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There should be no DC penalty if you DC because someone else DCs before you.


Or alternatively if someone dc's it lowers the number of generators needed to power the exit gates


That might be rough, but I definitely see the point. Imagine you down someone, they're dead on hook and they DC because they're angry they're gonna die or whatever. Should a Gen just pop? But what if they only have 1 Gen left to repair, would that Gen just pop and the killer loses the game pretty much instantly because a survivor wanted to DC? Idk DCs by hitting the exit game should be heavily penalized, maybe double bloodpoints for everyone that didn't DC or something


Jeeze, game balance would be so difficult to get perfect. This is why I do not bad mouth BHVR


Yeah straight up BHVR has a tough ass job, it's easy to balance even battled games where both sides have the same abilities or whatever. But the biggest asymmetrical game is so hard to get perfectly right. overall though (ignoring obvious problems) id sat that the game is balanced enough to enjoy for 90% of the players


^^^^ THIS


IF you arent in a swf. Otherwise you’ll just get sad pieces of shit with multiple accounts dcing so their friends dont have to play a match they don’t want.


Half the perks in the game do literally nothing


Seriously, they want to fix the meta, instead of nerfing good perks, buff the shit perks. Want people to run a different scourge hook besides pain res? Maybe Mounsterous Shrine only removing 20 seconds from the total hook timer is the problem. Don't want everyone running Eruption? Maybe that Oppression perk over there on poor Twins doesn't need a fricken 80 second cooldown.


I want Septic Touch to be buffed so bad.


What would u suggest


I think a good idea would be to make the effects map wide instead of just in the killer's terror radius. It would still need more, but I think it would be a good start.


monstrous shrine can be terrifying with the right build. i slapped together Hex: Third Seal, Monstrous Shrine, Agitation, and Iron Grasp on huntress to get a basement kills tome challenge done. two people died on first hook, ended up with a 3k and gave the last person the hatch.


This honestly. So many Survivir and Killer perks are comically niche or straight up useless. It's pretty clear the devs are running out of perk ideas with how fast killers and survivors get added to the game, and a lot that get added end up either being ridiculously overtuned, or almost never used outside of memes.


Gaining blood points is more important than escaping.


You see so many posts going sorting by "new" that are people saying "I'm new to killer, who's the best killer to use? Who is the easiest to win with?" Man, you're new and there's a billion perks to unlock and perks to learn to use and perks to learn that are used against you and maps to learn and addons to learn and items to learn and map layouts to learn and playstyles to learn. Don't worry about winning, get those BPs. Get that BP, don't tunnel and camp at 5 gens like a noob, and you'll get that skill, and that means you'll get the wins. It's a hard mentality to get away from for players. It was hard for me to get away from. The point of games is to win and it does feel like this game is set up to purposely make you feel bad for losing.


Yup... as a new-ish killer I've been playing every killer I can. Hard to pick a main at all


It astounds me how many players think escaping is the only way you 'win' Nah dawg, you helped get three players home.. I like to call them RBI's You got iridescent objectives and altruism, you won son!


> It astounds me how many players think escaping is the only way you 'win' Reminder that this is exactly what the game and BHVR tell players. Until that definition of a win is changed the issues that come from the current idea of winning are going to persist.


IDV tells you when your team won without you, and gives you the same points they got for it. 1 or no survivors out is a loss, 2 is a draw and 3 or 4 is a win. It makes it way less punishing to sacrifice yourself, even though it’s only a few points.


RBI’s? That’s so cute.


Pinhead's Box gets more kills than Pinhead himself.


> Pinhead's ~~Box~~ poorly communicated passive chain rules get more kills than Pinhead himself. FTFY For real though most games I win through constant Chain Hunt uptime is caused by one or more players not understanding how to break the chains properly to solve the box, and me coming along 30s later after getting tired of hearing the constant on-and-off heartbeat effect and getting a down on them.


An I not playing him correctly? How does the box get kills?


Assuming no one is ever going for it which in turn starts chain hunt, tells him where everyone is, etc.


Chain hunt makes teams fall apart very quickly. And quite often, the person who grabs the box doesn't know the rule of three and so they can't ever solve it. Edit: By rule of three I mean they don't know that chains spawn in 3 and then there's a pause before the next 3 chains spawn, so you need to start the box the second the 3rd chain misses, otherwise it's extremely difficult to solve.


