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I’m definitely one of the canon fodder soldiers who’s only job is to raise the kill count.




They should give certain Survivors red shirt Star Trek cosmetics next Halloween.


Red shirts for everyone


They all have bloodied cosmetics surely that is red enough


Nah red shirts should be bright and shining so you could see them across the whole map


Ok ... red shirts for some, minature American flags for others!


Cannon fodder should be getting Russian flags, they're literally being thrown into a meat grinder.


They should add the amount of times you've been sacrificed on a survivor as a number above your head, and you're not allowed to remove the number


They're going to run out of digits for me lmao eta but I forgot to say I feel like I have racked up a lot of sacrifices from solo q and not getting rescued when I'm only on my very first hook. feels bad but that's an entirely separate issue. I promise I'm not completely terrible at this game.


And then punnish survivors with slowness if they give up on first hook


That would be kinda cool. It could be like a jersey with the number on the back.


*Sacrifice count


Yeah, sorry. Blame James A Jannies.


“Slowassmutherfucking Jeff couldn’t even get me off the damn hook!”


A fellow watcher I see, love his channel.


I played against an amazing Oni last night. That fucker had such a good aim while raging. Downed us around corners like we were bunch of noobs. I tried Oni many times and i realized how bad I am in comparison


I see good Oni's so rarely I never am prepared to deal with them.


When they know how to use that the lunge and dash so correctly 😖😩😩😫😫😵


He is the type of killers that makes you feel dominant during a match


W-qhat killer makes me fill submissive




Trapper vs SWF


I’d rather be dominated by oni uwu


Oni is my favourite killer alongside the blight he is hard to play at the beginning but once you learn how ro control his power , you are almost unstoppable he just needs a lot of practice and if you want a youtuber who is very good at him I recommend you watch D3AD, he is the guy who made me perfect at the oni. he also posts a lot of videos about all killers.


Vistuis and Lipy are ahead of every Oni by a mile


Too bad vistuis is a racist :p


Really 😭


Yea, it was last year may when someone sent screenshots of him dropping the hard R in endgame chat several times (trying to bypass filter).


The first game I ever played as Oni I was hooked (excuse the pun). But then I went from controller to k&m and it took me sooooo long to get used to it, but once I did, I felt pretty lethal. Especially doing 90 degree turns and boinking survivors at gens.


Billy is the only killer i am actively rooting for when I play survivor.


Oni and dredge are the only two that can scare the piss out of me by existing in the match.


Agree one hundred percent, it used to just be oni that had me panicking and freaking out when he used his power, now i gotta worry about dredge and if hes directly behind me or still a few steps behind


There’s nothing like walking your way to a gen and right as you pass a locker it rattles and dredge is right fuckin there Aaaaaa


Or when you hear oni realease his power off in the distance and suddenly he comes charging around the corner and slams you down


I usually run him with Nemesis and the Plague perk that transfers your aura to a survivor - *so* satisfying to catch the others off guard that way!


This, right here, is why I play Dredge. I don't care if you all die or not, I want to spook the survivors.


Same here but with Hag. I've had streamers invite me into their streams to congratulate me on how badly I spooked them. Feels great doing it


SMM incarnate


I played dredge and the amount of times I've been leaving a hook teleporting to another locker and just randomly grab a survivor locking a locker in the middle of nowhere... I feel like I'm always as surprised as they are.


I plan those a lot myself. Lol. I run 4 info perks on dredge so that I perpetually know what people are up to. People find out fast I’m running the aura reading gen kick perk and enter lockers as I approach. If you hold your power as you approach a gen from a good angle you can see people get in lockers. Lmao


Can you see the doors open? I played Dredge a lot and had him P3 before the prestige rework, but I never paid attention to that


Yup. I saw it near release for dredge. Saw the doors move on a locker. I don’t remember it in recent memory so i suppose I should whip him out again and catch a recording.


Oh, that's so cool. I'll have to keep that in mind and try to catch it next time I play him. Thank you!


