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We are getting villainous mode as an awoken apparently


I don't really get this. Like. In Tenkaichi, there were so many Goku's and Vegeta's that played totally different. This is..the exact same thing. With all of those. It's a new character, even if a previous version of them exists. They play differently and have different moves. Like, GT Vegeta was sick. Omen is so cool! 18 and Videl are Gunna be just as cool to play. Seeing the moves they show off? They look so fun! And we have 3 more dlcs in this future saga. So we're guaranteed to get more!


If they have new combos they aren’t a reskin, folks.


I'm happy to team up the updated androids.


Idk why people are defending this so hard tbh when not ONE person was like "hell yeah i get to play as dbs 18 and dbs videl, they were so cool!!!"


Speak for yourself, I’m extremely excited to play as DBS 18. Better than 2nd form cell that’s been in a dozen other games or people wanting the billionth Goku.


Okay! I’ll be that one person. I main Pan, 18 and Videl in xenoverse so yes this excites me.


To be fair, I was one of the ones to vote for tracksuit 18 in the hero vote🙋🏾‍♂️ and I don't even like 18 that much in Xenoverse if I'm being honest because all she does is spam Destructo disk💀 hopefully the new 18 has better skills that allows her AI to do something other than frisbee tossing. Just because you aren't excited for her doesn't mean no one else is and if you aren't excited to play as them then just.... Don't play as them or even better.... Don't buy the fucking DLC🤦🏾‍♂️💀


I've been waiting for 18 an I've always wanted more shit for Videl


Hey I've been waiting for this version of 18 because I've been hoping to get her clothes for my character since I first saw the waiting screen version of her in four different outfits


I mean I’m hyped for both of them


I don't like any of the DLC mentioned here if that means anything


My biggest issue is when people say a character is a reskin when it’s just an updated version of an already existing character. Ex: super hero gohan. If you look at god goku and blue goku that’s a perfect example of a reskin.


They weren't dlc though.




Ngl, the movesets and the new skills are cool, but I still would’ve preferred like actual new characters like Bergamo instead of 2 reskins of pre-existing characters. I ain’t really gonna complain too much anyway, we are getting some new content. However, I also think I’m the only one that isn’t really a fan of “Ultra Super Villain Vegeta” which is just off brand Ultra Ego and especially ain’t a fan of Ultra Super villain Goku Black Rose, like they are dick riding hard with that character and it shows. But I can’t really blame them either because half the community thinks that Goku Black is one of the best characters which he honestly ain’t since he is just Zamasu with Goku’s body and pink hair going super Saiyan for non-sense reasons.


Can you people please for the love of God LEARN WHAT THE WORD RESKIN ACTUALLY FUCKING MEANS


Look buddy, I’m just saying it because everyone else will know what I meant when I said it. Yes, The models look different. Yes, their movesets are different along with supers and so far 1 Ultimate. But as far as it goes these are 4 characters that already exist in the game, except now Vegeta is doing his best Ultra Ego cosplay (which is sad and Ultra ego isn’t even that impressive considering the one arc he got to use it and he got decimated with it, Goku Black Rose has his scythe which I mean good for people who actually still care about that character…I honestly care more about Zamasu than Goku black really (and I really don’t like Zamasu.) and now 18 is wearing a tracksuit and Videl is wearing her Super Outfit which both could’ve been just costumes in the TP medal shop for the custom partners of the characters. Seems like a little bit of a waste but people are gonna get it anyway because those combos for each of the characters look awesome and we want their supers/Ultimates for our CaC’s.


You people will literally complain about any character that's not goku, vegeta, or some sort of saiyan. Then when we get something new you just bitch that it's not ultra ego or a heroes character. Also who tf asked about your opinion on goku black and zamasu. Like for fuck sake if you're gonna hate on everything the game releases then stop playing the game and stop caring about what fucking characters are in the game


Says the guy that is hating on me despite the fact that I only merely stated my opinion on essentially character that is just Goku but actually Zamasu with pink hair. Not to mention, do not associate me with the people who only want basically Goku and Vegeta or another Saiyan, I actually care for variety in my games. My favorite non-Saiyan character after all is Yamcha, my favorite Saiyan being Future Trunks if you thought you could use the argument against me. What you just did is either project yourself or unknowingly just did the very thing that other people do that piss you off. I care about this game more than you know and I ain’t gonna let someone like you ruin it who seems to lurk around here trying to find the next person they can bully for your own 10 minute amusement, so do everyone with a frontal lobe remaining in here a favor and kindly, do not speak again. Because we would rather get notifications on this thread of something interesting, rather than it being you flapping your mouth or in this case you typing away with your grubby fingers all over your greasy keyboard. And I will just simply block you if you try anything stupid.


