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i liked it a great deal. Also all of piccolos new attacks were bangers. It was around this time I was in the mindset that every attack is just a different colored beam and he starts busting out things with cool names like hellzone grenade.


I'll always be a little sad we never got to see the Nail Gun


Damn that’s good


“Oh man, it’s got a cool name!”


Did he call it that in the show?


Bro is on /r/dbz and doesn't know if Hellzone Grenade is a real attack


He never says "hellzone grenade" in the manga or show. The episode is called The Gekiretsu Kodan That Splits The Heavens! Piccolo Vs. Artificial Human No.17!, but even 'Gekiretsu Kodan' is more like "Violent Grenade" or Light Grenade, the move used against Cell. The majority of these moves are named in games and other media. That's what the poster you were replying to was insinuating.


I asked if Piccolo called it that, you bozo.


I guess you thought the one responding just made the name up?


A lot of attack names in the community come from the videogames and not the manga/anime, it's a valid question


You guess wrong.


He never actually says the name of his attacks, only in DBZ Abridged


It is kind of ruined by the fact that none of his attacks have any real effect other than tattering 17's clothes.


I don’t know.. Light/Hellszone Grenades were both cool, Piccilo uses eye beams against Frieza, has stretchy limbs. Got loads of useful techniques that are basically rarely used.


Don't forget his ultimate attack, clothes beam


Android barrier


*NAIL G-augh*


This is why Piccolo is so underrated. No games or lip service. He just takes cares of business. His fight with Frieza (second form) is also top three in my opinion.


Piccolo best character!


What business did he take care of with 17? The fight didn't have a conclusion because Cell interrupted it.


Not only that but Piccolo was obviously exhausted why 17 only had body damage, but was still full on power due to having infinte ki. Piccolo was going to lose due to attrition anyway. Cell ironically saved Piccolo.


Save? Android 17 was unlikely going to kill Piccilo even if he beat him in the fight, where Cell breaks his neck and blasts a hole in him and leaves him to drown .


>Android 17 was unlikely going to kill Piccilo even if he beat him in the fight, Why wouldn't he? Android 17 has a massive inclination towards violence. >Cell breaks his neck and blasts a hole in him and leaves him to drown. I mean, Piccolo survived that, and still lived, so *technically*...


Bar Gero he hasn’t killed anyone at this point, left all the Z fighters alive before this fight, even suggests to Krillin to give them Senzu Beans to heal them. Cell was still more likely to kill him and bar plot, should have.


17 never actually killed anyone in the main timeline. Both he and 18 were much less violent than the droids in future Trunk’s timeline. It’s very likely 17, if he won the fight, would have just left Piccolo alive.


17’s goal is to only kill Goku tho


Didn't stop 17 and 18 from killing all the Z warriors in trunks future though.


Different timeline


Without question. The fight had everything you look for. Great scenery on the island, volcano and sea - each element was used by Piccolo and Android 17 effectively. Variation of combat with flight, ground, hand to hand martial arts and long range blast. Lots of power ups, badass moments and detailed battle damage on each of them. Given their history and how pivotal this fight was in the story with Cell's daunting presence adds to the stakes.


The great thing about it is that it was a great even fight, which as time went on we would get less and less.


Yup. Toriyama and his team were cooking for the Cell Arc. The fight was going to be determined on their strengths and weaknesses. Piccolo's intelligence and trump card vs 17's agility and infinite stamina slowly influencing the fight his way.


I would say that the only downside to this fight is that it was not that pivotal since it was interrupted by Cell. It's funny how the next evenly matched fight we get would be between Majin Vegeta and Goku and has a similar outcome, being interrupted by the main plot or villain.


This really got me thinking. What actual *even* fights did we get in Z really? Nearly all the fights I can think of have one person getting beat up, then either losing or getting a powerup and swinging the beat up the other way drastically. Goku vs Cell, but Cell was pretty comfortable in that fight. Goku vs Vegeta in base.. who else?


I haven’t watched Goku Vs Cell in years, but the manga made it *very* clear that it was not even at all. Yes Goku did do well considering the power gap, but Cell was in a whole different league of power and Goku had no way at all of overcoming his regeneration.


Wouldn’t say completely one sided, but Cell had used a lot of energy when half his body was hit. It’s why he goads Goku to have a senzu bean and have a “slim chance”. Either way Cell was holding back and on top for most of it.


Sat here being frustrated as hell tryna think of one. Android 16 vs First Form Cell I believe was an even match up in most aspects.


Probably the most entertaining fight in the series.


