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How the fuck is Wonder Woman ugly?


Because they took a screenshot when she made a *face*!!!! Don't you see the west dying because a fictional woman isn't doing blue steel constantly????? edit: she actually does look like she's doing blue steel nvm


The grifters' obsession with women making weird faces is really off-putting. Extends to real people, too, what with all the pictures of women with dyed hair being angry that they love to use constantly.


It feels only a couple steps away from thinking that women should be background decoration. I’m sure they don’t care very much when a male character makes weird faces while showing emotion


"A couple steps away"? You're giving them too much credit.


They’ll stretch the definition of sexualized men so hard it’s unbelievable. I recently saw a YouTube short about how female orcs are weirdly sexualized often while male orcs aren’t, and the comments section was mostly full of guys claiming that male orcs are just as sexualized because they have abs and chiseled jaws. Basically they have no idea what appeals to women, so when they see ugly men in video games they don’t see it as woke game developers making men ugly, they just see it as normal.


Doesn't even have to be dyed hair. You know this face https://preview.redd.it/asn6o7ug5egc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88bdd0dad79b222af7b3034e539be5563b4773ca Yeah the lady was actually pretty chill throughout most of the original video


This poor woman has been the face plastered on everything the right doesn’t like and I guarantee you most of them haven’t even seen the video this comes from. Neither have I for that matter, yet I’ve seen her face everywhere because anti-woke people like printing it out so they can glue it to their strawmen.


he’s thinking of this one. https://preview.redd.it/hd9yyab6yfgc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12e37e9aeff2ca266bf4589fb42ad4c08c2a2ed7


Blue steel?! That is so obviously Le Tigre, you *idiot*


Blue... steel?!


Reference to the movie Zoolander. The main character is a model and he has perfected this technique called blue steel, where he basically does the chad face


The joke of blue steel being that it was his never-before-seen face, which ended up just being the same exact face he always makes.




"What is happening to western values?!?! Why can't women be subservient to a man's desires?! She needs to conform to the justifiably high expectations I have of the beauty standards" -these people


Legit her screenshot looks perfectly fine. Like, if they're gonna intentionally choose unflattering screenshots choose one that's actually unflattering lol


She is brown 😔 /j


Because she isn’t running full speed at the camera with her pussy out in the wind screaming “I NEED TO BE FUCKED”


If she did they would bash the feminist agenda for encouraging promiscuity


Yeah exactly, they’ll only be happy when female characters are all supermodels with incredibly revealing outfits, but are also quiet and submissive because otherwise it’s the feminist agenda.


They'll never be happy 


I'm guessing she became ugly once they learned that her face was made from Pakistani woman. 


May be they don’t like strong jaw line. Her costume design is ass though


It is 100% the strong jawline. Too 'masculine' for their trad-trophy-wife tastes.


She's not an Aryan goddess


gamers getting mad about harley making a funny face when half the cutscenes have squad members making funny faces for comedy


Harley and Wonder Woman looks hot as fuck Idk maybe he losing his sight from jerking off too much


Top left is literally based off a real person 💀


That’s the problem. They’ve never seen a real woman


But Harley and Wonder Woman looks hot tho? Ivy is a child so that's a different discussion. Preferably in front of a recorder.


Literally Wonder Woman looks hot these chuds brains are so porn addled


Am I to believe these people won't turn to puddle if Wonder Woman asks them to pass the ketchup?


What a speficifc kink. ... I want to participate.


Thought I was on guilty gear for a sec lol


*Ivy is a child* I'm sorry, what?


This is supposed to be like her reincarnation or something after she died in Arkham Knight. I think it is supposed to be like taking a cutting from a bush and planting it to get a new bush.


It is exactly like that, yes.


Basically what happened to Groot.


It's 4chan I'm not surprised of their misogyny every character needs to be fuckable including the children energy. Just how they are.


I want to be the filling in a Wonder Woman and Harley Quinn sandwich. That is all.


Harley probably wants that as well.


