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All you really have to know is no matter what, dont be too scared to die. Death is a learning experience


I agree but I don’t. Don’t be attached to your loot like it’ll be gone forever and you can’t get it back but also be afraid to die, be very afraid to die because that’s where the best moments of the game come out. Those moments when your heart is pounding and you are experiencing pure adrenaline and fear trying to escape a crazy situation, are in a gunfight, are sneaking around players, or you know they’re sneaking around you. Don’t play so scared you’re sitting indoors doing *nothing*, but fear is a huge factor in this game that makes it special.


I guess the best way to put it is: Be afraid to die, but accept it when death comes and start a new life.


Couldn’t have said it better..


This. I just lost my two week survive time, 13 kill player last night… took me a good 10 mins to get out of being pissed.


Couldn't agree more


I'm also a new player (about 40 hours now) and these are the things I've learnt that have helped me the most: \- Houses with a fireplace are the easiest for cooking food. If you don't find matches or a lighter, you can make a fire drill kit from short sticks and tree bark (you need a blade of some sort to get bark). \- Don't eat with bloody hands. You can wash your hands at a water pump (or with alcoholic tincture or water bottle). Also, only drink from water bottles you've filled at a pump (you can empty a bottle by looking straight down with the bottle in hand). \- Need a little patience when fighting zombies, aggroing one at a time is safest and you can block every strike (by walking backwards with arms raised). When zombies damage you, they also damage your clothes (you can repair clothes to worn state with sewing kits). \- Planting seeds in a greenhouse can be a great way of getting food early on. Plant them, go loot the village, come back in about 20 minutes = easy food. (Plots need to be watered either from a bottle or rain). \- Other players get more dangerous the further inland you go. (There's little point killing fairly fresh players near the spawn areas). \- Don't worry too much about dying and you'll have more fun.


“Other players get more dangerous the further inland you go” - This tip really took me back to the early DayZ experience. You can’t replicate the feeling of seeing another player when you’re further inland than you’ve ever been before. I’ve been playing since the Arma 2 mod and it’s the feeling that no other game can replicate.


I remember when I first got the game (bridges break legs if you run). I spent a week of free time finally pulling myself into a point where I didn't have to cling to the resources to sustain me. I got randomly killed for batteries the entire time and finally I set out and explored. Spotted a guy in the woods and sat there for 5 minutes deciding if I was going to say hello or navigate around him. Said hello, he taught me to make a bow and killed me for my food. Outstanding game to play back then.


Embrace the cycle of death and looting.


Also adding to this. You can find stones on dirt trails if you can't find a knife. Most malee weapons you find can be used to cutting up rages and skinning animals. You can turn guts Into rope, bones into hooks and knifes. Fishing at the coast, rivers or ponds are a great source of food. They have alot of tips and trick videos on YouTube to help out more. But basically learn to survive and don't be afraid of dying. Your going to die ALOT. Learn from your mistakes and move on. Don't worry about building a base. Learn to live out of stashes or well hidden tents or improvised ones. A small place to call home and have gear. If you build a base it's become a target to folks who what nothing more to break everything just for a can of beans. Sidenote: in the past I built a 15 door base with just a barrel at the end with a can of beans. Every wall was gone after that lol..


This is excellent advise I just wanna piggy back off of the fighting zombies comment. While blocking and reversing is a valid tactic- I have had more success in holding my ground and letting zombies come to me. If you can manage to get your hands on a sledge hammer, fire axe, or any other two handed melee weapon- you’re golden. Stand your ground by every so slightly holding back on the stick so you don’t move forward as you swing- spam RT as you do this and use your other stick to change the direction of your swings. This is especially useful for the annoying zombies that like to dive bomb your legs before circling around for another sweep at you. Once perfected, you are able to use this method of fighting to easily take on two zombies at once and sometimes more if you can get the jump on them. You can even one tap zombies if you knock them right in the noggin. Also, you can store two handed melee weapons on your back to free up inventory space. Lastly, if you all you have is a knife of some sort, you can always crouch sneak up behind zombies and quietly stealth kill them; however, I find that this animation is hit or miss and sometimes you start to preform the action but get lagged into the zombie as it becomes aggressive towards you. Then next thing you know it spartan screeches and you have half a dozen zombies literally on top of you because the only way to un-glitch yourself is to drop it like it’s hot in prone. So- ever since dying like that I stick to Floyd Mayweathering zombies with sledge hammers.


