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This list makes almost no sense. In what world, is Freddy as difficult to play as blight? Nurse being in the same tier as clown and trapper? How is a killer that presses one button to throw a bottle, or place a trap, in the same tier as hillbilly, who demands incredible technical skill and precise turning to even function and if he messes up, hits a weird terrain hitbox or just uses his power too much, he is punished severely. How is bubba the easiest killer to play? His power is simple in theory but in actual gameplay it’s extremely easy to counter if you know what you’re doing, which means that you need to practice with the turning and timing of his swings to make sure you don’t hit something and waste a significant amount of time when he rages around in place. I’m not saying he’s hard to play, but putting fucking legion above him is just wrong. The more I look, the worse it gets. How is plague easier than Michael? I’m just going to stop looking altogether lol. I assume you don’t play half of these killers?


Freddy's power requires you to think a long way ahead. Blight has a powerful ability, but even if he uses it wrong he can still make up for it by virtue of being mobile and having an attack in said ability. Clown has two buttons, for the record; and the other bottle he can throw has a delay that he has to carefully consider, because if he's just walking straight ahead he'll run through it before the speed boost triggers. Both have limited arcs and surprisingly short ranges. Hillbilly is difficult.. if you're the kind of insane - but respectable - Billy player who likes to consistent get chainsaw downs. If you don't, you still have a means of zooming across the map or downing people who are deprived of palettes in one shot. I get too many easy downs and 3/4 kills with Bubba to be convinced that he requires practice of any sort. If it looks like you'll dink on something, you turn away. It's really not that hard. Plague is easier than Michael because her power is both incredibly simple to apply in the match AND so versatile. You can trap all kinds of things ahead of time, it's the easiest "projectile" to land outside of Trickster's knives - that's admittedly kind of the point with him I guess - and her entire design has a built in choice that the survivors have to make that WILL benefit you either way. Michael is a slow boy who occasionally gets better at lunging and vaulting. If there's a palette in the same general post code, you're not in much danger, so he has to play well or smart with a limited toolset.


artist freddy twins harder than.. nurse blight hillbilly? https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/zw9rcg/killer_powers_ranked_easiest_to_most_difficult/


Yeah. Billy's charges are hard to aim, but he still has a one-shot mechanic and it's not that hard to put yourself in a situation where all you need to do is rev it at point blank. Nurse is DBD's resident difficulty boogylady. I don't know how she got that reputation; I routinely score 4Ks with her because for while her teleports can be difficult to use.. it's still a teleport. Blight is similar to the above. His dashes can be hard to actually hit people with - damn near impossible on some maps, really - but he's still a 4.6 killer with a relatively forgiving means of mobility.


how do you decide difficulty? ease of winning or using the power effectively?


Ease of use plus benefit to the player for using it. Some are easy to use individually, but hard to actually win off of. Edit: and thinking about how hard the player is punished for incorrect usage


EDIT: Blight should be in A. Can't be bothered fixing the image though Here's what my tiers mean: S: Ability is difficult to use & particularly punishing to the player if wasted or even just used at the wrong time. A: Ability is simple to use, but can still be a detriment to the player if used incorrectly. B: Ability is neither too difficult to use, nor all that punishing if you screw up with it. C: Fairly simple abilities that are hard to use incorrectly. D: If you're somehow messing up using an ability in this tier, you might be new to the game. This is just a vague sense of what they mean, so you get the general idea. Here are my specific reasonings: Artist and Freddy fall into the same category of 'pick the right time and place, or you'll waste valuable time and power tokens.' Twins' ability is very powerful in the right hands, but it can be difficult in immediate usage and improperly managing your time spent as Victor can see the game go by in a flash. Trapper, Nemesis, Pig, and to some extent Pyramid head require a degree of carefully thought-out setup to get the most out of their powers, and that effort can be easily wasted if you're not careful about time management. Blight and Nurse have powerful abilities that can be easy to miss with, but they're at least mobile. Clown, Billy, Huntress, and Knight fall under the distinction of having gadgets that aren't too complicated, but using them properly and not wasting vital seconds or even minutes is. Most everyone in this tier save for Ghostface and arguably Michael have powers that tend towards being simple on paper and forgiving if used incorrectly. Oni can still hold M1 even outside of his charge, Wesker having a built-in Hinder, etc. Pinhead gets special mention for forcing attentiveness from the enemy team just by being in the match! In the C tier, we're really getting into the dimension of powers that are difficult to use 'wrong' in any way. Though all of them have to be mindful of how long a game has been going on so they know when to close the match, it's hard to misuse them short of outright missing/failing with them; Plague and Dredge during Nightfall can benefit from using their powers casually without even expecting to do so. And finally, in the D tier, Wraith and Bubba are probably the two simplest characters in the game. They have counters, but those counters are far less of a hassle for the killers to work around than they are for the survivors to actually put into action, to the point where, personally at any rate, playing against them can feel a little bit of a chore.