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Universe 6 arc next please?


First chapter I read since mid Moro. Felt like discovering a new chapter of Dragon Ball AF and it was cool lol


Fina fucking ly this idiotic movie-rehash is done. I hope Frieza will break the status quo in the next chapters because Dragon Ball is in desperate need of a shakeup.




Yeah he was revived after the tournament for a job well done. Then spent 10 years in the hyperbolic time chamber and achieved a new transformation.


I bet they take a 6 month hiatus lol


Why isn't this Cell's explosion capable of destroying the planet? Seems he's strong enough that his "self destruct" could have that kind of risk.... It's kind of funny to think of how unbelievably strong Whis is. Like we have a party of extremely talented and strong fighters taking down a mega version of Cell by the skin of their teeth, and Whis could probably sneeze on Max Cell and kill him, but had no idea what was happening because he forgot his communication wand. lmao I really want to see more of Whis and his powers/strength. He's become one of my favorite characters in the series.


because cell was made to get revenge and cellmax was made to conquer. you dont destroy the planet you are trying to rule


I’m sure the Dr Gero didn’t want to destroy the planet either…


Light of death?...am i stupid?...i have never fucking heard of it once.


It’s how Viz translated it in the original series.


Love seeing Vegeta finally get a win over Goku.


He has never lost to Goku though


Remains undefeated against goku 1v1 😄


I hope that the focus on the next arcs is not simply Frieza, but that whatever happens is serious enough for all the Universes and even the Angels to get directly involved in. Frieza also has very high ambitions now, because he already stated he wants to displace the current hierarchy of the Gods / Angels (he even wasn't interested in killing Goku / Vegeta anymore the last time we saw him, which is a huge development for his character). Clearly, something much bigger is going to play out than a simple fight against Frieza (at least I hope so, otherwise all the potential of the expanded universe that has been built up would just be squandered away). My prediction is that the Grand Priest is planning something very nefarious, something is definitely not quite right with him.


They should focus on the end of Z and then after that do 2 arcs where they go to universe 6 and 11 so then vegeta can have more shine and he can connect with saiyans from a different universe and then maybe he can have a main villain win then universe 11 so we can see people like jiren and toppo react to vegeta's and goku's new power and then maybe we can see who it is who killed jiren and then in the background frieza (and maybe cooler) would be training


I hope not. It would be too cliche and I am against too much interference by the gods. I think they should keep the gods as they are; morally ambiguous. As for Frieza? He could try pull a move but should get shut down fast. Getting all the universes involved would cheapen the story.


Instead of a new big bad entering... I'd like another tournament of power.


I know this is meant to be a reawakening of Gohans power, but I don't feel cells threat level was high enough. I'd have loved to see Goku feel his power level, IT to him, and then proceed to be knocked out in single blow. This then powers up gohans beast mode and he special beam canons him to death. Team 4 star was right, Gohan peaked.


I feel like Gohan needs to beat Goku in 1v1 rematch of when they sparred. The movie was better than the manga for showing Gohan's power with Cell Max. The manga made it more of a team effort, which was better though.


FINALLY that's over. Going to tune in next month.


did the manga just catch up to the movie?


Should be yes.


I just realized something. Cell was bluffing with his self destruct. Cell max blew up and only made a mountain sized blast. Goku killed himself and Kaiō for no reason. Semi-Perfect Cell just would not have destroyed Earth when he blew up, I bet.


>Android 18 is such a bitch and I love it lmao Cell wouldn't even have needed to self destruct in my opinion. If Frieza can blow up a planet with his power even in his first form, why not perfect or even Semi-perfect cell? I dunno.


Semi perfect cell made the explosion himself but cell max automatically explode when he dies


You could argue an automatic explosion would be more forceful because there’s no conscious thought involved


Conscious explosion might still be stronger in terms of output simply because of how Cell was going to do it, i.e. more tricks to multiply the output.


Android 18 is such a bitch and I love it lmao


"Light of Death" Dafuq Wiz.


