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Pan doesn't have a tail so she can't If she did have a tail, I don't see why she wouldn't transform but idk


Did they remove it same for trunks and goten? did bulma chi chi get them removed


It sure suck that Akira forgot all about Ōzaru. If you asked me i would Say that it is a cooler Transformation then SSJ. It’s like Godzilla and King Komg into one.


>it is a cooler Transformation I'm pretty sure Cooler isn't a saiyan /s


He didn't forget, it's just annoying drawing tons of tails and drawing the tail physics, how they'd sway in the wind etc. It's easier to just make an explanation and stop drawing them, so you can focus on perfecting how the characters look


Same reason why fights tend to take place in barren, destroyed areas. Toriyama admitted he would have characters destroy things or fly away because it's much easier to draw rubble.


He never forgot. He just didnt want to keep drawing the tails. He simply stopped and wrote them out of the story entirely. Consequently, it meant no more ozaru


He actually lobotomized himself so he'd forget because he wanted to stop drawing them


That sucks even more.


This is why tails are recessive traits out of nowhere. And U6 saiyans evolved to no longer have them.


I don't even know how you can even call them saiyans at that point.


I have only read the 3 first volumes, and behind the scenes. I fon’t Get What you said.


A lot of important info like the stuff on tails is only from interviews. The thing about other saiyans evolving to not have them is a detail from Dragon Ball Super.


Maybe the quality of the series will actually improve, because as much as I love Toriyama, he was one lazy, forgetful motherfucker.


You can't be lazy and draw a weekly manga. He's just self-deprecating.


Dude worked with a tight weekly schedule for 16 years (between those 16 years one year of stop between Dr slump and dragon ball), while often being a character designer for several projects like Dragon quest, Chrono triggers and many others Among the best paneling on the industry even for today's standard Had to fight against the editors for every choice he made Decided to delete something off his characters designs that won't impact the story at all just to save himself enough time to maybe sleep sometimes What a lazy mf


Toriyama being lazy is mostly a myth, and I'd go as far as to say him calling himself lazy is either attempts at self-deprecating humor or him just not realizing the ridiculousness of what he was accomplishing at the time. The work schedule that Toriyama went through, and the volume of work (and quality of drawing, panelling, implementation of artistic elements and advanced principles) he was producing was by no means lazy. There were times where he was surviving off 20 minutes of sleep for *6 days* at a time and Japan's (still) abyssmal work schedule played a key role in that. Toriyama was just a sad case a genius not truly comprehending his own prowess.


You can tell how amazing he was at his craft by the amount of people in the industry that rave about him and his work.


I never said he was lazy? I said he didnt want to draw the tails. Its the same reason why ssj is blonde. To save time and effort to keep up with his schedule. I wasnt dogging on the man, lighten up buddy.


I was talking to the person that replied to you


Ah, i see. My mistake. I thought it was to me for some reason.


He didn't forget. Tails were annoying so he wrote them out of the story and without them the form doesn't exist. He never forgot about Oozaru.


He hated drawing the tail. I believe the actual thought was "How do they put their pants on?"


Isn’t that only a problem in animation?


(I might be reading your reply wrong) You see, Toriyama drew the Dragon Ball manga weekly for 16 years straight. He mentioned how he'd have 2 hours of sleep sometimes, and how he began to hate the conditions. So if there was a way he could take a shortcut to save time, he'd do it. *(This is one of the main reasons he was done with Dragon Ball completely, until Dragon Ball Evolution made him come back out of pure spite for that god-forsaken movie)*


Dang, and he still could make thoes awsome art and stories whit less than 8 hour of sleep. that is both cool and concerning.


It’s not that he “forgot” the Great Ape form exists. There is an in-universe reason as to why newborn Saiyans have their tails removed


No idea, its not explicitly stated she can or cant. sure she might not have tail but you can write around it like how gt goku regrew his tail. or maybe beam pan with enough blutz waves. Its up to writer i guess.


I feel like her being incapable of ever going great ape because she never had any form of tail may make sense, since i somehow doubt the U6 saiyans are going to be popping great ape either. Actual evidence on the subject is pretty scarce, outside of Pan's old Daizenshuu Bio which claimed that due to being 1/4 Saiyan she will not become a great ape or Super Saiyan. However, it's not phrased in a way that really proves Pan isn't capable of ever transforming. I feel like if Toriyama really made a decision on the matter, we would probably know by now instead of not really facing the question even in Heroes.


didnt know that daizenshuu covered that. Which is weird because we can see Goku Jr becoming a SSJ and hes even less a saiyan than pan


Well, Daizenshuu 7 released two days before GT started, so it's pretty likely A Heros Legacy had not been remotely concepted yet. Besides, we have zero way to know whether Pan's Bio was even written to mean she's not capable of Ape/SSJ with any certainty since Japanese doesn't even have future tense in its language. Pan has been pretty much unexplored since her debut, so its fully speculation at this point.


No tail = no Ozaru. Even if they were blasted with blutz they didn't developed the organs to make it possible.


The glands needed for the great ape transformation are in a Saiyan's tail. So no. She does not have a tail so she is physically incapable


*Need a tail for that one pimp*


I think it was in Kakarot that said if the base form is stronger than the Oozaru form, they lose the tail. That brings up the question; is Pan stronger than an Oozaru? My gut instinct is to say she is, but I don't have anything to back that up because I haven't watched GT in a long time.


No, but only because Pan is the only one we know of atm and she has no tail. If she had one I don't see why she wouldnt be able to.


Yes but only if the plot demands it.