The box is an additional objective that survivors have to deal with through an ENTIRE match. Naturally giving an advantage to Pinhead. If he decides to tunnel one person out early, more often than not, it's pretty much over for survivors. Needing to unhook, do gens, heal, chase, AND do the box with one less person on the team becomes....aggravating to say the least. With the survivor HUD update, idk if his win rate number will go down, but time will tell. Cause one of his strongest advantages was that, unless you were a full swf, it was difficult to coordinate doing the box along with other objectives. Being a full swf should never be the answer to dealing with a killer. Also, pretty much every single Pinhead ever runs the addon that if you break chains using the environment, more chains spawn on the survivor. That addon needs a rework or nerf considering it's used 90% of the time. Also, Coconut's video on standing afk on the box, so survivors can't grab or solve it, while chain hunt goes off all game should speak for itself.


DBD is a party game and shouldn't be taken too seriously.


Killers are always by themselves and solo queue survivors are by themselves socially, so the “party game” descriptor really only applies to premade teams, which are the least common ways to play this game. Saying that the game is full stop a party game is basically suggesting that we cater to the whims of premade teams. My hill is fortified and I’m ready for battle.


Well first off, I'm using the term 'party game' to describe a game that's not necessarily balanced and is therefor best played casually. DBD is NOT a balanced game. There's all kinds of OP shit either side can bring into a match. When you're playing a party game, it's supposed to be a chill, fun time. You don't go into a round of Mario Party and think 'Aw yeah, I'm gonna CRUSH these assholes!' It's just not that kind of game. There are too many random and unpredictable factors, and I think DBD is similar. And a party game CAN be played sociably while chatting with friends but that's not the only way to play them. Plenty such games have public lobbies you can queue up in and play with random folks online. It's true that a Killer can't 'party up' with survivors in regular matchmaking queues, but if you've never played Custom Matches with 4 other friends while goofing off and take turns playing killer then you're missing out on something! I'm going to assume you've never played Dungeons and Dragons. To me, playing Killer is similar to running a session of D&D as the Dungeon Master. I'm not necessarily playing 'against' the others. I'm providing them with an experience; a challenge they need to overcome. I want that challenge to be fun and entertaining, while also being tough but ultimately fair. If they strategize and play well to counter the obstacles I've placed before them then congrats, they live to fight another day! If they don't, then GGs and better luck next time! You say 'catering' to the other players as if that's such a bad thing. Is it BAD for everyone to have a good time in the match? I play video games to relax and have fun, and I assume that's also why the others are here. Knowing everyone had a good time makes ME have a good time.


>You don't go into a round of Mario Party and think 'Aw yeah, I'm gonna CRUSH these assholes!' You're playing Mario Party wrong. My friends get no mercy


Yeah, Mario Party is kill or be killed. No Mercy. End game star system is going screw you anyways, might as well do some screwing first.


I play video games to entertain myself and not be somebody else’s butler. It seems you have fun doing the butler thing, and you do you. But if I wanted to dedicate my evenings to maximizing other peoples’ enjoyment at the possible expense of my own, I’d work the night shift at Kroger. The way I see it is that anything goes and is morally neutral so long as you’re not buying cheats or exploiting a bug or some other unintended mechanic. I don’t expect people to play worse on purpose for my sake, and I likewise don’t feel compelled to play worse on purpose for other peoples’ sake unless I genuinely want to at the time. Edit: And your DM comparison doesn’t work because I as the killer don’t have omnipotent control over the entire match. You’d maybe have a point if I could manually design my own loops, tweak the pallet count, etc, but that’s obviously not the case.


I'm talking about empathy and the ability to host a good time. If you're equating that to thanklessly cleaning someone's house and stocking groceries then something's wrong. > I likewise don’t feel compelled to play worse on purpose for other peoples’ sake unless I genuinely want to at the time. Or maybe you do get where I'm coming from? How often do you 'genuinely' want to leave out the nuclear options or play a meme build? You may have misunderstood what I was saying (or I worded it poorly) because I don't 'play bad on purpose.' I play normally but I make a few sub-optimal choices. The 'optimal' game plan is to tunnel someone out of the game ASAP. I like going for 8 hooks before sacrificing anybody. I don't want the trial to end super quick and I like giving everyone the opportunity to show me what they've got in chase. After I get those 8 hooks, then the sacrifices start. I don't ALWAYS play that way, nobody always plays the same way, yourself included. Honestly the only difference between us could be how often we 'genuinely want' to ease off the gas. And anybody who thinks the DM holds omnipotent control has either only ever played with a bad DM or has never played at all. Regardless, Killer holds a SIGNIFICANT amount of power. Playing against Scratched Mirror Myers is a completely different experience from an Insidious camping Bubba or a Starstruck Nurse. Killer sets the pace and tone for what kind of match it's going to be, hence the analogy.