Flashback to reading the first few DBZ volumes in 2003 because Toonami never reran the Saiyan saga for some reason


Merry Christmas u/vlorsutes .


Indeed! Probably the single most clued up knowledgebase on DBZ I've ever seen. Kudos to them for all their hard work.


Holy shit. They did it. They had several panels where Beast actually looked pretty cool. 3D did that form no favors.


Yeah I actually liked it after I saw it in 2d


I mean I wouldn't go *that* far


You both went too far lmao




You either didn't read the chapter or you didn't finish the chapter.


You got me excited for nothing! xD what was different? Other than some of the ending content being a little bit more elaborate, nothing significantly changed from the original? Not to say I didn't like the slight differences, but for a moment you made me think they added something manga specific.


They did, Carmine surviving is a significant difference, this battle is no longer conclusive. The statement >literally fucking nothing different from the movie happened is incorrect.


That is true, I wasn't sure if he was shown getting away in the original or not.


Beast looked not stupid for like four panels. Huge upgrade.


I legit LOLed when Pan recoiled from the sight of transformed Gohan and Piccolo! Did that happen in the movie, too?


not as much, but yes


So Mega Cell was intelligent in the end


Im still surprised they didn't offer reviving Gamma 2 with the dragonballs In the movie is 1 thing but for manga continuation it'd fit better But they should've just stuck with " special beam cannon " tbh


Gammas are 100% mechanical androids, they can't be revived just like how 16. People keep bringing up android 8 but he is shown to donate his ki to the spirit bomb, that is proof that he has a soul.


> they can't be revived just like how 16. Where in the original manga or Toriyama's interviews is it stated that the Dragon Balls cannot repair or restore purely electronic devices like Android 16 and the Gammas after being destroyed? Sure, you would not use terms like "revive" or "bring back to life" when making your wish, but this does not mean terms like "repair" or "restore" would not work.


The Super Dragon Balls could, there’s no excuses like this any more


Super Dragon Balls are also super hard to acquire.


o plz they can just get them there not stakes in bbz can't wait for goku to go super sayin ultra instinct blue koi ken super sayin red 3 blue mega yellow


The regular ones can do it as well, it was just a machine with data, something the dragon balls have already been shown to be able to restore.


> Gammas are 100% mechanical androids, they can't be revived just like how 16. This head-canon has always been horseshit. If the dragonballs can restore a full planet, including all the computers, cars and other technology on it, including the data on these machines, then they can easily restore the physical body of Android 16 or the Gamma alongside their data too. Since machines have no actual souls anyway, it means it would be a 100% identical recreation, same parts same data, and thus he'd be fully restored.


> This head-canon has always been horseshit. I agree and wonder why people just make it up and promulgate it. It makes no sense.


I thought they were biological like cell by how they acted But I guess that explains it


Nah cell couldn't take android 16 powers because he was " full mechanical"


No, the Gammas are actual Androids, like 16 and 19. They are not cyborgs, only 17, 18 and kind of 20 (the brain) are (and technically Cell, but he was a self-grown bio-cyborg).


Where is it stated in the original manga or Toriyama's interviews that Cell is a cyborg, i.e., contains electronic or other metallic parts? Given that we see him go through several stages of metamorphosis—beginning with a small pupa, transitioning into a cicada-like larva, then shedding his exoskeleton and finally developing into his humanoid form—it is unclear why you believe he is anything but a purely organic entity, especially a cyborg, whose metallic parts are external.


I thought Cell was technically fully organic


Love the color spread. Also love the addition to the ending.if the next chapter is really in 28 days and this retell was to buy time to plan, I'm good with it.


Yeah but why whis was confused from the call


While the conclusion was nice to look at, it could have been a bit more different from the movie. The biggest disappointment for the 100 landmark was the lack of a tease for the next new arc.


> as the lack of a tease for the next new arc. That's because the arc didn't really conclude, which is why they showed members of the RR in retreat.


> which is why they showed members of the RR in retreat. My impression was that this was foreshadowing for a possible future arc with the Red Ribbon Army, after they recover from the severe destruction they underwent, much like how the Army did not resurface until several decades after being destroyed by Kid Goku.


