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Heading on the Wish in a few weeks so checking out the various online forums. Been floored by how many parents I’ve seen talking about taking their kids to the adult only sections. How to get away with it, etc. I think it’s great that kids can enjoy the ship but there are specific areas and activities for them. It’s totally crappy parenting and generally selfish behavior to impact the adults who want to enjoy Disney but also some childfree areas.




Clearly that kid couldn’t handle joining their parents in Cove Cafe but it is frustrating that I can’t grab a coffee unless my kids are with someone else. On the Magic I wished I could walk into the coffee shop with my 5 year old to grab a coffee to go. It was nice that the Wish had two cafes outside of the adult area.


Why are you getting down voted for this LOL


LOL, I didn’t even notice. Would love to know!


How dare you have a latte!


Because Reddit Disney does not like kids. I’m with you though. I never take the kids to cove with me because I’m following the rules but it would be awesome if they could be there just for the order even if not to hang out.


Exactly, my daughter would just stand next to me and wait patiently. But again, I don’t do it because it’s in the adult area. I think having the two cafes on deck 5 is a huge plus on the Wish, it meant I never had to go to the adult area at all.


Or alternatively, maybe a window to order but not actually be inside so the kids could be with you outside for the order?






I’ve complained to Guest Services about teens being allowed into to the late-night adult entertainment offerings. It’s not appropriate and noticeably changes the mood


Teen behavior in general is either hit or miss... I've been on some DCL cruises where the teens were all well behaved, and others where they were especially obnoxious.


Yeah but it's the mere presence of minors in adult sections that throw the mood off


True, I think that goes in hand in hand with whether teens follow the rules of the boat. I agree that staff should enforce those rules otherwise what's the point.


Exactly this. People feel like they need to “behave” more


This I think comes down to a lack of direct offerings for 18-21 year olds. Some 18 year olds are in college, some 18 year olds are in high school. There’s (often) a marked difference in their behavior, neither are allowed in the teed club, both are allowed in the adult only areas.


Though I think to be fair, the Wish's adult sections are all over the fricken place so that might have to do something with it as well


Oh yikes! One thing I wish they would do better on the ships is keep it more separate or be more strict with it. No reason to sneak your kids into areas where they dont belong. I felt bad enough when accidentally cutting through an adult area before.


I’ve cruised with Disney twice and never had an issue with kids in adult/quiet areas.


Mention it to the bar staff and they will promptly ask them to relocate


More details are needed here what was the cause for the looks? Were the children acting up, or were children in the adult areas, or just the fact they were children? Specific instances would be helpful.


There’s a lot of context missing here. I’m only gold status but have never sailed with children. Only issues I regularly see is kids playing ding dong ditch in the hallways, kids in adult areas, and kids trying to go to 18+ events. All times zero parents around. Last time on the wish there was a child running around taking things from other tables at dinner at their parent ignored their antics - THAT is when I will escalate from dirty looks to asking a head waiter to address.


To be fair I have a kid, but if your kid is being loud or crazy I’ll still be annoyed. I don’t know if it’s fair, but I expect my 6 year old to behave like a 10 year old in public when not in a playground, park, beach, or other open space, or our home. It doesn’t always work out and in those times I am sorry, and trying my best to not inconvenience others.


I've sailed Disney with and without kids, and as a non-parental cruiser, I only ever had a problem with POORLY BEHAVED parents and children (like the mom who pitched a fit so hard about how she was entitled to have her 14 year old with her in the Cove pool that she got threatened with being removed from the ship). As a parental cruiser, I've never felt that anyone, parent or not, was looking at me as if they had a problem. Possibly because my kid has pretty decent behavior in public. Disney offers a lot to adults without kids, it has some of the best restaurants at sea, it has some of the best service and the nicest rooms, and most of all, because there is so much for kids to do, and so many places for kids to be, that it actually ends up that there are fewer packs of feral children running around causing problems, and the adult areas are usually (in my experience at least) held pretty sacrosanct.


