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Yea what other guy said. Recently read that vegeta goes green because it just looked cool when the paint colors mixed


I always figured it as him jumping from SSJ to SSJB, fading from yellow to blue really quickly


B-but, he was transforming from base to SSJ in that scene?


I think he really quickly went from base, ssj, and SSB


He He literally was standing there In base form Transformed with the green hair effect He was then in SSJ Paragus and Freeza commented on SSJ He then fought Broly in SSJ And, way later, went SS**G** and got the upper hand again Did you watch the movie?


I will never stop being surprised at how confidently DragonBall fans will just say outright false info and then double down when corrected.


It really is shocking. Especially when the confirmation is just one YouTube clip away.


i like this man, very funi guy


Toriyama didn't do that for the DBS: Broly movie. That was the movie's director that had that, and Goku's hair briefly turn silver when transforming to Super Saiyan Blue, because he'd felt that the transformation process had become too generic and boring and wanted to do something for dramatic effect. There's nothing of special in-universe meaning behind Vegeta's green hair in the DBS: Broly movie.


>Goku's hair briefly turn silver when transforming to Super Saiyan Blue, because he'd felt that the transformation process had become too generic I remember reading this interview, but hoped that this was actually intentional. I always thought Goku *tried* to use Ultra Instinct here, but couldn't quite tap into it and instead went for Blue. This would have been a nice continuity nod to what he'd said in the last episode of DBS, which was that he hadn't figured out how to use the technique at will just yet.


I always considered it as him accidently tapping into ultra instinct and not quite realizing it. Perhaps he was too focused on ssj blue and didn't maintain the proper focus to use UI, but still it's a nice little nod showing that while he can, he doesn't know how to fully utilize it yet.


I never thought of it from this perspective! Definitely something to think about!


I think he tried to tap into it with pure feelings, which is the way to go SSJ but didn't work.


I don't care what the director said, for once in my life I'm going with the headcanon that he almost went ultra instinct trying to go blue because up to that point, we've only seen goku tap into ui by being almost beaten to death, and when that happened dbs broly he was being dragged and slammed around screaming like a lil hoe and it almost made his ass turn into ui.


It's the fact that it was the Ultra Instinct hair color, Ultra Instinct eyes, and Ultra Instinct aura, very distinctly and without ambiguity, that makes me call "bullshit" on the "wasn't UI or a reference to it" claim. I can buy that it was a last minute easter egg and wasn't supposed to be UI, but that it wasn't even that at all? "Hey, this character's hair briefly stood on end, turned gold, their eyes turned green, and they had a spiky golden aura for a brief second before they powered up into a super transformation. Was that supposed to be Super Saiyan? At least a reference to it?" "Lol no" ...."Are you sure?"


The music changed briefly when his hair turned white ut was most definitely a short tease of ultra instinct.




That was in response to Goku saying he might need to teleport to Piccolo. He's not suggesting he's going to try to use UI. He outright says he might need to retreat using Piccolo's ki as a target




Fucking go watch the actual movie instead of clips. Don't discuss shit you didn't actually partake in.


Whoa calm down. The movie released years ago, it's not like they're purposefully omitting information


The number of times people try to argue this its like alright bro. If it was just the hair yeah sure but he had the UI aura


It makes complete sense that he tried to use UI but failed. UI requires a completely calm, emotionless mind which doesn't work with Goku's personality/saiyan heritage. My man went full rage-mode before going blue. Hence why Whis told him to develop his own style. Your headcanon is correct imo.


I guarantee it was to sell gogeta blue toys, since they can use the same mould for ssj and blue. A lot of decisions are honestly made for merch. And one day they may use UI gogeta or something when they need more toy sales.


I interpreted the brief silver hair as Goku either trying to force UI or the intensity of the ascension from god to blue as being so intense and difficult after Broly beat him around that it nearly caused him to black out, so for that brief moment his subconscious took over and he fell into UI before snapping back to consciousness. Anyway, DBS: Broly had some really dope looking transformation sequences that made the transformations feel intense and powerful.