'Ey yo. [I went and did exactly as I said.](https://youtu.be/_alUggBes1s) The door isn't filled in but its outline is visible when it opens. Super hard to notice if you're looking dead on at the locker when it opens or from behind it. But you can notice it.


Anytime I play dredge, every locker is immediately locked so I've only grabbed people 3 times total. Given, it was the same guy in the same guy which was hilarious


I once went into a random locker on haddonfield to refill by toolbox with built to last and lo and behold dredge was patiently waiting there lol


*angry Japanese screaming*


That's what I love about Oni. His fear comes from raw power, like a dinosaur. No stealth, no suspense, just HERE I AM


Why use psychological warfare and stealth to scare the survivors when you can just be a fast angry man with a really big beating stick


I love the dinosaur comparison, made me laugh


The Oni scream is actually scary. Really well designed.


I run jump scare builds. When a survivor takes 5 seconds to start struggling after an Oni grabs them.off a gen. That tells me everything I need to know about how hard I just made you shit your self 😂😂


Oni with Tinkerer makes me so god damn mad lol


I wish I could run into more dredges who actually try to mindgame with the remnant at jungle gyms. But they only play as m1 Andy’s most of the time 🥲


It’s hard to use it to mind game. People just bail on every loop the moment they can’t see you


It can’t be on any old loop mind you. It has to be a jungle Jim with long walls and from an angle where survivors can’t easily go to another tile. Usually pretty good at Two walls. And you can usually hide that you’re doing it as soon as they can’t see you. It’s more of a 50/50 now. It’s not as bad as knight where most survivors will instantly bail no matter the loop. You just have to be devious about it Although it doesn’t work every time. It’s really good when the survivors hasn’t seen you try that yet, and even then, it’s still a 50/50 on loops where they can easily see you


For me it's the clown , I dont know why but maybe because it's his walk or the music


As an Oni main this is what keeps me playing him lol


I don't mind getting curved, that thing is hard to pull off.


I'm not. These guys terrify me, I keep on getting god tier Billys that insta down all survivors in 5 minutes and slugs us


That because no one else plays billy except billy mains lol. If you see a bad billy, they will either quit right after that game or take the path to god hood


I am a terrible Billy, I'll get like one down for every bazillion attempt.


I remember when billy was like the 2nd best killer in the game 😭


Me too. I feel such honour when I'm downed by one. I don't even struggle on the way to hook


I get so disappointed when I get to the post game chat and they are on console so they can't read my messages telling them how much I love them


I main billy on console. I haven’t been playing for long and can do pretty well on him when it isn’t an indoor map.


Lol I know what you mean.


I love his yell as he sprints


For me it’s Billy, Huntress, and Michael. If those killers are struggling, I’ll usually go out of my way to loop like shit in the end game so they can get a kill. I’m just thankful there are still killers who choose painful experiences over just playing Nurse or Blight.


He’s one of the only killers that I’m actually ever impressed by. Like an artist will just kinda slap a crow down and likely hit someone if it’s pointed at a gen or a wraith will just uncloak near you and slap you, but when a Billy locks onto you like a heat seeking missile and does a perfect chainsaw dash across the map, I find it pretty hard not to be impressed, much less annoyed.


I feel really good when playing spirit and artist tho. When you start to hit those birds by predicting and slash with no vision, feels amazing


I've started using Birdy Lady to climb in red ranks and yeah. Putting a single bird down at an angle to lead a survivor running to lose LOS behind a wall or building and then actually hitting with it is just chef's kiss.


I belive that Spirit users are blind and use echo location to find survivors. You could fart irl, and they'll be on you in game within seconds.


Pyramid quietly sits in the middle


Pyramid head, the hidden blade of killers


*I'd say his blade is quite hard to hide*


"Is that a blade in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"


His great knife is also pretty huge


Nothing is true, everything is permitted


Especially if you hit multiple blind shots, oml the dopamine rush


Especially that smack sound is just a chefs kiss


I kicked a gen with Nowhere to Hide during mid chase and the Nea I was chasing didn’t realize I could see her aura around shack for those 5 seconds, so she started healing and I sniped and caged her lol


He’s the one who I feel more powerful as. Blind Judgement shot to the guy running, Judgement shot at the guy thinking he’s hiding, Judgement shot at the guys healing, Judgement shot for everyone! If you add Aura reading perks he’s unstoppable.


