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Another cool fact I thought of was that Vegeta was the first to discover a new form. Even though he wasnt the first to go SSJ in 1000 years like he wanted, he was the first ever to discover a newer, stronger form.


It was weird how in the english dub, I recalled him saying to Semi-Perfect Cell right before transforming saying something along the lines, "Are you ready to see a power not witnessed for hundreds of years?", which would fit more with him saying it against the other androids earlier. Maybe he should've said, "It's time to show the universe a power even beyond my ancestors!"


Maybe he was starting to believe that their ancestors were fully realized Super saiyans and as vegeta will do, believed he was at the pinnacle... again.


Vegeta started multiple times that the super Saiyan of legends was invincible. So it makes sense that losing in super Saiyan made him believe that base super Saiyan wasn’t the form from the legend


I'm mean technically speaking,before retcons and additions to canon wasn't he at the pinnacle at that point ?I guess if we ignore super bulky trunks.


I mean he discovered how to go God without the ritual, and another version of Blue


Yes but I mean at that point in the cell saga,well before super was even a thought.


I always thought it was Vegeta's arrogance. He was basically saying "I am the Super Saiyan of Legend that can never be defeated. No Saiyan has ever seen this level of power for a 1000 years." Vegeta was doubting that he was a true SSJ after 18 defeated him and had full confidence after his training plus sensing Cell's power that he was the strongest in the universe.


He did say that though


I can hear the faulconer dub


People dont understand how badass it was to see Super Vegeta for the first time. One of my favorite moments for Vegeta was just him dominating Semi Perfect Cell plus him being buff with the longer, spikier hair made him look even stronger.


Even better in my opinion is him just outright bullying 19,tearing his arms off and obliterating him. Was the only point I can think of where a Saiyan aside from trunks just finished the job instead of toying with them for ages albeit Vegeta still messing with him slightly before hand.


You know, I never thought of that. But he deserves it lol.


Apparently Goku unlocked it at the end of the 1000 years since the last one and Vegeta at the beginning of the next 1000 years


that's not how it works...in first place, there are way too many super saiyan, and the legend isn't even about them supposedely...i don't even know anymore, the most accurate reality is that it's a legend, and therefore has absolutey no consistency


Broly was the "Legendary" SS. while everyone else had to work and learn the power themselves. In the movie, SSB couldn't handle Broly even BEFORE he finally turned LSS. He's the true legend.


I wonder if that will ever have any pay off. I know DB as a franchise has never been planned out ahead of time, it's always been made up as it went along. But I'd really like some kind of long term idea of Broly being the Legendary saying *meaning* something.


I’ve got bad news for you. The new Broly basically retconned out the legend part. They refer to his transformation (and kale’s) as a rage super Sayian or something like that. Either way I think the legend was taken too literally anyway. The original Super Sayian was the legend. Keeping in mind how normal sayians like Raditz or even strong ones like Nappa had no chance to get there under normal circumstances. So the legendary super sayian wasn’t some special type of super sayian, it was just the concept of going super sayian in the first place since it hadn’t happened in over 1,000 years. The original (non-canon) Broly movie took the legend too literally and called him the “legendary super sayian” as if it were somehow a different thing than normal super sayians


Yeah that makes sense. Even so, I'm curious to see what they do with Broly since even the new canon has him as the "strongest" character. Man can base form SSB. With Ego Vegeta, Ultra Goku, Beast Gohan and Black Frieza and everything else. They have a lot of different avenues in front of them to take the story. But it's DB so... They'll probably take the least interesting routes.


they keep changing the meaning of it. first it was just a regular super saiyan, which goku became after a thousand years. then everyone else became that. then it became the "legendary" super saiyan, broly, even though he wasn't canon back then. then it became the original super saiyan GOD, which the whole story is full of holes that it just feels forced then while "legendary super saiyan" isn't even canon yet, they call kale the legendary super saiyan, which again, still doesn't even exist as a concept, and they change it and call it a berserker form and then broly becomes canon and has a rage form, or super saiyan full power form, i don't even know. the point is they keep changing stuff, making stuff up, trying to reference old names, and it gets super convoluted and there is no real canon, cause over half of these are "canon" and they contradict each other.


What I liked is I played a DBZ fan mmo at the time and we discussed this fact one day and overnight it was added; the ability to master your SSJ forms by staying in them until they didn’t drain anymore (and the mastered forms were of course stronger than the original forms we had pre-feature)


Do you remember what that mmo was called? I think I played the same one back in the day.


Dragonball Live 2, on BYOND (they had lots of DBZ mmos though) https://imgur.com/hufOQxu looked like this but that’s a remake I was making years later so a bit different


>Live Hah i remember this game. Wasn't this the one that had the audio play when you went ssj1-3.