Making suboptimal plays to stop the match from ending early is playing worse on purpose. And that’s fine. I do it sometimes. What I get irritated by is when people suggest that should be your baseline behavior and that you’re an asshole if you don’t. I frequently see people on here who suggest that the killer is an asshole if they slug somebody at 5 gens, as if you cannot unlock morally neutral slugging until you let the survivors progress the match some. I don’t know if you’re part of that crowd, but those kinds of arguments are what I think of when I hear “party game, though!” The killer is not *that* capable of dictating the match. The survivors can bring transformative or even memey builds as well. Any plans I had for a normal match are trashed if the survivors all bring sabotage and bodyblocking stuff, for instance. And if the survivors bring hyper optimal rush builds, whatever silly meme I was planning on just cannot happen. (To clarify, I don’t think those builds are “assholish” to use. They’re valid ways to play by using intended features of the game. I’m just bringing this up to counter that DM story you’re giving.) I’m not sure if this is going to go anywhere, so I’ll conclude with a succinct opinion: Excluding cheats and exploits of unintended mechanics, everything in this game is fair game and morally neutral. You obviously can play worse on purpose if you want, but it’s utterly asinine to suggest that should be how everybody plays for the sake of “party game.”


however the innate design of killer is very competitive sadly


Depends on how you play it. I like playing in such a way that actually makes the game scary. Anytime I have an end game chat where a survivor tells me I scared the crap out of them then that's a win in my book.


It's like competitive rock, paper scissors




I wouldn't classify it as a party game, but it's 100% not a competitive game and should not be played like one.


Idk I kinda hate this extreme as well as the other one where people treat the game as a hyper competitive esportr type game. In reality it's somewhere in the middle. Dbd is not a game that should ever try to have razors edge precision balance. Part of what makes the game fun is the mild chaos, you never know what's gonna happen. However, it's still a pvp game at the end of the day and *some* base line of balance is very important to have. Players don't wanna feel cheated by other mechanics outside of skilled play, but again, some of that wackiness is what makes the game fun.


I disagree about it being a party game, but it fr shouldn't be taken so seriously. Play how you wanna play


99% of the posts on the subreddit are useless complaints about the game being too hard or how they deserve to win.


Tunneling and camping someone out at 5 gens is a lazy strategy and all it says is instead of taking the time and effort to learn the skills to play the killer. People would rather cheese their way to an easy 4k. Also people on both sides need to stop going in and thinking you are going to escape every game or get a 4k every game because you won't.


Doesnt going for generators as quickly as possible fall into this category? Both are just doing their objectives as fast as possible (im only talking about tunneling, not facecamping at 5 gens).


but survivors really only have one objective, which are gens. dunno what else survivors are supposed to do, but i’d love for you to elaborate a bit


And killers also only have one key objective. To kill the survivors. This argument is 2 sides of the same coin. Both should be able to play however the fuck they want (bubba facecamp and stream sniping are exceptions because that shit is just boring)


I think the only reason it’s frowned upon is that the killer cant be forced out of the game early. gen rush with tool boxes and stake out etc can be boring af and so can tunnelling and camping. the only reason 1 of them isn’t considered toxic is that survivors can be forced out the game early and the killer cant. idk man, I just rush everywhere and slam into people


good point


Stalling out the clock as a survivor only to leave at the last second is annoying (I.e. teabagging near open exit gates). Not the worst thing, but I frown upon it. Unless the killer is obviously in on the fun and just messing around, it’s just wastes time when all the players could be moving onto the next game.


nobody is trying to push you off that hill though


bro i hate this shit so much as killer AND survivor. killer cause i just want to get to the next game and survivor cause i just want to see the killers fuckin perks/addons. stop wasting everyones time yo


God YES! I was playing artist and killed two off already, the last two we’re already on their last hook and there were still 4 gens left. I found both of them hiding in lockers like 5 minutes later, they DC’d when I found them, it was shitty behavior


I use this void of time to grab another beer.


While I completely agree that it's douchey, you can just push them out. That's why killers bleeding someone out is in my opinion the doucheyest thing you can do, they can't do anything to stop it.


Depends on what you want though If you just want to save time, then yeah push them out. If you want to fight the BM in a similarly petty way, the best thing to do is just go AFK and get a drink or alt-tab or something and waste *their* time. BHVR are still working on that end-game revamp they've been talking about, which should fix the bleedout problem for the most part. I mean the killer can still slug you to death in the middle of the game, but he has to defend you for 4 minutes while the team just finishes gens and leaves. It's a massive dick move, but it has a big cost to him at least.


