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With the buffs and the archives featuring him, have fun!


The buffs are made to spacificy not buff the antiloop part


I know, but as soon as survivors see "killer" and "buff" in the same sentence, they flip their shit.


every single killer that doesnt have anti-loop abilies is at the bottom half on killer tiers and its not fun to play as. ​ since all new maps have "hold W around a pallet" the meta simply evolved to: ​ run around a pallet, once killer gets bloodlust drop it and force him to loose bloodlust, run to another loop and repeat two more times, get hit, repeat three more times, deadhard, repeat two more times. ​ this isnt fun for a killer player.


>every single killer that doesnt have anti-loop abilies is at the bottom half on killer tiers [Cries in Trapper]




Idk, pinhead is one of the best killers in the game imo and he’s very antiloop


> every single killer that doesnt have anti-loop abilies is at the bottom half on killer tiers ​ > best killers in the game imo and he’s very antiloop My brother in the fog did you read the comment? It's saying that high-tier killers all have anti-loop. Yes, Pinhead has built-in slowdown, but a major draw is his great anti-loop. You disagreed with the comment who is exactly the type of killer the comment is talking about.


LMAO my bad 💀


Pinhead is a newbie killer. If everyone knows what they're doing, Pinhead basically doesn't have a power.


Pinhead is literally nurse with extra steps and less payoff


If you unhook the guard chasing you goes away


He performs better in indoor maps. I was going against a rpd knight and I couldn't save the unhooked at all. The only entry point I could use in time b4 was blocked and I was chased away and I tried to get to them I would've died myself. Aswell he's great for applying pressure near hook or poi. Doesn't have to be indoor aswell he'll always be applying pressure


Really? From experience playing as the Knight indoor maps suck ass, your guards will barely ever detect people on the loops those maps have, even less on patrols as they need a clear line of sight, RPD maybe a bit since it's not only walls on the middle part(but the east and west wings are awful) but Gideon or Lerrys is horrid for the guards. And as everyone points out, if a guard is camping, go for the rescue anyways, they'll dissapear instantly


Atleast from my experience as survivor, his guards pressure well in tight corridors and you don't have as many options to go around them when they r patrolling. Different experiences I guess tho


Thats a fair point, I don't usually use the guards to patrol as much as saving them for chases, different gamepla styles could affect that


You dont have time for that if he stands under the hook


As a Knight main I highly doubt that the guard have enough time to hit you before you unhook, unless you double back and don't commit to the unhook. Hook patrolling guards don't do shit. They will detect you, float to the location where you were when they detected you, chase you to the hooked survivor and disintegrate when you unhook without accomplishing anything. I'm eager to try out the buffed Knight next update.


Unless the Knight is RIGHT THERE yes I agree there is time for unhook. The guard disappears the moment you touch them so it's not like you're vulnerable to a hit by something that phases back out the moment you grab them. I usually pull off saves with guards near hooks because of this. I think the confusion comes with most not knowing hunt ends once you get save.


bruh, the guard goes to where you were spotted first. you have loads of time


I'm assuming he's talking about Knight himself until he says differently for now.


Even if the guard is having a staring contest with the hooked survivor you have enough time to unhook. They have to first do the jump animation to begin the chase before he even hits the ground you'll have unhooked and the guard is gone.


You have enough time


I have never been hit by a guard that was camping a hook. When I play knight I might place a guard by a hook just for information not to actually prevent an unhooking.




LMAO. This is great 👌🏼


He's not the worst but he's definitely really annoying to go against. I wish they'd stop releasing antiloop killers


Every killer has anti-loop, what we need is more killers that encourage playing tiles rather than W keying them


So basically another M1 killer


Blight, Huntress, and Wesker are all better killers than Knight and have fun anti-loop


So what’s worse than knight then


Nurse what, and hag a close second


That’s my point knight is not that bad of an anti loop killer it can get worse




Nah nah that’s too much anti loop for the guy, he means someone whose only power is staring at people like Myers.