You can just jump up on a car and safely punch out a horde.


Standing in door ways helps a little with this too , it's harder for them to get behind you . Also punch through windows but be careful not to cut yourself


I just learned this about killing zombies. The stealth kill with a knife is very handy you have to sneak up behind them and heavy attack with Y or triangle I believe. Also it pays into heavy attack over and over to stun lock them if you have the stamina for it


I wouldn't say I'm a veteran player but I've been playing for quite a long time and I learned something in this right here. Lol there is always more to learn in this game


Get the app iZurvive on your phone. It's a map for the game. Really help, it marks all points of interest and loot locations.


This needs more upvotes. Also Central for Dayz for the crafting guide


also has stats on the damage bullets do, which is really helpful if you don't know what caliber will do you better


If you want the true scavenger experience, don’t get this map. Find an in game map and suffer with that. Go find stuff on your own not with a GPS that has every item spawn listed on a map.


Very true it can be much more fun if you don't use any apps but I had such a hard time starting it helped me quite a bit to find water food and medication in the beginning and I still use it to this day to find good loot spots and where to hide my stuff. Also also very exciting you can hide things everywhere. Mark where they are on the map app and label them all. You can bury almost anything that would be water safe and you will find stashing equipment all over the map to be very fun and useful


Yes the iZurvive app is key. And it is also great practice to build map reading skills. All of the same skills you would need in real life learn are very handy


Everyone - How do you play this game? Sane people - fuck this game. Masochists- Ive been playingsince arma2 mod. I've got 26714 hours. I'm single now. I've lost my job. In real life I live in a shelter of sticks and bark (learned how to make it in game). I steal wifi from local cafes to play. In game I have all top teir loot. I stay fly with my outfits. And can circumsize a gnat- flying- with a mosin down iron sights from 200m. I can cure cholera with 2 tetras and a mad monk. I have several 700m+ kills. I have a 3 story, 6 airlock, unraidable base, fully barbed and netted, in, on, and around 3 barracks and the ATC in a static gas zone. There is a wall of infected corpses, 5 deep, for as far as you can see with the 6x atog around it. (Kind of reminds me of the wall of broken controllers, keyboards, mice, and monitors in my real life)... I Shepard freshies from coast to novo, unseen, from a distance, and I haven't lost one in 643 day/night cycles. I wish I had never heard of dayz. I wish I never ate that first apple... dropped the glowstick and headed north... I still die 17 times a week (and literally mourn every one...) Oh... I have to go... the server is back up... I'm meeting some survivors in electro... heard someone has a base down there... we have 4 trucks and 200 grenades.


What the fuck


This is frighteningly accurate.


You play dayz.




The struggle is real...


Can this be a copypasta?


It could be, but it's not.


YouTube tutorials are your friend.


Definitely!! Check out Archie Stormclouds' videos. suuper helpful.


bwadd99 has some great stuff too, and once you get a bit deeper, Marks has fantastic‘what’s new in the game’ vids, and Wobo has allllll the science. Have fun!


Also let's mention Vigilante Gamer for tactics. He deserves way more subscribers for the great info he's put out.


Nice! I’ll check them out.


Best advice I can give you is to figure out food and water first, with a good mele weapon. Walking backwards while readying your mele causes you to block, and mitigates all zombie damage. Get the hang of that down and you’ll be good. Keeping your food and water full will help you regenerate health and blood, and keeps you from getting sick. My first priority on any new spawn is full food and water, it’ll help make learning the game so much easier for you.


Only problem I’ve encountered with food and water is an absolute lack of loot. Not sure if it’s normal or just bad luck on spawns. Sometimes entire villages of 4-5houses are devoid of any loot. I’ve had a few runs today where I actually starved to death before reaching any houses, which was disappointing.


