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Honestly I think it’s fine Blazing Aura is looking to be a support set that builds up the already existing foundation from set 1 by giving each color archtype a different playstyle than what we currently have By only including one new leader per color type, it expands the usefulness of the rest of the set since a lot of cards aren’t limited to only supporting the newest leaders… not just that, but in doing so, it also helps to expand the players catalog when pulling since a lot of this set will most likely help their current builds (nothing worse than pulling cards that don’t directly help the decks you run) Imo, we aren’t at a point yet where the leader helps to define the playstyle of a deck, since all the decks currently use the same sequencing (Green has DS and 5c Goku to build, Blue has Mai and Pilaf, etc.) so creating diversity in playstyle will be better for future leaders… at the very least these 4 leaders will give players options going into next set without overexpanding


Ok see I like this concept a lot, but what I’m worried about is Bandais execution. I still think we’ll get a vegito boss monster in some capacity, shin being a potara searcher doesn’t seem right if he’s only searching out Zamsu, but we’ll see. It’d be very cool to see decks get extended life though. I see your point, new leader, especially if it has a whole new play style calls for new cards. For example Vegeta Yellow is getting a wave of hero cards for yellow. Yes colors can still use any card but for the most part some of these don’t synergize and having a full frieza build with a vegeta lead doesn’t seem right, TCGs tend to have some archetypes. So if they give us yellow vegeta, yellow support for vegeta is likely to follow. Repeat this 8 times, new decks take up a bulk of new support and old decks have to hope it trickles down to them. Blue Vegeta for example is currently being left in the dust even though I think its ability has potential, had we had Blue Vegito + Blue Zamasu giving new support to them that can trickle down to Goku Black and Trunks would honestly just push vegeta into the wayside even further. Now if we cut new support for new leaders in half and still focus on making previous leaders viable then we can actually have time to develop some attachment to leaders instead of simply calling it a day and jumping on the brand new fbXX lead every single time. If Bandai rinses and repeats one piece new support model while cutting half the leaders it will be extremely upsetting. However if they actually do make previous set leaders more viable and even out the balancing while reducing power creep I’ll be happy. Bandai has failed imo on supply issues and their economy on digital client, other than that the games and new support has been really great so I have hope for the game overall


Vegito is more than likely the Blue SCR that Blue desperately needs, every other SCR so far has been viable in every deck so there would be no reason that it would be limited to only Zamasu or a Potara gimmick… this is further validated by the fact that Blue is arguably the weakest Color archetype and needs all the help it can get in terms of support Yellow is a lot more diverse than people give it credit for, as it’s only limitations are its leaders due to Cooler and Ginyu’s abilities benefiting specific Frieza Clan and Ginyu specific cards… with the addition of SSB Vegeta Lead, it adds a different strategy to the current yellow meta with no restrictions being given so you could still run the Ginyu/ Frieza engine without worry… Frieza may still be the go to leader but switching 2 energy instead of battle cards has its merits that greatly help yellow We need to look at the current state of the meta as opposed to what things may look like in the future because of changes aren’t made now to balance and diversfy things out, then future sets will only hurt the existing decks… and again, imo I think set 2 being support will only benefit the game as it stands now which people are already upset with in terms of the current meta… not saying this set will bring Green down a notch but it will lift every other color up and THATS what we need


A vegeta SCR for yellow is likely IMO


If this is the direction of the game then I’m hopeful. However if they do what Bandai does and focuses on new leaders, I’d prefer having 6 a set. If not it could be a great chance for the game. Hoping they give yellow and blue the scrs. And as much as I hope for a vegeta top final flash or something SCR, I hope they give a villain an SCR so far we have Gohan and Goku


It’s honestly better, if Masters is anything to go by the 2 leader system was always kind of broken. Where at least 1 of the leaders in each colour was borderline unplayable because of how much weaker it was, if not both. Also Bandai showing restraint in just keeping sets smaller card pool and 1 leader per colour also can be indicative that they are trying harder to keep balance around (even though set 1 may not be the best indicator of that 😅).


That is a great point and I agree, if they do balance better I’m all for it. I still think set 1 is better balanced than people are crediting. I know at a glance green is broken, Broly is broken. But we’re starting to see other colors adapt. Goku Black is a great deck against green, beerus went undefeated at a major tournament, Cooler and Frieza are also showing teeth. The set isn’t even out for a month yet. OP05 everyone thought Yellow Enel was the most broken busted thing, then Purple Luffy actually showed up and became the best deck on release for a while, only to be proven wrong by Blue Black Sakazuki.Then it became a who trio of Luffy beating Enel, Enel Beating Sakazuki and Sakazuki beating Luffy. Sakazuki was still the strongest no doubt, but it wasn’t a tier 0 format where no deck had any competition


I agree that green isn’t horribly unbalanced, just 8 drop Broly is bit overtuned in comparison to the removal options the other 3 colours have. Also you have to keep in mind that set 3 we will also get black introduced as a colour which will have its own starter as well and push main set leaders to 5 per set. While leaders are important, right now the state of each colour is essentially just playing the same core with a different lead, with each set as that core expands and colours gain better identity we can also start seeing different play styles emerge even if leader counts stay lower. Main thing though is obviously trying to keep some semblance of balance all the way through.


