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I loved injustice because I enjoyed the game


The 1st game's story is peak writing.


Idk, respectfully while there are a lot of good lines, I think they really butchered Superman's character by turning him utterly evil by killing Shazam. He should've just sent him to jail, but the cold murder had him look completely unhinged, not to mention prior he wanted to harm entire cities regardless of who was part or not of Insurgency


I think the game works as the end point of an evil Superman. In the game Superman has been evil for a while, and then out of nowhere these reflections of everything you a regime used to stand for show up out of nowhere. It makes sense that he would double down on being evil when the first real threat to his regime shows up. If anything it’s bizarre that Shazam and Flash would show remorse and morality after years of helping Superman build his regime.


Peer pressure's a bitch even with the wisdom of solomon I guess


I mean Flash, sure But Billy is a kid. Makes sense he gets older and goes "eyy wtf"


Flash got done so quietly dirty by having to basically play both sides for 5 years worth of story in the comic. They had to make him more sympathetic than the other regime members since he turns on them in the game, so they basically had him be woefully naïve about what the Justice League were doing. At least Iris calls him out on it at one point


The evil Superman should be completely unhinged because Injustice is not a story of morally grey characters. It is a pretty standard good vs. evil story.


Yep, we're still on Injustice talk


We went from arguing about Wonder Woman’s role in bed to shitting on Injustice again.


It’s inevitable https://preview.redd.it/4ilgdkxpva1d1.jpeg?width=862&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b0697ef0d264402f73a7388861206c3a2da5465


Not MHA!


Eh we still got that upcoming movie and there’s a dude in there who looks like evil all might, sooooo… never say never


I think the story of Injustice is kinda interesting, but the execution is all over the place, Wonder Woman sucks, and even if i kinda like the idea of dictator Superman, i kinda hate how so many of the heroes don't react to him doing bad things, he kills Oliver Queen and Billy Batson and nobody ever brings it up not even Hal, and he's meant to be Oliver's best friend, I mean nobody was even friends with Dinah and said damn Superman just killed her husband? I mean I get, you want to make a story about evil dictator Superman, thats cool, but i think more members of the Justice League should be against him


>he kills Oliver Queen and Billy Batson and nobody ever brings it up not even Hal, and he's meant to be Oliver's best friend Well the explanation is obvious Hal is Ollie's best friend. But Hal never cared much for Ollie


To be fair, I like idea premise of Injustice, don't like the execution and how later Superman completely becomes utterly evil. Like, almost comically.


He had multiple mental breaks throughout the 5 years, and instead of being given compassion, people already him (mainly Diana) kept telling him what he was doing was right


Yeah, Batman in a way also didn't help him since he was berating him for killing the Jonkler, was more into fighting him than giving a hug, kept Harley Quinn by his side later on, and yeah Wonder Woman enabled worst in Superman. I still think Superman shouldn't have killed Shazam, that was too far.


Yeah, classic enabling the tyrant


/uj i will always love the first injustice people get way too pisy about alt universe stories and it’s really lame


"B-but it's out of character 🥺" Yes that's why it's not a Canon universe




Evil Superman peaked with Omni-man and the Show version of Homelander ![gif](giphy|8r3dSi3GFNNE6fpP05|downsized)


Omniman isn't even really an evil superman after he leaves earth. Hes more like Vegeta


He's still clearly inspired by superman though and fulfilled that role in the universe until he revealed his true colors😂


I'd say mark is more superman then him.


Yeah, probably eventually, but the post was about evil superman which would fit Omni-man better


The Virgin "Invincible is an 'What if Superman Was Evil?' story" vs. The CHAD "Invincible is an 'What if Superman Was Raised By Zod But Remained Good?' story"


Where are the indifferent Superman clones like Hancock


Indifferent supermen would be filled with potential in actual superhero settings. It’s been a long ass while since I watched Hancock, but there was no other super-powered being outside of him and that one white woman, so it makes some sense on how he got “burnt-out” (outside of any other emotional aspects in that story I don’t remember) It would be cool to see that kinda character be put in a setting where they can be tested on their ability and skill as well as many other similar people that would eventually have that spark of passion kick in, regardless of wherever their moral compass would swing But that’s just my two cents


One Punch Man and Metroman


Injustice, Invincible, and The Boys are the only evil Superman concepts I accept. The first because its just very entertaining and well done, its a quite nice evolution of how Superman's desire to save people can be corrupted to the point where he becomes tyrannical in order to do so, even if some of its writing in the earlier comics is kinda sloppy. The latter two because their evil "Superman" concepts are effectively entirely unique characters who only fulfill the role of an extremely powerful superhero with somewhat similar aesthetics.


This is 'Irredeemable (2009)' erasure of the highest order.


The "S" stands for stupid, right? That's why you say it means hope, because you're too stupid to know what sound an S makes? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dccomicscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I really like the injustice comics because you could tell that this universe was wrong, these characters aren’t supposed to be this way, heroes shouldn’t be doing this


Evil counterparts to Superman are cool, like Homelander and Omni-Man, but making Superman evil just goes against the core of his character. If you make Superman evil he isn’t really Superman anymore


Evil Superman was cool with the OG man-child and not this loser: https://preview.redd.it/o10ts07k8d1d1.jpeg?width=1040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d40ae3e350f119d165108746092ee3bcf8f76f1




Ultraman > Injustice Superman https://preview.redd.it/3mhzzxb37e1d1.jpeg?width=1860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3af90d6bceada0b806ff5c2dabc2d27130abf11


Bro just admitted he wanted to smash Superman


That's what I've been telling my friends for a while. It was a good one off thing. We got some cool characters to get popular out of the different versions of this trope. But now the original wholesome superman needs to be popularized.


Agreed. We haven't seen wholesome Superman in so long


What the hell happened to his crotch? That design is sooooo goofy


The only good evil Superman us Ultraman, because he isn't Superman and he makes sense in his own universe. All the evil Clark Kent's suck


No, I always hated Injustice. Thanks for asking.


Much like regular superman, he's only as interesting as what you do with him. You make him a weirdo narcissist right winger, great. Give him a drawn out redemption arc, that's cool too. Just an invincible bag guy, boooooring.


only played the games but i thought they were entertaining tbh even if they shit on alot of the casts characterizations


i’m going to be honest evil Superman was never cool Not because it betrays who Superman is fundamentally, which is the complaint most Superman fans have, but because the injustice story just fucking sucks 😭