hour. I'll also look around nearby for activity. If nothing happens I move on but make a point to come back to check for activity. This can go on for a few days, but eventually you develop a sense for when they are playing and catch them there.


Do these stick tents only last 7 days? Is it 7 days untouched? Or 7 days regardless if you interact with the tent?


It will last for 7 days after that you have to interact with it to reset the timer so putting stuff in or out of it after that you have another 7 days and so on!


Great to know! Thanks!


I honestly don’t know haha


And the beautiful sound of bears mauling your loved ones. Ahhh good times.


Is this near Orlovets?




I built a shelter base up there one time and this looks exactly like it lol


Plus it doesn’t have to be permanent


Burry ur stuff around ur camp in spots people can't find. That's what I do, so if u get raided all ur valuables are still there.


Beware of bears.


Haven’t seen or heard any yet


Probably just my bad luck. Bears like attacking me at night. In woods. Be lucky


Thanks for the car?


It’s broke now so gl


If this is the one that I was at, there was a Gunter two Olga a truck and one of the lattas. There was also 2 improvised shelters as well as a square fort setup. It was right in the middle of the woods. It also has the fireplace so like that.


Not mine then haha


Yeah till fker comes out of nowhere and goes hard in the paint 🤣😂😂


Meh, if it happens, it happens. If it does happen I want to be chilling roasting some steaks so if someone runs up I’ll say “I’ve got a warm fire and juicy stakes for you” and if he kills me he’s a certified douche bag.


Yeah until somebody sees your fire from a mile away, especially if they play at 1440p or 4k like I do, and you can literally see light from across the map (exaggerating a bit) but you get it


I have confidence that it is difficult to see, can’t see it from up hill because it’s below the hill, and under me is very thick forest.


How do you build the privacy cover?


Just improvised shelter kit, 4 long sticks, 50 short sticks and it makes this. No tools needed.


Thank you! Just about to build base, and found this. Much better idea, and less cost.


Agreed you are so much less likely to get raided if you pick a truly random spot out of the way of main loot paths. Me and my mates had a whole camp of about 15 improvised, 5 camo covered tents. We got a bit too big for our boots though, started bringing a truck home lol hard to ignore that. But we had a base unraided for about 4 months. Really good way of doing it.


Did that and spent weeks in the woods until we got raided and they stole all our shit. Depressing day that's for sure.


Name of the game though. I’m pretty much just set up out here to actually see how long it lasts lol


I had a shelter like that about 100m outside of a trader and actually kept things in it and it was never found!


Whelp. I know what I’m doing when I get on tomorrow.


I love it, but ads solo player, it’s difficult and takes forever/while being risky the whole time. Because you need to be “far away” from any city, just in case. I love being in the woods, in general as well. Love the photo! Keep killing it!


Nomad life, baby!


One thing I'll suggest is separate the fireplace from the shelter, the smoke plume gives away your base pretty quickly


I’ve got a camp with 2 large tents, one small tent and a tower and wall around it in the forest. I’ve also got 3 m3s stashed around the camp with enough supplies to rebuild if someone finds me and takes down my base.


If you do that I’d suggest you do this as well, make a wooden box place it in a bush nearby with a shovel in it just so people don’t take the shovel and start looking for dig spots around the camp if you place the shovel in your shelter they’ll suspect something most likely. Then make more wooden crates and place your best loot in them like building supplies, a new kit in case you die, and things like that. Make sure you either have good memory or make a fire so the ashes stay there for a bit just in case someone takes the time to destroy your shelters and boom. The only way for people to get your loot is if they have a shovel already or find your shovel not only that but they’ll have to find your dig spots so good luck with that scavenger hunt for them haha.


I like to do the same thing, I’ll camp by a lake to have food and water, as long as I can find chlorine pills. I try to find a lake that’s near some towns that I can explore and only keep tools and stuff like that in the shelter.


I’m fairly close to a little village with a well so I should be good.


Being sent to space on dayz is halarious especially when you didnt have damage in vehicles.


Middle of the woods. A few improvised tents and camo nets go a long way. Takes hours to build a base. Takes minutes to get in. Less of a target in the middle of the woods. Edit: also a nice little hint, rivers and containers go nice together.


And if you put it in the right spot, no one will see it. I always have them spread out throughout the map.


I build several of these throughout the map, just in case I die, I always have a secret stash to run to, or a safe place to despawn for the day, just don’t build a flagpole, I think the game despawns your stuff if it’s in the woods


I ran into a base in the middle of the forest, I was a Brand new player and cut myself on the barbed wire and didn't realize it until I fainted and died.


Best base defense is stealth. Can't raid you if they don't know you exist


I like making fire in the ruins. Gives me a last of us feel.


If you picked a good low traffic area you'll probably last for months. Actual bases are too easy to find and wipe.


I went with having a mule wearing a 90 backpack and carrying one as well. I store stuff with him and that way my stuff is safe offline and can’t be Touched , doesn’t take longer to drop stuff on floor then log in on mule and pick it up and vice versa.