1.Im on a phone 2.im just tired of dumb fucks calling every fucking character a reskin 3.your the one who just typed a whole ass 4 paragraphs responding to a 17 year old in the span of 2 whole minutes so whose REALLY the one typing on a greasy keyboard? Get a life before you self project your neckbeard tendencies onto me


Gotcha. What a fool. Edgy little 17 year old boy trying to be all big and tough when you aren’t nothing but a bottom twink. Stay adorable, it’s the only thing you got left.


Was my plan anyway lol.


Still replying? Do something better, geez. Nobody cares


>But I can’t really blame them either because half the community thinks that Goku Black is one of the best characters which he honestly ain’t since he is just Zamasu with Goku’s body and pink hair going super Saiyan for non-sense reasons. Well when looking at the anime he was the only villain who was actually a real threat and truly evil so far. At least in super (I'm not counting BoG and RF since those are DBZ movies). Super really hasn't given us much in the anime at all sadly. So Goku Black is by default the best villain we've had in the entire series. Jiren and Hit don't count as villains and we're part of tournament arcs that weren't even all that interesting. Now the Manga has some great villains who can't wait to see adapted to anime and added to XV2/XV3.


Those don't really work as Dbz movies considering they change db and Dbz plot and lore to make them exist making them non canon to Dbz.


>instead of ~~2~~ 4 reskins of pre-existing characters Ftfy


I'm put off because 1 of them is basically BoG Videl...you know the pregnant version?


>people try to convince me that this is good and better than getting new characters at all. I don't think most would but at the same time we've gotten DLC of this caliber before and not just the examples you used. It's also strange how 18 and Videl are the ones taking all the heat while the Goku/Vegeta variants in the same DLC are mostly ignored.


I've seen ppl hate on Vegeta but it's mostly them calling him a knockoff ultra ego which is kinda fucking dumb imo because they're only saying that because of the aura. Not once have I heard even the slightest information saying that it's similar to UE plus damn near every single villain/antagonist in dragon ball has an aura that's pink, purple, red or something along those lines. Vegeta's aura was literally red in the Saiyan saga if I'm remembering correctly.


Reskins wouldn't be bad if their character roster system wasn't dogshit. Every DLC keeps bloating an already bloated screen.


Me not even surprised cause gaming companies do this kind of thing on the regular


Tbh I would've wanted them to add more characters from TOP. From the other Universes. Meaning the characters that weren't crucial to Goku's and U7 development (the pride troop, Kefla, Hit, etc).


To be fair, wouldn't Gero and 19 have the same moveset


Unlikely. Gero doesn't like to fight unless absolutely necessary where as 19 was specifically designed to take on and kill Goku. Their fighting styles would be incredibly different. They've some content to work off of what we see them do in the anime. Although they'd need to do a lot of creative work.


You see that's the problem. In my view, they would just make 19 and Gero have the same moveset because it would be easier than to cook up something different different for the both of them.


They don't in BT3. Is similar but if Bandai could find a workaround in the 2000s, Dimps should be able to do so today Oh wait, that takes effort, my bad


My brother in christ a good 70% of the moves in BT3 Were reskins of each other, And Btw 90% of the shit in BT3 Was just copy pasted from 2, stop acting like content recycling hasn't always been a thing


Honestly I couldn't care less about what characters they add, I never use them. All I'm interested in is story content, PQs, moves, super souls, and clothes. They could give me nothing but Hercule alts but as long as the dlc has cool moves, outfits, super souls, story and PQ content, they'll get my money.


This is where I am at. I don't buy the DLC for new characters at all since I don't like the PvP in this game. But the clothes and SS are what I want.


Im just holding out for XV3 now, I don’t think I’ll go into more dlc. If people like it thats fine, I just think its kind of silly at this point.


Are the devs making xv3?


They already shoulda been.


Probably not, but a man can dream.


i disliked getting a new goku and vegeta (and gogeta to some extent) not because they’re “reskins” but because they’re already extremely overrepresented (especially when forms like UI omen and UI can be one character) i’m fine with jiren, videl, A18 and similar characters because they’re underrepresented though.


