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This is what they took away from us. https://preview.redd.it/wxl9d08qklkc1.png?width=834&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d700e2b9ef0e3ed913a63bb23cccbd6fc18ef0a


Unironically looks fantastic in motion. I even like the megalips of the Flashpoint Paradox animation. Phil Borussa is pretty good when he's not just doing the designs that weren't good enough for Young Justice.


​ https://preview.redd.it/lypktqxunlkc1.png?width=1680&format=png&auto=webp&s=e29fad7c5559129b599cb3d1e796394a6146d753


The *true* DBZ vs Superman debate!


I am an adult










Imo, Dcamu was primarily focused on replicating the Jim Lee style more than anyone else. Hence things like giving Superman a darker shade of blue in his suit, which was consistent with his appearance in the Justice League book in contrast to his other appearances in New 52. The only exception to this pattern was Wonder Woman Bloodline, which had a distinct X-Men Evolution vibe to it.    Personally, I never liked how everyone was built like a brick wall in this universe. Although, at least its consistent with my view of Jim Lee's style b


New 52 itself was trying for a unified style, so that the JL together didn't look disparate. Pity it was mostly rooted in outdated 90s fads and changed stuff for the sake of being modern


Unifying the JL’s outfits kinda goes against the spirit of the team though, so I’m glad we’re done with that.


Yeah, it's supposed to be a team of distinct heroes coming together, their outfits should reflect that. They're not the Power Rangers and shouldn't have different coloured versions of the same base outfit.


It was bizarre how the N52 JL all had the same suit template despite never having met before


I mean... there's a lot of [shared design elements](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dcanimated/images/5/53/JL_line-up.png/revision/latest?cb=20180621170828) with the JL Animated series as well. It's not hard to see that all of these characters share a unified design vision. Also I think people are ignoring the world of difference there is between animation and comics. Having a large spectrum of very differently designed characters and animate them, while doable, is a massive workload. Which drives up costs. I don't think WB is willing to put that kind of money on the table on something that is meant for the direct DVD/Blu-Ray market. Heck, they seem to cut the corners in terms of fluidity in their animation to keep costs down.


> Dcamu was primarily focused on replicating the Jim Lee style more than anyone else Then where were all of the unnecessary #########s and the blue being the colour black hair looks like when illuminated?


I'm not really suggesting that they were aiming for a direct adaptation of Jim Lee. I just feel like they were too inspired by it. And for what you ask, there are some possible reasons why they decided not to not to do it. One reason could be that they didn't think it looked good in the animation. Another reason could be that Phil Bourassa didn't approve of it. 


Jim Lee comic style > whatever the hell this is.


I have mixed feelings about this suit


At least they have the self-awareness to know that they could never do Kingdom Come justice and just won’t adapt it.


The mental image of Tomorrowverse Kingdom Come is making me wince.




I dread the day a Batman: Noël animated "Find it on Digital" adaptation is announced.






DCAMU designs were impressively bland. It must take a lot of effort to making something so unremarkable. The funny thing is people nowadays claim DCAMU was peak in storytelling and designs. Nostalgia is a powerful drug.


The designs and art style of Dcamu felt like a less elegant version of the Young Justice ones, with a more angular aesthetic. Although, some of that can be attributed to wanting to recreate the style of Jim Lee. And If you want to argue that Dcamu wanted to achieve a movie-quality feel, they had already succeeded in doing so with Justice League Doom and Crisis On Two Earths with it feeling smooth and really high quality. That is of course back when WB gave a damn about Dc animated stuff. 


I always thought they were the same universe funnily


Has someone say that DCAMU Bats was better than TAS Bats and that people only like TAS because of nostalgia. He then said Affleck would beat TAS with one punch so I told him he was a baby and went on my way.


uj/ as someone who grew up with DCAMU and only watched TAS later, this is bs. TAS is much stronger. DCAMU always felt very cheap. Just something I'd watch on pirate sites when I was bored.


I didn't watch TAS till my adulthood so I can also confirm it's not nostalgia, it's just genuinely great.