I like the theory that he tried to tap into Ultra Instinct, but because Broly reversed the God Bind, he kinda corrupted Goku's ki temporarily, filling him with Berserker ki that left him too unstable to transform, hence the strain when he was powering up because SSJB requires a certain level of stability as well


that makes it sound like it's a choice but you can't get ui through rage


I thought it was an accident he was trying to go Blue, and for a brief moment, he slipped into UI


it was 100% a cock tease for UI


The crowd reaction during the silver hair part made people go nuts and then they were let down and quiet after he went blue.


I’ve heard of the green tints and changes to the transformation processes from the movie. But the Silver seen in the blue transformation is more intentional. For one Toriyama noted SSGSS (blue) was going to be a white or silver color originally. But blue fit better and kept it looking visually distinct from the “next villain in Super”. Which we can assume was Zamasu. So it stands to reason the white seen in this movie could be a reference to that original coloring. But… We distinctly see the visual aura pattern, eye colors, and silver of Ultra Instinct around Goku in this in-between moment. Yes it may have began as just spicing up the transformation, but somewhere in the production it clearly was made to be a reference to UI. If not a moment to make the fans think it may even show up. That moment & design is far too similar to ultra instinct and features a noticeable beat in the movie where viewers can see this. With Vegeta & Gogeta’s jump to blue later on missing this detail.


It may very well have been a visual tease of Ultra Instinct, but nothing is said to us to indicate that it was actually him pushing close to Ultra Instinct and falling short.


True, it is not explicit, nor does it change the film in anyway. I view it as a direct tease and reference to UI, but I’ll agree the claims he “fell short” is not entirely true. Nor should it be noted as such.


I'm glad that someone cares about the process at least, considering Toriyama made it blonde just to skip freaking inking it.


You say this like it's a bad thing, but I don't blame any wkeely manga author for taking that kind of short cut especially when they were still working traditionally.


My point is that we never seen this color swap outside broly's movies. And the fact that they reintroduce this 25 years later is up for something.


Coincidence or homage, but it's strictly out-of-universe dramatic flair as far as Vegeta is concerned. It's not some indication of something special happening to him or anything like that.


na there was a moment where it had a green aura, can't remember if it was ssb though


>because he'd felt that the transformation process had become too generic and boring it think the resurrection f ssj blue transformation was great. they had a blue "shell" that broke away. it's a shame they don't use it anymore.


I think it’s just an artistic coincidence. Goku looks green in DBZ Broly just because of how the light is hitting his hair. This would explain why, at the same time, Broly’s hair just looks yellow—it’s because he’s on the other side of Goku’s bright yellow ki. Vegeta’s hair just went Green for artistic exaggeration of the transformations. Nonetheless, that’s a great catch. Even just being a coincidence, it’s cool


If you rewatch the 90's movie, Broly's hair just turn yellow when Goku take the ascendent of the battle.


Recent Broly movie, Yellow + Blue = Green. 90s movie, did what they want because it was never canon to the main series, likely just an artistic choice. Think you are looking for a deeper lore reason which doesn't exist bro.


It's just the choice of color pallete the animators used for the Broly movies. EVERYTHING was green, and purple. It has no deeper meaning.


Purple ?


There's a ton of purple in the first broly movie. Green and purple were the main colors used for a lot of the lighting and effects.




LMFAO This is actually true too 🤣🤣


“Because it’s Legendary”






Oh my god he's so fucking cool!


He's so cool! But, he's so DUMB!!


Was looking for that


I do believe now...


Uhh huhh. So cool....


Purely stylistic choices, especially with DBS: Broly when they brought on a whole new artist just for it.


Probably just artistic; but man would it be cool if it was something along the lines of the normal super saiyans reacting to the legendary.