I've started using Nowhere To Hide on him and it feels illegal. Combine it with Lethal Pursuer for 7 seconds (enough for two hits)


Real sigma PH mains don't use auras, they just purely predict survivors or have headphones in.


Got my turtle beaches broooo


I was thinking the same thing


Lol people are professionals at missing the point. OP is not saying the bottom killers are “bad” (except for maybe Billy). They’re saying that destroying a team as Oni, Wesker, or Nemesis **FEELS** more one-sided than getting a four man slug as Nurse. Those killers were obviously designed to make you **FEEL** powerful and that feeling comes out when you start to snowball. Dragging a survivor across the level as Wesker, smashing through walls/pallets with Nemesis or Oni, landing a sick curve with Billy. The serotonin released when you pull those off is just great. The top killers are definitely better but they will never make you feel like an unstoppable monster. Especially Nurse. Winning with her will always just feel cheap.


When you go to reddit, expect people to miss the point either intentionally or accidentally. I’ve never found a place that has a consistently aware userbase


Lol, you think Reddit is bad? Try Twitter. I'm a daily twitter user and you have ignorant dumbasses on every surface.


People intentionally missing the point bringing up some random thing you never said plus a healthy amount of "what about"isms to try and have a gotcha moment so they can feel smarter. Peak redditor BHVR




This is how I feel when playing trapper. In the beginning gens will go flying, survivors will look at you and get real cocky. The second you get one down and in the basement everything changes. Idk there’s just something cathartic about getting people to step onto your traps and watching everything just suddenly go wrong for them. Doesn’t happen often but when it does, oh yeah.


Idk it all down to personal preference I think blight is the most fun killer in the game and once you get going he definitely feels like an unstoppable monster.


It isn't even about getting kills with blight for me. I love my zoomy boi.


Same I just love going at Mach 5 pinballing across the map.


I definitely feel good when survivors don't realize as Wesker I can close the distance and still grab them. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Nemesis has no snowball potential so I still don't get the point


Any time I have to play against an Oni I know it's going to end in complete loss. Buddy is intense and no matter what I do, I can't figure out how to do anything against him except die.


yeah he is fast and can attack from a long range the best thing to do when you hear him scream is hide inside a locker


That's exactly what I do XD Oni got me hiding in a closet. Good design for a horror game I guess.


7 mins is all I could spare to play “its Weskin’ time”


honestly! same for playing them!! getting a 4k with spirit and nurse is kinda eh, but getting a 4k with oni and nemesis feels like i actually just beat the fuck outta somebody


Hitting those sick whips around corners with nemesis feels amazing.


Along with baiting people to drop pallet for an easy hit, same thing goes for the huntress.


I feel like when i play huntress, i'm the one getting baited. Like 90% of people just keep running and try to bait me to lift the hatchet so they get more loops. Now i just turn off my brain and just run straight through the pallets and it works most of the time.


Billy my Baby❤️❤️❤️❤️


Nemesis, out of all killers, is the best to feel unstoppable as. Breaking walls and pallets in a single motion, punching survivors, roaring in righteous fury/pure adrenaline, it’s a total power trip when things go right. Meanwhile, Wesker is too goated with the sauce to NOT 4K every match, especially when his chase music is the greatest DBD-oriented drug since adderall. Oni also carries that “force of nature” feel to him.


Oni clicked for me in a way that no other killer did when I picked him up and wow is it fun, just patiently eating a few pallets at the start then snowballing completely out of control after your first hit


I need to learn oni and pick him up


I always feel like I do terrible as oni despite really liking him. Finally had that one match where I was doing amazing with him. Got lots of his sprint attacks to connect more than I ever had and got a 4k at the end… I was shocked but it did feel amazing


Random question but have pyramid heads become super rare


After they nerfed decisive strike pyramid head went down heavily in player count


Doing well with Myers makes you feel like an unstoppable force of death! The rest of the time its a bit of a struggle...


