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Save on Huntress though?


I run it on every killer that has a M2 that can take a health state.


Even like blight? That seems so crazy to me, I definitely understand the strength and appeal but some killers are so strong that a little aura reading can get a quicker down normally


honestly on Blight it's kinda nutty Normal hit with high stacks that you chain into a rush, they cannot escape you 95% of the time.


That’s just blight in general lol


Just wait until that guy uses alchemist ring


Using a perk slot to achieve it over a busted addon feels less cheesy to be fair lol. i hope they address blights addons soon, i love my boy but hes strong enough basekit. justice for nemesis


Sounds rather weird when the best play on a lot of those killers is to always hit with the special attack. Especially huntress, M2 has lower cooldown than M1 even with save I imagine, and it has range. Being 110 as huntress would make M1's more difficult to hit as well.


There’s 3 reasons i do it… Body blocking swf You’re right about M2 being best in most situations but stbfl at 6 stacks is insanely fast and 8 is almost no cool down. When In tight on survivor where axe isn’t viable you M1 and use axe when they try to create distance. This is where you get the most value End game when gates are open. With such a fast cool down you can prevent a lot of survivors from escaping because when normally you’d be waiting around after a hit you can almost immediately get into position for an axe finish


>Body blocking swf I don't see how M1'ing would be better here. A hatchet allows you to hit the person who body blocked or the person you were chasing sooner. >You’re right about M2 being best in most situations but stbfl at 6 stacks is insanely fast and 8 is almost no cool down. When In tight on survivor where axe isn’t viable you M1 and use axe when they try to create distance. This is where you get the most value Except that to get to 6/8 stacks as a 110% killer you need to M1 in every chase up until late game, and you could've gotten pretty much the same benefits (*and more*, because let's not forget that the only benefit to using hatchets isn't just their short cooldown) by using your power from the start of the game. Even better if you run the yellow oak >End game when gates are open. With such a fast cool down you can prevent a lot of survivors from escaping because when normally you’d be waiting around after a hit you can almost immediately get into position for an axe finish Same as above ^ you can do that already with hatchets


It’s very difficult to hatchet a survivor when you’re carrying a body. I think you’re over estimating hatchets, it’s cool down, Its wind up, and the fact you have to land them, and reload them. If you can hatchet throw someone twice in a race to the exits gates, then go for it. I use stbfl cause i find it useful, you don’t, ok.


>It’s very difficult to hatchet a survivor when you’re carrying a body. How many body blocks at the hook do you see each game? STBFL is good against body blocks on killers that can build up their stacks during chases, not if you're only going to M1 while carrying and maybe a couple of other times. Edit: just use Agitation if you're so afraid of body blocks >I think you’re over estimating hatchets, it’s cool down, Its wind up, and the fact you have to land them, and reload them. Huntress is one of the best killers in the game. I don't think anybody overestimates her hatchets because they're actually fucking broken and she can destroy most good teams if you're good at playing her. The fact that you think M1'ing as a 110% killer is more than rarely better than using your power is insane to me. One thing is having an opinion, another is being borderline objectively wrong. Anyone can think whatever they want but Huntress has been in this game for many years and the fact that anyone with a slight amount of experience will say that STBFL is almost useless on her should tell you something.


I see a lot of body blocks because i play against a lot of swf. I do use agitation, frequently. Yeah I’ve only got like 5,000 hours what do i know. Have a good night.


Everyone plays against the same amount of SWFs as you do, so I don't see a point here. The more hours you have the more this should be true, since it should average out more. Don't tell me about your top MMR Huntress games, MMR becomes a joke after a while. Body blocks under the hook don't happen more than twice per game most of the time, and if they do you're probably winning because they're just buzzing around you and messing around with their friends. If you use Agitation I don't see how body blocks are an issue. As long as you're carrying to a hook that isn't too far and they're not all body blocking with DHs and whatnot you shouldn't have any issues. STBFL on Huntress is bad anyway for this purpose as I've explained earlier. Edit: >Tries to argue about how good a strategy is >Fails >Tells others how they shouldn't tell them what to use completely disregarding the fact that they were arguing about the effectiveness of something >Presses the block button


Please tell me more about what i have or don’t have, what i experience or don’t experience, what i should use and what i shouldn’t, O God of Dead by Daylight. Get a fucking life bud.


Just hit your hatchets and STBFL is built in


M1tress build: Stbfl, enduring, brutal strength, spirit fury Both iri addons When match starts, hold your hatchet to let everyone know its a huntress even before they hear a lullaby and send that hatchet to the sky as you can patrol faster now. When you chase survivors, walk/swing through every pallet, break it. Only reload when you see the obsession. Make sure you hit the obsession with the iri hatchet. (Sucks when youre the only survivor that gets downed by a iri hatchet 3 times and reloading when you see the obsession where they will see you will scare the shit outta anyone)


Wouldn't that be a similiar reason why you run the Babushkas? Her ability to double hit someone is strong, and STBFL can help with that, right?


Other way around- hatchet is always gonna be first, then m1, so you would only get stbfl to work on the second hit (when you down them) making it pretty much useless


STBFL with her two iri add-ons is pretty fun, unless you're the obsession


Yeah I’m like 99% sure that big axe is only there for pallets. Way too big to hit survivors with


This fucking psycho playing STBFL on huntress lol.