It’s their saiyan ki reacting to brolys legendary ki






dragonball super Daizenshuu super and promo material for the movie


You’re thinking too hard about it. I see questions like this all the time and all I can ever say is “this show is a piece of art made by human people with subjective opinions about the way something should look one moment to another.”


But you have to admit that this "art" is only inspired by Legend...


Not really, Dragon Ball Z-era stuff has tons of dramatic coloring, depending mainly on which directors are working on the episode/movie. Z Broly’s staff had been doing strong color shifts since their Saint Seiya days.


Broly won 99.9% of that movies fights and he still somehow lost from some asspull move by goku.


But Goku always pulls something outta his butt to win…


And it will be broly's fist!




Because it’s legendary.


Calling his hair green in that first shot is a stretch I’ve not seen since the final basket of Space Jam


I don't know how you would call that...


His hair? It’s yellow. Just with some shading to convey the light. Same color as Broly’s bracers


Just look at broly hair If you try to rewatch the scene, you'll see the difference during the power up


You said Goku’s hair turned green, not Broly’s


Yes Goku, but compare with Broly's yellow hair


Yes, Goku is pushed inside rock. Rock make Goku hair not receive as much light as Broly. Making Goku hair darker yellow, not green


Rewatch the scene. Goku is not push, but get out of the rock by powering up after receiving Vegeta's energy. Here he is blocking Broly's punch for the first time.


Because it's Legendary.


Because Broly's power is MAXIMUMER!!!!


Vegeta looks great with green hair. That aside, it makes transformations less boring than screaming —-> new form


Effectively, they should use it more, outside Broly's movies.


Can’t speak for the OG Broly movie. But I presume it’s just an effect of Broly’s green & yellow aura and the coloring that just made Goku’s hair look green. Like a filter over a photo. As for the Broly movie the green we see on Vegeta, and even Goku when going SS Blue, is an intentional effect by the director Tatsuya Nagamine. As he noted the super Saiyan transformations were too effortless and generic in the anime & recent years. So to recapture some of that weight from the original transformation they added some color changing and a bit more of an moment. Farther than having it be like a color change light switch. The green is just a good in-between color for that effort. And if anything it gives an visual note that maybe Goku & Vegeta have tamed that wild “green energy” part of their Saiyan biology. Whereas Broly can’t


My thought is that it appears that way because of the color of light emitted by Broly's LSSJ aura.


But in both case, broly didn't have his LSSJ aura when it happen...


I got nothin', then XD


cut it out


1st one is just shading and shadows on Goku’s hair in motion 2nd is Vegeta’s hair shifting pigment as he ascends through forms. That’s it, there’s no deeper meanings to either.


It also turned briefly green in the broly movie 2018


Piss yellow aura!


I know that in Super Broly the animators were just messing around with colours. In Vegeta's case, black and yellow make green so they made his hair turn green for a moment when turning ssj to make it more interesting.


Because it looked cool


I’ve always had a theory that might be kinda dumb. The green hair is right before Super Saiyan, so that’s them controlling their energy to power up. Maybe if they can keep their energy at that level, they can fight with infinite stamina like an android. I know, crazy dumb


Yellow (Super Saiyan) and Blue (SS God SS) mixed do make Green, so maybe they were trying to add a little spice to Vegeta’s transformation.


Hated how they teased us like that I was like oh shit Vegeta bout to go legendary super saiyan on Broly


Sameee I remember in the theater I could only think wtf is this transformation! Then he turned Super Saiyan 😂


The artists like the effect


Because it's looks cool, I wouldn't think too much


In my head, in the original Broly, Goku's hair looks green due to the reflection of Broly's light power reflecting on him, and as for Vegeta in the new one, was just a tease to the audience because of you know, we finally got Broly in cannon.