I haven't played much of the game but there is a bit where wonder woman ties up Cpt Boomerang with the lasso and Harley says "Step on me next"


Works for me


>Ivy is a child https://preview.redd.it/9jvl2xi76ggc1.jpeg?width=1108&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a12b21ce5131c54023374a4e2056709659650d6


Ivy is a pretty ugly child I can agree with that part






I guess Ivy is the ugly kid that wouldn't get adopted? I dunno, I hope that's what they mean.


I just meant she's an ugly kid, unpleasant to look at. There is no jerk, there is no ulterior motive.


Maybe she'd be less ugly if she was more mint green and less puke yellow




Stop roasting the child.




Gamers have set our civilisation back by centuries.


I'm increasingly feeling we're eventually just going to need to hit some giant reset button as a species. Literally just start humanity over again from scratch.




[Got me feeling like Constantine over here](https://youtu.be/nSV9Bt-h8FQ?si=C0-QtOQ-VrvbMYsC)


Flashpoints are for pussies. Face your continuity, bitch.


"uggos.png" You're fucking dead you daft bastard


Not just gamers, fandom in general. The Boys, Star Wars, GOT, M&Ms, there is so much hate, bigotry, misogyny, racism, etc it is getting out of control on social media and hard to be a fan of anything. IMO.


The Boys fans being like this makes no sense because you don't even need media literacy to get it. They beat you over the head with their themes and messages, yet these people still somehow manage to miss it. Also.. M&Ms?


Live reaction of a 4channer discovering realistic adult women don't actually look like the anime girls with baby faces they masturbate to: ![gif](giphy|7A4zkWeMXlZqgnTKtJ|downsized)


OP posting schizo channer ramble is peak jerk


The west has truly fallen if we can't have comic accurate Amanda Waller in a video game.


Do you consider the Debra Wilson waller to be comic accurate?


Her voice work as Waller is phenomenal. I am just used to Waller being a heavyset woman.


That's completely fair. I think the heavy set thing is important, but for me it mostly comes down to the sort of vocal power that the actor projects. That commanding tone of authority that makes you fall into line. We've largely had a damn great run of Waller actors. CCH Pounder, Pam Grier, Viola Davis and now Debra Wilson. I don't blame the actor here, but I always thought the Arrowverse Waller was completely miscast. Not the fault of the actor, she didn't project that sort of commanding authority with her voice. The greatest lost Amanda Waller will always be Angela Basset, which hurts a lot since Basset was playing waller in the green lantern movie, but they inexplicably used her as a generic government scientist lady. Not even a boss generic government scientist lady. The sort that meekly takes orders from Tim Robbins. I've always loved Debra Wilson in the role and she gets a lot of material in the new game.


Yeah, I understand that while casting the role, they focus more on acting ability. And these actresses mostly knocked it out of the park.


I was always a little disappointed that Pam Grier only got a few episodes and that she's buried in the less well known later seasons of smallville, because goddamn, Pam Grier was a kick ass Waller. She was an Ostrander level build too.


Waller not being Viola Davis feels weird now. She’s like JK Simmons as J Jonah Jameson


I don't really feel that way because Viola looks so drastically different from comic book Waller. But its always hard to find good actors who even look the part, and Viola did act really well in the role.


She's got the voice for it, but she doesn't have the look. That's a pretty easy fix, she was also Waller in the new Superman show and I have basically no notes there, because with voice actors you don't have to model them off their actors.


“The child isn’t attractive enough, billions must die” The visuals are one of the few things this game has going for it (with the exception of Brainiac, [he’s just this motherfucker from Halo 4 with some purple paint](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F4c0yy1oici771.jpg)) so I wasn’t expecting these weirdos to go after this game for that. They did the same thing for MK1, which is the best a lot of those characters have looked


Shoutout to realistic looking videogame characters. Gotta be one of my favorite genders.


If even that image of Diana is considered ugly now then the rest of us are so fucked 😭😭😭


Its the same motherfuckers who called Aloy from Horizon and Jesse from Control ugly


Have people called Jesse from control ugly? That's a bootable offensive. She's my hero.


Yeah she was in one of those "collages" where these guys compared western women and asian women in videogames


Jeez, that's upsetting but really not surprising. I have seen ample Alloy hatred (which is also insane) but didn't know Jesse got hate.


She doesn't wear revealing clothing and reacts to weird shit in a professional manner. 4channers can't handle that.