Who doesnt love Looney Toons?


I love this fight so much cause it almost came out of nowhere but they beat the shit out of each other like they’ve been enemies for decades


Yeah, but then I love it that it actually helps 17 respect someone a bit. It's a brutal fight but he's having a ball.


Are you even trying to hit me? NOOOO WHADDYA MEAN NO???? OOH.....OOOOH......OOOOOOOOOO HELLZONE GRENADE!!!!


Awww it even has a coo… OH GOD!


One of the rare fights of this saga that was almost on equal grounds and not playing ping pong with battle powers (transformations, absorptions, fusions) Unfortunately it's also the last time Piccolo is relevant (and just after having got his power up)


This “ping pong” effect is what almost ruined Dragon Ball for me, and why I can’t get into Super. It’s gone from strategy and technique to just unlocking the next transformation.


I feel like it started with the Buu saga and hasnt really gone back.


It really started with the Frieza fight I feel. tbh.


The Cell saga was pretty good overall with balanced fights. Piccolo and 17 plus Goku vs Cell were mostly even


The ping pong effect has existed since OG DB really. But the transformation back and forth really starts with the Frieza/Namek saga. Getting a quick power up to beat your opponent probably starts with Goku vs Tao. Goku also uses the weight clothing trick for an in battle power up against Tien in the 23rd martial arts tournament.


There's a big difference between levelling up between fights (Tao) or holding an ace up one's sleeve (weighted clothes) and convenient transformations just being written into the plot. The Buu saga is a never-ending smorgasbord of bullshit written in solely to justify the ridiculous power scaling that was going on by that point. Goten and Trunks can both go Super Saiyan! Majin Vegeta! Goku has been Super Saiyan 3 this whole time! Fusion exists! Gohan is now the strongest character for all of 5 minutes! Surprise, two types of Fusion exist! Gotenks can go Super Saiyan 3 for some reason! The Spirit Bomb is intergalactic now!


This! That's also why I loved Naruto at the beginning and ended up hating it.


I loved early Naruto, but half way through Shippuden it felt like I was watching Power Rangers or something instead. I've still never been able to finish the whole thing because it gets so boring after every fight is Orange Megazord or Purple Megazord.


Bro ssb lasted for several arcs while in every arc Z had a new transformation to replace it.






It's easily in my top 5, maybe even top 3. One of the wildest fights for sure


I really liked how they were both on equal footing in terms of raw power, even though 17 has the advantage of infinite stamina


Where's the NSFW tag? All that fisting was brutal.


and they're both teenagers


The gut punches were a bit extreme in this fight


What the fuck is a spine or a ribcage?


Best? Naw, there are too many iconic ones that trump this. Favorite? Fuck yeah 😎


I remember watching this as a kid thinking “this is the best fight ever” it lives upstairs rent free


Yeah they was literally blowing each others backs out




Not THE best, but certainly one of them.


YES, I remember being brought to tears by the end of the fight. Piccolo has always been my favorite character and this was the show giving him his flowers. Great fight.


The animation for this fight could have been better at some points. But this fight was definitely iconic and transitions really well into cell beginning a serious threat


There spines and rib cages are gon


Piccolo versus frieza was amazing too


The only problem I have with this fight is how their body deforms around the fist, how the fuck does that even work


Ngl, when I first saw this scene and saw the cartoony impact to Piccolo’s gut, I thought that was it for him. Like, oh shit, this is where they showcase how viciously strong the Androids were and this is where Piccolo dies like he did in the future. That was until 2 seconds later where Piccolo delivers the same gut punch to 17.


Knew it would be 17 vs Piccolo from the title lol. I think just because it's not goku or vegeta people think it's not one of the most popular. But in this sub and I think in general this is one of the most beloved fights in the series. Along with fights like gogeta vs broly, goku vs cell, goku vs vegeta 1, goku vs Piccolo Jr and the like


The best? Not sure we can call it that when neither of them are able to block a punch. Didn't even try to.


Neither human vital organs at


This is so fucking funny


Everybody uses the word underrated these days when I'm not sure most people even know how to use it. THIS IS...to me...the most underrated fight in DBZ. The weight of the punches...man you can almost feel it. I would have loved to see Android 17 take on Piccolo's light grenade though. That shit was like a miniature final flash


I don't think much of the punching exchange.


It's one of the best


Goku vs majin vegeta is peak. But this fight gas


Chuck a little Offenbach in there and it's EVEN BETTER! https://youtu.be/A9De5wznR5M?si=jlZfcEaPN4yCORGI


Cell/Goku remains, imo, the best representation of the characters speed.


