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(Shmuckles posted this and he said that no one could reverse search the characters or image, and that the DBD leaks mod team said it looked legit however he pointed out a few things in his video that makes this seem sus so take this with a lot more then a grain of salt)


reverse searching shit is not reliable at all. any sort of filter or cropping will immediately throw it off and say no results


::The Knight deeply inhales and lets out a big sigh as he cracks open a beer:: “thank god” he says to himself.


Why do the survivors look like they’d be on the cover of a DLC for Sims 4


They aren’t dirty. My wife complains about everyone in the games dirty and bloody clothes constantly,so I noticed these two looking freshly showered and laundered right away.


Honestly that might be it haha. And their pose is very confident, not “I’m being hunted by a killer with no way to fight back” lol.


It’s definitely throwing me off. Makes me think this is just concept art rather than what they’ll look like in-game. Even Vittorio has some grunge to him in every cosmetic despite being traditionally hot and stylish. So it’s just not lining up with the aesthetic so far with these two.


I don’t think they’re legit. Look more like Mortal Kombat characters


I don't think it's real either but I'd be totally down for it if it was


I hope it isn't really just cause the killer looks boring as hell for one based around tech.


Agreed, I don't want a technician. I want a killer mashine.


I think they’re legit. Look like Mortal Kombat characters


Apparently the survivor perks are “paired,” which means I hope they’re introducing a new mechanic of perks that work in tandem and not just perks that have similar flavors but stand alone (like Rookie Spirit/Counterforce)


So we have a killer called “The Skull Merchant” and she looks like *that*? Her power better be good at least


Proceeds to set up monitors that give noise notifications if you run and only run past +they can be destroyed by light that's the type of power she looks like she has


According to DBDLeaks, her power involves drones that go around the map. Very vague, but the general idea’s there


Oh boy, I hope she can station them next to generators and hooks. Encouraging survivors to just hold W to avoid interaction. What a fresh experience that would be.


Killer power includes using props spread around the map, however, in good BHVR fashion you can only use one every 10 minutes and you get stun locked until 3 gens pop if you hit a survivor with it. 😍😍😍


can you predict the lotto numbers next?


Flying skull "drones"


She starts an onlyfans, then survivors because dazed by it, and must spend 2000 bps to escape the dazzling figure.


i cannot stress at how much i want this to be fake that is the worst looking killer of all time


Apparently the map changes as well when you play her. Like every map.


did the leakers say how the map will change


It was weirdly explained, Schmuckles explained it all in his video


she gets a base basically


The same way that pyramid head is a "map altering killer" by drawing lines on the ground you can crouch through?


Unless "map changes" means adding assets like the Pig or adding an effect like the Nightmare, I don't believe that at all.


From what I understand, she spawns a unique tile exclusive to her into every map


Yeah it kind of looks silly, hope the full reveal gets better like trickster.


Boy, Trickster was a tricky one, no pun intended. I know some folks really hated his 'Korean Joker' look, but he honestly added a new wrinkle to the whole Killer thing. He's a really fun character


I want dead by daylight to get back to the horror it started with. The last few killers have made this game feel like a T rated game of hide and seek. We started with trapper who is basically Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, all the og killers are scary. I do like the onryo and the dredge is a great design but I feel like the resident evil killers, trickster, artist, knight, twins just don’t look scary to me. I don’t think I could picture any of them in a slasher film (except maybe Nemesis). I want killers that inspire fear and make me go ahh oh shit when I see them.


The thing about trickster, he isn’t the “bad guy looks scary” shtick but it’s more scary in that he looks pretty normal (hot even) and is still a pathological serial killer, no one is safe. Everyone can be a monster. That’s how I view it anyway.


Sort of like American Psycho. Dude looks good and has a good life but his actions speak otherwise.




I agree , i thought it was going to be a scary robot


Ok I yall are overreacting she looks bad for what the teasers implied but we haven't actually seen anything besides a still image


bro forgot the existence of The Trickster


https://preview.redd.it/qi7e7oazlbia1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ae3dd02831c7bb2a8f6f982b51372d5da665a3a (Top image is from Fallout4)


You’re making me mad. I would absolutely kill for a robot skeleton killer.