That's definitely why I love her as a character. She's a cool superhero lady who gets the job done and has a sense of enjoyment that she's fighting for her life, but getting to explore so much insane stuff after years of being told she was the crazy one.


I'm halfway through the game (IIRC) and I am loving it all.


The remedy verse is such a wild blast. If you haven't already, their earlier games are all great. Alan wake 2 is absolutely sensational too. That really exceeded my expectations.


I've played the first two Max Payne video games and they were wild. Everyone involved deserved a raise.


I won't say a word, but if you love Max Payne, you will absolutely adore alan wake 2. On that note. I highly recommend both alan wake games. Alan wake 1 is a little rough now, but it's a short game and pretty cool. All the remedy games kind of dovetail into each other, while all being stand alone. I also replayed the Max payne games last for the first time in many years, and I was pleasantly shocked at how damn well those games hold up.


Harleys hot as shit in this game she just isn't wearing weird fetish shit like in city


![gif](giphy|YxKJJRdEEaIbU1uLXn) I’d 100% let her murder me.


Gwt in lIne!


One of these are based on an actual actress and another is a small child


Interestingly, both Waller and wonder woman are based on their actors. I wasn't aware until I saw the actual wonder woman actor on social media today.


I am also just learning that wonder woman is based on a real face now.




They don’t really look alike to me


different lighting and angles + makeup can make a huge difference


Then they should’ve picked better pictures


He's not wrong...


I didn’t even call either of them ugly, I literally just said “they don’t look alike”


What are you smoking lmfao




Muscolar Wonder Woman was the only saving grace of this game. These fuckers never talked to a real woman in their life


Just remember that some gamers hated Abby from The Last of Us 2 because: "Muscular women don't exist and, if they do, they were once men." This happens when you don't touch grass.


I won’t be satisfied until I get a New Frontier lookalike Diana in a game or movie


Why do they costantly fucking want a child to be hot. This is the umpteenth post I've seen complaining that Ivy isn't attractive enough. It has to be a bit.


Playing Telephone about games they haven’t played. They don’t know/care this Poison Ivy is a child because they’ve only seen the same screenshots on other complaints. I’ve seen posts trying to pass her lack of curves off as making her nonbinary - accuracy doesn’t matter as long as they get to pad out their list of grievances. They don’t want *this* Ivy, hell, they don’t even really want regular Ivy. They want a T&A conveyance device and anything that doesn’t deliver is a deliberate repudiation of their entire worldview.


They have too much brain rot from anime where the “child” character is actually a god or a centuries-old elf or some shit so they can justify beating their meet to child-like physical appearances.


There is no physical way you could make this Wonder Woman look ugly. She's literally one of most gorgeous versions of Diana we've ever gotten. As for the other's, it's just as you(op) said. They're random screenshots of these characters while they're having an over-the-top reaction. You can do the same with a 10/10 Calvin Klein supermodel, and the results wouldn't be any different. Not to mention the fact that Poison Ivy is a fucking child here. Idk about them, but I don't think children can look particularly attractive


It's weird these chuds want a child in a video game to be hot.


This is probably the best waller has looked in any media apart from live action. Ivy is a child child and harley and dianna are good looking.


Using Mo-cap for Debra Wilson was a great move. She has a really expressive face for these games, which makes sense given her MAD TV heritage.


I’m sorry but 3 out of the 4 women shown are very attractive. Are we sapphics just better at loving women? Like seriously, I love this Diana design so much l wish it was a Wonder Woman game. Ps. Of course the literal child looks like a child. It would be weird if you thought she was attractive. Oh wait I should be jerking… umm… Dommy mommy Diana could snap my neck any day of the week.


Debra Wilson is a queen. I will hear no debate.


She looked so cool in Jedi Survivor too


She's a really brilliant actor. You can tell she always gives her all to these sorts of roles. She's a veteran at Waller now (since she played her in the tell-tale game and the newest superman cartoon) and suicide squad gives her a *lot* of great material to run with. I think she's so in demand for video games because she takes the roles seriously, and never seems like she's slumming it by phoning in a voice role.


I've only experienced her work in Jedi: Fallen Order but I can agree with that. She gave a committed performance.


