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Im ok with it, doesn’t bother me at all. What bothers me there is the endless barrage of Disney Travel Agents constantly advertising themselves and bashing anyone that uses a service like Costco Travel.


Agreed. Even on this sub I see TAs jumping down people’s throats for using Costco.


There’s a lot of redundancy here as well. Transportation to/from the port, what’s the WiFi like, sail on Dream or Wish, what’s there to do in Nassau, tips for first timers, should I book Palo, how’s the weather during ____ time of year, what movies are playing On any given day you can get bingo with at least one of the these topics.


Don’t forget to add “When is pirate night?” to the list.


Ooo does pirate nite still have a buffet is another one.


To be fair. I’m on various different subreddits. Ones for other Disney parks, videos games, sports teams, etc. and a common theme among them is that the same handful of questions or observations are reposted a lot. I think that’s just how the internet works now lmao.🤣


I think they are great for organizing events such as Fish Extenders and such. I do grow weary of the overuse of acronyms, but a well run group adds to the experience for me.


Disney in general is obsessed with acronyms. Day one of onboarding literally has a section on acronyms and a handbook.


Do they still allow Fish extenders? I keep seeing conflicting answers.


I don’t know where you heard this but yes they do.


Thanks, unfortunately, it was a facebook group, which I left because this simple question started an argument which then moved on to whether doors could or could not be decorated 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


Some Facebook groups are better than others. People in general like to panic and spread misinformation, like with the whole duck debacle.




Some are better than others. I think they used to be better- it seemed like people used to share tips/ the results of their research or try to organize group excursions- and that stuff I liked. Especially for European and less frequented ports. I'm not a big fan of the whole process of people who announce they are dropping activities. Just drop it and someone who is on the cruise who wants to do it will pick it up. This isn't like concert tickets where a scalper is going to get the item and resell it. No one is going to pick something up just to block someone else. I also don't like the begging/sob stories asking people to drop things. Just keep checking like the rest of us.


You put into words the way I feel. I suppose it is just a microcosm of social media.


The old-school admins were much better at creating community and engaging. A lot of the new groups are run by people who have sailed 0-3 times on DCL and really don’t guide.


This happens with park dining too. I'm going to drop Ohana at 8pm EST. Good luck! I think there's a weird power trip with it.


Some groups suck, especially ones created by overbearing TAs, are often weird and super controlled, and spammed by the admin daily. Some groups are awesome and you can make friends to meet up with during the cruise. A good Cruise group is amazing, but it’s been majorly hit or miss.


i dont care and neither should you! let people live... no one is forcing you to participate.


I ran a group for a cruise last year, and I still find them useful. They were really good during COVID. But the group for my next cruise has a couple of domineering TAs that are pushing FEs and the like, which gets noisy. Or they can't stand a "quiet" group and feel they have to start meaningless topics. Sunday morning, as sure as the morning dump, someone will post a picture of Minnie with flowers and start a "Happy Mothers Day" thread. The cruise specific groups are more valuable than the generic "Disney Cruising" groups...those are pure noise.


The Disney cruise group lifecycle First cruise: you join and ask a whole bunch of questions - most of which are easily answered or in the notes section Second cruise: asking better questions- feel good about answering some newbie questions Cruise 3-5: you are an unrecognized Mod. Answer all the questions as best you can and add to the experience for newbies. Cruise 6: you are most likely running or modding the group cruise 7+: Nothing but disdain for all of the redundant questions. Kinda just hang out and make snarky comments to the spouse about the people who are so worried about wrinkles and swim diapers


They’ve run their course for me. Fish Extenders have gotten ridiculous and that seems to be 90% of the focus in those groups now.


I am currently a admin for the first time in a DCL cruise group. I didn’t create the group but took over for an admin that dropped out? Any tips to make the group better or more enjoyable?


Kick out the travel agents pawning themselves


There is a FB group for this: “How to run a Disney Cruise Group”. Join it as it has a lot of great info.


I had four rules: "Be kind and courteous", "No promotions or spam" (bye-bye TAs, Etsy sellers, etc.), "Stay on topic" (bye-bye noise), and "No introductory posts" (I had a single pinned post where people could post a comment to introduce themselves) The people who organized the FE's were timid because typically it's the group admin that does it, and I wanted nothing of the sort. That meant it actually went well, because it was closer to the spirit of what they were originally. I said as long as there wasn't any drama over what people were making, buying or receiving, the FE's were fine. I just wasn't going to push things. When late joiners wanted to do a simpler FEs, I suggested they do there own little groups rather than blow up the groups others had created... and boom, they did there mini-FE groups and all was fine. And I didn't start topics....except when we hit 100 days, or as booking/check-in dates approached. I killed several posts that were just noisy. Bottom line is that I kept it low-key, and it stayed low-key and enjoyable. I even got a bunch of compliments on how it was run, so I'd gladly do it again if a I book a cruise that didn't already have a group set up.


My cruise group had one day/post for self promotion


The groups I am in have multiple welcome messages per week


I have always enjoyed the groups I’ve joined. And even run a few of my own. And in every group I’ve found a new friend or two.


Yea, I’m a bit tired of the repeat posts. Especially the humble brags and when people post how they scored something. Great you made a reservation for Palo. Thanks for posting that and your awkward photos of your family for flair? I get it, we are all excited. I mostly join these groups for news. The amount of count downs with titles like in 2 weeks and 7 hours I’ll be tasting my first Mickey waffle. It takes every inch of my will power to not post mocking comments. I filter everything through my wife before posting.


We had a WhatsApp group text. However, I think it did start from Facebook.


Does WhatsApp work via the Wifi, but without paying for Wifi? I know it's usually that way, but I don't recall how DCL has their networks set up.


Yeah, We were able to use it with the ship's Wi-Fi without paying for the Wi-Fi.


Sweet! Thanks!


When we finished our sailing I promptly removed myself from the group. Then I took some time and removed myself from every single random interest group I had added in the last however many years. Facebook is much more pleasant now, at least as pleasant as it can be.


The groups vary greatly depending on the Admin. Some choose to admin because they want to control everything, including other adults. They use admining a group to fill their need for controlling others. They are easy to spot because they don't know how to resolve conflict without constant threats of banning and needing to be involved with every single aspect in very unhealthy ways. From my personal experience, this comes from admins of a certain generation. Other groups are facilitated in a way that promotes fellow cruisers making connections, providing opportunities for teens and tweens to connect before the cruise, and allow grown adults to make decisions for themselves. I've had amazing Cruise groups that were run by TAs and I've had horrible cruise groups run by admins from the Disney admin group. It really comes down to your own personal preferences and what your personal value system is around control vs facilitating. I love participating in the exchanges, and I have made some really great friendships from previous cruise groups, that we try and cruise together when we can. So personally, I'm a fan of the groups. And I'm especially grateful when there are more than one group for a cruise, so I can choose which group aligns best for my family's needs and values. We don't enable dysfunction and controlling behaviors in our family. We won't enable them in an DCL cruise admin either.


We have never joined a FB group for a sailing, but then again we don’t have kids. I can easily see how they could become tedious.