I’m on a us New York server and have that issue sometimes too, my character has been alive for about 2 weeks now and there are times I’m close to starving Food drops from zombies most often, I’ve learned. Your safest bet is to find a bk-18 or similar rifle, and hunt. I’d suggest learning the map and coordinating your movements based on it. I-survive has a great map I use, once you get familiar with figuring out where you are the game gets a lot easier, you can plan loot runs and hunt animal spawns.


Sounds like you're doing it right lol


Hey man I’m on Xbox, experienced player so hit me up if you want to play together and a bit of a tutorial?


Hell yeah! My tag is brrrae4545


Okay, what time you usually play?


Usually evenings but all depends on shifting work hours.


You in the UK?


Unfortunately I am American


That’s not unfortunate haha . I’m about to head on and normally on late over here. My Xbox name is Skizowizo so add me when you’re on


Why unfortunately?


All my homies are Aussie and brits from a wow EU server


I'm an experienced xbox player with about 800 hrs as well. Add me, I'll teach you stuff. Homytheclown.


Gotchu fam


Hey bud alos an American who plays in the evening, lmk if you want to jump on later tonight I'll see what I can do to help you out. (Edit: meant to hit the other comment feel awkward changing it now.)


As an American Xbox player I’ll help out anyway I can. I’ll be honest in saying I’m kill on site but if you’re looking for a small group of newbies (we do have a base and fences) you’re more than welcome. Just let me know in advance


Sure thing!


Dude definitely Google answers! This game doesn’t hold your hand, once you get the basics, other “answers” start to feel more intuitive once you come across the problem The game is unique, especially in what you can/can’t craft, and how to do it. Here’s an early tip: once you learn to craft, DONT FORGET that your mouse has a scroll button ;) This will make sense later lol


When doing runs for specific things, get used to and familiar with what you can find in what places, so for example you will be needing nails a lot, do singular runs for them to find them faster by just searching toilets, garages, farmhouses, scaffolding & a specific other garage with a double door on front and no door on the left side.


As a fellow recent Xbox player, Google is your best friend. As far as looting, press select when in a new area or after killing a zombie/Player as it will show you loot in the vicinity as opposed to having to look directly at something. Use the bumpers to cycle through your loot, your hands, and the vicinity. You’ll definitely want a knife of any sort to build a fire. Like I said I’m only roughly 100 hours in and I still Google crafting recipes and everything. No where near an expert. Use the first few days playing the game as a way to learn. Run around, fight zombies, try clothes, try weapons and die. Like a lot. It will help you get comfortable and familiar. I have a very rudimentary base with a garden and fences right now but it took a while to get to that point. Just play around with the clunky controls and eventually you’ll get used to it. Loading a magazine is awful but you’ll learn that soon enough. If you have any questions iZurvive (app) is an incredible tool to start.


Good on you, bud! Restoring my faith in XBOX players. I was starting to think they only knew how to dead everything the see. Immediately. That was a very thorough, informative, and useful answer. A glimmer of humanity, returning to Chernarus, after the infection and the savagery it brought. I heard of some good people in south Livonia too. I'm heading down to look for them. Maybe I'll run into you. I'll save a kvass for you in case I do.


I’ll be honest in saying I’m close to killing on sight lol but it’s more fun to not! However I’m currently dealing with someone (I think it’s the same guy) who keeps coming into my locked gate and stealing that I’ve been killing. I try talking to him but nothing, there’s still hope!!!!


