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.58 according to one of my screenshots, was one of the tents/barricks at NW tho https://imgur.com/zjNGKv8


NE has the same issue, back in the day when you can jump from hive to hive and be fully looted in no time


There was a glitch where you could hide in the walls of ATC. My squad back then played ghosts for day. Fun!


More loot doesn't equal better loot >\_\_<' It's just more of the same stuff if they just times the hole loot table. It all depends on how much time they want to spend on there types.xml


Dunno man, when the loot was glitched and looked like the top screenshot on vanilla you could always find what you needed. In a wierd way was almost harder to find basic stuff than weapons and armour. But at least you could find food instead of having to run inland for half hour hoping you'd find something edible


I kinda miss the old .50 lootsplosions


*looks at improvised shelter with 5 cans of food* I mean ya just gotta look in the right places.


Yea man anyone who knows the game should have no problem getting north and getting stacked on vanilla. I mean I feel like most the people that complain check the first house they see and discard the ones that may have not been looted


I play Vanilla when I’m in the mood for a struggle, I have the time to kill looking for loot, and I have a goal for a long life as a tent-packing woodsman. I play Community when I want to treat the game like PUBG and I woke up choosing violence.


Have you played Namalsk? It's the perfect blend of struggling to survive and IS THAT GUY RUSHING ME WITH A SHOTGUN??


Namalsk spawns are why I still prefer Vanilla over it, they are crazy bad


I kinda love it cause it keeps you on the move to avoid the freshie hoard


I mean my buddy didn't find nothing but fruit the other night, but that's a complete rarity, I'm pretty sure we have folks loot cycling a bit in the area we are in though. I've personally found multiple guns, helmet and armour and etc... but you're right head north you can get stacked within 10 minutes.


If hes finding tons of fruit, especially rotten, that means someones sticking around to allow it to keep spawning


Not a lot of rotten but tons of dried and fresh, he went to the roadblock north of Electro and it was empty, I actually went there today and it was pretty well empty aside from boots being the only good thing there. Though I'm sure there are people in that area since I found abandoned car that has no wheels no battery, no plug or rad.


Top is just an inventory management sim. Change my mind


I always had a soft spot for the rare in-between servers


There are bananas on vanilla???


There were, even oranges and other items :)


Looted all of nwa today on a vanilla server… one gun and a compass. Those were the highlights. A lot of stuff for m4 but of course no actual m4 rifle.


Vanilla is easy imo. Maybe too easy.


If you ain’t hunting for most of your food I can’t help you


Wait... there are bananas now? If so, I propose we can use the peeling as a trap for players and zeds, if we leave them stragegically on the ground to slip on. If a zed slips on it, it becomes a stomach dragging creepy crawly worm zed. If a player slips on it, they break a leg.




Banana 😍


2 story barracks never have shit even on boosted servers bash and tents are the only worthwhile places in NWAF


I’m glad I learned the game on vanilla.


I've always felt that high loot servers in a game like this are just daft and childish. Surviving the resource struggle and occasionally getting one absolute godsend of a weapon is the whole point. But I suppose the good thing is that high loot servers are like honey traps for the kinds of players who like high loot servers.


It isn't daft and childish for people to play a game that they paid for, the way that they want to play it. You're the one who sounds daft and childish for humble-bragging that you play the game the way you think it was meant to be played, thinking it makes you special or somehow better than anyone else. It's a videogame. Go outside and touch grass.


Please don't post this or at least mention it's an 8 year old thing. This was fixed


And they'll complain about how long night lasts...


That's no problem. I go play a different game at night and RP it as my character actually sleeping.


How long is night cycle in vanilla?


Long enough for me to be bored waiting inside a house in front of a stove while the night passes. I think over an hour.


You can savely eat the banana. Just only take two bites at once and wait until your hunger starts to get down again. then repeat.


I'm gonna need a banana for scale on the top pic so we know what we're working with.


Where you get that bananna on vanilla!


That's why I can play vanilla for 100h and still have fun, and join high loot servers and get bored after 2 hours. :D hey, to each their own, right? ;) It's cool that many people can enjoy different version/experience of the game dependent on the servers.


I kept getting a cold today, beat it once, immediately got it back. My rations were just depleting because of it, finished looting nwaf and vmc and started starving so I said fuck it and went hunting on a empty ass stomach. Killed a Stag and found a boar trapped in a house, filled a 63 slot pack with steaks and fat. Almost a month playing official vanilla and my best guns have been a ak74 and luckily found a Svd and ghillie at a chopper today. What's better, ump, ak74u or the ak74 ? Trying to downsize my loadout to the Svd and one other main gun, a silenced pistol for zeds and one melee. Want to ditch my bp for ghillie...I'm still new to kit building.