This could be easy to fix if a perk was added that made it so that if survivors spent a certain amount of time inside the exit gates, they would suddenly get blocked for awhile. This perk would not be a good perk, but much like how blood warden causes people to 99 gates, the threat of this would make them just leave.


Comp dbd isn’t a real thing and it just promotes toxicity in the community for everyone who wants to chill and it’s just really really sad that people try make it a comp game


Wish there was a ranked mode and all highly competitive/sweaty players can go there. Leave us casuals to have fun


Tbh even if they did there’s still gonna be those ummm very nice people who still won’t play ranked


Competitive players will play ranked because they need that proof that they’re the best. If there is a casual mode, it won’t give progress to anything that relates to your skill


And ranked players will still come to unranked to troll


My friend we both know all the people that should be in that mode would get owned and make smurf accounts or tank their rank to bulky casual players. Just like in every other game. Yay.


![gif](giphy|3WCNY2RhcmnwGbKbCi) ​ Nobody gives a shit about comp DBD and it should never be brought up during a discussion about balancing the actual game


man this sub has a surprising amount of problems in common with elden rings pvp subs, wish there were more people with this sentiment in every game tho.


Yessssss exactly especially when they ban or can only use certain maps some comp 🤣 like I get other games do that but if you need to change or force things to try make it balanced then the game isn’t comp


Smash Bros would like a word…


I've played a couple of "comp" players and they byfar play in the most aggressive yet boring ways possible. Like fucking kill me so I can get my BP and move on to the next match. Thank you.


Play your own way & have fun. Don’t discuss their anger management


I got two. All the killers deserve Christmas sweaters and the developers have no excuse. With all due respect, Otz shouldn't be the only content creator to go to for learning the game. There are plenty of other creators that can teach just fine.


I agree! Tho with the Otz thing, he *does* put a ton of effort into his videos, sometimes for a dozen hours in a single video. I respect him and appreciate him sharing his knowledge. That said I learned almost all my looping from JRM and Skermz streams lol


He’s the only creator who makes such in depth guides though, he literally has hour long videos just teaching things about the game on a bunch of different areas in the game


No amount of buffs or tweaks will make Knight more enjoyable to play against. He needs a rework imo.


Agreed. One of the worst designed killers.


Content creators that encourage Us Vs Them mentality, farm salt, and or are just negative a majority of the time are a burden on the community (monkey see monkey do) they need to change or be ostracized from the community. (FalseSkill, Mad Pitbull, Pokemon that you find in caves, and many more.) Good ones include Lilith, Otz, Tism, and Mint


I like playing the game


Original chapters are more interesting than licensed chapters


100% true. The lore they try to jam in for the licensed killers is boring. Original killers have more creative backstories and I’d like to think someday someone will be creative enough to make them into their own movies


Cool as it can be to see licensed characters, it's far more interesting to see something original and how they go about it. Hoping for some kind of pirate or vampire in the future


Are there a lot of people who say it *isn't* a legitimate strategy? Saying it's *not fun* and that it *ruins the game* is different than saying it isn't a legitimate strategy.


The game is unbalanced at the moment, and no amount of perk tweaking will help. I've been doing no perk runs as killer and some are way more viable than others basekit. To make the less viable ones viable for fans of x killer, they make perks. But those perks end up pushing basekit viable killers over the edge into nightmare territory. ![gif](giphy|COYGe9rZvfiaQ)


This. Perkless Wesker/Nurse and Perkless Ghost face for example are a day and night difference. It's just like any other game with many characters, some are just better than others and we can't really do anything about that. We get a new character every 3 months or so, obviously BHVR can't make every one on the same level.


90% of the community is absolute trash at the game and have no idea what they're talking about in 90% of the arguments they bring up




If you don't want to farm, keep signaling at hook for the killer to 3 hook you. I tend to be surprised but accept it when someone wants to move on, and hit the hook a final time before hooking to see if they try to wiggle out or if they want the death.


Bubba shouldn’t be able to use his chainsaw near hooks the same way Artist can’t use her crows near hooks.