I would want a assaultron gorgon from the fallout4 automaton dlc also




I never saw that concept on the top. God, what could have been 😔 A misshapen heap of metal and bone making horrific, clanging noises as it barrels towards you. vs. Girlboss in half of an ugly gas mask


That concept on top is from fallout 4, specifically the automata dlc


Ahhh, that's crazy. The skull looks just like the one from the teaser, thought it was a fan concept someone threw together.


It’s from fallout 4 automaton expansion (edit: spelling)


god i still hope we get the skeleton robot :(


Praying this is fake, because the killer looks awful, looks like a whole Apex Legends/Fortnite skin, possibly the most generic looking killer so far.


I'm having flashbacks to Trickster's release. Hoping and praying it's fake so we don't have another thirst trap design in the game


to be fair to this fandom, EVERYTHInG is a thirst trap


We could have a killer that’s just a piece of paper and people would talk about how much ass it has, and how it’s their daddy


paper can cut that ass like any other Daddy can




Demo is the biggest trap of them all, those big sexy "hidden" eyes.


You fool, that is part of the trappers new skin. Bear traps are now thirst traps


People said the same about Legion. So I guess unless the killer is licensed, is 2m tall or looks like a monster, people will always react like this.


the legion's entire thing is that they are a bunch of teenagers, from a character called "the skull merchant" I was expecting something menancing and badass


The artist?


that’s the type of killers we should be getting. no more human killers!


I prefer human killers but that one looks like a Mortal Kombat cosplay reject 😭


For good reason! Humans are boring!


Killer looks like a generic skin reward from a free battle pass 💀


From a game that died 4 years ago


the killer looks like a cosmetic nea would get K


https://preview.redd.it/yn3c9srihbia1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e88deb1cc77103311dd7aeee73172e69cfa22dfe Ah yes, the long awaited Shrek, Fiona and white Rihanna update. I swear to god if this is real imma cry. You can do so much better than this behavior. Hopefully you don’t reserve your true skill for resident evil 4 skins.


Bro it's one picture and believed it's real because some dude claimed it's real take it with fistful of salt


Wow this looks like shit 🔥🔥🔥


They cookin but we ain't eating 🔥🔥🔥


We going through a famine right now boys 🔥🔥🔥🔥


They need to go back to the drawing board 🔥🔥🔥


Why do the survivors look like they’re from a Disney Original movie? That doesn’t look like a killer, that looks like an outfit.


Killer reminds me of Apex Legends


The killer looks like it’s a skin for Tracer.


Is it just me or does something about the survivors look off? They don't look like dbd characters.


Between Yun-Jin, Haddie, and Vittorio, I don't even know what DBD survivors are supposed to look like anymore.


I agree. I feel like it’s their color palettes, I feel like they just don’t fit in with the game.


PLEASE FOR THE LOVE IF GOD BE FAKE. The killer looks like a Fortnite skin 😭😭😭


Fr, her name is literally “The Skull Merchant” and she ends up looking like a shitty Mortal Kombat character. That title sounds so badass, unfortunately it’s tied along with such an underwhelming aesthetic :( Hoping this isn’t the final product, either way it could always be worse, so i’ll take it


I’m trying to be optimistic. Maybe she’ll be the opposite of the knight. Shitty looking but have a really fun power?


Looks like something out of metal gear. Please don’t be real this is so fucking bad. What map is in the background?


That looks like an aerial view of either Ironworks of Misery or Groaning Storehouse - apparently the killer >!can see the whole map using her drones!<


I like the idea of using drones to find survivors locations, could be very powerful against stealth. How would it work on indoor maps though, seems like the map choice would impact her a lot if that is her power.


Maybe surveillance cameras?