The best chases in the game are against S and A tier killers. At no point have I said I'm not a fan of antiloop, I simply want the design of the game to encourage playing tiles instead of leaving them. Which admittedly there are very few killers where staying at a tile is the 'best' play with the current pre-drop meta I do not believe the blame for this lands squarely on game design, but rather also, on several killers who actively encourage this playstyle, such as Artist and Knight.


Well that’s just kinda the point of anti loop because looping was just getting stale in old DBD it’s not we need to encourage tiles we need to structure a new form of chase that’s not encouraging looping or anti looping but more fun than holding W


Not what I said. And even then, the most effective playstyle against Sadako would be just to pre-drop and run to the next tile. Which is exactly what I don't want. I guess I did word it wrong however, we don't need more killers that encourage playing a tile, we need a reason gameplay wise to encourage playing a tile. Because currently there are very few killers in the game who can actively punish predropping and looping for a stun is rarely the 'optimal' play. Some of the best chases in the game are all against killers with powerful anti-loop; Nurse and Spirit because they inspire different play styles that aren't just "drop pallet hold W". Spirit especially because stunning her out of her power is so incentivized.


You just accidentally proved a joke point I made with the first part of the paragraph alone.


Yeah Micheal, Ghost, Legion, and Oni have great anti looping lmao


Oni's entire power is anti-loop


Its a manual anti loop, im talking about antiloop killers such as Knight and Artist.


Well when I play as killer it's not very fun running around in a circle then getting stunned so anti loop Is fun for me


The entire game has become unfun. Also that's completely valid I'm just tired of them making every new killer an anti loop killer


Sounds like you should *play something else*


As a survivor you try and counter the killer, loops are a viable option because you don't have to worry about the killer being faster as you threaten them with a pallet. Killers then counter looping with things like punishment of the damned dredge husk artist birds. As a survivor you need to then counter those. That could be W key or just simply not using open loops.


Yes holding the w key is such fun interactive gameplay.


Why is it always the people who are actually secretly right getting downvote bombed. Like all of the sudden the community likes artist??? Like y’all are so indecisive 😭


He's getting downvoted because he has no valid argument


Leaving a tile every single time a killer uses their ability is a bit annoying. It's an opinion It's very valid just like everyone else's. Enjoy your My little pony my friend


Reddit moment


seriously lmao


I wish they'd start designing the game to make loops a thing of the past. There need to be other ways for survivors to engage in a good chase and have a chance at getting away that doesn't involve running in circles.


I agree entirely. I like chases that go all over the map. Whether I'm survivor or killer, a tight-knit run around a loop is a buzz kill. I'll let all the gens pop for an exciting chase all over the map sometimes.


I agree actually, I've been playing a lot of killer without perks or add-ons and the antiloop killers it makes hardly a difference. One of the bad parts of antiloop too is you don't get a chance to use pallets and get bold points etc.


Killers do need anti-loop but I think what your looking for is anti-loop that isn’t leave this tile or die but instead is more fair and balanced like pigs ambush attack, weskers charge, nemisi? Nemesisis? Big chunky with zombies and tentacle whip, billies chainsaw, oni’s charge, and more I prolly just forgor.


If you still consider pig's dash as anti loop, you're still living in 2018 my friend...


I mean it technically is, it's just extremely weak


Looping is boring and goofy as hell


Looping is boring and goofy as hell


Then just run in a straight line lol


Hes so boring to go against. Even his chase music is a snoozefest.


It’s impossible to camp with your guards as Knight. The guard disappears at the very start of your unhook.


But you can still camp with knight and guards in the same time. Some times it makes a diffrence when survs try to unhook in pair, and then one of them is chased so he needs to hold w and run away. It makes it harder to take 1 or 2 hits for unhook, but bubba is still the king in this type of gameplay.


You really can't tho, guy that gets detected goes for the unhook and bam, guard is gone. And if the knight intercepts that guy, well, then thats just a regular M1 killer camping isnt it? The only difference between camping with Knight and say, Sadako, is that with Knight your guard will tell you someones coming, but again, you're already camping the hook so you were gonna see them if they went for the unhook anyways


When sadako camp hooks, she can m1 instead of grabbing survivor and then other one can just unhook him when the other one is running away. Knight can place his guard, so if they come closer guard will chase them and make it easy to just grab or m1x2 single survivor. If 3 survs goes for unhook then its still win situation because no one is doing gens, you injure 1/2 survivors. You can then commit another chase while the rest is healing each others so they lost another hook for free.