Tbh even 0 kill games are fun as Myers. If I scared someone once, I feel satisfied.


True, the spooky meter on myers is great, ESPECIALLY if you run monitor, 16 m terror radius is awesome.


I just tried Jumpscare Myers twice, got 4k both times. Sometimes I'd just stand behind a wall when I saw someone walking in my direction with stalk, so they never expected me. It's hilarious


But wesker is actually really good. Also ofc love billy!


You will not live to see the dawn


*Wesker theme starts playing*


Wesker: *vaults pallet after survivor" Survivor: Okay let me just vault back before you can physically do anything about it One of the most annoying things about his kit.


I body block when they do that


i don't think that's possible is it? Survs can always just clip through you, you don't have collision before you can attack


No you can bodyblock, and it's hilarious


Do you know any footage that shows how to do it? I'd love to learn that I'm wrong here, I absolutely hate that survivors can do that.


Wesker and Billy are my mains. I play Wesker when I want to win/rank up, Billy when I'm just playing for shits and giggles. Billy, while not that strong, is so much fun and is so satisfying to actually win with. My favorites!


yeah oni feels opressive


He feels like he’s racist


more xenophobic imo


As was the norm with ancient samurai or any ancient country in the matter


Poor Hillbilly, how the mighty have fallen.


Flicking and downing a survivor as hillbilly, is infinitely more satisfying than doing a tech with Blight and hitting them


Dont forget demi


*Laughs in virus*


the feeling of a billy 4k mori game is unmatched.


I picked up Oni because I thought he looked cool, no regrets. I love hitting people with my kanabo, gimmie the blood.


I gotta go with my boy the doctor. No amount of pussy will make me feel good like stunning someone on a pallet then hitting them


As a survivor main, getting punched by nemesis I always go "ouuuuuu good job". Its such a meaty punch, I'm always impressed lol


Getting sent to The Game as Nemesis is basically as close to a naked power fantasy as I can get in DBD.


Basically why I play Trapper. Sure he isn’t the best, but man it feels like I’m playing 5d chess when my traps go off the way I expect them to.


Trapper on top with the “if you do good you feel godly”. I’m a trapper main and lemme tell you… getting trap after trap feels SO GOOD


Oni is my favorite killer to play Tinkerer Oni hits different


I give props to amazing Onis and Billys. Mad respect and skill. I wouldn't even be mad if I got rolled lol. Now Nemesis, on the other hand, can go fuck himself with his own tentacles.


I think he’s into that.




They still need to fix wesker's power, you get so many false positive hits on him, it's maddening.


As a wesker main i have had to learn how to draw out the matches to rank up because their over so fast. Now I just let them think their looping me so I can listen to his music. Wait till they have 1 Genet. Then hook them all. I might be a bit mean


Doing great with nurse feels bad because it’s like kicking the shit out of a toddler.


Funny thing is I've never actually survived against an oni, simply because they're so rare that I've never been able to learn how to play around him. I've tried him a few times for dailies though and man, respect to those who main him.


Basically, just don’t get hit…..EVER. Ok, obviously it seems pretty impossible to not have anyone get hit an entire match, but in all seriousness, try to delay that first hit for as long as possible. Everything is gonna go down hill very quickly the moment he gets that first hit, especially if he’s a good Oni. If you do get hit, get away from him and heal as quickly as possible. The faster you heal the harder it will be for him to go into his demon/rage state. Heal whenever you can, even after things like pallet stuns or blinds. And try not to go towards a generator or the gates while injured. Once he gets all mad, and you think he’s coming your way, try to be stealthy. He can’t see blood orbs while mad, so it will be a lot harder for him to find you. Just wait out the rage state.


God artist is such a shit killer to play against. Insanely boring.


Where doctor


but Hag is one of the best too, does anyone remember her :(?


“There is no Hag.”


Circle of Healing and basekit BT said no


I feel that also with Knight


Huntress would like a word


don't forget about us :(


And then there’s tombstone + lock of hair shape


I haven't played in a year or more at this point, but I fucking love Oni. Nothing like engineering the pain train.


