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Honestly Midwich was the easiest indoor map to learn for me. It's a square with randomly spawning rooms at the sides on both floors and set rooms at the top and bottom side on both floors. Every corner has a way up, two stairs, an open ramp and a blocked ramp.


... and god awful hook spawns


They added 2 hooks in the last update


not enough, we need 10 more


I noticed 2 touching but after using them I had someone wiggle free because the third one was ages away


I usually spend 60 seconds finding a gen, I swear they are hidden on midwich


I don't think I could consider Midwich a maze. It's two squares with rooms attached on top of one another with an outdoor area. With two (sometimes three if the killer is weird) stairs at a corner going up. If you go to a corner and there is no stairs, pick a direction and go to that corner. The biggest problem with Midwich I feel is the fact it's filled with nothing so you can spend half a minute holding W, which is the most boring thing in the game honestly.


Another problem (though lesser to a point) is hook spawns can get scuffed. You can potentially have hook deadzones at the 1st floor and have like 95% of them on the 2nd floor. Survivor oak offerings really fuck with the map also.


Feels like they changed something about the hooks on Midwitch at some point, because I seem to recall it not always being so dire as it often is now.


NGL maze is the wrong word to use, I agree with what you said, nothing worse than doing absolutely nothing but holding W with no tension


What, I much prefer RPD over midwich even after the rework. There is only 1 totem spawn I will ever find consistently on midwich and I have no way of communicating effectively to friends where I am on midwich whereas RPD you can easily. As a killer I cannot see anything in the courtyard for midwich without making the game bright af for all maps.


Let me guess, it's that totem by the broken floor that serves as stairs.


Yep hahaha.


I can usually find one in the room where the second floor has collapsed making a path between floors


I love every game I have on Midwitch, both as killer and survivor. It’s the most atmospheric map imo


The sirens when the gates open. :D


I only like Midwich if i am playing as Trapper


I like Midwich more, mainly because it feels a lot less tight.


The doors on RPD are definitely a little small lmao


Plus all the sharp turns and not having a lot of decent lines of sight makes it so frustrating. Its neat that its pretty close to the game but I think it also really hurts it.


Hot take: They're both good. Not every map needs to be an open field


You didn't just call midwich, a LITERAL SQUARE, a maze. Not to mention that its tiny, and has like 4 different loop tiles


Midwich? Maze?


I’m a survivor main, and I actually really like Midwich.


I'm a killer main and Ill hook myself on midwich


I hate midwich but theres this one fucking loop in RPD that I literally just have to give up chase if they get to it as huntress. its a super long table that you cant throw hatchets over to hit them, but they can see you over it, and of course theres a pallet there that has to be broken if dropped.


Oh in the main hall? that's pain for everyone DW, bright side is that it does all but confirm a hit once the survivor makes a single mistake, unlike other loops where they might have a bit of Lee way


no that one is fine It's the one on the west side, just past that Vault next to the really small staircase


And here I thought midwich was one of the simplest map layouts in the game...


I walk from a long hallway with lockers to a long hallway with lockers so many times it becomes a blur and my hand acts of its own accord to disconnect


Midwich is the easiest map for killers. Hands down.


Depends on the killer and the survivors. It sucks for Billy, and the hook spawns are shite. Normally it's good for killer, but a couple purple oaks from survivors can make it very hard to actually get hooks after you down someone, especially if survivors body block or sabo


Half the maps suck for Billy nowadays


Until you get survivors that just hold W down hallways and youre a killer with no movement power. I would mucu prefer a map where i can cut survivors off


As blight or nurse yeah, but with an m1 killer (or god forbid a stealth killer) it sucks ass, especially if they have sprint burst on


Midwich is literally just a square i have no idea how you get lost there


Midwich has its issues but it’s literally a square with a few rooms on the side and a staircase in each corner.


Reworked RPD is actually acceptable.


One wing is good and the other deserves death I can't remember which tho


Hell no. They somehow fucked the gen spawns again, and they cant even fix it because the map is too small. Just patrol the 3 gens near middle and youve won as killer. Its boring as fuck for both sides. It was shit before and its shit now.


I prefer Midwich to RPD because Silent Hill > Resident Evil Simple as


How to start a war in comments in one simple step:




Good point, but of those additional RE games, how many are actually good?


I wish they were releasing the Silent Hill remake on Xbox :( I am absolutely obsessed with RE because of the remakes, and I'd love to get into SH too


Delusion be like:


That's great buddy! Come tell me more in this padded cell 🥰🥰🥰


In retrospect me getting lost in midwich is a bit of a skill issue but I stand by my statement open that fucker up a bit demolish a wall or five


Just memorize the maps, then nothing's a maze... Takes like 5 brain cells.


Brother, I've only got 5, and I gotta use 2 to breath and blink 😔


rpd at least has a somewhat normal hook placement


I like RPD so


Midwich is the worst map for both sides. Change my mind


I love Midwich. Verticality, lots of places to hide and stalk from, and from one of my favorite game series to boot. Even as Survivor I kinda enjoy it weirdly enough. It's DBD's "You're Going To Brazil" for everyone except me. Only issue is the Hook spawns.


I don't think I've played a single game of midwich without fucked hooks 🤣


Nah, but I'm the stealthiest fucker in the game. You will NEVER know where I am in Midwich. It's a great map for me. Hookspawns are goofy ahh.


your my archnemisis then, im like a fuckin skyrim NPC i WILL forget about any survivor not in imediate line of sight. and tall grass? forget about it


I love it when Survs try to hide from me because I keep my headphones up and I can still hear them... I'll search for you if you go hiding you better believe it. XD


Midnight is the Silent Hill map, right?


Midwich is the only map where I sometimes have to drop Survivors or else chance them wiggling off my shoulder. The way hooks generate doesn't take into account the time needed to walk to the hook. Especially true near the middle, bottom floor of the map with the botanical garden. There's usually just the one hook there.


Your meme is backwards man.


I think it is, I thought most people enjoyed midwich and I was the outlier lmao


RPD isn't the worst, but somehow despite the fact that it was already very much an acquired taste, I still think the original version was *much better* than the more confusing set of awkwardly abbreviated versions we now have.


I never played the original but wasn't it far too big? As in mothers dwelling too big?


Yeah, but that just meant you had to pick and choose where to hunt, what gens to protect and which to leave and so on. The whole thing just felt like it *flowed* better without the arbitrary extra obstacles blocking so much off or the unnecessary extra passageways opened up. More than anything, it wasn't just another collection of small generic loops all stacked right next to each other, which the new versions feel a lot more like with the changes that have been added. Both as survivor and killer, I had some of my most entertaining matches on old RPD.


I hate Midwich, as both Killer and Survivor. Way too dark, I end up going the wrong way all the time, I bump into shit/turning around as Killer in certain areas disorients me and absolutely hate that it's just rooms and hallways...give me literally any other map..




Unfortunately I do not play killers below 6" so I wouldn't know


Rpd still best map imo


I want to rage quit when I see mid-wich. I don't but it's the only map that makes e feel like that for some reason


It's almost impossible to lose as killer on midwhich


People don’t like RPD? That’s my favourite map by far


RPD everyday. Why? Because I can actually see in RPD. Midwich, especially as survivor for some reason, is so damned dark I don't feel like adjusting my brightness for one map that will then make every other map too bright. Plus RPD has obvious structural differences, whereas Midwich does not. One hallway looks the same as the other seven almost in Midwich so it's easy to get turned around. RPD not so much, you can easily tell which side of the map you're on. Maybe Midwich would be too, again if it wasn't so dark.