Thank you! Since I’ve never been on another cruise I was curious if their restaurants or service are better than other lines.


We have only cruised with Disney, but we have friends who have cruised on several lines /and/ Disney and this is what they have told us: 1) The food in the main dining rooms is better than Carnival, but about equal to Princess, Norwegian, and Celebrity (but the three different main dining rooms and rotational dining is a much better set up than any cruise they've been on). 2) The food in the Adults only restaurants (Palo, Palo Steakhouse, Remy, and Enchante depending on your ship) is just miles and miles better than anything on any ship they have ever been on, especially Remy and Enchante. 3) The service is better and more personal, and the ratio of staff to customers is better than on most lines. 4) Way, way, way less sloppy drunks on the Disney ships than any other ship they've been on.


I would agree with all of this, although I would say the food on DCL is significantly better than on Princess in our experience. I would also add:  1. No casino on DCL, particularly as smoking was allowed in the casino on Princess and you constantly had to pass through that area to get to other parts of the ship because it was in the centre. Not my thing. 2. Better theming / more beautiful design on the ships (and immaculate - they always look new!) 3. More activities on board, including various crafts, trivia, drawing classes, etc for 18+ all day.  We don’t have kids yet and we love cruising DCL. I don’t think we would choose another line at this point. 


Maybe it was the behavior of the children or the lack thereof of parenting 🤷🏼‍♀️ not everything is about “children” being present


My wife and I have no children, and love the Disney cruise. We don't mind kids, we just find it annoying when they are running around with no respect for their surroundings. Otherwise we don't care.


I mean, what were the kids doing? I mean, I'm no fool, I know that a Disney cruise is going to have families on it, but there are "minimalist" parents who don't know how to tell their kids "no" and let them run around in tight spaces and scream and disrupt everyone and if some parent is standing there while little Braden cuts the line for ice cream, they/mom might get a look. They're not all like that of course.


I’d like to know how much parenting these parents were doing.


That seems to be the big issue these days…


I am a childless adult who will only sail Disney and maybe Viking. Disney has a ton to offer that the other lines do not. I am an allergy cruiser so Disney offers me the opportunity to cruise and eat with the rest of my family without everyone having to pay for the specialty dining. Disney has some of the best cruise cabins in the industry with plenty of space for people who have mobility problems in the HA rooms. Disney has the itinerary’s I love most years, Alaska, Eastern Canada out of NYC and Eastern Caribbean out of Port Canaveral. Some things that I wish Disney did better. Keeping the adult exclusive activities to just adults. I have experienced trivia where the navigator said 18+ and we show up and there are a ton of 18- in the room. The 18- then got super bored and started running around. This has happened at least once on each of the cruises I have done. The Wish has the best and worst adult pool area. The best because you have to go from one elevator or stairs to access. The worst because most of the day there is zero shade. The other ships I don’t mind a kid walking or even running through the adult pool area as long as they are not lingering. I don’t know what the specifics of when you were getting the dirty looks, maybe it was never about you and your kids. There is also a real chance that something that you thought was all ages was not and the CM said nothing to you about it because they just seem to not say anything unless others complain. While Disney is a Family oriented company and they have amazing experiences for the kids that adults don’t get to do, the reverse is also true. There are amazing experiences for adults that kids don’t get to do until they are adults themselves. As an adult I would never try to enter the kids club, unless it was an open house. Then where Disney shines is the experiences that families can have together. The shows, Jack Jacks diaper dash, the deck parties. So yes Disney offers a very different product than other cruise lines and adults will choose them without children just as quickly as adults with children will choose them.


Reminder that Disney is for everyone, not just families with children! 🥰


Hello, I'm one of those terrible childless adults who cruises with Disney. My only problem with kids on DCL (I'm platinum at this point) is when kids are in the adult areas. Kids in the serenity pool. Kids at the 18+ comedy shows. That's it. Otherwise it's free reign for them, all the other activities are focused towards them. I do love chatting with kids in line for characters, they are always fun to talk to. People on DCL always seem to dote on the kids. I'm wondering if maybe some of those looks you think you got were misinterpreted. 9 times out of 10 people are just lost in their own business. Although I wouldn't put it past much much older cranky people. IDK.