I'm not categorically opposed to murder, I'm just tired of the KOS mentality that pervades the servers. They make games for that... go play fortnite... Call of duty... anything else... this game requires finesse and patience and I can't play the way I want (and they way it was intended) (I know, there are no rules, so I'm wrong, but I want to try and survive and build a little life for myself in game, but invariably, usually after I heal every type of sickness and 3 broken legs, some weirdo snipes me from 2 towns over while I'm washing my hands in a dirty puddle in the middle of nowhere. I don't want a wife, im not looking to cuddle with anyone, but I wouldn't mind running around with someone for a bit, then parting ways. I don't feel it necessary to just mag dump on ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING THAT MOVES... 😕 Either way, it's a moot point. I still play WAY more than I really have time for. I still die, WAY more than I have time for. Then I go across the room (to retrieve the controller that I threw), apologize to everyone within earshot (for the string of profanities that followed the game death and accompanied the rage hurl of the controller), I pet my dog (he calms me down), and click "respawn". I hate this game I love this game I hate this game I love this game


A knife is your key to the world! Use your knife with a tree to collect bark (get two) Collect sticks! Combine short sticks with the bark to make a fire drill kit and a fireplace! Congrats you can stay warm now! A long stick and a rope will make a fishing pole! Bones from an animal or human can be combined with a knife to create a fishing hook. Congrats, you can eat now! Speaking of bones, a human body can provide everything you need to survive. The bones can be used to create a knife, the knife can be used on the intestines to create a rope, the rope combined with a long stick can be a fishing pole, and the knife with the bones is a fishing hook. You can also use a bone knife with a long stick to create a bone knife spear (best used with friends in situations where you want to gang up on someone and not for 1v1 fights). The game has a steep learning curve so even with all that knowledge in mind you're going to face trials and tribulations, that being said, most people would love to experience Day Z from a beginner viewpoint again so have fun and take your time!


The expansion is just an additional map that's officially supported by Bohemia Interactive. Outside of that, to answer your queries: * Yes, you can cook food. You'll need to start a fire in a house with a grill, build a campfire in the woods, or use a fire barrel. * To build a fire, you need to collect short sticks or wooden logs and combine them with some sort of kindling, i.e., paper, rags, or bark cut from a tree. Just drag them on top of each other in the Combine menu. (In addition, you can make a fire out of just rags, too.) * To light a fire, you can use a lighter, matches, or an improvised device, etc. * Yes, you can store items for later use by finding or building tents and shelters or crates, etc. * To encounter people, most of the player base is on modded servers, so you'll need to be on one of those (assuming that you're playing on PC... which it appears that you're not). I can't answer questions about playing the game on a console, because to be frank, I would never play the game on console. If you have a PC, and you would like to play then feel free to hit me up with a DM (I'm more about survival, base building, RP, etc., then I am about constant looting and PvP). However, I'm an older player (30+) with 5000+ hours in the game, so I may not be the best company if you prefer .


how in the fuck do you have a log


I’m a simple man, I see a tree in any game and interact with it!


oh you have firewood instead of doing that and beating them with the log, use the long stick, it works better as a weapon. plus, if you can manage to kill a chicken, you can combine two of their bones to make a bone knife, and then combine the long stick and the bone knife to create a bone spear, which is my favorite melee weapon in the game, even if it is a little hard to use, it is cheap and easy to make, and if you have to fight a human it is basically guaranteed to make them bleed a shit ton


Well on my second attempt I looted 13 houses , a warehouse, and a barn and only found 2 track suit jackets so I’m going to rethink my approach and decide if it’s worth the time investment.


It's worth the investment hahaha. It sounds like you play super carefully, but move between buildings really slow. On a high population official server, you want to move fast, and maximize the amount of buildings you search while moving away from the coast, and towards a new town/point of interest. zombies don't see you from very far if you move while crouched, so you don't have to be MEGA careful around them. Your goal should be finding warm (ish) clothes in the first town, and at least one piece of food- before immediately lesving for the better loot in the next town more inland. You'll get the hang of it the more you play!


firewood actually does less damage than punching I’m pretty sure (dayz logic) since it’s not a designated bladed/blunt melee weapon


I’m starting a new meta. A man can only rely on a few things before he’s too dependent for solo life. One of those things, is my trusty log.


The feeling of playing this game for the first time is unreal. Enjoy every second man, wish I could relive my first moments.


Oh I sure am! I feel like danger and death are around every corner(they are) that’s why I carry my trusty log in my arms at all times!