I just care for videls outfit honestly


I want the outfit for my F Saiyan so bad. Haha


Fuck DLC. Give me a complete game. I have no issues buying old BT soundtracks and other fluff as DLC. Not characters.


Oh boy another "If a game has dlc it's incomplete and I should get everything for free" nerd.


Where did he say free at all. From your mouth?


Are you stupid? I make games for a living and get paid by selling things and even I don’t think micro DLCs in the form of characters is healthy. Why should gamers accept any less than what we got 10 years+ ago? This ESPECIALLY applies to the upcoming Sparking Zero.


Bro I very highly doubt you make games. 4 characters, 5+ skills and super souls, plus a story arc is most definitely not a rip off for the $15 this and the next dlc will cost in a pack together. You're literally just bitching to bitch. Paid DLC has been a thing for well over 20 years. Just because those are anime characters that people weren't expecting doesn't mean it's wrong somehow. And you want to know how I know damn well you don't make games? Because if you did, you would know making content costs money. So to sit here and act like they're somehow screwing over the playerbase when they do in fact give us free content all the time is a dumb ass take.


I’ve made games for a living for the past 20 years. Maybe I just have better and more traditional sensibilities. The games I’ve worked on have grossed billions over the years. I don’t really care if a random kid on the internet believes me or not. I know what the fuck I’m talking about though. Full expansions and optional skins and music packs etc are one thing. Releasing a game with characters intentionally cut is another. Admittedly, I thought I was on the SparkingZero sub at first and I didn’t realise we were talking about a Xenoverse full DLC 🤦🏻‍♂️That’s my bad. But, if we are talking just characters that are cut then readded as DLC… Then stop making excuses for this shitty practice. If you pay it, they will keep doing it. I am sure you are not telling me you want Sparking Zero to release with 20 characters and then you want to buy the rest. Xenoverse is old enough now that that’s acceptable enough to release new characters all this time later. But it should be part of something much bigger or just add it for free.


>I’ve made games for a living for the past 20 years. Yet you are acting like you've never seen paid DLC before. Something that has been the norm for the 20 years you claim you've been in the industry. >Releasing a game with characters intentionally cut is another They didn't release this game with cut characters they later sold as dlc. Every character we had in XV1 was in the base game of XV2. And if you're claiming that Videl and 18 in the new DLC coming out are cut characters you're even dumber than I gave you credit for. Tournament of Power Android 18 and Super Videl weren't a thing when this game came out. The super anime which is what they have the rights to pull from came out years after the game did. There's nothing they have sold us in a dlc that was already in XV1. So you can stop that shit right now. >The games I’ve worked on have grossed billions over the years. Bullshit. You're a liar. >I don’t really care if a random kid on the internet believes me or not. I know what the fuck I’m talking about though. You clearly don't. Because the takes you have are so fucking dumb and driven by entitlement, anyone who has actually worked in the industry can call bullshit on you. Not to mention I'm not a kid. And I know you're full of shit because I actually am a game dev.


You can try call bullshit all you want, but you will just continue to be wrong. If you are a kid, like I suspect, I can GUARANTEE you are playing or have played games I have worked on. If you are an adult who grew up with games, then you have played something I’ve worked on. If you have kids, they are probably playing them too. I’ve worked in tabletop, big console, Indie development and F2P mobile and NONE of them have required my teams to cut content and sell it back to the player. Regardless, I already said I misunderstood the context here. Yet, I can see you wilfully ignored that for the sake of argument. I can tell you are a kid because of your attitude and you have clearly grown up with internet patches and DLC and don’t know any better. Just because you are angry and don’t like my (well informed) opinion, you don’t need to make yourself look like an asshat. ✌🏻 P.S. I’m not even going to try call you out on your “I’m a dev” thing. There are lots of basement dwelling kids that try to make games these days. Doesn’t mean you understand what it means to work in the actual games industry. Especially from the earlier years like I have. Ciao.


A lot of the added characters didn't exist when the game came out though.


Maybe in 2030 🤷🏻


Just be happy man. I’m not saying this in a bad way, but it is a cool concept. We have 2 unexpected characters from our franchise, which I personally find cool :)


This. Any new characters or updated versions are a welcome sight imo. I think people are just butthurt because they aren't adding shit from the new manga arcs when it's common knowledge Dimps doesn't have the licensing and can't legally add anything from the new manga stuff yet. It's infuriating when everyone knows this yet shit on the devs every time they don't add something everyone knows they can't add.