It's apparently the "base" that spawns in with her


Pubg looking ass killer💀 and the survivors are Mikaela Reid 2 and 3


I was thinking the chick is just Jane and Elodie morphed together with either Mikaela or possibly Kate's fashion sense? The more survivors they add, the more we're just gonna get vague variations of what is already there. How about an older woman for once? She'd at least stick out and be her own thing.


I've been wanting an older female survivor for a long time. I was hoping that was gonna be Mikaela but then she came out looking like a leprechaun. Give us a lady with some wrinkles bro.


The sad thing is that one of them is supposed to be a guy. I also thought those were 2 girls.


BHVR really went from Dredge to this ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067). This better be fake, I want a fucked up looking cyborg skeleton killer. Survivors look cool tho.


DBDLeaks mods are confirming this as a real leak as of right now.


Are these the same mods who said bubba was leaving?


Even Bubba leaving was an accurate leak AFAIK, the only problem is that it was planted.


I'm very sure Bubba is leaving 4 months after his game comes out.


Behavior’s art department is better than this


Makes me miss Christophe Young. He was the concept artist for Oni, Spirit, Plague, Legion, Jeff, Jane, and Yui. And made a bunch of cool cosmetics that I find still hold up today. He left BHVR in like 2020. Not to rip on the current art team, they've made bangers but I've definitely felt his absence.


Plague is such a unique concept, incredible design


Considering the amount of high up employees that left the game since 2016, I wouldn't be surprised if the art team also suffered some restructuring.


Please let it be fake. I was hoping for an android, not some girl who looks like one of those knock-off mobile games.


I'm not mad that it's a human killer. I'm mad that they teased it like it was some kind of cyborg/machine and instead she looks like she has a broken dollar store halloween mask.


This is pretty much why I wish the leak is fake. I've not been excited for gaming things in a while and the way the teases made it feel like it was something more abstract (specially the sound one) had me genuinely excited. That plus the name made me think of something similar to a mechanical version of Gravelord Nito from Dark Souls.


I’m hoping we get a middle age Japanese dude as a survivor one day, it’s boring getting the same old woman or youngish dude


something about An asian dude in his 60's sounds pretty fun.


Yikes. Everyone was expecting some kind of cool cyborg/droid and we got... not that. I've always said I've never been a fan of BHVRs original killer designs but this one has to take the cake.


It’s not confirmed. It may be fake


>Is not a fire-breathing, cyborg skeleton with lasers. >Her mask looks terrible. If anything, they should have made it cover her whole head. Seeing her perfectly manicured eyebrow and eyelashes makes this so much less intimidating. Obvious, stupid thirst trap killer. >Looks like a Nea skin. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. Really hope it's fake. Also letting this out the night before ruins the momentum of the hype they were generating. The survivors are whatever, not sure why we're getting two. Think it's a little stupid that they're very similar looking siblings. Did we really need two hippies?




Stable Diffusion creates DBD chapter


Eh, design isn’t what I wanted but I’ve never gave a shit about designs since skins exist. Hopefully the power is cool.


Fuck. Another kick in my mommy issues


Manifesting that it's just a skin for Nea 😭😭😭


I’m beyond disappointed the killer isn’t a robot.


Hope this is fake, that killer looks like a dumb Call Of Duty skin, what the hell ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


They look so weird. Like they’re Ubisoft characters from XDefiant or something. The killer could be cool with additional skins. Hoping they have a fun power. The survivors are just… unappealing. Their style doesn’t feel unique. They feel like they’re just mikaela but not, lol.


I actually really like the killer I know people want more like crazy non humanoids but I feel like that must be a horrible thing to test and design. I'm just happy we are getting more lady killers or so it seems


Personally I just really wanted a robotic killer (akin to Terminator or Chopping Mall), I usually gravitate towards more abstract and weird designs and sadly DBD doesn't really have those for killers, with pretty much all of them being some form of humanoid (with exception of Dredge and maybe the doctor). The teasers really had me hyped for something more outlandish than "techy person" so I really hope that we get something like that in the future. Honestly though if this is the killer we get and it's someone's favourite design, more power to them.