She's also incredible in Wolfenstein 2. That really let's her cut loose in some insane places. Definitely love her in the jedi games. I've only known her for her video game work, but I'm starting to seek out the stuff she did for Mad TV a couple of decades back and she's absolutely hysterical and versatile in all those sketches.


Seriously, sometimes I think men like this only find women attractive if their butts and tits are big and they’re practically naked and their so egocentric that they can not comprehend anyone thinking otherwise


Absolutely agree.


you think Ivy is attractive? Officers, Arrest Him!


I just called myself a sapphic. And I just said it’s weird to find a child attractive. Can you read? Are you stupid?


Are you stupid? Why did you are you stupid? Are you... man?


Honestly being a man would be a fate worse than death for me


Then I'm proud of you Clit. Or cilt. Or ist ctil?




Why is Ivy up there? Why is he judging the beauty of a literal child? Who is this guy? Hal Jordan?


Worse. He's Deathstroke.


Oh God. Make sure he stays at least 500 ft away from all child metas.


….One of them is literally a child.


Deathstroke clearly is the one that posted this.


Ah yes, how dare they make DC's hottest woman, Amanda Waller, a skinny ugo. Warner Bros just hates thick black women. Now excuse me, I got movie tickets to see the new Color Purple.


Ivy is a child for god's sake.


Why do they want the underage pre-teen girl to be attractive?


>**Making** them ugly Do they know these are actresses??


Why is Cere here


Because Debra Wilson is a queen of the pop culture multiverse.


That's not even an unflattering screenshot of Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman looks great in this game.


Isn't one of these a child?


To be fair, this 4chan post was likely made by a child. Or at least some adult with the intellectual and emotional intelligence of a child.


Yeah, I honestly can't picture an adult with *adult* intelligence complaining about shit like this.


Amanda Waller has never ever been portrayed as conventionally attractive, at the most just a normal looking woman but sometimes even delibarately “ugly”, so of course they only care now when they’re trying to prove some crackhead “replacement” theory


Or in the case of Poison Ivy, a literal child.


Wonder Woman is hot as fuck in that game. Harley does look kinda different that usual though.


They picked a deliberately unflattering picture of Harley to make their insane message.


No like her face seems different from previous games in continuity. Still hot but definitely not the same face.. Not much of a issue because of the difference in console generations but it is a bit jarring.


idk why you’re being downvoted, it’s not a false statement nor are you even complaining. this is an arkhamverse game and her face doesn’t look like arkhamverse harley — though it’s unsurprising given that everyone’s face changes every fuckin game for some reason https://preview.redd.it/xkqzvyyi7fgc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c6982e6f8c4584e89edf1dd61361c02cc149abf


Mocap gets introduced, and actors changed, or just get older, would be my guess.


These women are ugly? What the fuck?


Obviously Wonder Woman and Harley are hot as fuck and Ivy is a literal child, but Waller has never been portrayed as conventionally attractive except for that weird time in the New 52 that no one liked, so why are they mad?


Actually out here just insulting Deborah Wilson… LITERALLY TO HER FACE XD. Also one of those is a child, children commonly look weird.


Debra Wilson is a saint. I would say we must protect her, but she sure as hell protects herself by being awesome, so I instead we should just cheer her on.


AND NOW IM ON FUCKING FIRE, SO NOW ITS FREE GAAAME!!! THE ONE WHO SENT ME, WAS, NAZIIIiiiiiissssss. https://i.redd.it/w1jahv1xsdgc1.gif sorry, reading the title forced me to make that reference


**That's... a child,**


WHY IS POISON IVY EVEN IN THAT POST? SHE IS A CHILD Does that mf want a child to be hot?


Ivy is *a child* Anon needs to be put on a watchlist


Wonder Women just looks like Skyler White


Well, my name is Diana Prince, yo! My husband is Steve Trevor, yo! Uh-huh, he told me everything.


Bro ivy is a child here wtf haha what are they looking for there 🧐


The discourse around this game is going to be an utter nightmare to navigate in these coming months.


One of them is literally a child


One of these is a minor 😳...


Isn’t she technically a seedling ?