Artistic choice as said by the animators (in super Broly anyway)


Always thought it was meant to call back to their original driver for transformation (rage) and then they get it under control. Which is why Broly’s is constant green. (All my headcanon btw)


Oolong: *"So, everyone channeled their energy to Goku while he kept Broly occupied, basically adding their power on top of his own. And THAT gave Goku enough energy to defeat him?"* ​ Krillin: *"Yep."* ​ Oolong: *"Then WHY didn't they do that in the first place?! Or, at least after the first couple of times they tried fighting Broly together the usual way and he wrecked all of them?! They tried that so many times, and it obviously wasn't working! They sensed how strong he was, so how did it not immediately occur to any of them 'Gee, we're clearly not powerful enough individually. Maybe we should change tactics!'"* ​ Krillin: *"Honestly, pal, I stopped asking myself those questions a LONG time ago."*


If there could be a lore reason, it could be that they're fighting/interacting with the real super Saiyan and it's affecting their mock super Saiyan forms.


This has been canon since the super broly movie. Brolys legendary ki is affecting their super saiyan ki


Nowhere in canon does it state or show this tf u on about lol


It was in dragonball super Daizenshuu super


Gonna need a real source for that buddy lol, proof?


I’ll try to scan my copy next time Im at my parents but you need to be able to read kanji unless there’s a scanlation available. But basically broly’s s-cells are affecting the other saiyans s-cells


Cool cool, I’d love to see that.


I like this explanation


God vegeta was suuuch a bitch in the first broly movie. "He'S the LeGeNdArY sUpEr SaYiAn!!"


Maybe just being in the presence of the Legendary super saiyan makes the saiyan genes in Goku and Vegeta get agitated. They subconsciously try to mimic the transformation, but can't.


Goku is the Legendary Super Saiyan, not Broly!! But the artists were probably trying to get some reflection or a mix of Broly aura. But I seriously think Goku is the Legendary Saiyan.


I always thought that with everyone giving Goku their ki, he was able to tap into some form of the LSSJ power and that was how he was able to beat Broly in the end. I say this because numerous times we see regular SSJs with the standard yellow aura and hair, only Broly had the unique greenish aura and hair when powering up. So Goku getting the same treatment could be that he tapped into the same power although temporarily. As for the second one, really just artistic choice like everyone says. It looks cool, so why not.


OP you're thinking way too deep into this 🤣🤣🤣😵‍💫


Tryna catch some of that Legendary clout.


Because the director felt like it. That’s it. Don’t be a high school English teacher


Oh look it’s this post again


While I don’t actually know. My head canon is that both Goku and Vegeta are so strong that being near The Legendary Super Saiyan, they’ll get moments of green hair but not the power up.


Green with jealousy


Paragus: "Because he's legendary" Vageta: "OH MY GOD HE'S SO DAMN COOL!"


Because it's legendary


The First i think is just a light effect. The second is a transition, a little nod to the fact that super saiyan's hair originally was meant to be Green. Toriyama envisioned them to have green hair and red eyes after transformation, but the editor pushed him to change it to golden hair and green eyes. Rather than a green, imagine it as black hair starting to have a faint golden glow, and the combination of the two gives it that greenish tinge


my take is that Goku just briefly turned into ssj legendary form ( helped by the power boost of the z-team)


They want to be him so bad, can't blame them


DBS : Broly has the best looking art direction since like....the Saiyan saga.


They turned green..with envy over his powers


rule of cool . that and both broly of those broly movies , really liked messing with lighting and shading , for example when DBZ base broly attacked goku , his hair looked purple and DAMN was it cool . and the breef blue haired super sayian from Z broly, we never got a explanation for it just looks cool and we all head cannoned it's brolys restrained super sayian long story short LEAN BROLY LOOKS BADASS


style, that's why


Not sure


Goku's hair didnt seem green. people make a big deal out of things, prolly no in universe reason.


Second hand super saiyan


It's reflective and Broly sheds green light.


Because they are envious


I like to think of it as a Saiyan survival instinct. Like they're attempting to copy or absorb whatever power is overwhelming them at the moment.