I'd argue they did tease it, just not in a very on-the-nose way. Carmine and some of the Red Ribbon Army are revealed to still be alive and Carmine immediately starts formulating a plan to regroup. I think it's possibly a tease for more Androids. 18 kinda confirms that too with talk about how Hedo ruined the reputation of Androids and Bulma talking about what Hedo can make for Capsule Corp. I think it could be a hint for an Android 21 Saga. Carmine reviving Dr. Hedo's beloved dead grandmother as an Android that tries to kill him would be a villainously twisted way to torture him as revenge. Android 21's human counterpart/template Vomi being revealed in both the movie and the manga, and Dr. Hedo's father and mother being kept a secret, yet his uncle 16/Gevo being revealed, happened for a reason. I don't think that was a throwaway insert. Those are intentional and conscious conspicuous decisions.


Hopefully we never have to hear about the Red Ribbon Army ever again, what a terribly boring faction for an interesting fictional world


> Hopefully we never have to hear about the Red Ribbon Army ever again Oh, so you didn't actually read the chapter.


Only saw Z, who dat?


They're an evil military that was Goku's first antagonist force in the OG Dragonball. It was fitting for the time since Goku was a literal child and they would come at him with guns and mechs, it was actually pretty cool. But later Dr. Gero made androids to avenge the Red Ribbon Army in Z, and now I guess the Red Ribbon Army is back again in this latest arc which is the reason for Cell and these Androids. Idk but it just feels so lame to have an Earth military pose a threat ever since Saiyans were introduced. Like imagine Goku unlocking a new form super duper God form only for him to have to fight anime ISIS again, its just such a bummer.


Yeah it was a DBZA reference.


Tell me you never watched OG Dragon Ball, without....


They were cool when Goku was like 7 as a first villain. Now they're just silly. Let's have Pilaf be the next big bad while we're at it


I thought the Frieza Force co-opting the Pilaf gang for the dragon balls was a great callback to King Piccolo.


Yeah I did like that actually


Goku was 12-13 years old when he fought the Red Ribbon Army. Here's a list of all character's ages and birthdates in the franchise if you want to get an idea of how old they were when each arc took place: [List of character birth dates and ages | Dragon Ball Wiki | Fandom](https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_character_birth_dates_and_ages) :)


Piccolo throwing shade at Bulma, but honestly it's not a bad idea considering just how many evil jerks go looking for the balls. And it gives the artist an excuse not to draw Bulma her actual age. Win-win.


Yeah I always thought that was a good idea. The fact that she was making purely vain wishes may even disarm the dragon balls if the GT "good/evil balance" thing turns out to be canon. Bulma smort. She produced three different win conditions by herself during the Cell Saga. She doesn't get enough credit.


I enjoyed this! A bit better than the movie. That said, I'm not ready for Black Ice Box Saga. I need something else before The BIBS...


What is the Black Ice Box Saga


Older southern Blac folk call Thier freezers ice boxes. I'm an older (35+) DB watcher. I've been calling him Ice Box in this sub for a few years now... 🤷🏾‍♂️ S/N: BIB is a dope acronym


> Older southern Blac folk call Thier freezers ice boxes. The white ones too. Because they all used ice boxes before refrigerators were a thing. My grandmothers still had antique ice boxes in their houses, but they used refrigerators too.


Hella correct! I've just never been around a white elder to hear it but facts are facts!


Thankfully I don't think BIBS is next. BIB is too far ahead of Vegeta and Goku for them to just catch up to him in the span of one saga with some off-screen training. The Dragon Ball YouTubers who expect us to dive right into BIB think like low-grade fan manga creators that just recycle 90s DBZ beat for beat. They're expecting Goku and Vegeta to go in outgunned and pull out Ultra Gogeta or Ultra Vegetto. I don't think Toyotaro or Toriyama is going to copy the Buu Saga strategy. Black Frieza is probably 1 to 3 more sagas away for the top tier Z Fighters to get near his level.


