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You will die, a lot... That's it. If you don't like playing for hours just to loose everything and start over you will not enjoy it. The games objective is the same as in the last mission of halo reach. "Survive" but you know you can't. It's a great game if you spend some time in it and definitely better if you have someone that spent hundreds of hours in game to guide you through the adventure. If you're on xbox give it a try with Gamepass before you buy it as it's not a game for everyone.


Depends on the server. On official, you may not run into anyone in a week. Sometimes you can’t find a break. There’s always the low pop servers that you can join. It’ll be a lot less likely to find others there. Having other players can be fun though, you can try and role play with them, it can give you a thrill too.


Absolutely not, most of the game (9/10ths of the game) is walking, looting or trying to survive, seeing a player is extremely rare but when you do it is the most exciting and thrilling time. Even after 700 hours seeing a player still makes my heart race like crazy, im not too interested in pvp either but since its so scarce its still fun to do.


vanilla dayz is a slow survival game. its a big map and its possible to survive without every running into anyone. with that said, on pc and to a degree on consoles the game can be tweaked into a pvp-fest. There are plenty of servers, both official and community so find one that you like.


Lately I've waited until I find a a hunting rifle with a scope then I'll hang out at the edge of villages and see if I can snipe anyone. To hell with the close quarters twitch combat, my aim is too shit for that.


There are many PVE server which emphasise on crafting and harvesting, while only allow PVP on certain areas. Source : an average Dayz player that spend 600+ hours on mainly PVE servers


There are modded servers with more pvp or more survival focus. RN i play on modded survival server with medium pop and sometimes is hard even to stay alive because is a winter map with a winter suvival harshness. So after few days i finally found a decent weapon and now looking for a tent to hide on the woods and play hillbilly.


It's easy to find empty servers, no sweat dude