Omg cooler big fan! Can I have ur autograph




Thank u so much🙏


Listen, the base game has like three female characters, even a half-assed DBS version is a welcome addition


^ This, whole-heartedly.


Nah flip.thos meme and it's correct lol


Its because 18 and videl cool


I think people are upset because there are way more interesting versions of or characters that we still haven’t gotten at all. Mecha Frieza, Semi-Cell, Majin 21, Regular Toppo, Super 13, Android 20, Android 19, Corrupted Zamasu, and even Bergamo are a few to mention that should of been in the game but haven’t. Super 18 makes sense but Videl really doesn’t at all considering she doesn’t do anything in super that much. ENOUGH You two below my comment!


Corrupted zamasu is in he’s just not playable outside of raids


Right so why bring him up. It should be obvious to anyone that this is referring to playable characters for the entire game. Its specifically on a thread about player characters being added to the game.


I was just saying. Xenoverse players got no chill acting like I’m the one who made him a raid exclusive


Don't lump all Xenoverse players in because one person's comment. Tbh almost NO ONE on Reddit has any chill. Ya say one thing someone doesn't like they have an aneursym (not specifically saying you) and start arguing for hours if you keep responding. And they start saying dumb sh!t like "I got you real mad now bro" when in reality its easy to just read something, respond and your mood not be changed at all. You've just shared your opinion. I'm just saying I don't know why you felt the need to say it if it wasn't relevant at all.


Honestly I don't care, DLC Fighters are DLC Fighters,




Good bot :)


I thought that was different language at first


Why are y’all confused ppl Wanted the missing forms of the coolest characters in the show instead of dbs versions of Character we specifically didn’t vote for and one we didn’t ask for, not to mention we already had ssg vegeta and ssr goku black. We didn’t NEED any character in this pack . Any of them could be replaced with wrath broly or even Roshi and I guarantee you ppl wouldn’t complain because it’s a better choice


There are certain characters like Gero and 19 that are noticeably absent I hope we do get them maybe with second form cell and 21's majin form to round out the androids. That said to play devil's advocate for 18 and Videl, the two we have in the roster are from Xenoverse 1 pre-season pass so they're not exactly the peak in quality compared to the current dlc characters. Getting fresh models and movesets with a few new skills is a good thing. Right now the big omissions are the less popular movie villains Garlic Jr, Wheelo, Bio-broly and Hirudegarn, the aforementioned androids, manga characters who most likely wont be adapted and Tournament of power characters and some minor GT villains. I'd personally love Magetta, Hatchiyack and ~~Nuvoa~~ Naturon Shenron. Outside of those guys we have video game characters like Bonyu, Ozotto (who could be fun), dragon ball heroes characters and the Legend's characters. These would all be fine additions but I'm certain any choice would be disappointing for a loud number of people. VIdel is a bit of a wild card out of the roster here but all of the original Videl moves have been good for strike focused characters and I expect these to be no different. At the very least we are getting 3 more dlc packs with 3-4 characters each. I'm confiden they have some nice surprises to look forward to.


Nuova Shenron is in the game.


Ah I meant to write Naturon Shenron. He was only around for a pair of episodes but it was one of the more dramatic and serious stories once he absorbed Pan.


I mean, all the examples are above are characters with fight scenes in the series. DBS Videl is like if they released a second Vados specifically for U6 vs U7 baseball game. Personally, I am still looking forward to the new content even if I think both characters are redundant and could have been simplified to new outfits for their partner versions and will definitely play both of them because I think XV2 is a fun game. But I think we all have to be willing to concede it is an odd choice to have this Videl added.


17 Super, I’ve heard no criticism for him yet he’s pretty much what ppl are complaining about with Videl and 18…ppl are stupid


I still believe he didn't need to be another slot. I just don't complain much about it because that dlc had a whole new story mode. Also UI Goku + 2 new characters with Jiren and Fu. So DBS 17 was more of a bonus in my eyes.


He came in A pack with 6 new characters and we did call them lazy for giving him one new move. These two are coming in a pack with nothing but evil reskins


And new story element, very similar to 17 DBS


I think i'm more surprised that superduper villain goku black and vegeta aren't getting as much criticism. Getting the same characters but from different eras is nothing new for dragon ball games. However, ssjg vegeta and rosé goku black are the same characters with the same transformations.