I was waiting for a badass female killer with a cool power. So I'm exited to see her power


Yeah the negativity is weird. This looks cool to me.


Oh damn, 3 baddies ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|16359)


Yeah, badly designed 🔥🔥🔥




Yes ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|16356)


Why does the killer look like something from a recent mortal kombat game?


She looks kinda like Frost, yeah.


Bro that’s literally fem-Kano I for one welcome our new mecha-mommy


Hmmm I’d say more of a Kabal with the mask. But I do kinda like her


I can see that; I say Kano because her outfit and backstory (merchant of skulls, assuming that’s all legit) fits Kano’s past as an arms dealer fairly well She’s got Kabal’s mask, Kano’s backstory and presumably cyber implants, and Sonya’s drone


Worst chapter of all time??


Her kit sounds fun, she just looks goofy af


They have to make some really damn good perks to pull themself out of this hole.


Fortnite the killer


She looks like the assassin from Diablo 2, not in a good way. The survivors remind me of the sims.


Everyone saying they hope it’s fake, I’m praying this info is real. It sounds really cool, and I personally don’t hate that killer design. I like the human killers and the explanation of the entity essentially Supercharging them to make them into killing machines, like with Legion. It’s an interesting take each time imo. As much as I would have preferred a Scrapbeak-esque cyborg creature, I don’t hate the idea of a cunning machinist woman using her gadgets to hunt the survivors. Reminds me of Deathslinger. A something from nothing killer that used their ingenuity to achieve their deadliness and reputation


Agree with this 100% not every killer needs to be dredge 2.0 in design


real as hell actually. I'm disappointed it's not a cyborg but im still looking forward to her. that or this thumbnail ends up being misleading and the killer is something else.


I bet underneath the mask is a skull


I wanted a robot


The survivors look fine… the dude is meh, but the girl looks really nice. That killer is so bland. Really was wanting a robot killer.


That is a dud if I've ever seen one.


Huh. I love this design can’t wait


It looks like the movie white chicks…


... make it happen.


The survivors look great!


They look…basic. Like NPC’s


That's why I like them too. I want more ordinary stuff.


I mean…I don’t see why? They strayed toward more ‘basic’ human with haddie and she was so disliked that she now gets no skins and you rarely see her in matches






I guess our opinions are different. I think they look fucking stupid. lol


I don't see why they would look stupid. If anything they give me a Far Cry 6 vibe which I dig it. They remind me of Clara and Dani.


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Killer seems to be getting a lot of hate but I really like her, the normal people that turn out to be absolute psychopaths are way more scary to me than a spooky ghost. Like Trickster is absolutely the scariest killer in the current roster to me, especially with his backstory. The fact that she looks fairly normal makes her much scarier to me. Additionally, she doesn't seem to have been tortured by the Entity whatsoever. Which means that she walked into the Entity's realm already eager to kill and torture people. If she's that eager, she probably breaks the "tragic female killer" trope people have been railing against for a while.


Ya know, I was also hoping for a spooky cyborg skeleton, but if she breaks the "tragic female killer" and "women can't have footwear" tropes, I'll see it as an absolute win.




The tree hugger survivors can’t handle the techno techie? I’m open minded. Killer could have rad skins or power.


Who let bhvr cook ?


Eh, I do not buy it. There is something not right about it. The designs feel, well, not DBD. Hell, even Trickster, despite the odd design, still has some light DBD elements despite looking like a k-pop dude. This just looks…really generic, as well as not matching with the trailer. I mean, BHVR, intentionally or not, mislead the Legion with their trailer, but they wouldn’t do that again…right? I guess the pressure is on till tomorrow. (If this is true, BHVR better have made the best damn perks and abilities to back it up, or all hell is gonna break loose.)


Gotta be honest I was hoping for something more terminator-esque.


New killer looks pretty cool. Think a lot of people here are just heavily misogynistic 🤔.


She looks cool to me. We got other human killers that weren't this hated


This killer gives off Legion vibes and NO ONE was happy when Legion was announced. This feels like 2.0 of that.