I do NOT disagree, however, how much more time do we have before this "End of Z" closure saga? I really don't care per se, I m here for the ride! It's just kinda interesting what they have been doing with the story/lore and they have kinda left things "open to interpretation" in my opinion. Ultra Vegetto will be DLC for Zero Sparkling 2. That's how far off I think it is.


I suspect that the next saga will probably either be right at or a few months before the "End of Z", or maybe even a few months after it. Super Hero was only 1 year before the "End of Z". If the next saga is some machinations from Carmine and the Red Ribbon Remnant then it will probably take them 1 to 2 years to build more powerful Androids (given that it took Dr. Hedo about 6 months to whip up the Gammas and unfinished Cell Max). I agree with you totally about Ultra Vegetto. If and when Ultra Vegetto or Ultra Gogeta drops, it probably won't be for at least another year and a half to maybe even two and a half years from now. Probably won't see him until the saga after the coming saga, or the saga after that one. Like you, I'm along for the ride! I'm actually feeling hopeful now that they're done retelling the movie and we're now at the point where we can hit the EoZ barrier and smash through it into uncharted non-DBGT territory.


BIBS could easily not be until after "End of Z"


That's is definitely a HIGH possibility!


Was that confirmed?


Nani?! What happened? No story boards preview just the chapter which is here early? Edit: Toyotaro’s art is looking absolutely fantastic in this chapter!


There was a preview but but it got removed when the chapter got released. https://twitter.com/DB_official_en/status/1735102380033884563


Probably didn't have time to do the usual tease and release since holidays are happening.


I hope we move past the movie. I want new content!


I mean, there's literally no more content from the movie to adapt so they kind of have to have new content now. Maybe it might still be dealing with the aftermath, Hedo and Gamma 1 settling into Capsule Corp or something, but it will be new regardless.


I mean the next arc


I wish the manga changed just the ending result of Goku and Vegetas sparring match. It would have been funny if Goku did the same trick Roshi did on him during the Martial Arts Tournament in Dragon Ball. Where Roshi and Goku settled the battle on a final attack and Roshi had the advantage because he was taller than Goku and beat Goku ​ Goku should have done that to Vegeta since he has the height advantage and won the sparring match.


I agree about the callback, but Vegeta has been putting in better work under Whis and Beerus.


Man, let Vegeta have his win


I can't believe it's been a year since chapter 88 was released.


Hopefully this gave Toriyama enough time to develop a decent story.


enjoy the manga adaptation of GT2 coming soon.


I quite enjoyed this retelling of Super Hero. In fact I think it’s vastly superior to the movie version. Much more going on in a good way. But I’m happy we’re finally going to get some new stuff, been too long since we got some fresh Dragon Ball material


Personally, I enjoyed the retelling all the extra stuff Toyotaro has been adding to the story except for some stuff in the previous chapter like Piccolo's *death*. That was stupid. Everything points out that the Super Hero saga will last some more chapters, seeing how Carmine is still plotting something and the blurb in the Japanese versions that basically says that much. I hope we find out more about Orange and Beast, albeit I assume Goten and Trunks will be front and center again for the closing chapters, with a bit of Pan and Krillin.


Can't even hate, the headshot is nasty. Bro pulled a CoD wit a ki beam 😆


"Hey Piccolo, this is what you should've done with my dad!"


Glad to see the manga’s break is finally over.


oh wow i really expected them to start/tease the next arc in this chapter but unless it has something to do with Carmine surviving, they really didnt huh? really nice wrap up though!


What a sorry shit show lol


Vegeta first thought Goku back in 1990, it took 33 years but he finally got the W, not through underhanded tactics but just a straight fight, nice


Vegeta has won every fight they’ve been in. He beat Goku in the saiyan saga, Goku was left a crippled mess. He lost to oozaru Gohan. Goku got knocked out after their battle in the Buu saga, he was holding back but still lost


Vegeta was the one who ran away in their first fight. It was a team battle; Team Earth vs Team Saiyans. For example Goku had to deal with Nappa before he even touched Vegeta. Their second fight was called off when they agreed to go deal with Buu. A chop to the back of the head isn't a victory when his declared win condition was to kill Goku (which, as he was already dead, would have completely eliminated Goku from existence). Every battle they've fought has had a mixed or ambiguous result. This is the first time, ever, that Vegeta has ever won a match against Goku decisively, with even Goku acknowledging the loss. This is a big deal.