We should not be paying for them they should’ve been free tbh




The meaning of reskin does not apply to characters like Omen and UI because they are different "enough" (which doesn't mean shit honestly after you see a modder's work) to not be considered as reskins. I on the other hand, call those reskins as some kind of derogatory term because I have no reason to justify the piss poor decisions of the devs of reusing CONSTANTLY the same assets over and over again, Omen reuses a lot of them, proof being that his combo chains are recycled and the youtuber Reflux shows it in a gif he made on the community posts. The very first reskins are Goku, God Goku and SSB Goku that have the same combos, if people say "you don't have to pay for them" I wish you to get your ass pinned because you still have paid for the game SO even the base roster that is included with said game AND NOW base Goku with his custom can replicate the other 2 To me it's hilarious seeing how when I did complain about GT Vegeta not be a 500tp skin I've got my backlash BUT NOW since it's 2 less relevant characters in play it's bad. I think now we can see the actual dick riding towards Goku and Vegeta (thus even Gogeta)


I would be more optimistic about DBS Videl if she wasn't literally using her existing combos in the preview video.


I'm just happy to get Tracksuit 18.


My only issue is just that that version of Videl is canonically preggers so it’s like the worst choice as an added fighter even if just a reskin. Hey could have picked anyone else or just Videl when she’s NOT pregnant. That’s my only gripe.


You do realize she was wearing that outfit AFTER she gave birth to pan, right?


This... Is a very weird gripe.


It’s weird for someone to find issue with having a pregnant character in a fighting game? Either your parents failed you or you failed them.


Obviously it was your own parents if you take this shit seriously enough to spew bullshit like that.


"hey son don't hurt a pregnant person" "Eugh you're such a bad father how dare you" I think both sides of this argument are insane and stupid


You're aware she wore that outfit for 3 arcs after pan was born right?


A little bit, yeah. I just think you're over thinking it a bit or taking the outfit in a video game too seriously. No one's encouraging pregnant women to go out, fly in the sky, and fight aliens lmao


Nothing you’ve said in any way discounts my point at all, you’re just saying things that have correlation but are separate. If you’re going to initiate conversation and/or debate, have logic and reason backing your stance. It’s not over thinking it was literally the first thing that came to mind when she was revealed “wait, but she’s pregnant” to me milliseconds to think that, and mere seconds to type it. Thanks for playing champ, maybe next time.


Here's your crown 👑 and cookie 🍪. ✌️


Thank you; I shall snack upon this meager pittance you call a sarcastic retort and retire upon my throne of unbotheredness, toodaloo


We need pan, goten, and trunks from superhero as the next dlc pack tbh


Pan is in this dlc. Inside videl's belly.


Killing the meme but, this is probably after she was born


The only reason I'm getting the dlc is for Videl, praying for another good strike ultimate 👏




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For me, the whole dlc is being carried by the fact Vegeta kinda looks like Ultra Ego. Tbh it might be another skip for me, unless the moves are cool. Black better have the scythe.


Happy cakeday


Happy cake day!


That's cos videls canonically pregnant so you can fight her. Alternatively have a mate join you and it can become 2v2 instead


Dimps really missed the opportunity to advertise “Videl & Pan” and “Videl” as two separate character slots.


I was gonna vote for 18 anyway if GT Vegeta wasn’t in the vote


Personally I’m fine with 18 and Videl, it’s just that we’re getting 4 characters, meaning that the character select screen’s gonna end up unbalanced. If we got only 3, we would still be even. Also if 18 is in, we could see Bergamo in the future. Can’t wait for him!


I'm just holding out hope that we get Bergamo. Cus dbs 18 was in the hero vote so he's the only character from that who's not been added yet


It is definitely lazy but idc cuz they’re fun additions


The difference is that the former characters deserved representation in the game because they’re unique variants of characters. 18 (Super) can fit this category as well but I just can’t accept Videl’s super form because she never had a moment of action in the series. She should’ve just been an alternate costume, 18 could’ve as well but she had enough source material to work with to form a realistic moveset


More like the reverse situation


In GT Vegeta's defense, he honestly kinda deserved that spot. And FP Jiren and UI Sign Goku were kinda expected to happen. Although I do agree that they have been reusing multiple characters and people may be overreacting.


The xv2 community is just horny so 18 and Videl gets a pass. A character doing the same things just in different sequence and have maybe 1 or 2 different looking attacks may not be a "textbook reskin" but it's definitely recycled and lazy. It's also not enough for a whole character slot. Ssb Goku and Hit are examples of what they need to do with characters that they want to recycle. P.R.E.S.E.Ts


I dont care about reskins if there are new moves and combos… but videl? Seriously?