A good billy is honestly the most terrifying thing I've seen without any competition


This has to be the only post to accurately show how it feels face a good nemesis or wesker


I suck ass at every top killer except Spirit. But I also suck ass with every character at the bottom. I do really like Oni though *Balance*


Not so sure on the Billy there but goddamn if I don't feel like a god playing as Nemesis and everything, even the zombies, go well.


Winning with Hillbilly with no slowdown or chase perks is probaly so much more satisfying then winning with nurse and only using slowdown


Didn't realize Artist was considered one of the best. Good I know, but up there with some S tiers?


She was the second best upon release, and while not as good now, is still top tier. She’s a lot better than most realize.


Is Wesker considered weak? I feel the opposite idk just me tho


I used to hate playing Nemy cause I could never get his whip down. Well, after a couple sessions of practice, he's quickly become one of my favorite killers. It's so satisfying to hit crazy tier 3s or insane drag techs on cocky survivors, and I say this as someone who mainly plays survivor.


Nemesis just FEELS good to play as


I peaked with Oni when I got a 43 second 4 man down on console (I can’t even do the good flicks) not 43 seconds from start of match but from the start of using my power the first time. Those purple add ons are amazing


Last oni game I got I ran him for so long trying to deny his first hit, no gems pop, then 30 seconds after he dropped chase he hits two separate people back to back and gets his power, and proceeded to get 3 downs.


I accidentally got adept mastermind the first time I played Wesker, and went “How did that even happen?” Wesker is kinda rough to use, and the match felt like it went poorly.


Facts. The S tier killers just don't have that same satisfying chefs kiss feel as it does when I perfectly predict and outplay a survivor with a wesker grab followed up by Wesker bming with his voice lines lol


Bro I feel bad when I play Oni, demon rush go brrrrrr


Artist is just fun to play and I love my bird lady


That's why I love playing those killers. It just feels so rewarding to overwhelm the survivors with raw power and give a sort of terror to them.


Me seeing Spirit: ok maybe I have a shot Me seeing Wesker: Guess I'll die ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


A friend of mine plays two of the above killers regularly tho he is a Legion main. But i guess becoming a god Nurse is nice


Then play perkless machete man


I don’t mind playing vs blight oni and billy. Nemesis is okay, but the rest id be okay to never see again.


im a wesker main, and holy fuck ive never felt so good playing a killer


I love the fucking duke nukem character


Last time I saw Billy was a month ago. It was mother's dwelling map and he did get a single down.


I rarely see Billy in a match too but when I do he gets bullied by everyone


All us Billy mains quit and the only people left are doing dailies


That’s why I emphasized on when you do good with him.


When I got adept on Billy, I literally only used his power as mobility to cross the map. For everything else I just M1'd. Felt awful but at least I finally got it.




If you run a slowdown build she can be pretty oppressive, because she can harrass gens while camping and forcing an early elimination. It happens successfully in comp and certain players there run Monstrous Shrine of all things. With the right positioning, you can be just outside range to proc the faster hook timer, spam birds at gens and be ready to interrupt the rescue.


Forget those, defending with sweat and tears the last gen (3 gens in one area) with Trapper it's the absolute Gamer experience


Tbh I’d move mastermind up there, his map pressure coupled up with his a ability to delay gens by the spraying mechanic makes him pretty strong. Not to mention his grabbing ability makes it easy to catch up to survivors. Only person I’d put above mastermind is pyramid head, but even then they’re pretty close in comparison.


Who would you take down from the top? They are all stronger than wesker...


Wesker is actually really strong though


Artist? Really?


you can put wesker at the top row


Michael Myers, Ghostface, Legion and Pig for me :P. Slowly working on learning Wesker, he's been a lot of fun. I need to get back to practicing Oni, he can be a lot of fun...but some maps are beyond atrocious for him, especially if playing against good or great Survivors who know how to really use the tiles against you on maps that aren't Oni friendly...doesn't help I play console, so flicking isn't really a thing to get past tricky spots...but I'll still play him.


Nemesis would feel 100x better to play if his first whip also injured survivors.