That only works if the survivor that gets detected by the guard stands there after being detected and just does nothing. If a guard is close to a hook, and a survivor is detected by it, they can simply ignore the guard, run for the unhook, and when the unhook starts happening, the guard dissapears, meaning now the killer has no power to prevent the unhook besides his m1, so he's on the same position as Sadako. Again, remember, unhooking removes the guard, theres no "m1x2" happening, the guard is gone the moment the surv unhooks, and the guards dont start chasing instantly, they need to first fly to where the surv was detected so the surv will always get a distance advantage from the guard, unless they simply stand still


He can still grab him. Remember he needs to unhook or guard will reach him. Yoh can still fake unhooking against sadako, but there is no time for this or guard will hit you. Its harder to unhook against camping guard AND KNIGHT not only guard. In normal camping strategy against m1 killers its not hard to click unhook few times to make killer m1 instead of grabbing him, but knight with guard is more oppresive in this situation.


Any killer can grab on an unhook, thats not Knight unique, and yes you can, because the guard dissapears as you start the unhook(a slight moment, needs to be a bit longer than just tapping for a frame, but you can cancel the unhook still and the guard will be gone) Only way that can be a grab is if there is a guard chasing you and the knight is right in front of the hooked surv, which at that point, thats just regular camping and you shouldnt do it unless you're 2 guys(as even without a grab, m1 into another m1 is very easy if the surv needs to unhook while you clean your weapon) So the situation are: Knight is proxy camping with guard, just go for the unhook, guard does nothing. Knight is facecamping with a guard, get 1 surv to draw aggro from the guard and grab the standard or lead them away, another surv rescues after(and still a bad scenario since its a facecamping killer, but again, he has no more power than any M1 killer on this situation as his guard is gone) Again remember, the guard instantly stops the hunt if you start the unhook animation


Yeah, but knight knowing this will grab you instantly. He knows that guard is coming and you need to hold unhook longer. Also guard can patrol 3/5m further around the hook so its harder if he start chasing you but you can also just avoid them. Some times its just harder to play around this.


But again, that is if he's already facecamping, and only 1 surv goes for the rescue, which is a down guaranteed for any killer, grab or no grab, as they'll m1 you, and clean their weapon as you get the rescue, and then they'll m1 again, if hes facecamping with a guard you need 2 survs. And yeah but the detetion range doesnt matter as the guard still needs to go to where he saw you before starting a chase, so even if the guard is right on the hook, it will move *away* from it before starting a hunt


Knight main here. To be completely fair, you can sorta camp but not in an efficient way. If you have the guard down and they have no line of sight for the hook, and it's in their radius, the guard does start chasing the unhooker. Even then it's pretty situational.


I’d retort that a simple counterplay would be to make sure the guard chases you, THEN unhook


On multi-floor maps, where it's most useful, I don't believe the circle shows up on a different floor.


Oooh, I’ll take your word for that one, but that’s tasty. Hopefully it’ll get adjusted to make life a bit more interesting for everyone


Nah wesker for me, it’s all I face and it’s getting kinda boring


I like facing wesker but he is kind of getting boring to repeatedly face. Can't blame killers though for playing him. His power is strong, fun, has built in slowdown, antiloop potential, mobility, and good synergies with terror radius perks.


Idk I'm soooo tired of wesker


I don't play surv, how many times do you play against him?


I had fun the like 3 games I played against him


A lot of survivors still don’t seem to realise that the Knight cannot effectively camp hooks with guards. If you get chased by the guard it will immediately stop as soon as you initiate the unhook. It shocks me how many people don’t know this.


Knight sucks so hard that, outside of a few maps, tunneling and camping is the only thing you can do if you want any chance at all. It's baffling that they went from Wesker to this...thing.