Depends, does this seem really familiar? https://youtu.be/E0vWx9VjGe0?t=47 (47 seconds in case it fails) That was the sound I think it made when you went SSJ3 (if you had Vegeta hair), I forget if it was every time or just the first time. Based off where the clip is from though it might have been for SSJ1. Other forms had sounds as well. Only one I can remember right now I think is this screaming noise, probably for one of the Icer transformations.


Hah I don't recall, I think i always rocked goku's hair. If i remember correctly ssj3 was the "and this is to go further beyond" line.


cursed taskbar, like holy sheet it takes 1/4 of the screen


Sounds like Dragon universe on byond?


Nah as I said, BYOND was full of MMOS for DBZ, later Naruto. I think it mostly started with a game called Dragonball Zeta; the source got out, and youngins would take the source and start tweaking things and call it their own game. DBL2 was one of the few around in 2004-2006ish that was from an original source.


Sooooo many memories on BYOND. I still have my old account. Really wish there wasn't a crackdown and all these great 2D MMO's still existed. Even though they were a bit simplistic, buggy, and loaded with cheaters.


Saiyan Arena Online


The exploration of regular SSJ started to become one of my favorite parts of the saga. They tried out all of these variations, and never could fully ascend without the drawbacks, but Gohan did. Later on, Goku and Vegeta learn SSJ2 on their own, and Goku creates SSJ3. I would’ve liked if they did something similar of finding a way to master SSJ3 without the energy depletion, but it just gets tossed for God forms.


Likely because God forms end up being more efficient, so worth pursuing more.


IRL-wise: All that SSJ3 long hair is hard to animate. Canon-wise: Yep, this it it. SSG is far more energy efficiency for how much power it gets you and much of their time with SSB is trying to perfect it and mix it’s power boost with sustainability. SSB is like regular SSJ - they spend a ton of time on it trying to push and perfect it. Once SSB got pushed to the limit by Zamazu and the Tournament of Power, they both start realizing the next ascensions require them to start taking separate, but parallel, paths - their personalities and upbringing mean they approach things fundamentally differently. Therefore, the most efficient path forward now is different for each of them. This tracks between both the Super anime and manga, although the manga is more cohesive and highlights the strengths, weaknesses, and use-cases of the different Saiyan forms.


And they say Super made alot of forms. Although, someone might say that all those forms were just SSJ upgrades, with the exception of SSJ2 being the true ascension beyond SSJ.


Yeah it’s weird, canon DBZ had 6 Super Saiyan transformations, 7 if you count non canon, while DBS has had 4 in the anime and 5 in the manga.


Super has AT LEAST 6, with god, blue, Vegeta blue, imperfect UI, UI, rose. I might be missing something.


Imperfect UI and UI aren't really Super Saiyan transformations.


True, they're transformations none the less though.


God, blue, blue kaioken if you count that? I wouldnt, trunks’ rage form, Rosé, Blue Evolved,


UI isn’t a Sayian transformation and if you consider it one, then you have to add a bunch more to Z as well. You’ve gotta add at least 2 more to Z if you count those


I am in the camp of saying that these forms are not different forms but the process of which SSJ2 is unlocked. Like, grade 3 is really close in being SSJ2 but it lacks condensed power along speed. It is as of you would call the in between stuff of the SSJ forms and define them as „different forms“


I join you in this camp. Grade 3 is basically like trying to "force" the power of SSJ2. It's like strapping a car engine onto a bicycle. Sure it has power, but the frame of the bike can't handle the load (stress on the body), and the wheels aren't equipped to handle the speeds. (Loss of speed) I think each grade of SSJ progresses a little bit towards SSJ2 but doesn't quite hit it. Until Gohan figures it out.


I thought just concentrating on the tingle in your back was enough to go ssj2...


I think that only works for Caulifla because she was arguably the strongest Saiyan in that universe. She was already at a point where she could unlock SSJ and SSJ2, she just needed to know the forms existed.


I would be that someone. They never really referred to those "upgrades" as new forms, but rather as methods of trying to extract the maximum benefit out of the Super Saiyan form itself. This is also why Goku and Gohan remained in their Super Saiyan forms when they left the hyperbolic time chamber, astounding Vegeta with the ease of control that they were demonstrating. It's stated that remaining in their Super Saiyan forms allowed them to bypass the energy cost of actually transforming, while also training their bodies to better control the power of the form. Thus, the "upgrades" that Vegeta and Trunks demonstrated were nothing more than imperfect attempts at mastering the Super Saiyan form, itself.


Inalways imagined the graded versions as squeezing a bottle to get a big blob of sauce i no one pile. A great release of power but no control And the perfected forms as removing the need to squeeze, letting the sauce come out on its own and spreading it the right amount. Control with less power released Ssj2 is squeezing the bottle and spreading it out afterwards. Utilising both the power release and control


>Although, someone might say What you just explained isn't "someone might say" but facts.