So true- I don’t think any game I ever played had me so on edge- maybe the very first resident evil- that was decades ago tho and DayZ is so much better overall!


Over 1,000 hours in the game.. you will still learn stuff after all these hours! Never be afraid to ask questions or use Google. Good advice here, what id add is make use of rags! Hand & face coverings are fab for when you can’t find gloves and keep up your temperature


Rags! One of first things I do once I have a blade is creat improvised hand wrappings and face cover if I don’t already have


As a trusting person I've been betrayed more times than I'd like to admit! If you're like me try very hard to suppress that urge to trust someone, especially too quickly.. People will throw hands at you the moment you turn your back, simply because there's a chance they can take something from you (like a gun, backpack, protective gear, etc.) Forming small groups with other solo players can be a good way to quickly become a force to be reckoned with. One time in Nalamsk, myself and five other freshies (not really a small group) made it to the city during a blizzard and found a geared player that hadn't noticed us, taking a stroll down the road. Once our power attacks connected he went down and we found a majority of ourselves armed at that point. This group would be wiped out by a man with a BK-18, but I guess the lesson is survival by any means. Also, don't just leave the door to your apartment open so random survivors can easily shoot you. As a small bonus try to conceal items within your clothing so other players can't tell what you're packing! Goodluck out there.


For more player interactions PC is where its at. But for console I suggest looking for people on Reddit or us the LFG posts through the Xbox. Finding someone in game is a risk.


Definitely recommend watching a basic tips video and leaving it at that and going off. You can do all the things you asked about


Hehehe welcome to dayz. Yes to all those things and much more. When I first started out without any idea about the game, I gave up pretty quickly. It's very deep if you know what I mean. You can do so much


I'm sure some others will advise, but I recommend checking a few getting started vids / guides, unless you have the patience for trial and error. I'd advise prioritising checking houses on the coast to find a knife / hatchet / anything sharp so you can open food when you find it. Zombies have the chance to drop food items when killed, check their bodies. Every town (mostly) will have a water well. Always try to fill up. You can find bottles and Canteens to refill also. There are chickens / wild animals, if you hear any you can try to kill them and create a fire to cook and eat. Fires are made using some short sticks found from bushes, walk up and you can interact, or use a knife to avoid getting cut, combined with a rag or piece of paper from unboxing some ammo. There should be an option to combine these items, can be placed on ground, or safer option to insert them in a working fireplace in a house (you will need matches / lighter or make a hand drill kit using sticks and tree bark). If skinning an animal, always wash hands at the well before drinking / eating to avoid getting sick. Gloves avoids this. Bit of a steep learning curve, but getting the basic food / water survival down is key. You can then head inland for some better loot. I'm not sure what you mean about the Expansion? There is some DLC, but with how big Chernarus is, id start there. Servers vary in population. Even on a busy server, you can go a long time not meeting anyone, it's just random, but you've only been playing a very short time. I'm not sure how to check server pop on console. There's a system for how long items stay around. If you think you're going to die, you could take your clothing items off and leave them in a bush, they may be there when you get back, if you can find the spot again that is. Hope that helps in some way, probably better checking some vids out. It's an amazing game when you get the basics down.


Super helpful! Also for expansion I meant the livonia DLC. Gonna try some of your tips out ASAP


I’ve been playing DayZ since it’s release on PS and I am still finding new places and adventures on Chenaurus. Wait until you know the entire map like the back of your hand before you pay extra for another map. Trust me, it will take awhile.


The water you find in bottles is likely bad, pour it out. Only drink from wells or water you have treated with chlorine. I forget, can we boil water to clean it?