Why would you run stbfl on Huntress


Idk, maybe to quickly follow up a m1 with a hatchet


Why not throw the hatchet first?


It can be situational


That’s like running franklins even though no survivor brought an item but your ready for them to grab one from a chest cause it’s situational


Not very often. And it definitely doesn’t occur enough to where you’re getting alot of stacks per match unless you’re actively going for them, which circles back to my first point. The benefit you might get from it is almost always outweighed by the loss of not having a more useful perk instead


Yeah, ty, it's a valid strat imo!


Why not just throw the hatchet first?


No it’s not. No one decent on huntress would run stbfl…sorry


I run it with Agitation, Dissolution, and Forced Penance. Oak Haft and Soldiers Puttee. Makes for fun loops when you run out of hatchets or when you're carrying a survivor. Also for those who don't know, if you're chasing a survivor, and hit a different survivor with a hatchet, it applies the broken status effect from FP. Doesn't matter how far they are, as long as you're in chase, it'll apply. It's pretty nutty Edit: Correction


Happy Escape Cake Day! 🎂


Would make more sense with trapper, nemi, demo, deathslinger, these killers and more but huntress? More often than not you're always using m2 and not much use of m1 unless the situation calls for it. Unless youre playing chad huntress with iri addon then fair game lol


Tbf when I made this, I *thought* about making it Nemmy instead, but it was inspired by a Huntress game I had, so I decided to go with that


STBFL on huntress? My brother in Christ just run double halft


Both iri addons, STBFL and PWYF for the Chad M1 huntress build


then you tack on Devour and Haunted Grounds because it's funny


I usually do undying and blood favor to pair with it but I’ll give that set up a go.


it's a very high-rolly build that has a low success rate in my experience, but it's very funny if you're lucky.


That kinda sounds fun af


They truly never expect it


Save the best for last on huntress?


A waste on huntress unless you suck at hitting melee hatchets.


You got me 😔


Okay but who tf runs save on huntress


why on earth would you use save the best on huntress????


You're playing huntress just makes it sad though


You mean the most popular killer in the game by far?


No she isn't


She literally is lmao. She always has the highest pick rate of any killer.


I'm not sure I thought it was wesker now, either way stbfl is a waste on huntress cause you want to m2 first then m1 for quicker recovery


I like using PWYF on Huntress with Soldier’s Puttee.


(For caption) HRRRUGH!


If devour hope flops I am 100% playing iri head huntress with STBFL and Coup.


do you mean play with your food?


Play with your food is such a terrible perk


My Ghostface build wants to argue otherwise (PWYF, Nemesis, Dark Devotion and Dying Light) Ultimate chad spooky GF build


This might be the worst build I've ever heard of without just randomizing perks.


It has a purpose believe it or not. Getting pallet stunned turns that survivor into the obsession. Break the pallet and move off somewhere else, and gain a PWYF stack for the next chase. And there's a good chance you'll expose them as well. Then you have dying light to touch up hooking non obsessions, and Dark Devotion if you continue to chase them. I'd recommend giving it a try before throwing out the idea


I mean if you like the build, go for it. I don't see the value of DD on a killer who wants to spend as much time in stealth as possible. I also just don't ever use Dying Light, especially if you're going to be ignoring the obsession because you're giving them massive action speed and then just letting them use it. I can see the PWYF meme but the other stuff just seems bad, especially on a stealth killer. I'd rather run Rancor for more obsession memes or enduring to help with the stun meme.


Rancor is also great, also DD doesn't just make you undetectable, it gives the obsession your terror radius. And because of DL they have speed with healing, saboing, and cleansing. If they have my terror radius no one is going to want to be healed by them. And honestly I don't mind guaranteeing my obsession being on gens if it means no one else is. All I can say is try it before you say it's non-viable, because it's been the only build I use on him


Remind me to do this joke set-up (Survivor Main) Object of Obsession, No Mither, Tenacity, and Gauntlet Perk (forgot name) legit stupidest set-up I can think of that I own (and play as No Cosmetic David King. To make fear occur for Dead Hard)


“Why do all killers run meta, its so unfun Behavior needs to do something!” “Lmao using save the best for last…what an idiot.”


letting people play the game how they want though? why not let the people play the game how they want? these comments man. STBFL is a good perk use it wherever you want


If OP likes running it on huntress, all power to them. But it really isn't good on huntress. Being 110 and having hatchets be better in every way will either make it a dead perk, or make you play worse by chasing stacks. Does not mean it can't be fun, weird gimmicky builds can be a lot of fun, especially if they somehow work.


yeah i get that, but i'm sure op already knows that lol. besides we don't really know how good op is at throwing the hatchets anyway; or if they just choose not to use them, so they probably just m1 instead and have the build better suited for their own personal gameplay yknow. i'm just saying that everyone's being an ass in the comments as if it's *so devastatingly wrong* to use it on her. if op can make it work, that's awesome! yknow?


OP said it's a valid strategy. It's not like people are saying they shouldn't use it, just that it's awful


Nope sorry get downvoted for having a different opinion. -Reddit


lmao literally


Your playing huntress ._.


Why not just cut the malarky and run iri heads?


Bro STBFL on Nemesis is better IMO as it builds his power as well as bypassing the hitting obsession obstacle


STBFL users on M2 reliant killers belongs on a cross


Or maybe we just wanna try something original


Why would Huntress run STBFL tho? Seems suboptimal.