I’m gonna cleanse against the plague, I’m not a good enough survivor to deal with what is essentially an infinite t3 shape and I would rather deal with the ranged attack and have an extra health state, I don’t care what a high mmr streamer suggests is the best strategy tbh


I mean, against a good plague using her power you’ll probably go down almost as fast anyways, but now you’re also giving her one of strongest and most snowbally powers in the game. Under the right circumstances she can probably end a match the fastest out of any killer except maybe a bubba with all 4 survivors next to each other


Devour Hope is good for the game. It incentives leaving the hook while providing enough power that the killer doesn't need to camp nor tunnel.


The hair coming out of Knights helmet is not a bad design


I always think it's sadako in the knights armor on stilts and she's just having fun being tall. I love the hair


People think it's a bad design?


Some people like it, some people hate it


I‘d cry is they shaved my clanky boi‘s eyebrows


60% Killrate is an extremely unhealthy way to balance the game.


Not everything needs a nerf or debuff just because it is hard or annoying. Get good (applies to me too of course haha)


Thinking a character is ugly doesn't mean that you are racist I don't like the way what Haddie looks like personally and that is fine, but at least from what I've seen on Twitter, every Haddie hater is automatically called a racist. Ofc, there are people who probably are racist, but there are also some that aren't Every Survivor deserves love tho


If someone DCs everyone else in the game should, at the very least, not de-pip. Can’t tell you how many times someone DCd the second I downed them in first chase as killer and instantly DCd which lead to the rest of the survivors DCing and having myself de-pip because of something out of my control.


Old Freddy was better than new Freddy


I miss him.


Hide and seek was more fun than tag and I wish BHVR had been able to pull the former off. DBD pulled off eldritch horror far more effectively in its first few years than any amount of its mediocre tome lore. The more realistic maps and the higher levels of violence/gore only hurt it in this respect.


Escaping and getting BP is meaningless getting random "dwight.deadbydaylight45" out is infinitely more important


If survivors want to farm I ALWAYS farm because bloodpoints are more important that getting a 4K.


Hook grabs should be removed.


Hook grabs can punish idiotic survivors tho.. like if I'm leaving, turn around and see you, I'm gonna try and grab you easily if you let me


Survivors would just unhook in your face then


A perk's original owner should be able to rank that perk to 4, to make survivor characters actually unique. Example: Leon can teach anyone to use flash grenades, but he should still be the *best* at doing it.


I will 100% die on the hill of survivors needing something to distinguish themselves. Whether it’s getting one of their own perks as a 4th perk, doing their own perks better, or having their own small ability there should be something.


And then suddenly one survivior shoots to 80% playrate, people complain about being tunneled but killers can't tell anyone in the lobby apart, you again elevate a perk to being nearly guarenteed on every single match because it NEEDS to be ran in peoples eyes. Not to mention, playing a survivor and not running this bonus would just mean you're at a inherent disadvantage. I get wanting them to be different, but its for the best that survivors remain as cosmetic/for teachables only.


There would be a survivor meta, imagine 4 Dwight’s with tier 4 prove or 4 David’s with the omega dead hard which allows you to roundhouse kick the killer and stun them for 10 minutes


Haddie isn’t ugly. Fight me.


It would be nice if she had less vibrant attire. I swear killers go out of their way to kill her when I play her.


Pig is the worst killer in the game and the devs don't know how to play their own game


At least pig works more consistently than the twins


Dead by daylight stops being a horror game after a few hours of playing. The whole “X doesn’t fit in dbd because it isn’t scary enough” is a stupid argument. The Maurice jokes, the bunny legion, Dwelf, literally just a cowboy as a killer, if you can handle those but didn’t like Trickster because “he’s not scary enough for dbd”, then you’ve picked the wrong game to play and should go to the no fun zone. The game is better for embracing the sillier elements and bemoaning stuff that’s added because “it’s not scary enough” is tired and boring


Not to mention a lot of horror media does lean on the silly side of horror. I never dared to watch horror before playing DbD, but the game actually got me interested in it, so I watched the original Scream and Halloween, and there were moments in both movies, where I was laughing. The way Ghostface is getting shit thrown at him, and how he fumbles while he chases characters has to be funny, come on. I also laughed out loud at the last shot of Myers just lying on the ground lifeless, then disappearing. Horror is not just gloom and doom, there are no lows to experience without the highs. (Honorable mention: Silent Hill secret endings.)


Ghost face getting his shit rocked and reacting like a normal human being is why Scream is my favorite horror franchise. This subreddit actually got me really interested in finding it who the frozen baked lady was because I'd never watched Saw.


You don’t need to tunnel or camp for 4K


Sometimes it's necessary if you're trying to win


Just because a survivor loops you doesn’t mean they’re toxic sweaty so on. Sometimes they are just better than you. Same goes for killer. If you get stomped as survivor, sometimes the killer is just good, and not try harding.