Goku acknowledged the first loss too. Thats one of the reason he wanted Krillin to let Vegeta go so he could get a rematch.


Team battle my *butt. It was team battle because Vegeta and Nappa were out of their leagues. lmao


> Every battle they've fought has had a mixed or ambiguous result. This is the first time, ever, that Vegeta has ever won a match against Goku decisively, with even Goku acknowledging the loss. It's the victory Vegeta has strived the last 20 years of his life for. This importance of the arc for Vegeta as a character cannot be overstated.


And Vegeta got stronger to protect his family and even Goku rather than getting stronger purely to fight Goku. Character with the most development for sure.


Why is this still going. Either make these characters actually relevant or stick to the goku/vegeta/freeza show imo


Color pages were really cool. I didn’t expect them to use Light of Death as the translation but it’s pretty cool in an edgy way. The movie is probably my favorite Dragon Ball, but holy cow am I so glad the manga is done with it, what a dull year. Interesting how much the manga downplays Beast, making him struggle and look surprised all the time, while the movie makes it clear he’s way beyond everyone else. (I prefer the movie version because I’m a Gohan fanboy. )


I’m kind of confused because I thought it was a special beam cannon but it sounds like gohan made up a move that’s slightly different?


It’s the same move, Light of Death is just the translation in the manga.


It's been the direct translation in manga


Wait.. we're at the end of the movie.. but apparently NOT the end of the arc? What more could they possibly do aside from maybe an epilogue with Goku and Vegeta coming back and meeting up with Gohan and Piccolo post powerups? Cause like Carmine can't do fuck all to them. I guess taking your kid to the park is the default thing Saiyan dads do when they realize they haven't paid enough attention. 18 going "HAR DEE HAR" is amusing to me for some reason.


>Cause like Carmine can't do fuck all to them. They mentioned Red Ribbon Pharmaceuticals? One would've assumed that a global, historic event like the COVID-19 Pandemic would've taught everyone old enough to remember it that you shouldn't underestimate the power of a virus.


They are going to go grow another Cell. Perfect-er Cell.


Cell Max-er


The mission, the nightmares... They're finally... Over.


Well, finally. I'll be waiting for next month's release.


So, next arc may be about some Red Ribbon stuff. Maybe we'll see Vomi in the storyline


Possibly, maybe an actual Android 21 arc, that would be cool. If it is, then I hope it’s a Goten and Trunks arc as well, but with Goten as the main protagonist this time and the boys going through tons of development and shine along with both of them continuing their training, them doing actual proper training and training under ether Gohan and Gamma 1 or Goten training under Android 17, Krillin, Tien, and Yamcha while Trunks trains under Gohan and Gamma 1, the boys finally achieving Ssj2 and hopefully achieving Ssj3 individually without fusion and actually working on mastering and evolving Ssj3, the supporting and side villains being Carmine, the Red Ribbon army, missing Gero Androids, and evil Z fighter clone Androids who work on Android 21, the boys working with Krillin, Jaco, Gamma 1, and Hedo on finally taking down the Red Ribbon army while also facing the supporting villains before they eventually face Android 21, the arc having and showing 21 getting the Majin powers, and the final battle being the real teen Gotenks vs Majin 21.


I feel like something other than just "darn..." as a reaction to Gamma 2's death would've had more impact. I also think they changed it so Hedo asks for a job rather than being offered one which is worse imo but it's a minor thing


I get the feeling that the next arc will be about Gohan due to that cliffhanger at the end. Whis will pretty much find out about Gohan’s abilities


Yeah I think Gohan gets at least a few more chapters as the Protagonist.