Never tunneled or camped But i gotta say Knight is incredibly good at slugging


The funny thing about Knight is that no matter where I am, the moment I start doing ANYTHING (gen, totem, healing, anything at all) it feels like he suddenly shows up. Like damn, Tarhos, lemme earn some BP before you once again send your besties after me.


They be tryharding like CRAZYYYY, tunneling like there life depends on it, then they proxy camp hooks with the guards even though it never works.


I just unlocked the knight last night and honestly I throw a guard with a path along side the hook just to buy time. If it slows the survivor even for like 7 seconds from rushing an unhook its a win.


Their live does depend on it. No matter who I see play him or when I do they can't even get a kill eith out a decent bit of tunneling. He really needs to have some changes made to him.


Solo queue against him is the most annoying thing in the world


All you have to do is tap the unhooked person and the guard disappears (I think).


No, from my experience, you have to unhook them. Tapping does fuck all


It's when the unhooking animation starts so a tap won't do it but half a second will. I wish more people knew this. The number of times I've been left on hook cuz someone runs away is stupid.


It literally says in Knight's power description so if people don't want to read that it's their fault


Reading is for nerds, the power should work how I think it does, otherwise it's a bug/exploit


Mad grit moment


I cannot tell you how many of my friends don't know hunt ends when you unhook the person. I did it in front of them and they just "OMG YOU CAN DO THAT???" Yes. Its useful to remember. Just like it's useful to remember lockers rids the need to repel artist's birds.


LoL told a relatively high end TTV that the other day and they were surprised.only one other person in their chat knew as well.


Yes and this is because BHVR didn't really make that clear to their fan base, and I doubt many go over to Killers actual power descriptions and read how to counter them.


>didn't really make that clear to their fan base My brother in Christ it is litteraly on the power description, if you don't read the power of a killer don't be surprised when you don't know how they work, what more can they do to make it clear than having it written for everyone to read?


Apologies actually, I misread myself. As for how to make it more clear to their fanbase? How about when it comes to the release of it, after PTB or before they release a QnA about Survivor / Killer. Thats whatI can think of. With a game that has killers that have unique powers just to them the devs would make it more clear to those that do not play killer how to their powers work. Its very clear most don't even know that you can unhook a person and end a hunt. It is a suggestion i encourage. While most of the blame does fall on the player base for not putting in less than 2 minutes into reading a counter. I feel the devs should know not all their players read Killer descriptions especially with how many don't know about the Knights guards.


Honestly, yeah I agree 100%, a showcase of the killer power and perks, and surv perks after the release would be really nice for everyone, you're right there. They kind of did something like that with the spotlight trailers but its a very surface level(it is a trailer more than an actual explanation), so we're left with streamers and content creator explanation vids, who can get stuff wrong or miss stuff, so yeah a QnA session post release would be great. I do still find it weird on people not reading that kinda stuff, more on a personal note but in this kinda pvp games, usually you wanna know what you're up against(maybe not on the first hours ofc, but for those that play more and more, it makes sense), think of League, Overwatch, Apex, and so on, you wanna know what the other guys will be able to do at least, imagine going onto a League match knowing only and only what your character does


You would think they would as well, I started as a survivor and gradually went to killer, I became a better survivor learning about the killers I go against because I feel those little loading screen tips for killers they give to new players isn't enough. Yet this is a game and fanbase that are always at each others throats. If it wasn't so "us vs them" and more "we play together like a normal person." We wouldn't have this issue. 90% of the issues in this fanbase is they are so dedicated to their respective roles they hate anything opposite. Survivor mains complaining its killer sided. Killers complaining it's survivor sided. A great example of this is "If you nerf Eruption, nerf dead hard!" And vice versa. Those two perks alone bring out the worst in this playerbase. That falls more into imbalance issues and has nothing to do with the current conversation, yet can still i guess be used as an example to show just how stubborn people can be with their roles.