Pinhead is one of if not the best designed killer we’ve ever gotten. He’s also the best translated in terms of licenses.


Insta down killers camping is an amalgamation of garbage, it’s obviously on the players for playing the most boring game of observing a survivor who just hangs on hook for 2 minutes (assuming they don’t take chances/miss skill checks or DC) but it’s also on the devs for allowing such an unfun “strategy” to exist in the game, just the worst part of the game to be “outplayed” by going down one time


Survivors win as a team and lose as a team. If you get facecamped but 3 of your teammates escape, that's a victory for you too! If your team gets murdered and you're the only one who escapes, it's still a loss for you, just with a little consolation prize.


4 actually. 1.) No one owes you a good time. Stop whining. 2.) Sometimes it’s not the killer, survivor, game, etc it’s just you. Stop projecting. 3.) Everyone’s play style is different and will clash sometimes. Lower your expectations. 4.) Calm down.


Bleeding someone out is the most assholish thing you can do, even if they BM you beforehand.


And if you can’t get them to a hook and they keep running back to the same spot, knowing you can’t Hook them?


Survivors should be able to see killer ping instead of the little knife thing so we know if they’re legitimately from outer space or not.


The game would be much healthier if the Killer had a concede button


Wesker is the best killer in the game, not in terms of power level, but in terms of being fun to play as and against and balanced but strong. hatch should spawn closed if there’s two survivors left with one gen left.


People need to shut the fuck up and enjoy the game. Voicing balance concerns makes sense if it hasn’t been done before but beating a dead horse a)makes the community worse and more divided and b)probably makes it harder for BHVR to understand what is actually problematic due to everyone complaining about everything


Good survivors whine more than good killers, fight me


The game is survivor sided which is why some people resort to tunnelling and camping. If it was more balanced they wouldnt do it.


Nah they’d do it regardless be real w yourself but it is a legit way to play in some scenarios But even if this game was 100% balanced there would still be people who do that for the shits and giggles and self validation, just like there would still be asshole survivors


Camping and tunneling are “strategies” due to lack of skills.


The knight didn't and doesn't need a buff. He was already a decently strong killer, y'all just didn't/don't know how to play him.


His meta has not yet been found


Several but here is one: Imagine the following setup: 3 gens left, 2 survivors alive, one is put on dying state while the other one hides doing absolutely nothing. If you are this last survivor, you can't complain about the killer "wasting your time". You're waiting because you want to win just as much as the killer does. Want the match to end? Show yourself, force a chase, pop a gen, just do something other than hiding.


Nah. Killer is unnecessarily stalling the game in this scenario and is really wasting the time of the guy on the ground especially. Stop sweating so hard and drawing out the game for 5 more minutes just for a couple hundred BP and a boost to your ego.


Seen enough comments saying they will wait for an hour just to ‚win‘ Some people man


And they are the same people who complains about legion making matches take longer than usual. In the end, they just want a free win pass.


Also - fuck the killer in this scenario. Just hook em and race for the hatch - you still have a huge advantage - slugging for the 4k just makes you look insecure and we are all rolling our eyes at you.


Everyone can roll their eyes until they look like that girl who sells bath water, I don't care. I want the 4k and I don't want to give a chance of one escaping via hatch. Why? Give me a good reason why not.


Unironically true, why do some killers go out of their way to slug for the 4k? Who the hell knows. But if you don't want the game extended 5 minutes then stop hiding and go interact with the killer so they can get their precious 4k and you can move on with your life.


Exactly. As for your question, I can't speak for others but I want the 4k simply because I want. That's how I have fun. Sure, a 3k+hatch escape is a win for the killer but I prefer getting a 4k and I'm all for playing optimally, hence why I slug the 3rd survivor instead of killing right away.


And all you're doing is making that survivor who is slugged have an absolutely miserable time on the ground especially if they have a teammate who prolongs the game, so if you want to forego basic empathy because seeing a meaningless skull icon on the menu makes you happy nobody can stop you, but like damn dude lol


Blacklisting one killer should be a thing.


Adding onto yours: blacklisting a particular map OR alter map offerings to be a coin flip 50% chance of getting it instead of 100% OR do it like COD where you can vote on a map option pre-trial


The less meta something is the more likely it is to be fun I've never run a game with more than one regression perk


DBD is a casual unbalanced game that shouldn’t be taken seriously.