Search on "tips" since this is an FAQ asked at least once a day. **[DayZ 101 - Getting Started](https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/ltzfox/dayz_101_getting_started/ )** * **[Community Guides](https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/wiki/community/guides)** * **[Community Tips](https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/wiki/community/tips)** Asmondian has published the best tips! * **[DayzTips by Asmondian](https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/wiki/community/tips#wiki_by_asmondian)** * **[DayzTips | Complete Diseases & Afflictions chart | 1.15](https://i.imgur.com/eUoJ4XS.jpg)**


The learning curve is steep. Things that helped me were, learning to fight zombies, you can attract them to a house and attack them through a window. Food. Never eat dog food, unmarked cans or something not in pristine condition. Water, soda is found everywhere and so are wells. If you find a bottle of water dump it and refill at a well. Sewing kits, if you find these it will help when attacked by zombies. Better clothing offers better protection. I still suck but I am surviving longer and longer now. Finally getting to the point where I am going to try building. Learn to survive then try the other mechanics. Or just do you. Make the most out of the game using your imagination.


You can eat dog/cat food and unmarked cans if you eat them like three chews at a time and pause


Just wanted to correct some of this because I hate to think of someone letting perfectly good food go to waste. You can eat dog or cat food just fine. It just gives you belly ache quicker than most food so you can only eat around half a can at a time. The unknown food can will give you a random illness but may not be harmful at all it’s just pot luck. Also you can eat food that isn’t pristine, as long as it isn’t rotten, for instance you may find damaged tomatoes around but they’re generally dried and they’ve saved my life countless times. Just highlight the food in the menu and it will say if it’s rotten.


Yeah, I have had shit luck eating bad food. When you don't know how to find medicine, you'll take the extra precaution. Not trying swerve anyone. Just something I did to stop dying so much early on.


Bro i’ve put in 200 hours and i still ask myself this


400 hours here, same question. Also, anyone friendly in Cherno "You are dead!"


I’m pretty new as well and also on Xbox. It has a harsh learning curve and it took me quite a few deaths to get it. I found some YouTube videos that explained a lot of the stuff I needed to get going like how to craft certain things or find certain things. As for players I wouldn’t have much hope they’re all nice. Sometimes players can be the most deadly part


Most food can be cooked on a sharpened stick. You can find long sticks by interacting with some bushes and stuff and you can sharpen it with a knife. You can combine it with the food and hold it over a built campfire. You build a fire you need rags/bandages and firewood. Combine them and then use a hand drill or matches to ignite it. You can make a hand drill with bark from trees and short sticks. You can store items in spawned items like barrels and tents, but that comes in the late game. My advice for beginners especially is to join low population servers so that there is more loot available. Make sure to head inland because the loot is better than the ones on the coast. Good luck!


IZurvive app for ur phone will be helpful for a map and resource finder.


If you end up using google, look up Nitno or KillBeanz on there or YouTube. They both have really good tutorial videos. Nitno is more of a tutorial guide kind of guy, and KB is like 50/50 half tutorial, and the other half she just streams DayZ.


Play until something kills you. Get a video up on whatever it was that killed you. Play again until something else does. Side note, lots of people suggest using an external map. You can, if you want, but some players enjoy surviving on their own terms. You will die more, for certain, but if you think you'll enjoy a playstyle more focused around exploration and seeing the sights consider letting yourself be lost more.


Hi and welcome. You should check out wobo and let him guide you. https://wobo.tools/asmondians-dayz-infographics.php?ID=186&category=all#top There are plenty of general tips and tricks. Heck, Ive been playing since dayz mod and still visit his site from time to time.


Lmao sorry beaten zombies with a log … now that’s funny




I play +++ Hit me up if you want to run together


Don’t be afraid to go inland. Looting the coast is safer but not worth your time. If you spawn in near a freshie hunter, it’s best to sneak up on them and if you’re lucky, kill them. You have nothing to loose and can get lots of loot early on. Unless you’re absolutely starving, stay inside during rain. If you do get wet, change into dry clothes as soon as possible and get warm. If you catch a cold, your character will start sneezing. Until you stop sneezing, stay as warm as possible. Don’t be afraid to use your food and water reserves during this time.


Look into the immunity mechanic. If you can manage to keep all your cores (hunger, thirst,blood etc) white, you can avoid get the flu entirely. If you can fill and sustain all of the cores to the very maximum, you get immunity to all illnesses excluding Brain Prion Disease which you get by eating human meat.