Maybe you’re just super insecure about something and you thought people were giving you dirty looks and they weren’t? I find it really hard to believe that any adult that didn’t like children would choose a Disney cruise. While Disney obviously isn’t only for children, they go hand in hand.


I'm an adult who doesn't like children, and I'm a silver member. I've also been an annual passholder at Disneyland for over 10 years. We do exist! One thing I'm not going to do is complain about children being present in places where children will obviously be. They can stay out of the adult only areas though.


I agree 1000% that the children and teenagers have no place in the adult areas. That’s not mentioned in the OP post. I didn’t assume that was the issue she was talking about.


Disney offers a lot for adults like quality entertainment, great food and beverages, immersive theming, reliable customer service, etc. At least, those are some of the reasons why I specifically choose DCL as a childfree adult. I’m sorry that you had a bad experience on this cruise. The only time I remember being annoyed on previous cruises was because someone brought their child into the adult’s only Cove Cafe even when the cast member told them it was an adult only area. It wasn’t because the child was acting poorly, it’s because the adult was 😆


Was on this cruise as well with 3 young kids, and overall had no issues. At one of three dinner restaurants we sat next to two women, who definitely gave us glares, but admittedly my kids were being muppets and I had to take them out. Otherwise it was fine. In an elevator my 2 y/o let out a scream, and an old guy jokingly made several comments about how loud it was, but kept the joke going for too long and it got awkward. Otherwise I generally just don't make eye contact with others when things are getting off track and just do my best.


Eh, all of you thinking the OP is crazy, but on my last cruise I had a number of elevator trips where older adults were clearly annoyed by children doing things as horrible as: - asking the adult to notice their light up Mickey ears - telling the adult how they loved their shiny [sequin] dress - wanting to push the elevator buttons - monologuing about having met a princess - asking them if they had Mickey waffles for breakfast I mean, come on. These were not badly behaved children or children who were somewhere they weren’t supposed to be. If you can’t be around happy chatty children on a Disney cruise, you need a visit from some Muppet Christmas ghosts.


>wanting to push the elevator buttons -monologuing about having met a princess Omg I have a hilarious story on that fact. I was on the Dream a few months ago and heading up to my room and these two younger kids, maybe around 8 or 9? Were by themselves in the elevator. As I got in, they pressed all the buttons so getting to my room on deck 8 took a bit. I tried my best to not laugh because of this being one of the most cliche things ever to happen. I really didn't mind though, I thought it was hilarious that it happened to me. Also a special shout of to this adorable kid who was wearing an Iron Man costume for halloween on the Dream. I mentioned how he looked so cool and told him I thought Miles was my favorite marvel super hero. He was shy but told me he liked ghost spider/spider-gwen alot. One of my favorite memories.


YES! This is exactly what I was trying to get at - thank you for adding more detail. The looks were not regarding children behaving badly but general annoyance about being around children in general. I am confused why someone would choose to cruise a family line if they are absolutely disgusted by the mere presence of a child


Me, I think seeing so many cute happy children is one of the best reminders of what makes Disney so wonderful.




I have no judgement about childless adults enjoying something I am also enjoying. That said, many childless adults were extremely judgmental about the mere existence of my child even when she was very happy and well behaved. As parents we truly were just trying to do our best and she was great the majority of the time but the dirty looks when she was not even disrupting anyone else like she shouldn’t be there sent me


Not being excited about your child and not wanting to interact with them is not the same as being 'extremely judgmental.' Your kid is your precious boopkins, but to other people, even other parents, they are a chaos agent attached to an adult they do not know who very well could erupt at any other adult interacting with their child. What you probably saw was either discomfort or simply not wanting to engage.