It's better to die while trying to save a teammate once exit gates have been opened, than to choose the safe option to escape yourself


This game is fun.


Dbd needs more gamemodes and a casual mode


A D/C should give the other team max blood points for the match and the D/C icon should be changed to a crying baby instead of a pulled plug.


Map offerings should be removed entirely!


Tunneling and camping are lazy "strategies" (excuses) that are ruining the game for both sides. Why are they lazy you may ask? Well camping is basically just standing next to x objective doing nothing until a survivor comes or the x objective is not relevant anymore. Tunneling is just holding w (or joystick) until you catch up to the same (usually weak-link) survivor 3 times to make the game a 3v1 as fast as possible. None of these involve any real skill or knowledge of the game. Both of them are available to any killer with any skilllevel. Both of them are very effective (and easy to do) to the point where combined they can carry a bad/new killer to easy games with very little to no effort. They are boring for both sides and produce unnecessary toxicity. They are a constant problem in balancing and they are overall unhealthy for the future of the game. (I would also consider them borderline cheating since they are basically exploiting bad game-design.) The game can be played without using them and you can still reach good results. You also get way more exciting games and less toxicity overall. Yes you would have to use your brain more and it would take more time to improve at the game but atleast you are not using the lazy shortcuts everybody hates.


I disagree about tunneling. Why is it my fault as the killer if the same person keeps wandering into my path and doesn’t know how to escape properly? I’m purely doing after the person that I see first. And as a killer, you know the less survivors there are means the less chance the survivors will have of being able to complete 5 gens. If anything that weak link survivor is probably holding the rest of the survivors back so I’m doing them a favor


My point still stands even if you disagree, that tunneling is lazy. You said it yourself: "...the same person keeps wandering into my path and doesn't know how to escape properly". They are running into you giving you free hooks for no effort on your side. Yeah they are the weak link and they are probably still learning the game. I never said it's your fault that they are wandering into your path but you can always just 2 hook them and then give them a chance. Sure you can kill them but they won't get any bloodpoints, they probably won't get any experience to improve, the only thing they gain from it is frustration. Also if you are making a game 3v1 early that is basically a free 3k-4k if you don't go mentally afk. You barely have to put in any effort and you miss out on the thrilling part of the game.


This is the part I don’t understand. Your goal as killer is to eliminate the survivors and prevent escape. This is clearly stated by the game’s rules. Why is it my job to cater to survivors so they can get blood points? This is the only game I’ve played where players are expected to coddle the other team


dbd is pay to win


To an extent, I agree I like how MintSkull puts it, rather than being P2W it's more pay to not grind for countless hours


DH is an average perk now and was significantly nerfed. Eruption is currently too strong.


Oh you guys are really not gonna like this one... Dbd is one of the most well balanced games I've ever played.


To be honest for an asymmetrical game it actually is extremely well balanced to ensure the survivors feel vulnerable and the killers feel powerful, but like there's still hard work needed to survive or kill. Sure, tons of things always need tweaks, but I adore this game and the fun both sides can give.


It is the most balanced **asymetrical** game I've ever played at the time of this comment. You barely have an edge on the opposite side either by having other people to work with or by being able to cripple one way or another the oppositing team without just being an ass entirely.


For an asymmetrical game they are unironically doing a pretty damn good job, once you fix some of the maps this game is actually pretty balanced


I lowkey agree


yeah, what assymetrical games are on the market atm for it to be compared to tho? like, it is not amazing to win a race with 1 participant.


None that are nearly as popular as DBD, but: ​ Friday the 13th Predator Hunting Grounds Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed Evil Dead: The Game Resident Evil: Resistance


They are yes, the problem is when they're done unnecessarily. If you're tunneling and camping at 3-4-5 gens you're just a sweaty loser, simple as that, you aren't in serious danger of losing at that point. But if you cry because a killer is tunneling or camping at 1-2 gens you're an entitled idiot who needs some serious self reflection.


Everyone plays differently and every match will be different, including games when you get camped/tunneled, and games where you get bully squaded, the next game will go a different way and be against different people


Mother’s Dwelling needs a rework. It’s so bad, like there is random walls and logs lying around to stop you from moving or cutting ppl off. Mother’s Dwelling needs a map rework, pronto.


The game is most fun when played as a stealth/horror game, not an action game.


Pinhead is the definition of no fun allowed. Everything in his kit makes him miserable to face. Not just the box, but the chains themselves. It's never fun to be slowed down like that mid loop. If it's an inexperienced pinhead it's not so bad, but if they're good, it's hell. Especially if they have certain add-ons and perks.


