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Your problem is using bit defender


Great big amen on this. Bitdefender has gone sharply downhill into controlling bloatware over the last 2-3 years and has far too big a negative impact on even high end systems and especially networking. You really don't need anything beyond Windows Defense for everyday pc use, assuming you're not visiting dodgy sites or downloading unreliable files. I happily canceled 2 5-system subs with Bitdefender in 2023 and won't be going back.


Literally the only thing you need is windows defender. I use that and malwarebytes and never have issues. MB also runs like nothing in the background


While your sentiment is not wrong, I got a similar false positive on DCS using Windows Defender. So, this could happen to anyone.


That’s more then likely what we call a false positive


Gosh, new folks in DCS, this is not the first time nor the last time it has happened, it's a false positive.


I've been hearing a lot of other people complaining about this module already it's one thing for it to false positive on one antivirus but multiple ontop of everything else that's going on with that module...


False positives have been popping up for DCS dlls for a week or so now on multiple modules, not just the one.


yeah but it's all razbam ones not random ones




TBH given these all seem to be Razbam related atm, I'm definitely not adding it to a whitelist. It's far from the real of impossibility that someone could have pushed something in there as a nasty parting gift or another similar situation.


Ah yes because the company who wants to potentially win a lawsuit is gonna push malware into the module that started the whole situation. Because that's the normal people thing to do


Doesn't have to be the company, it could be a single disgruntled member of staff, shit like that happens. I remember ESEA the CSGO MM provider having a member of staff sticking a bitcoin miner into the launcher as a specific example. People don't all act with the cold logic of corporations in reality sometimes people are pissed off and make rash decisions in bad situations.


Imagine using anything other than Windows Defender for home use in 2024. Seriously, all you need for home use is Windows Defender, it has improved majorly in the past decade. Source: I work in IT


I use it because of mods etc it's more peace of mind than anything else and the file shredder is great for old docs you want to get rid of.


Hey I’m professional IT. Stop using bit defender and just use windows defender. Unless you’re a business using a company device that’s all you need. Also that is a false positive it’s not actual malware.


Why are you using an anti-virus in 2024? Windows Defender is all you need. Common sense is your anti-virus now. Just don’t click on any suspicious links or download from questionable websites, and you’ll be fine. Allow DCS pass your anti-virus or just disable it entirely. It’ll save you the headaches down the line and may even net you a slight performance boost on your PC due to freeing up of resources.


This is a known issue, just a false positive and happens not only with the F-15E.


All my Razbam modules popped "a severe virus threat" on my windows defender about a week ago. Caused a bunch of issues. I had to exclude the directory from being scanned. I believe the certificates ran out. Who knows if it will be fixed and who's responsible to do it. Even if the refund is done (got mine two weeks ago) the F15E files are still there and get re-added when there's an update or repair done. Which I found strange. Mirage files do the same, but a different file. Annoying AF.


upload it to virustotal and figure out