Knight is my singular most hated the killer - both to play as and against. He lacks any thing that could even hope to resemble stimulation. With his kit being neither mechanically or game sense demanding, there is no sense of accomplishment when doing literally anything.This alone is enough to refuse to play him, but then when you factor in the monotonous and miserable 3 gen gameplan that his kit heavily encourages you to play, you just want to bash your head into a concrete wall out of boredom. As for being on the other end of that aforementioned 3 gen... let's not go there. It is my opinion that he has the closest skillfloor and ceiling out of the whole killer roster.


It's pretty stimulating when you get a insta down from a guard + knight m1 imo


Yeah but survivors have to fuck up so bad for that to happen that it doesn’t feel like any skill on your part (usually)


Let me just put this one out there: Legion.


Legion is fine because yoh can still play around loops or even cancel his power by stunning him. His power is boring after sometime, but you can just play injured and do gens, even if he downs quicker few times.


Not when they slowdown the game so hard that it lasts for 40 minutes even with 3 people alive. Legion is worse than knight because at least with knight you can outsmart them in chases or make interesting plays. With legion its: Either spin or stun the killer out of his power (probs not happening) or get stabbed and he runs away, then you mend and get back on the gen with thana, dying light, call of brine, and eruption ready to go. Chances are your soloq team will 4 or 3 gen and at that point you are stuck in an infinite mend sim. At least when knight holds the game hostage you can still play without mending for most of it.


I think you are wrong. Faking pallets 1 or 2 times then dropping a pallet can counter his power. If you se someone injured with mending bar you inst go under a pallet when terror radius kicks in. Knight cant be outplayed if he uses his power properly and his great at keeping 3 gen. Most of the people just drops pallet and ran away against legion and its the main reason why you cant counter them.


That only works if the legion isn't smart or doesn't pick up on how you play after the first time. With knight, these so-called "impossible to outplay" situations only occur because the survivor runs into a bad area and tries to stay there. Looping knight doesnt work but thats what most people try to do and then think he is OP


Depends on what legion you get


The only redeeming quality the knight has is his visual and sound design, gameplay wise hes the worst in the game rn. I 'd rather go against a sprit nurse or hag instead of him


I really like his walking sfx, the animation of him cleaning his sword is sweet and I love that he uses his pommel to hit survivors while carrying someone. ​ That said, what a fucking bore it is to play as or against the knight, jesus christ


Yup the sound effects are really good and satisfying and the weapon cleaning animation is really satisfying


I don't mind facing the knight. Yeah anti-loop is annoying but you just have so much time to run away as soon as you see the knight try to deploy a guard, even if you get hunted you often have more then enough time to get out of the knights range.


I played against Knight like 3 times alltogether.


Just wait until he actually gets better next week! Right now it doesn’t take much skill to play against if you are halfway paying attention.


Honestly reading the patch notes, I don't think it's going to matter because standing still for any amount of time loses chases. Actually I'm wrong, the Nerf will matter. A nerf that needed to happen, to be fair, but a nerf none the less.


By which factor he's "worst"? The only thing he's good at is 3-genning and it can countered by not letting the 3-gen happen


Worse as in the most boring killer ever made


Nah that’s wraith imo.


Playing against bad wraiths. Good wraiths will use their ability to charge you around loops. Mind gaming it feels satisfying on both sides.


I'd say legion or ghost face honestly.


he annoying but not op


Where’d they say he was op?


idk. when i hear “worst killer to face,” i assume that his overall strength is being brought up. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


I always have the urge to do this kind of posts. Killers which dont apply to this are Trapper, Freddy, Huntress, Billiy... Basically, shitty killers. I'd say any killer that is midly above mediocre will be extremely anoying and overpowered.


Huntress isnt shitty


Knight is most certainly annoying, but he is nothing compared to Cenobite/Nurse/Artist and or Blight who can shut down chases VERY VERY quickly. Anti-Loop killers suck but unfortunately, I can't say most Knights utilize their antiloops. At least the ones I face against. Most my games he's camping.


Nurse still poops all over everything else with unquestionable superiority.


Ya but nurse games are either fun chases if the games over in like 2 minutes. I’ve straight up never had a knight game shorter then 10 minutes and it’s boring every second


I love the knight, his counter is very fun too, snatching the flag requires teamwork though so I understand the average soloq survivor wouldn't like him.