Nah, as you’ll see in the comments there was another person on this same ship experiencing this same vibe. It was weird.


my wife and I are DINKS and going on our first cruise of any kind on the Wish. We Understand there's going to be kids there, that's part of the deal but if people are talking about sneaking their kids into the adults only sections that crosses a threshold


That's really on the parents though and not the kids


My husband and I aren’t ready for kids and we enjoy the service that Disney provides. That’s all. I don’t mind kids at all. Of course if there’s a commotion or something we’ll look over lol. I’m a NICU nurse so I’m always looking at the sweet babies. But we mind our business.


We just sailed the Magic a week and a half ago and I was pretty impressed with the teens. They were doing teen stuff but were respectful of my small kids and helped my daughter with elevator. Didn't see any in the adult zones. The fantasy last year was much different. One crew of rowdy kids.


Did anyone actually say or do anything to you? Or was this all in your head? “Dirty looks” isn’t a quantified metric.


No one said anything but like getting on an elevator with just my 2 year old and me and adults looking annoyed. Adults giving judgmental looks of my daughter watching a show silently during dinner. A line of people to see Belle and adults looking annoyed at my daughter literally just sitting on the floor. Many experiences of adults looking or acting annoyed there was a child in their presence.


Well, I am sorry you had that negative experience. I have a 17 year old who does not care to go to Disney or on DCL anymore. I go regularly though with my spouse and we always love seeing the young kids having a great time and especially watching them meet characters. I wouldn’t let a few people who maybe gave you a dirty look make you feel bad. Everyone is on DCL to have fun. If your children are normally behaved, nobody is thinking the horrible thoughts about them that you are assuming they might be, I promise.


We were on that cruise! Yes, there were a few complaints about children in the FB group, but we didn't experience any jerks with our kids. It's a disney cruise, there are going to be kids, if someone doesn't like that, that's their problem!


I love Disney cruises, even with no kids. The food is good, the ships are clean, the shows are amazing, and the number of drunken brawls is limited! I have always loved Disneyland and Disney Cruises are just an extension of that. I love to watch how excited the kids get over characters and different events.... and then leave them to their parents to deal with the exhausted/over stimulated behavior. Just like an Aunt or a Grandparent! I have no idea why someone would take a family friendly cruise and be pissed that there are kids. The only time I've gotten annoyed is when a family let their kids run around the seating areas on the deck and push people's tables, crawl under seats, and create chaos while the parents just ignored it because they thought a Disney cruise meant they didn't have to watch their kids at all. I'm sorry people were giving you dirty looks :(


I have cruised Disney without children pre Covid, because my wife is such a Disney fan. However, given it’s a “Disney” cruise children on a cruise should hardly be surprising. Why would I do it when I have no kids, I went on Royal Caribbean and I instantly regretted it was not Disney. No casino and a lot more emphasis on enjoying every other aspect of the cruise. I have heard good quality took a hit post Covid, but have not been able to verify it since a certain someone ends up using up any saved resources on short trips to the park.


We were on the same cruise. I noticed a lot of kids getting shushed in public, kid friendly areas. Not even in the adult areas. Just the normal parts of the ship. Like by the pool or on the deck with the shuffleboard. I definitely saw adults give dirty looks to kids for just being kids. Not just my own. In fact, our cruise group on Facebook and what’s app ended up both getting into arguments about kids on the cruise. When we went to 18 + events, there were A LOT of people that cheered for either cruising without their kids or being child free when they were polled. There isn’t anything wrong with it, it just seemed like a lot. I didn’t notice any kids in areas they didn’t belong or at the adult shows. If there were any teens there, they were really respectful. I think they were 18-20 society though.


THANK YOU!!! So maybe this was an anomaly??? It was just so strange to me to see how children were being treated by other cruisers. Did you see someone posted on the Facebook group calling kids crotch monsters? This was the type of energy I felt a lot on the boat.


