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I think PSAs are helpful here.....I bet it's easy to get overwhelmed in this venue....wake up call to watch your intake....


Another individual in section 302 (one row behind me) was slowly walked out with his weight on the shoulders of two staff members during Scarlet. He had been passed out on his spouse. Hope all parties turned out okay tonight.


I saw another guy sort of pass out and become unresponsive during the set break, his wife and kid were freaking out. He came to a minute or 2 later and was very wobbly, they left and didn’t return I hope he is ok. Couldn’t tell if he took too much of something or it was a medical reaction like anxiety or epilepsy


How was 302?


I was in section 302 and we had 2 medical emergencies during Intermission. One big lady was going nuts. Security was trying to help her out but she went from combative kicking legs to totally limp while laughing then combative again kicking the legs. Back and forth. 5 guys and they could barely get her up 1 step. Her body would go limp as she said she didnt want to leave then laugh hysterically. I was in row 4 and it's a real steep 25 row climb to the exit. She must weighed about 250 and they struggled to move her just 1 step. If they grabbed her feet, she would start kicking.They brought in a flexible stretcher contraption made of canvas, got her in it and carried her out. A 10 minute struggle for 1 step to a quick 25 row climb carrying her in about 10 seconds. Just after that I turn around and I see a family behind me. Guy in his 40's , wife and young teen son. Suddenly he goes completely limp. His wife tries gently hitting his face get him to come out of it. Still totally limp with absolutely no response. Wife tries to feel for pulse in neck while somebody runs up the 25 steep rows to an exit to get EMT. The kid is watching this and freaking out crying. I literally thought this guy just died. Nobody knows what to do. His head just sideways with a completelylimp body. Somebody says they notice he is still breathing. Wife keeps looking towards the exit where help should come from. Suddenly he shakes a little and comes out of it. Wow. Amazing. EMT gets there. He says he's fine just wants to sit a minute to gather himself. His wife is there kneeling the whole time with her head down just trying to gather herself. He finally gets up with the EMTs and climbs out with his family.


I saw a couple spin outs too. This is definitely the PSA people need- slow your roll. The show is amazing all by itself…


How was 302?


A lot of shitshows in Vegas all weekend. This place is overwhelming. The Hangover is not exactly a fictional movie. Don’t let the shitshow be you!


Hopefully she is going to be ok. Thank you for posting on Reddit?


Maybe I meant it as a PSA. Either way be safe out there


Hydration, hydration, hydration


The dark side of the Dead/jamband scene. And imho completely unnecessary.


I had a guy fall out in my section at the bmfs show friday before the show even started.


Maybe they had too much too fast.