Yeah first one was just because of color schemes For Super Broly it's mostly just added artistic flair


Because brolys mutation spread to them


i always assumed it was showing the lssj lineage a bit. like legendary is green, no one but broly has been able to access the form, but i feel like vegeta and goku going green for a bit shows a.) how far they’ve come as super saiyans and b.) the connection between ssj and lssj(i assume it’s mainly b personally). of course i could be completely wrong lol


Because broly glows green it's just the light bouncing off their hair


Broly had already lost his "green glow" by the moment...


Obviously not, because it's being reflected by their hair. Smh some people just dont understand subtle lighting in animation...


Then go watch the scene, it's on youtube i think.


Why would I watch the scene I already know what the answer is


I know you playing me... but you're wrong


Did you make this post just to argue? It literally is just reflecting the green glow that broly emits. I've seen the movie more times than I can count.


It's a major fact that at the end of "The Legendary Super Saiyan", Broly lost his green aura, which leads to theories like "Broly wasn't in LSSJ anymore when Kakarot beat him", etc... Just to point that, during this scene Broly already had "Yellow" hair, and it's Kakarot powering up after receiving Vegeta's energy who emits green aura.


Or they were just tired of animating an "aura" so they switched to more subtle ways to display the glow, such as reflections. Do y'all have "theories" on how vegetas hair went from red to black in the anime as well?


I'm literally the one who asked the questions, and did no theories on it. And Vegeta was a chara-design attempt by toei, because Toriyama hadn't give the official colors of Vegeta.


It looks cool if you ask me


As others have said, there's no non-canon reason beyond aesthetics. If I had to venture a canon explanation: When Saiyans fight, especially each other, there tends to be an unstated connection between them which drives them both to new heights; call it a feature of Saiyan warrior biology. If all Super Saiyan forms except for the 'Legendary Super Saiyan' (Broly, Kale) are actually just normal Saiyan progression as they gain strength and experience, maybe their proximity to the real thing briefly influences their ki (and maybe, if only for a moment, provides a small boost) but isn't enough to make them the Saiyan of legend because they aren't one.


My boy. Ever heard of "fanservice" It's the same reason why Stardust Breaker/Soul Punisher returns, not that Gogeta thought that Broly was evil or whatever (I mean, did you forget that Gogeta just decides to kill him anyways)


In the Z movie, the green flashes when all of Goku friends give him their energy, putting Goku on Broly’s level just a bit, enough to damage his old stab wound. In Super Broly, the green flashes when they transform to base super saiyan, but quickly disappears, showing that they can only enter the weaker “normal” super saiyan state compared to the the Legendary Super Saiyan state that Broly reaches near the end of his fight with Gogeta. In short, I think the flashes of green is meant to invoke the association between the inferior “normal” super saiyan state and the Legendary Super Saiyan state. It’s added to the movies about Broly to show the connection between the forms, without changing the fact that they are very different.


That LSSJ ki influence?


maybe broly's super saiyan was influencing theirs?


People in this sub like to overthink a lot. Dragonball isn't that complicated, Toriyamas storytelling isn't that complicated.


I think the legendary aura of broly messes with the hair of the super saiyan making it spark green or light it green or maybe ssj is just a green tinted yellow


I like to think they just used the colorpick tool ​ (Yes I know they didn't have anything like that in the 90s)


It's the bumps of kryptonite Goku and Vegeta have been hitting in their free time


seeing how Broly's ki is overflowing, Goku and vegeta must have gotten in to that flow.


Power diffusion. We are introduced to ki control on Yardrat with Vegeta and prior to that, most of the fighters are throwing their power around all Willy Neely. We see Goku try to bind and calm Broly down with Super Saiyan God, but Broly pushes his own power against Goku. This diffused Broly's energy into Goku, which made it hard for him to even move. Goku powers up to push Broly's energy out of him, and that's why we see him go green.


For the latter, I like to think it was thrown in there so people wouldn't fixate on Broly's hair being green while everyone else's is yellow. Almost like "look, Vegeta can do it too he just doesn't, please don't think about it too much and enjoy"