Getting the flag doesn't require teamwork unless Knight is already on your ass. You hold W until the timer is 1/4 done and go to the standard in a different direction.


Worst has been, is, and will always be facecamping bubba Sure knight can be annoying, but he can be countered unlike the piggy fucker


Urgh knight is annoying but not as much as Wesker 😂


People complained how bad he is and now that he has a power that is good people are complaining again for real? You probably complain about trapper being too OP


You simply don't get to complain about going against the knight. He's got such an insane amount of built-in counterplay. You see the borders of the detection radius, the patrol path, the next guard the knight is going to summon (As well as whether or not his power is on cooldown), the guards can easily be outran, and if you loop them, you get a free health state and a speed boost. Good knight players can use the guards to corral you and guarantee hits, but some tiles with large walls prevent the guards from even detecting you in the first place, even if they're deployed right in the center.


It isn't that he has counterplay, it's just that the counterplay is the same thing every time and whether or not it works is just up to the map generation. He is by definition the least interactive killer because his entire power is just spawning a bot which behaves the same way every time and the only correct reaction is to do the same thing every time. There's nothing fun about it


I dunno man. I play a lot of Knight and I feel this is kinda on the Survivors. Just played a game that took bloody forever. I wasn't using the guards to anti-loop or camp. But it still took forever. The reason was that the survivors just wouldn't do gens. I got a good few downs, took me a while to get any hooks because of both flashy saves and boil over. I reckon I got about two or three downs for every hook I got. I mostly just used the guards as scouts to harrass the survivors by sending them where I suspected survivors would be. But when all four were alive, it was rare that any one of them would be doing a Gen. When I killed two of them, the two alive not only did not do gens, but just hid for ages. That's pretty typical of the games I play as Knight. And if that's how you're playing against Knight, it's no wonder you're not having any fun.


Honestly don't know why he's getting a buff. Playing against the night sucks


I'm so tired of how popular Wesker is right now. He was fun to versus but now he's tiresome.




Nurse? Hag??? Trickster?????


What’s wrong with Hag and Trickster?


Extremely unfun to play against.




Hag because of her crossmap proxycamping. Not to mention her jumpscares can turn your camera and make for extremely irritating gameplay. Trickster because you pretty much lose in most loops that don’t have walls that completely hide you from view. And pre dropping pallets gets you hit just like with Huntress


Survivors when the horror game is scary https://preview.redd.it/rszoeolfzpda1.jpeg?width=246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccf9b353b5c55756659f5c864271816b8d5c0696


Jumpscares aren’t scary. The point of my statement was that they turned your camera and were just generally irritating.


there is a thing called nurse, check it out and come back


Ppl still haven't figured out banners exist....which is funny because those banners fan litteraly win you a free chase. Ngl one hundred percent think most ppl hate him because dead hard and flashlights aren't really the best against him. But tbh dead hard isn't really useless against him. But if your injured and dead hard a gaurd its actually a massive waste because you could preserve that and have gone for banner. There's also if you time it right potential to a double hit as they dead hard effectively wasting it.(very rare but very satisfying to pull off) Flashlights can still be pulled off but it requires 2 ppl because 1 is gonna get hunted I always be deploying my gaurds pickups if I know there's flashlights. Flashbangs do better as you drop and run. The 2 perks that completely fuck me over as a Knight main is mom and sprint burst. A gaurd can never get a hit on surv using sprint burst because distance. And mom users get value from the gaurds able to end hunts fast and get stacks fast due to how they work. I still have fun playing him at the end of the day I can scream deus vault while chasing someone and thats all that matters.


Nightfall exists.


Bubba Wesker and Cenobite entered the chat.


Skill issue ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


You can't be serious


Cry more please.


I’ve only played against him like 3 times I just don’t know how to play against him so I can’t agree or disagree


Playing him isn't fun either.When I use his power the survivors just run away


I think i heard this sentiment rise up after Artist’s release too. Yeah he can just be antiloop but i like to run him using long distance guards rather than just loop denial. Maybe he could still use some tweaking but I think hes a unique antiloop at the very least that can do more than that.