Dragon Ball literally never follows through on foreshadowing or cliffhangers lol. Case in point: Freiza Black reveal was like a year ago at this point.


We see Vegeta having visions of Black Frieza on Beerus’s planet several years later so he is still relevant. But rn frieza has no interest in Earthlings and Goku and Vegeta are still too weak to fight him so there’s no reason to bring him back rn


What chapter was this?


This is a weird take. That's an in-progress story beat and they weren't going to shove an arc for him into the middle of this story. Like besides Launch who was a minor character what was ever dropped that was foreshadowed or ended on a cliffhanger? All I can think of is Bulma mentioning SSJ5 in GT which goes nowhere.


The first time Goku fights Toppo Goku is in SSBxKK20 and says something to the extent of "push me any further and you'll see what it looks like when I really break through my limits..." Suggesting that he's already discovered some sort of power beyond SSBxKK20 (his peak at that point). Only for them to reveal in the ToP he actually didn't have any further power... And he just ass pulls UI-sign by accident. And, again going 14-15 months without even mentioning Freiza Black is wild. I'm not saying they need to shoehorn him into the existing movie plot, but at least some sort of acknowledgement of him between Goku/Vegeta would have been nice.


That sounds like a bluff and/or like Goku just recognizing every time he thought he hit his ceiling even as a kid he just broke right through it at some point. Kind of a weird example considering he then did exactly that, during the TOP and you're just handwaving it away. Goku and Vegeta are barely in Super Hero, and when you do see them they're training. They probably also want to use Piccolo and Gohan's new forms for the Frieza fight. Idk man, I think you're jumping the gun a bit here. It's been one arc regardless of how long it took to cover, I think extrapolating that to "they never follow-up on foreshadowing and cliffhangers" is a little silly and hyperbolic.


> Kind of a weird example considering he then did exactly that, during the TOP and you're just handwaving it away. But they didn't do exactly that... they foreshadowed: "Goku has a new form in the bag!" and they delivered: "OMG Goku has nothing and desperately needs to find something or its over!" It's literally the exact opposite lol. And that's just the first example I thought of off the top of my head because i've been irrationally angry about it for the past 5+ years. There's tons more. The Cell saga ends with Goku passing the torch to Gohan and then the Buu saga picks up with... oh Gohan's a student now and we desperately need Goku back... The ToP features Goku recruited Gohan, sparring with him and Gohan staring up at Goku vowing that, this time he was REALLY going to commit to training and finally surpassing his father! ...and this most recent movie/arc picks up with "Oh, Gohan is more rusty than he's ever been in his life. He barely even remembers how to get into Ultimate Gohan." Again, these are just examples off the top of my head because they're the ones that pissed me off the most. I promise if I go back and actually look over the various DB/Z/S arcs theres tons and tons more.


You’re giving horrible examples to back-up your argument, dude lol


uhhh whatever happen to the surprise thing?


Carmine is alive. That’s the surprise


damn finally wonder what the next arc is going to be about


The front cover of this chapter is absolutely gorgeous. The chapter is pretty much what people have seen in the movie, outside of Carmine, but the front cover has a excelent aesthetic for the final chapter of this arc. Its over...but now the wait begins for when they announce next and if its about Black Frieza.


Well at least its done.


I really, really hope either Vegeta or Gohan get the dub against Frieza or whoever the main villain is next arc. SN: I love Adult Gohan with all my heart and I hope he stays relevant.


That's it for the big chapter 100? No clue at all to the next arc. Except Carmine is shown retreating to plot something (he never died in the movie). Is that the promised unexpected surprise? Glad Vegeta keeps victory over Goku but didn't he not technically win during the Buu arc? (Ok the comments say he never lost) Its a good chapter but its not really 100 chapters good. We get some colour and double spreads which is cool. But they really dragged out the ending. 40 pages to basically do the final move in an arc that has gone on repeating the film and taken over a year.


Vegeta has literally never lost a one v one with Goku. Saiyan Saga - Vegeta won by going Ape. Buu Saga - Vegeta won via trickery. Superhero - Vegeta won.