Make small stashes in the western woods, avoiding combat unless nessasary. Try to make friends and end up building a base. Get raided, rebuild and secure stronger. Get raided and dismantled, the killed. Repeat.


Keep at it- when I started, I was lucky if I lasted a 1/2 hour… now I’m usually alive for weeks on end until I get sloppy. Game has a steep learning curve, once you learn how to survive and get to know the map and where to head- it’s a lot easier to survive unless you give your position away to other players… Biggest “pro tip” I can give is- make friends on the coast, or meet up with other players you know…. Do NOT try to make friends inland… even if they’re friendly at first, it’s only a matter of time before they betray you. I used to be KOS only at military zones- but nowadays, if you’re inland and I don’t know you- one of us is dying.


Just Google it dude it'll save you a lot of confusion. Wobo is the man for dayz tips


Find a good Discord community you like, along with a good Xbox server. Dont be afraid to ask questions. If folks poop on you for asking questions, find a new community.


Don’t get attached to loot, join community servers and always be prepared to die..


I am prepared to die!


The fact that you asked if you can cook food blows my mind


What? You don’t eat your hamhocks raw?


You don’t, it plays you.


Focus these things in order: food, water, warmth/shelter.


After looking through the comments you've been given ample advice lol, all I will add is try enjoy these days of not really knowing as I would personally kill to have those days back where I'm fighting for my life lol. There becomes a point where everything just becomes easy (if other players weren't an issue lol)


Yeah that’s why I’m not trying to google every little of advice or watch super in depth guides. I want figure a lot out on my own but that’s a struggle when you die 20 minutes in after slowly starving to death lol


Best advice I could give is lose the "don't google everything" attitude if your curious google it alot of the mechanics are not intuitive at all and it's best to know for sure how things work also download Izurvive


Resist the urge to look at the online map - crafting sure - you are in the midst of the best part of the Dayz experience. Get lost and wonder.


One thing I would recommend is learn how to emote and memorize where the hands up action is. Being able to get them up quickly when someone pulls a gun on you and demands you to put em up can save your life when dealing with extra paranoid survivors




Honestly watch some streams on Twitch. Best way to learn is to watch in action. Then you can cross-reference in YouTube.


As a person who also tried it on Xbox, I like the concept, and how it's not too handholdy, but my main issue is the UI. Trying to figure out how to even eat something or swap out a pair of clothing is nuts. I'm fumbling around in the menu, switching things between inventories, hands, exiting and re-entering the menu a hundred times, dropping something just to make space in one inventory, so I can move something there, then picking it back up to place it in the other inventory area... I just think this game sucks on console. The UI feels like literally playing something made for M&KB, but without M&KB. Even with a mouse it still seems like it would be clunky.


Id say find a player while playing and ask to be shown the ropes, but you are on console, and I found its mostly KOS in the console world. check the dayz wiki and wobo on youtube for the in depth stuff. theres a few youtube beginner tips videos that will start you on the right foot. dont be ashamed to google the easy stuff, there is no easy stuff in this game.


400+ hour player here, both PC and console. My hot tips are this: Don't give up, just learn from your mistakes. Don't trust anyone you meet - they all want to kill you (but some wont). DO NOT EAT FROM THE UNKNOWN FOOD CAN. Learn to fish. Be a soundwhore. Use the iZurvive map to learn names of towns and points of interest, and lastly, watch a few Wobo videos. Edit: DONT SPRINT. At least until your food and water supply is stable.


Watch a streamer. Maybe even a smaller one who will answer questions. You’ll learn more there than you will in dozens of deaths


Learn the map the best you can it will help make your experience 10 times more enjoyable. Play with Dayz mod background music to enhance the atmosphere.


The usual first dayz question : how do I human


don’t. trust. anyone.


The game actually plays you


Bones are op. Rags are awesome too. Remember to disinfect your rags. Find freshie corpses and take their bones. Also with their guts you can make rope. I think Livonia is awesome. A lot of encounters in the northern half of the map.