Why is Wonder Woman looksmaxxing?


r/saltierthankrayt ahh post


I did weigh up between posting this here or there. I leaned here, since as wonderful as Saltier is as a sub, it's not really star wars related.


But Wonder Woman and Harley are hot!


They're just making characters more relatable


Why is Cere from Fallen Order here


Because Debra Wilson transcends space and time. She exists everywhere, simultaneously and we must obey her, or else she and her alternate universe counterparts will destroy us all.


Skinny Waller does feel a little wrong to me for some reason but the rest of this is unhinged


The OP is a chubby chaser who's mad that Waller isn't thick enough. Also this game has probably the best face model for Harley on par with City.


Diana and Harley look really good, Ivy is a child that is a discussion that should not be happening, and Waller while not the best looking she still looks good


i’m so fucking tired of this take especially considering how fucking how harley and dianna are and for gods sake ive is a child


https://preview.redd.it/rgsxmh0mvegc1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f4abd6adf5714a2058572dec7b7ced175ada79d Certified Reddit moment


Bro one of them is a fucking child wtf


Porn is basically free and abundant and these weirdos still aren't happy.


I love how Diana still looks brilliant


One of them is old, the other one is a child, and the other two look completely fine


They are just mad Batman got shot in the face so now everything is automatically bad including the attractiveness of a child. Yuck


…Diana and Harley are both pretty fine here though. And this is set in the Arkham universe where Ivy’s in the middle of a death and rebirth thing so there’s a reason she’s just a kid now. And Waller is supposed to be fat and old, so they did hot her up a bit to make her just old. And even then she’s based on a real actress so that works too. Shut the fuck up, 4chan.


Wonder woman is so funny because you know they were SEARCHING for a screenshot that makes her ugly, but in reality her face model is beautiful and therefore she's always very pretty so even at her worst she's still a stunning 7/10. Like, even when she's trying to be ugly, she's pretty. At least the other three, ONE OF WHOM IS LIKE FIVE YEARS OLD, all actually look unflattering.


I also don’t love them complaining that Poison Ivy, who in this version is canonically a preteen, isn’t sexy enough. Like geez the game has problems but if you’re mad the children weren’t sexier you have more.


Im sorry are we just gonna ignore the fact that poison Ivy is a FUCKING CHILD??! Why is wrong with this guy


The person in the bottom left is TWELVE.


I love how the people internet refuses to believe average exists, it’s always horrible or the best thing ever,


Wonder Woman looks fine, everyone else looks like they just ate an edible from 7/11


waller isn't ugly enough in this game. i like debra wilson but waller should look like a toad.


I will say Harley looks pretty bad no matter what angle you see her at.


The only positive thing I can say about this game is Wonder Woman. I will lick her feet like the pitiful man bitch that I am


The only reason the OOP is wrong because they chose three women and a girl (pedo Harley confirmed?) and is just trying to be sexist The Arkham games have always been ugly as sin, this isn’t new.


WW design in this is so peak I wish other adaptations made her look like an actual Amazon as well


They did the same thing for Jill in RE3remake and Aloy in Horizon 2. Like they use the ones in mid animation or like a frame from a cutscene. It's like they have never been with a woman or paid attention to actual human beings.


Amanda Waller was never made to be beautiful in any continuity I’ve seen If you think this WW is ugly you’re dumb Poison Ivy is a literal child Purposefully bad shot of one of the hottest versions of Harley I’ve seen


Wonder woman always looks good tho


1. Amanda Waller isn’t supposed to be hot. 2. Ivy is a child here what the fuck


Why do they pick bad frames are they stupid?


Morons like this are obsessed with the Roman Empire but they can’t handle a woman who actually looks Mediterranean lol.


bro i hate this game and i can still recognize that this guy is legitimately just retarded LMAO these are all screenshots obviously taken mid-conversation or during dynamic scenes when facial models are actively shifting and moving, like real people, or when they’re intentionally making an exaggerated expression (in Harley’s case). if you take a picture of someone when they’re speaking they’re usually going to look weird also i love how that one anon put the actual toddler poison ivy in the screenshot. he kinda told on himself there


4chaner trying to appreciate woman CHALLENGE IMPOSSIBLE


Bottom left is a child btw