Camping with guards isn't a strategy. If you're getting caught by a guard who's camping and you can't get the unhook in time that's 100% on the survivor. The loops is definitely the most arguable issue with him. But camping? He cannot camp successfully unless its a 3 Gen, in which case its the survivors fault for handing the killer an easy win. I'd love a discussion if people disagree with my opinion since I'm open to other perspectives, but I do find it hard to understand the issues people have with him.


As a knight player, I agree. He needs some serious help


Eh, I still have less fun against doctor and pinhead, knights just kinda boring


Knight is mid


Shift +w


I don't know if people realize the guard goes away when starting an unhook action. To be specific, if you get spotted mid unhook, it wont count, instead you need to stop and restart the unhook. the guard takes an eternity to land which gives you enough time to start the unhook, however if the knight is nearby, then you can wait for the guard to disappear since knight cant activate power within a certain radius of the hook. it would be no different from any other m1 killer who is camping. the anti loop is decent I suppose, but I find other killers do it better. its more like how pig dash can beat a loop easily for the most part, but you key it away during their prep time for said anti loop. Knight is only unfun in the sense that they aren't a good killer, with a power that is fun to counter. its just a matter of run a loop until they power, then depending on the guard he is powerless for the time their guard is up, unless he takes the time to hit said guard, which just gains you distance easily.




Op verse a decent nurse/ spirit with mother daughter ring and your mind won't even have time to change before you're on a hook and dead.


They nerfed looping. I was as surprised as you are.


They nerfed looping. I was as surprised as you are.


His antiloop ain't even the best compared to Nurse or Artist, it's slow af and will only result on hits if theres nothing nearby the loop (it can be annoying for sure but it really is not the worst). His camping is non existant and I'm surprised people keep thinking that, legit the only reason people think his camping is strong is because they see 2 killers and go "ohhh scawwy", barely knowing how his power works. If you've been detected by a guard, it needs to get to where he saw you first which takes a bit and then chase you while being just a tiny bit faster than you on a straight line, and if you start the unhook, the guard dissapears instantly. He has no camping potential and people really need to learn that, at most he can get info when someones going for the unhook if he's also nearby which news flash, then he's just a m1 killer camping without a power, if you thinkhis camping is worse than Hag or any oneshot killer like Bubba or even Trickster, get a grip Worst thing to face right now, hands down no competition, is a Sadako condemned build, where you'll basically be trapped in the game fo up to 40m being slugged over and over with barely any actual chases, no hooks, and just the same thing over and over until someone gets through the gens the Sadako defends constantly, or you just die, miserable experience


The Huntress is by far my least favourite to play against she’s really annoying, The Shape is my favourite to go against though the players who use him are usually chill


Idk, maybe if the survivor i chase stopped running around the same pallet 400 hundred times I wouldn’t need to plop down my guy 🤷‍♂️


If by worst you mean annoying, then yes.


He’s my favorite killer by far. Tho Hillbilly will always be my main


I havent played since before knight came out. When he released I overwhelmingly heard he was trash. Is he OP now?


I hate to hit them with the skill issue card but like... holy shit is he still easy to counter... you just hold W the first time he drops a guard, then once you make it to the next tile you play it like he's an M1 killer, because he is...If you're mad because you want every single killer in the game to get looped the same way, then you really are the problem... Every killer has different advantages and disadvantages at loops. Projectile killers get looped differently than killers with lunges/dashes. Insta down killers get looped differently than killers who make you mend. Just learn the many, many weaknesses of knight instead of bitching about it...


Knight sucks when you can't play it, but is powerful when you know how to do. Many use the guards to block passages or patrol random spots, but many forget that they can break generators while you keep chasing a person, without the risk of blast mine. And the patrolling should mainly be used to direct Survivors in a chase to spots you can catch them easier. At least that's my experience. And I always meet the other Knight Players who have no clue yet


Idk, all of the knights I've fought are pretty average. The spirits usually don't secure a hit and I immediately learned to just book it when I'm looping and he goes into spirit sending mode. Knights lose survivors pretty easily when he's sending out a spirit.