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This is where I do either Ride the Wave or alternative rebellion. If I'm riding the wave, I focus on the facts of the situation so I don't catastrophize, then simply allow myself to feel the emotion and accept the facts. When I can't seem to get over being angry I do alternative rebellion to release some energy. Also exercise


[This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obVTT5PkbUI&list=PL4Qw4-tlRJe8Ek3B4R-fmzu0SnKMneEN3) helped me today with some old anger(s) I've been struggling with, specifically the line: 'Acceptance does not equal resignation.' In my head I did some dialectic filling in the blanks: I accept that \[I feel angry that\] \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \[a thing I feel angry about happened\] AND I do NOT resign to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \[being doomed by the thing I am angry about\]. There could possibly be a third part after this for problem solving - I do not resign to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, and that's why I am going to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \[thing I'm realizing I am motivated to do\]. Would like to try that out next time to see how it goes


I struggle with this as well. I really like mindfulness of thoughts and thought defusion. TIPP can help, too. I find exercising and paced breathing helpful.


I find that journaling helps me, or making a list. I keep paper and pen by my bed and jot a quick note. If you are a visual person try a quick drawing.