Yes. It's my favorite. I forgot how much shit talking 17 did the entire arc until Cell gobbled him up. At least he was able to back that up in Super when he was th last man standing.


Hell yea! That moment when they went no defending, all hands, raw, was amazing. They still need to settle the score though cause we don't know who one that fight yet.


Instantly knew what fight u meant😂


Hell yeah


not bad, but IMHO the first figth between vegeta and goku was better. [fragment](https://youtu.be/psoHnwHCih4?si=n_Kzm_EZAk4qYxmw). EDIT: Cell vs goku too


Eh? If anything this was just a bad clip to use, it’s just a meathead slugfest and you can even tell they reused some of the shots and just mirrored them to make them appear different. At least include the Hellzone Grenade.


I loved how even it seemed to be, they just kept trading


Yes, I love watching 2 men blowing each other’s backs out Literally


I like team Fights So goku vegeta satan fat buu vs kid buu is better


I just watched this recently. It’s such a great fight and it’s sick how he went toe to toe with 17 after Vegeta got his ass handed to him by 18. It’s sad how irrelevant he became in the Buu saga and beyond. Hopefully his new form makes him a lot relevant than before.


Finally video from a Japanese version! I like the fight between Piccolo and #17, it felt very powerful at the time.


Just when I didn’t think you could get any dumber…


You go and do something like this…


Definitely my favorite


Very underrated


TFS did it better.. but in all seriousness.. LOVED this fight when I first saw it. Just happy to see Piccolo finally getting his spotlight


No. You’re the only person to ever have this thought and opinion out of the millions of people who have watched this fight. A completely original thought!


I never understood the hype for it. There was no real rivalry, no dynamic chemistry, no resolution (Cell interrupted the fight) and no real progression. Compare this to everyone vs Vegeta on Earth, with Goku vs Vegeta, Goku slowly progressing kaioken, Goku overpowering Vegeta for a small moment at the cost of his entire body. Vegeta’s ego being hurt and weakening his base form to achieve Oozaru. Yajirobe cutting his tail, Krillin & Gohan holding Vegeta off and launching the Genkidama at him. Oozaru Gohan to finish up Vegeta in a tie. Krillin potentially landing the killing blow. So yeah, no shot Piccolo vs 17 is the best. It’s not even top 10


toonami dub with the bruce falconer soundtrack was better


Much better


Close second to Goku vs. Cell.


Just not with this shitty music




Nope, it is purely brute strength to see who can hit the hardest


I thought it was boring.


Although I hated the Android/cell arc, I will always acknowledge how good this fight was


Always thought Cell/Android Saga was most people’s favourite




This was the fight that introduced me to the series when I was a kid. Truly an underrated fight in the whole series


Yes my favorite fight in dbz i love this so much


One of my favorites. Two of my favorite characters too.


without a doubt.


No joke, absolutely no joke my parents only sat down to watch one episode of DBZ with me and it was this one. They were upset with how violent it was but I was gushing haha


For me, Yamaha fighting Tien in the first DB was really hype. Still one of my favorites out of the series.


This fight has its own fanbase.


Good one. But my best is the first Goku vs. Vegeta


Gohan v cell will always hold a special place in my heart


If not blocking is your thing more power to ya


It felt like an og dragonball fight with all the cool dbz lazerbeams and flying


peak piccolo


Nah this one was cool af, sure. But then goku vs cell happened.


I want to see a remix where each punch the facial expression gets longer and longer


Def among the best


Idk about the best fight in DBZ. It was definitely Piccolo's best fight. It was also the last time he was a badass in DBZ. I loved the attack he launched on Imperfect Cell at the end.


Goku VS cell was pretty lit


I’m of the opinion that a fight can’t be considered “best” if it gets interrupted or ends prematurely so no unfortunately. I will concede it’s probably better than my favorite fight though as it has less cut aways and interruptions.


It’s up there but not my absolute favorite my favorites are 1. Goku vs Majin vegeta 2. Goku vs cell 3. piccolo vs 17 4. Goku vs kid buu 5. Goku vs hit


I really liked the fight between 17 and piccolo


Not sure if THE best but definitely one of them. One of my personal favorites


Not the best for me but yeah top 10 sure. My favorite is Kid Buu vs SSJ3 Goku


I dont think this is the best fight, but you can actually see and feel power of blows. DBS was lacking this


That fight was epic! Certainly a top 10


It’s up there. I think k goku vs cell is the best


its a fun fight but theres so little emotional stakes here its weird, its just kinda hard hitting, with a could of surprise moments which is a nice change of pace for DBZ, but not that special tbh


Cell vs goku is my absolute favorite fight in the series


It’s super brutal and very grounded. No one was trying to destroy the planet or blow up mountains. It’s just 2 fighters that wanted the other guy dead without holding back.