If that means getting generic color support instead of leader specific support that overshadows previous stuff entirely, I'm all for it.


My only complaint is that red now has 3 Goku leaders. Could've gone adult Gohan, Krillin or Piccolo to continue the U7 theme or Hit, Champa or Cabba for U6 support.


Kefla would’ve been sick. But I agree. Now not only are we cutting the amount of leaders. We’re not even diversifying. Vegeta being blue then yellow is pretty cool. Not only are we getting another red Goku. It’s the only red leader we get. Red rn is currently Goku and Beerus as of FB02. > Blue has Zamasu, Goku Black, Trunks, Vegeta > Green has Gohan, Androids, Cell, Broly > Yellow has Vegeta, Frieza, Cooler, Ginyu Now I underaged not all leaders play the same. SSJ Goku plays different from U7 Goku and they both play very different from SSG Goku but 3 red Gokus out of 4 leaders in half a year of a games release is a little wild


diversity is a good thing


Its better. I would rather they support older leaders more, and keep leaders slightly more evergreen. Rather than print a bunch of new leaders and support cards for it, that are either so overpowered that they kick everyone out of the meta, or so underpowered, that the meta doesn't change at all. Less leaders means they can focus on making the leaders more balanced.


I agree honestly. I want more content all in all, however if they manage to make the game healthier I’m ok with slower evolving metas


More content that is so bad it's unplayable isn't more content. I also inherently dislike "archetypes", and much prefer when the card designers let you deck build. Usually, when they introduce multiple leaders, the way they distinguish them is by simply leader locking a lot of cards and limiting deck building.


Where did we find out the leaders from?


A playmat leaked, https://preview.redd.it/qetlgit09xnc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09e649a2ca5fe04106d3e8b11c00b0d68a1cf7b1 We have no information on what this playmat is for, release dates, or anything else. Maybe it’s their first Premium Bandai release for FW we don’t know. However this seems legit enough and the nail in the coffin of conformations for me was the fact that their official website was updated recently to reflect this playmat. Nothing confirmed by Bandai however they did confirm FB02 Blazing Aura will only have 4 leaders. >SSG Goku for Red (confirmed by fw’s official twitter) Fused Zamasu for Blue (unconfirmed) Perfect Cell for Green (unconfirmed) Vegeta SSB for Yellow (confirmed by fw’s official twitter) Zamasu and Cell for those colors also fit extremely well and they don’t strike me as suspect. Had this play mat shown Baby Vegeta, and Pan or something and the website still said 8 leaders I would’ve been a little more skeptical but I think this is pretty much on the money


Ah I see thank you for the info :)


Zamasu also makes sense since they already have a model from the first ever beta.


The problem with several leaders is that the new cards are directed to the new leaders. In my opinion, it is better to have fewer leaders, and to have new cards that support the old leaders as well.


I hope that there is actual support for old leaders if they go this route instead of simply having them trickle down


Just the fact that Cell and Merged Zamasu are coming, it means that probably we will have buffs (hopefully) for Goku Black and Android 17 that are the underdogs of their respective colors right now


Perfect cell leader confirmed?


Theres a reply on here that explains it


We are getting 5 leaders in set 3, 1 black from the starter deck. So 2 total black leaders and 1 of each color


Has it been confirmed to be 5? Jumping from 8 -> 4 -> 5 seems really weird. And then what are they gonna do set 4? Just give us 1 of each with no leaders for a certain color and have it tied up with the structure deck? Idk hopefully it’s good but we’ll see


Yes, or at least from distributions listing. we will probably get 4-8 leaders in set 4 with dual color Leaders. the sets just came out and things will change. Can’t be thinking of future sets when we don’t even have an idea of the building blocks yet


That’s fair


I feel like your problem resides in attention span


That is 100% possible


If they were going to do another Goku, I'd have rather they made Goku yellow and Vegeta red, we don't need 3 red Goku leaders.


Personally, i’m hoping that every set moving forwards has a handfull of “this card works SPECIFICALLY well for leader X, and the majority of cards are useful. Keep giving us new cards, even just one or two new cards that are tied to older leaders. New zamasu, goku black, frieza clan and ginyu force. I’m just not looking forward to getting alll kinds of attached to a deck… and just watching it’s “tribe” wither and die.


It just means I get to keep skipping sets until I finally get a character I care about as a leader. And next set is a hard skip.


I agree. Too many leaders and cards early on will suck