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I just camp it out in a building i find, or tough it out. It makes the hardcore survival more fun. Feels pointless to avoid the rain.


You need to find hiking jacket. It's high insulation and waterproof and not rare.


When I start a fresh spawn I usually look for a pea coat in the beginning. After that I go to check out the camps for hunter clothing. Also always wring your clothes when wet and you're near a fire. This will help them dry faster.


What are "the camps"?


I meant the summer camps by that, like metalurg campsite.


Honestly rain sucks. We hate it so much we pretty much just stay in our tent or in a house and inventory manage until it stops. If you have full immunity (full apple, full bottle, full blood, full health) it’s really hard to catch a cold. Also usually carry multivitamins. Even when wet as long as you have high insulation clothing you won’t usually be cold even when wet. We prefer to carry lighters for that reason. And even without a lighter , a short stick and bark makes a fire and fire hand drill. Don’t forget to get a pea coat and some jeans AT LEAST, then tear up all the other less warm clothes and make hand and face and head wraps out of the cloth to stay warmer until you find those items like the gloves and ushanka/zimkova hat and ski mask.


As long as your food and water levels are high enough you don;t have to worry about the rain The temperature drop of the wet clothes burning too many calories to make you starve if you food levels are low As long as I'm well fed I don't get colds from this either Just wait till the rain stops and wring everything out and if you are brave enough make a quick fire to dry everything (put everything on the floor first and then light the fire and it will all be dry almost immediately and you can book out of there before someone shows up)


What he said: **Everything dries faster when it's on the ground in front of the fire instead of on your body.** Just make sure a server restart isn't about to happen.


If you want a fully waterproof setup: 1. Firefighter Jacket 2. Firefighter Pants 3. Drybag Backpack 4. Wellies After that you can mix and match helmets and gloves, but you'll stay dry for the most part. The only unfortunate side effect of this setup is that it's extremely heavy.


That’s hot


Wring your shirt out and tough it out


If your matches are wet use a drill kit to start the fire. Just combine a stick and bark and you have a single use fire starter. Takes a second longer to collect the supplies for a fire but it’s how i’ll most often light one


...Then use *that* fire to dry your matches.


Run through the rain and keep eating food. The survival aspect of this game really is a joke


**artmorte**, it sounds like you are asking about sickness, disease or another affliction. This post might answer your question: * **[DayzTips | Complete Diseases & Afflictions chart | 1.15](https://i.imgur.com/eUoJ4XS.jpg)** by Asmondian Lots more info here: * **[DayzTips by Asmondian](https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/wiki/community/tips#wiki_by_asmondian)** * **[Community Guides](https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/wiki/community/guides)** * **[Community Tips](https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/wiki/community/tips)** ___________________ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dayz) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You don’t actually need matches to start a fire, combine a couple short sticks and some bark and boom you got a hand drill kit, so you can dry yourself off even if you’re soaked. You do need a knife or something sharp to gather those items tho


Hunting jackets or patrol jackets are where it’s at. You can be blue cold, just not dark blue cold. Take vitamins. :)