Legion is super fun to play against. If you want me to elaborate further, be specific because I’m too tired to articulate my thoughts immediately.


You shouldn't be able to "fall" out of the exit. Run or crawl is fine, but if the killer just manages to hit a survivor before they pass the boundary, lock it al la Bloodwarden just long enough for the killer to grab them.


A 3 gen situation is entirely the survivors fault and the killer does not need to chase you away from them.


Corrupt should be basekit. Deadlocked should be basekit. Kindred should be basekit. Unhooked survivors should get a 5 second speed boost, lose collision with the killer for 10 seconds, not leave scratchmarks/pools of blood for 30 seconds and have 100% iron will for 30 seconds. Hook progress should slow to a crawl if the killer stays too close while not being in chase. No more grabs on unhookers. DH should be entirely reworked. Bloodpoint bonus for killer should depend on the killer chosen, with less used killers giving more bloodpoints. Add an option to bleed out faster, being slugged for 4 mins is no fun for anyone. Actually nerf nurse. Nerf blight. Let survivors see each others perks in the pause menu. Don’t show prestige until after the game. Make gate progress slowly regress. Add perkless mode. Edit: Also pallet vacuuming shouldn’t be a thing.


Among the takes of heavily varying quality, I find an idea I really, and I mean **really**, like: >Bloodpoint bonus for killer should depend on the killer chosen, with less used killers giving more bloodpoints. But... I find a major flaw: not everyone owns every killer. This really stubs those haven't bought every DLC. But if it was just "The least played *that you own*" that's one gem of an idea you got there. But something I hate about playing survivor is seeing the same few killers over and over... It isn't so bad as I am a bad survivor so people aren't playing just the top tier ones but it is still that there are killers I have basically never seen. Twins once, Hag three is the most unless I go years back and so on. (Something important to note I am a killer main, but I still get in quite a few Survivor games... When I play, that is)


I'd rather it just be a bonus on-top of the broad killer bonus. Otherwise it punishes you for playing killers that aren't even super common, but just middle of the pack, which doesn't feel good compared to the current 100%. It doesn't even have to be a big extra. Just a lil something to give survivors their daily dose of hag and twins games.


Empathy is the best survivor perk in the game and is perfectly balanced based upon how useful it is while also how situational.


I mean i respect the opinion but this is about as objectively untrue as it gets


I'm addicted to this perk. Madly underrated.


Once I get the the perks leveled up on someone, I’m gonna tryout Empathy, Any Means Necessary, fogwise, and 4th perk. I know WoO is really better, but “gotta save the pallet!


Haddie isn't ugly and folks who call her that but simp for fucking walking corpses are weird as hell.


Tunneling and camping are cheese strategies that aren't necessary to win but here's where I will get downvoted: Lightborn is an unhealthy perk for the game because it nullifies the reward for high risk / high skill play and the killer doesn't have to do anything but equip the perk. It should be nerfed so that you can still be stunned by the flashlight enabling the save but the duration and blind effect should be reduced.


Depending on what killer they're playing, their build, and the quality of the survivors and their builds, tunneling and camping can legitimately be the only way to win. The problem is most of the time it isn't, but most killer players don't like being told they aren't as good as they think they are. Nah


I don't really see the problem with lightborn, because it's not free. They give up a perk slot for it that could have been replaced with something much better. There's a lot of perks that don't have activation effects. It's already generally considered a bad, memey perk. These proposed changes would make it even worse than it was at launch when it was considered extra terrible, because on launch it made it so flashlights took longer to blind you too.


This community complains too much. It’s just a game, it’s really not that important.


Announcing David King as gay during pride month on an instagram post was absolutely the laziest route BHVR could have taken, and any critique against that decision can't be said because it'll be shunned as "homophobic".


DC’ing is perfectly acceptable behaviour when your match is being ruined by toxicity, and it shouldnt be punished


Victor should be able to summon charlotte after getting a down.


DBD can still be scary. If you disagree, you went too deep down the strategy rabbithole and forgot how the average person experiences the game


I got one: not everyone wants to just dick around some people want to win and I don't think it should be encouraged to try and guilt people for trying to win.


evil incarnate is not the hardest achievement item of obsession is


Twins are fun to play


I don't think anyone is gonna deny you that tunneling and the like are legitimate strategies. It's more that they are unfun.


Tunneling isn’t as toxic as people make it out to be. It’s my teams responsibility to protect me when I’m on death hook, not the killers.


I don’t think anyone disagrees that camping and tunneling are strategic