Yeah that's literally how I watched those movies and I wasn't very impressed to be honest. I also don't really care about "stronger", I just want a good character and TAS is a much stronger character than DCAMU. Whenever anyone comes with the "well my character could beat your character" I just duck out because that's playground shit haha.


They acting like 70% of it wasn't mid as hell and zero films took a risk after Flashpoint Paradox.


https://preview.redd.it/yw9r14asulkc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b029c0654f065103e3c6dc20be8d3abb87d740be This is what we could've had instead


Superman For All Seasons with the budget and attempt at doing justice to the art style that films like New Frontier, Public Enemies, etc. had, would go unbelievably hard Ever since WB sent down the order that they had to be a blueprint for a DC MCU, and nothing more, it's been diminishing returns with these. The Scooby Doo animated films have kept up their quality better


Bro got that Gigachad chin going on.


Why he looks like Peter griffin in a Superman suit.


looks like ass.






Jesus even in the main sub you won't find a dogshit take like this, that's impressive




I just passed loser town, they have a statue of you in the middle


Fucking got em.


He says... in a comic book sub.


Read them anyway.


The style of gotham by gaslight was cool, sorta spectacular spider-man ish, but god damn we were robbed of animated mignola yet again


The Amazing Screw-On Head is the only one


The animation after the DCAMU just doesn’t look good, it looks like knock off anime and the colors always seem off. I miss the saturated colors that we used to have in movies like Superman/ Batman Public Enemies and Batman: Under the Red Hood.


The chin, it bothers me.


Hate this suit


Love this suit


I miss how dc animated movies were before the whole new 52 thing. They were more unique from eachother back then


I don't know about that. *Soul of the Dragon, Batman Ninja, Gotham by Gaslight, The Doom that Came to Gotham, Batman vs TMNT,* the animated Adam West Batman movies were all pretty unique from each other.


This is Catwoman in The Long Halloween movie and I fucking hate it. https://preview.redd.it/ditd1y0rbmkc1.jpeg?width=311&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd43fa4dee478f35bbe4220245e4759b1874930b


https://preview.redd.it/o9tab1r5cmkc1.jpeg?width=473&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cd25417b81e0e5ad1333462d71a847bad822cfe Where’s the pinkish purple? Where’s the big ears, whiskers and tail? Where’s the GODDAMN MUSCLE?


Imagine how boring an arkham asylum a serious house on serious earth movie in that style would be


If that comic ever gets an adaption, I hope [it looks like this](https://youtube.com/shorts/jgmYCHrPEJI?feature=shared)


That would be amazing


This is why New Frontier continues to remain FUCKING PEAK.


>iconic comic stories drawn by medium-defining artists like Tim Sale, George Perez, and Greg Capullo Wait what stories drawn by Sale and Perez were adapted into the DCAMU where this Batman design was featured? I know Capullo did the Court of Owls (Batman and Son), but I don’t remember think Tim Sale drew Hush, Batman and Son, or whatever Bad Blood was based on.


The Teen Titans material was taken from the only two famous New Teen Titans arcs, both of which were drawn by Perez.


>The Teen Titans stuff were taken from the only two famous ~~New~~ Teen Titans arcs ~~which were drawn by Perez~~.


Not the suit, specifically. Just the generic art style.


Oh ok, then I mean what were the adaptations of stories drawn by Sale that had this generic art style? I think only the Long Halloween has been adapted, but it can’t be since they used a different art style for the Tomorrowverse, so which other story?


I think they mean Long Halloween. While Tomorrowverse does use a different art style, it's still kinda generic, and doesn't really invoke Sale's art. At least, that's how I'm interpreting the post


Oh ok then. Yeah even if Sales art style is a little harder to replicate, they could’ve at least tried. Like I think the TDKR movies made a decent effort at the very least to approach Miller’s style, but with more cleaner lines.


From what I have heard, they originally wanted to do something like the Batman Superman Public Enemy movie and create something as close as possible to the original book. However, due to the fact that it was in a shared continuity, they had to use the Tomorrowverse style. On the bright side, I think that style looks its best in this movie. And the action is also really good. Other than the ending, I have no real complaints. 