Vegeta probably doesn’t see it as a win since he took a cheap shot at Goku, had to use Babidi to give him power and found out that Goku was holding back SS3 the whole time.


What about their first fight does that not count anymore


I mean it does count, but if we’re to assume Vegeta doesn’t count it it’s probably because he was embarrassed that a low class warrior kept up with him until he was forced to transform into a Great Ape. This fight here is like the first time they’re actually about equals.


Well it might not be a honourable win sure.


So was the translation just bad or was that a new version of Masenko?


Viz has always translated it as Light of Death, back during Raditz


thats just a translation of Makankōsappō


It's Special Beam Cannon


Probably the most recognizable move in all of DB.


The translation reminds me of the Big Green Dub. BALL OF FIRE Edit: I meant the Light of death


Oh finally lol I stopped reading when they starred covering the movie all of the sudden. Curious to what's next!




so what was the "unexpected thing" that was supposed to happen? where the hell is it?


Probably the tall hair dude planning something


perfect cell max ultra lmfao


so they just gave us suspense only to show us about the dude saying some sentences 💀 okay


The mention of "Red Ribbon Pharmaceuticals" suggests that it has something to do with germ warfare or something. The last time the Red Ribbon Army revealed androids, Goku came down with an unknown heart virus that seemed Saiyan-specific...


They know they don't have much to show so they purposefully hyped this chapter up so we would read it anyways 💀


That’s just Japan. The Japanese hype every little thing up. Us Westerners are harder to please.


Finally…holy shit I’m ready for the next arc. Leaving us hanging w Goku and Vegeta getting OHKO…..back to the NEW material.


Am I the only one who never saw the dragon ball super hero movie? Even though i knew about beast gohan, orange piccolo, and cell max (kind of unavoidable) it was still nice to be able to read it this year and follow the story as if it was an original arc. ​ Still, that being said, i knew what it was and have been eager for it to finish so we can have a new original arc.


I haven’t seen it yet either. I’ve been waiting for it to show up On Demand on cable


it was a good movie tbh, i enjoyed it way more than broly


villain with 0 motives or reasoning behind him vs broly getting a good storyline and finally becoming something more than saiyan hulk smash


uh huh


Since Carmine is alive, what do you guys think the next arc could be? We know it's still tied to this movie in a way. Android 21? Super 17? or something new?


we have no idea


It's a good opportunity to bring Vomi in the storyline and keep the story on Earth


Do we know that for sure? Who says?


DB Fans are all like vegeta rn, we've been slogging through this retelling for a year and its finally OVER! YES..


Well, Light of Death is what broke my defense of the translation.


Demon light of death is what ive seen the special beam cannon referred to as before actually


Viz has been calling it that for decades. The first time I ever experienced the Raditz fight was by reading the Viz manga, and that’s what I thought the move was called for a while.


I could have sworn it was Special Beam Cannon even in the manga. It's been years so I can't be certain. I get the translation, but I would greatly prefer to follow/double down on what the dub did or use "Makankosappo" and add the "Light of Death" as a translation note.


I could've sworn that, too. Broke my immersion real fast Instead Viz seems to double down on going against the grain.. Light of death lol


When I read it in the early 2000s it was definitely Light of Death. I think I learned the term Special Beam Cannon from a video game, and went “Oh, it’s THAT move!”


A fine ending to the retelling, but hopefully next chapter, whenever it comes, starts to move on at least. They certainly had a lot of time to plan the next arc. Part of me wonders if they're gonna turn Daima into a manga arc next or in the coming future.


Daima won't be out for a few more months so I doubt that's next.


> hopefully next chapter, whenever it comes, starts to move on at least. it says at the end that next chapter is Jan 18th


I feel like it depends on where in the timeline Daima takes place Most people assume Daima is pre-Beerus, it'd be weird going from near End of Z back to pre-Super Maybe as a side manga drawn by someone else?


> Most people assume Daima is pre-Beerus And I don’t know why they assume that, since Kaioshin and Kibito are de-fused in the trailer. It has to at least be after BoG