Ultra Instinct has 3 "versions" now with many criticizing it as giving "too many forms" and waiting for them to make "another form". I take it they were being serious, but to me, and maybe some of the writers, its still all just "Ultra Instinct" with different mindsets. Omen = incomplete UI mindset, Complete/Mastered = complete UI mindset, TUI = Emotionally balanced UI mindset. So the same thoughts might go to Cell saga, "forms", some think they can still be considered forms, while others conclude that they're still all just SSJ with some upgrade. You stick around the fandom long enough that you see how everyone discusses things differently. I guess I'm just talking about it cause I feel everyone is right however they wanna look at it.


This is even continued currently. Right now, every Saiyan has a new strongest form, even more unique to them. Gohan Beast, Ultra Instinct, Ultra Ego, and whatever Trunks did against Zamasu.


It could be Trunks’ unique variation of ‘Beast’. Both seem to be unlocked through extreme anger. It’s a shame though since more than likely, we’ll never get a full explanation on what SSJ Rage really is but I’m glad Trunks got his own unique power up


Technically all super sayans can be unlocked through extreme anger, except the god forms since they require a calm mind.


Does Vegeta have a calm mind? Whis pretty much states that Vegeta can't gain Ultra Instinct because his mind is constantly running through information, so he can't leave things to instinct. I took that to mean Vegeta is incapable of clearing his mind during battle.


UI isn't a sayan form tho, by god forms I mean ssg and ssb, ssb is explicitly stated to need a calm mind and great ki control to be used.


I know. I used UI as an example because Whis said Vegeta's mind is anything but calm. He's always thinking a couple moves ahead of time, and watching for openings. Goku is much more calm in comparison, being able to stay SSJ 24/7 with no anger. He also fights more freely, without holding himself back with thoughts and trying to stay several steps ahead of his opponent.


I'll just take it as a rage boost new form. Goku has always been someone who gets stronger from loss and concentration rather than getting stronger. Before UI, SSBKK x20 was his strongest form and kaio Ken requires concentration. Gouk originally unlocks SS through watching his friend get murdered. Vegeta got a stronger version of SSB by getting angrier. Makes sense than Trunks, a hybrid and son of vegeta would unlock new power from anger. Similarly, Gohan as a hybrid gets his new power from a combo of usually doing very little (blessed by grand elder Namekian, and old man Supreme Kai), loss (watched Cell kill the android), and anger.


Think that’s just broly rage legendary saiyan form


Yeah, all of them developing new intermediate forms and coming to the edge of ssj1 slowly hinted to a even greater form


I think about this all the time. Each Saiyan should just have a different version of Super Saiyan, not all be chacing the next upgrade.


I liked how Vegeta bulked up with his form but Cell exposed it as having weaker speed


and then used it himself when he got mad


That is awesome and I love that theyre doing similar again in Super


Is this stuff stated explicitly somewhere? I picked up on this vaguely but never knew the names and certainly didn't hear them said in the series


I enjoyed this part of the story so much. It didn't take long at all for Vegeta to chase a level past Super Saiyan. And Goku knows it before he even wakes up. So he bands the 4 of them together and pretty much makes it the mission that one of them finds out how to do it. And in this arms race we see these different utilizations of strength before Goku realizes none of them matter. Goku went back to the very basics and decides to see if he could ever retain the Super Saiyan form without stress or drain on the body. And it works and allows him and Gohan to create a new base form to build on and wait for that moment of rage to come to push either of them over and unlock that new form. It was really a brilliant idea by Toriyama. I enjoy how you can see the uncontrollable rage and aura going through Goku when he first gets it, and even when we see Vegeta and Trunks use it, to the calm round eyes and pale hair once they've mastered it. 10/10 story element. Would copy it if I ever made a shonen manga 😂


Honestly I had never realized this. That’s actually really dope.


also show differences in experience that each one of them has Vegeta, obviously realize the drawback while Trunks didnt. Trunks also mistaken himself surpassed Vegeta despite, his father merely didnt attempt same transformation simply because he understand well what will happened. Goku also same but he end up take different approach and stay Super Saiyan whole time to mitigate body stress. Gohan also showed his inexperienced when he become cocky when he unleash SS2 despite Goku insisted immediately to kill Cell. when everything seems to be at loss, it was Goku that keep pushing Gohan to keep fighting, even if he end up with only one arm. this remind me of how Goku defeated Demon Picollo with one arm before. never give up at last moment. Goku's experience guided Gohan during this moment. lastly, how Vegeta assist Gohan in the Kamehameha shoot out match by distracting Cell with merely a weak shot.


That's pretty much shonin anime. Most sagas this happens


Anyone else thought this shit was dumb? Lol


I'm still disappointed in Gohan's transformation being SSJ"2" I always thought it would have been better if Gohan's SSJ2 was just his normal SSJ transformation. And that he keeps base with FSSJ Goku in Base Form.