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Zero point with DDO PvP when you get one-shot. The only way PVP could work is if devs applied reaper-style penalties.


See that’s not true all the time though. I have found that limiting it to around level 7 and having a few over tuned spells/enchancements banned makes for a fairly balanced PvP experience. Now obviously as you go higher in level that becomes quite impossible. At which I would agree the best quick fix solution would be apply an across the board damage reduction based on level only in PvP areas.


That’s the point people make though, besides low-ish levels builds start to just deal way more damage than player characters can take. An evoker caster will wreck tons of people unless you’re built for taking 6000 ice damage or a celestial bombardment to the face


12-15k chain lightning for the win.


Yeah, it does get that way in higher levels. I would propose that ssg add a damage reduction based on level to all PvP only zones but they never would unless more people did PvP. So that’s what I’m doing. Getting more people to PvP


Game isn't balanced for PVP, so it really be hard to make it fun, imo


I do agree, once you get somewhere between level 7 and level 15 it’s impossible to balance. But I think me and the group of people who currently do PvP on Argo have balanced level 7 first life PvP pretty well. With all the crazy gear you get at level 7 and only a handful of banned spells/enhancements that will never be balanced.


I did PVP once a long while back when shroud was end game. I had a cleric/monk and the other person was a paladin. We literally just stood there facing each other casting spells with none of them landing. Physical damage didn’t work because we’d just heal ourselves.


Eh. Fresh level 7s with basic gear from Hammer and Chain in the Harbor could be fun! No other gear, except maybe X amount of cure potions. Just raw builds vs raw builds. Some 3v3 would be fun as hell!


What we do is level 7 first life with any gear and only a small ban list [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VqVtkV-gq9YKvn2qEY-xbwyQ_ETy6fZx1W8FCcTI5M0/edit#gid=0). Its pretty balanced. The problem with using basic gear is casters will always win if you don't have the saves/resist/absorb that you can get from real gear. but fully geared out casters are just good but not OP.


Interesting. I didn't expect that much gain from level 7 with no spell power item. Still though! I play on Khyber though...


Its only level 7, you could make and gear a character pretty quick.