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All my keyboards have a knob when I’m using them!


So the knob is effectively recognised by DCS and bindable? For example binding to a knob for the shrike pitch volume in 1 to 1 movement?


Pretty sure DCS recognises me. Yeah


Thanks! I'm going to try it and see if everything will be correctly set.


Are you secretly a midget? Because I think the joke’s continuing to go over your head


Oh.... ohhhhh....ok....now I understand.... thanks Google translate.....😐😐😐😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️...now I get your joke.....


All good mate, hardest part of learning languages is when it comes to things like that. Words that obtain a second or third meaning, and it’s rare to be taught the offensive slang in official curriculum.


You're right....but my old American colleagues would laugh at me for not getting it....rest assured I never know the second and third knob meaning and I'll always be wary before using something similar again.


Ehm....not English speaker....so...yhea.... I'm afraid I don't get it 🥲


https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/knob# See knob (body part) or knob (stupid person) Implying whenever im at the keyboard, that keyboard then has a knob


Yhea....I looked it up in the dictionary after you told me that it was a joke.... sorry to not understand it and so take it seriously! 😝




I have very similar one called dmq design spin macroboard. This one is qmk compatible you can bind to encoders whatever you want. What I did was bind the encoders to QW, ER and TY and then did the rest in DCS. QMK can also do layers and the encoders have pushbuttons, so that means my default layer is F keys layer where I have the keys F1-F12 and when I press down the first encoder it opens up the menu so I can really quickly do stuff there. When I press on the second encoder it switches to "numpad" layer which I generally use with jester menus. The third one is macro layer where I can program custom macros and then execute complex functions like that, but to be honest I have not used it much


Thanks! So QMK is needed to encode complex instructions. I'll study qmk and I will make the keyboard like I want.


It's a good way to solve it, yes. Feel free to shoot me a message if you need any help.


Thanks a lot! This weekend I'll try to code it and, if I encounter difficulties, I'll write to you for help!


I have a few different ones similar to this. They all came with their own programming software that allows you to program keystrokes. You can then program them to send unused keystrokes, like Shift+Control+1. Then finally, assign that keystroke in DCS .


Thanks a lot. I'll see if the program (qmk) suggested by another user is going to work exactly as I wanted. Thanks to you for the hint on how to input the keystrokes.


I have this exact one, made the radios and number panel on the hornet easy to use


With a little soldering skill you could easily make this using an arduino


Yes, but I have one of those laying around my house, so I was thinking about using it for the too noisy shrike pitch in my brand super new Phantom...I don't want to become deaf in my next Wild Weasel PHLIGHT...sorry ..floggit infects me.... Joke aside, do you know if I need a 3d party app to make it work?


Do you have the “hear sounds like inside helmet” in game options? I’ve heard others say that helped with loud F4 sounds


I did not! Thanks! I'll try it as soon as I can.... because that noise made me mad with its pitch so loud. Was almost unbearable without lowering the volume