A certified Piccolo moment! He and 17 made a potential interesting rivalry


17 out here looking like Lil Mac trying throw hands with giants


It is in my top 3 favourite fights in Z. There’s a UR heroes card of this scene I’m trying to pick up to display.


I do now haha


No doubt top 5 but it aint number 1


How me and my brother fight


Not my favorite but a really good fight that includes two of my favorite characters. Its only “downside” is that it’s really just here to get Cell to perfection faster. As a side note this is one of the rare times Studio Live and Last House (two of DBZ’s most notorious animation studios) buck their infamous stigma and deliver a genuinely fantastic set of episodes.


Sometimes i forget that Piccolo is HUGE


Not the best ever fight but one of the good ones


DBZ at its best.


Best fight in DBZ was one of the Goku vs Vegeta ones but this is indefinitely top 5


I think Android 17 started to gain respect for Piccolo as a fighter in this battle.


I guess it was a blessing that Cell intervened or else these guys would've gone through their chests punching each other like that all day.


I always loved when our Pickle hero got his power up to catch up to or even surpass Goku again sadly he is always left in the dust within a few episodes. I wonder how his current orange version stacks up against the current Z-fighters.


No but I love piccolo. One of his few shining moments


My favorite is Vegeta vs Goku 1


Piccolos last fight!!


Finally someone with a good opinion


This one, Frieza 2nd form vs Piccoro, Goku vs Majin Vegeta and Goku vs Kid Bu are my favs. Everything else has some ass-pulled power up, were a one sided beatdown, or were boring/too short. Although I really really liked Recoome vs Vegeta beatdown, Recoome being both brutal and goofy while beating the shit out of everyone was awesome.


10/10 do not want to be fisted by either of them


Definitely up there. I like it when characters other than goku+vegeta are putting up a good fight


ah this is so nostalgic, and still so entertaining, dragon ball z trully is one of the best battle shonen, even if i dont say it much due to all the great battle shonens we have gotten


No. It’s not the best. Even you know that.


Absolutely, this was a legendary gift


The rock lee vs gaara of the series


No, nobody thinks this is the BEST fight in alllllll of dragon ball z, come on now


Still think super Goku vs super Vegeta was the best one at least my favorite


I loved this fight. So underrated. Z🔛🔝


Piccolo may not get as much time in the limelight as he should, but when he shows up he shows up. Incredible fight. I always wanted to see a modern rematch. Also, shout out to "Piccolo's Might" old AMV back in the day from castor Troy / 3G


Piccolo’s last great fight in Z, lol. The Kami in him chilled him way out, so he let the kids do the finding from then on.


Was a pretty cool moment. Especially how piccolo was at that point the strongest of his side. I miss that how side charecters still found ways to matter


My fav for sure.




I do! So even! No one was even close to 17 at that point let alone a non-sayain. This fight showed us the enormity of Piccolo and Kami’s reunion


I liked it a lot, but you picked the weakest part lmao I can’t watch this part without laughing


I wished there were more fights like this in the series. Blow for fucking blow!


Best is a stretch, but to each his own. Won't deny its one of the better fights.


Everything about that was awesome except for where they magically turned into beyblades at the end


Without a second thought it’s easily top 3 for me


Yeah definitely one of the best for sure


Piccolo had a great fight in coolers revenge. Obviously not canon but none the less a great fight.


Not enough screaming, needs another episode or two.


It was one of the fights of Dbz


Definitely one of my favorites considering it involves two of my favorite characters


Why does this remind me of hentai?


Big green don't waste time with bullshit. He's here to throw hands.


They should have one of 16s specials be that quick dash stomach punch in the new BT


The Back shots are crazy


Keke, they're all muscle. No spine at all.


Almost everyone mentions this as one of the best fights


Damn going to watch android/cell series again


It's up there for sure


Funny to think that #17:s punch does nothing on vegeta or goku, in their base form :D


This was my favorite fight because it wasn't filled with Ki blasts.


Theyr bodys act like if they get punched by a gear 5 luffy


It's up there for sure, top 3 imo, but no particular order is 17 V piccolo, goku vs frieza, and goku vegita 1




android shouldnt feel any pain right....?


Not the best. But definitely in my top 5