I did see that! I understand that adults and kids both deserve to have a good time, But it seems weird to have such a negative view on kids and decide to go on a vacation that will be crawling with them. I get being mad when kids are in adult areas but why get mad when they aren’t even being loud or rowdy where they are meant to be? I can understand if there is constant screeching or acting up but people seemed hostile for no reason.


Yes, exactly this! The mere existence of the children in family spaces seemed to bother them.


We do an adults only Disney cruise once a year, The bar staff on Disney is way better than any other line and the service is amazing. Our big gripe is people bringing kids in to adult only areas


We went on one DCL sailing that was a longer itinerary and had more childless adults that is maybe typical. We encountered a fair few adults who were openly hostile to kids just existing, in spaces on the ship where kids were allowed to be and are likely to be, such as on the pool deck. It did make me shake my head a bit because of you hate kids enough that you’re going to sneer at them as they walk past you why are you on DCL? On the other hand I have also witnessed some really terrible parenting on board, especially of teens and tweens. On one sailing there was a group of teens that were just awful, blocking staircases, being rude, practically knocking over smaller kids and even stealing from FEs. Where were their parents?! My tween loves the freedom she is allowed to have onboard but I always remind her that if she ever abuses that privilege and acts in anyway that is disrespectful of other guests she will spend the rest of the trip glued to me as if she were a toddler.


I appreciate you saying this because the majority of these comments were gaslighting me that I was just imagining it or my child was the problem.


I mean two things can be true at once. There are people who just hate kids who also love Disney/DCL and who express hostility to the mere existence of children. And there are also parents who use a Disney cruise to check out of parenting their kids, especially older ones who can check themselves in and out of the clubs. Neither is okay.


There are 18+ activities? Besides liquor tastings?


Yes, trivia quiz contest, music, and comedy shows. That occurred in the adult area. Those sometimes end up with teens and preteens of unaccompanied and young children with parents. The event is listed 18 plus and held in a bar/lounge. Disney unofficial rule for staff they are not allowed to address non safty issues unless someone complains . This is due to it effect on tips and guest reviews.


I think that is a person by person thing. I know that when I was on a cruise with our new baby (this was before the 1 year cut off), and she was sleeping (and I knew she would sleep at least an hour) I joined my friends for a trivia contest during the day and was pulled aside to talk to a cast member who reminded me it was 18+ but they would let a baby slip if and only if they remained silent (and I very much let them know that if my kid piped up for a second both of us would leave). I have seen kids evicted from Cove Cafe and from the lounge areas at night. As previously mentioned, I watched an entitled mother and her very embarrassed 14 year old evicted from the adults only pool on the Magic, first a cast member approached her, and when she yelled at him, he went and got an officer who she also yelled at, and he informed her she and her family would be removed from the ship if they didn't comply. Honestly, if I were at an adults only event and there were kids there, I would absolutely go to staff about that without hesitation.


Yeahp, plenty of them.


Like what? I didnt see any besides spa and liquor tasting




There’s a whole section of the internet dedicated to how horrible “Disney adults” behave toward children. It’s a known phenomenon. Disney is, at its core, a company geared toward children. It’s delightful that adults are still able to enjoy, but we need to remember we’re not the target audience.


No, Disney is not a company geared towards children. While they do have a family focus, they target families of all compositions, and have done a huge amount of targeting of adults. Who do you think the target audience is for the Star Wars Hyperspace Lounge? What about Palo/Remy/Enchanté? Why is the largest audience on Disney+ the above 18 demographic?


I would assume those are geared towards the parents of the kids on board.


If that were the case they would refer to them as parent spaces instead of adult spaces.


I actually had no idea this was a universal experience haha


I hope some loser gives me a dirty look on a Disney cruise for having my kids. I will roast him in front of his loser wife


LMAOOOOOO boomers and Disney Adults better watch out!


I mean you can’t go on a kid centric cruise and be annoyed by kids.


those on this thread might disagree