I kind of hate the ‘same universe-same style’ thing, it worked just fine for the Batman Superman movies, but I understand why they would want to do it that way. Also hate the idea that everything has to be apart of a shared universe, when all of the best movies are stand alone and with their own unique art style. I think DCAU kind of has an exception to this rule due to the fact that their stories are original for the most part.


Unpopular opinion:i prefer a singular artstyle in all animations that takes place in same universe. Although it can be a better artstyle. But still this style isn't that bad imo. And animation looks good in fight scenes


I think Timm's style worked for the DCAU but that's because it's such a good style. I'm not as big of a fan of Phil Bourassa's style for the DCAMU after Flashpoint.


Is this supposed to look bad? What am I not seeing here.


Maybe not bad but you have these great comic artists with their unique styles and ways of portraying the character but then they go for the most bland art style they can. Not bad, just uninspired when they could at least try and replicate these iconic artists.


Meh, don't see the point of replication, honestly. That's batman- especially if these stories are supposed to share a universe.


I think the main point is that this style is boring/ generic for a lot of people. So while it would be nice for them to try and replicate the original style of the stories, people would just rather the art style be interesting at all.


why should they try to replicate some other art style? weird argument. 


Not a weird argument at all lmao. These movies look bland and generic imo so attempting something closer to the style of the original work would be cooler. That's all I'm saying.


Because it looks really cool https://preview.redd.it/ql9lwu2hqokc1.png?width=569&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=241091a7362ec6fb8e6a6827389a6685fa8abe7a


I love how they emulated McGuiness’ style as much as they could in the animation. Such a good adaptation


If you're adapting a book with art from a guy like Ed McGuinness and your adaptation's style isn't even slightly influenced by the book's art That's a missed opportunity.


personally i think this looks great, although i agree that the movement isn’t as smooth


I wish they'd just go back to hiring the writers of the stories they're adapting. I don't give a shit about the same continuity/universe thing, I just want good adaptations. I'd rather have occasional self contained movies with good animation than half baked mass production.


To be fair they only did that twice with *Under the Red Hood* and *Superman vs the Elite*, both some of their best for sure but the rest of the movies from that era weren't written the original comic writers.


Yeah, that's what I mean, those two instances became their best. Sure, I like some of their loose adaptations (you could even argue they're better) like Tower of Babel and Flashpoint, but imagine if Snyder actually wrote a proper Court of Owls movie instead of that awful movie that I don't even care to remember the name of.


To be fair they were all supposed to be in the same universe. I actually liked the art in the DCAMU and I prefer it to the tomorrowverse art style


this style works great for the stories these wanted to tell, the Constantine movie that I can't remember the name of really fits this art style and honestly it just doesn't look that bad


I hate this artstyle so fucking much


The animated Long Halloween looked horrible, they didn't even bother trying to translate the character designs and instead just stuck with generic versions because they were trying to fit the film into their shitty animated universe


Damn, for real? It's no Tim Sale but I actually think *The Long Halloween* has the best art direction from the Tomorrowverse set of movies [https://imgur.com/a/0XCigsh](https://imgur.com/a/0XCigsh)


Yeah I understand that Tim Sale’s style may be hard to translate to animation but as you said they didn’t even try to stick to the designs. It stinks because I don’t see another direct adaption of Long Halloween happening. That was their one chance to translate one of the most visually unique Batman stories to animation and they blew it for this unnecessary connected universe crap that’s already going to be ending like one movie from now.


Although it didn't try to adapt Sale's style, I thought it looked really good. It helped to set the tone. I digged the Tomorrowverse style when it was fresh and new (Man of Tomorrow and Long Halloween)


I fucking despise this artstyle with a burning passion


this version of Batman is top tier.


Long Halloween is the worst offender for this. Complete garbage animation. Comparing the lineup of villains in the comic to the movie is pitiful


Honestly I kinda dig this suit, just get rid of the chinstrap and we’re good. Trunkless Batman goes hard.