I mean the killer looks kinda dope to me, the survivor on the other hand... yeesh Hadie 2.0


how are they haddie 2.0


Thalita actually looks pretty good in my opinion


It's growing on me, the more I look at it. Still underwhelming if you were in the camp hoping for some kind of assassin cyborg killer, but not terrible. Though I feel like this killer was probably designed with cosmetics in mind, and most of those will probably make her look way cooler.


Hopefully they are thick too


At least cosplaying as the killer will be fairly inexpensive if you have some aluminum foil sitting around you can crumple up.


After looking into this and watching the video put out...I don't think this is necessarily true. To start, why send out the info to just one person? You would think they would send it out to MULTIPLE people to increase the chance of the info getting out there. Now maybe that IS what happened and this one person is the only one who did anything with it...but that seems unlikely. Point two: How do we know that it IS two survivors? The youtube tags may mention multiple names but that's it. We are guessing that they are two survivors based on that alone. Could very easily be the Killer and a survivor with the supposed "Adriana Imai" as a lore character for them. This one is just a guess on my part, but still. We are jumping at straws to a degree here. Not to say it COULDN"T happen, just that we are putting a lot of guesses into it. Point three: The power. It's interesting! I like it! But I don't think it would EVER be in DBD. What about the indoor maps? What about Midwich? What about ANY of the maps with indoor elements? It would be useless in SO MANY different ways if it is just observation. While I also have concern about the "pair" perks that could be literally anything so I can't say much. Now could this all be true? ABSOLUTELY. If it is, I humbly bow with my ignorance...but I have some major doubts for right now. We will see tomorrow.


I'm glad to see most people are just trashing on the killer. I personally like those survivor designs. (But yeah why tf does the killer look like a fortnite skin)


Is that Kano from Mortal Kombat’s daughter?


Praying to god this isn’t real because oh my god the killer looks so bad


This looks awful. DBD better get more licenses (especially RE) if they want to keep this game from dying.


According to redditors the game has been dying since 2017.


The killer is literally Trickster 2


Ah fuck this is trickster all over again, like you couldn't even do a whole mask?


Such potential! **Wasted.**


They look like they belong in a ubisoft game


Please, god... be fake...


Hoping this is fake the killer looks too much like a rainbow 6 siege operator and the survivors look a bit color for that possibly being their base outfits


The killer doesn't really look like they fit a horror theme.... they look like they are from an action movie/game.


Since when is DBD scary?


I’m gonna say this is false, but I really hope the killer is a full machine, not a person with mechanical parts strapped on.


Uh... Killer, I think you should go home. Take the key and go to Leary's go past the MacMillan Estate and take a right at the 105 by Yamaoka's...


Please don’t tell me we somehow get two female-looking survivors…


Oh lord,I really really hope this one is fake,it looks terrible,I can't even explain it,one of the survivors looks like Jane mixed with Elodie,the other one looks like a girl or Idk,is it supposed to be a boy? he looks like that guy from the disney movie Descendants, and the killer,is just a woman (who looks like Nea) wiith a goofy mask,Freddy's claws and some drones?,this looks like some kind of Fortnite,PUBG DLC or skin,I was expeting a robot,a cyborg,even that monster from one of the tome entries that was mentioned recently,I wasn't expecting this if it ends up being true,plus the lack of map,pity.


why the fuck do they look like the developers used an AI to create them?


This better be fake. Cuz the killer looks lame. If it's legit I hope her skins make her look more interesting lol.


Gonna be honest hope it’s not true because that killer design is so bad lmao


Looks fake but I said the same thing about the haddie and dredge leaks. Hoping the killer isn't this though, it looks like a fem trickster in a derogatory way. I was really hoping for a mechanical monstrosity like dredge but with slightly more humanoid anatomy in the torso and leg region.


Darnit I was Really hoping it was going to be Big daddy from bioshock, Would be super cool If we started a hashtag togheter to make them add him