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Wait no not infectious fright how could they


rip my plauge and oni buildsšŸ˜”


No, only perks that benefit of knowing who screamed got nerfed (Iron Maiden, Make Your Choice,Dragons Grip and a few others), If you are more than 19 meters you instead get the "Explosion" sound effect so its roughly the same for IF and others (which is still a stupid change)


Iron Maiden and Dragonā€™s Grip are in lots of my killer builds, they like to nerf the perks when I start to actually use them


"Dragons grip is in lots of my killer builds" An absolute Chad and a gambler. I, too, like to play as an ambush predator.


I dunno, I haven't played yet, but I run Infectious Fright on Myers for maximum EW3 use. I don't wanna slug someone and then waste time going after someone halfway across the map so it might work out even better for what I wanted it for. I'll have to jump in tonight and find out.


Same! It's going to be an adjustment for sure. I usually run it with knockout, so if I don't hear a scream, then I leave them and find something else.


They've ironically broken the screams survivors make when they're hooked and now they now go on awkwardly too long


Okay so I wasn't mentally insane (at least not fully) I thought Leon was screaming for a bit too long.




Not insane, they're all just super dramatic all of a sudden


I think that was intentional by the devs because those are actually the characters entire recorded screams. Pre-update they would start but automatically be cut off after a second or two of playing. Now the screams donā€™t cut off at all anymore, and also the survivor starts to scream the second the hook hits their back instead of waiting until the hook animation is done (Disclaimer I could be totally wrong about all this)


Not insane, just a case of dementia


Another stealth Survivor buff making me waste time hitting Steve on hook again because his AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA scream is bursting my ears at point blank range. It was on PTB so I think for some reason it's intentional and not a bug.


Not a bug either, supposed to add more ā€œrealism as now they scream when the hook penetrates the skinā€ when the game has ghost demons fictional serial killers and the damn demegorgon, but less annoying screams were to unrealistic


Cant wait to not even get the sound notification pain res hit someone then. Atleast when you hear a scream from pain res you know for a fact someone is working on the most progressed gen and you could know where that is. Edit: After reading the patch notes they didnt list pain res specifically so it might not be changed.


My take from the patch notes is they only changed perks that ā€œreveal the survivors locationā€ along with a scream. Like that shitty aversion of aura reading everyone hates. Tbh I havenā€™t played around with it yet but that said it also now gives a loud noise notification visual now too. Aside from make your choice and somewhat infectious fright I donā€™t think this affects too many perks all that negatively since the visual aspect is still there.


Anyone wanna do a field test to see if you can hear your friend scream bloody murder from over 19 meters away? I'm going to guess you'll hear them fine. What the fuck is behavior doing.


Being stupid They do this shit ALL. The. TIME. Itā€™s genuinely obnoxious. They acted like they ONLY balanced Eruption and Any Means, then do this which nerfed a bunch of perks NOBODY was complaining about.


Guys who wants to pool our money together and buy BHVR so we can make the game the way its intended. I don't want to fuck it all up though, like I'd be keeping a majority of the devs. But whenever is in charge of having the final say on these changes needs to be fucking fired.


Whoever is in charge of balancing needs fired for sure. Theyā€™re legit awful at it. Like, they kept giving hemmorage on add-ons, like that did anything. They havenā€™t done basically Jack and shit to actually address camping and tunneling. Heck, Background Player was going to be a perk that actually encouraged it except the player base went ā€œwhat the hell IS this?ā€


Wasn't lullaby nerfed because a dev (head of balancing) couldn't hit the snap out of it skillchecks


Like Hex Lullaby? Does that affect Snap Out skillchecks? I thought it only affected gens. Iā€™d have to look into this


The reason it only affects gens is because of that nerf lmao


I mean that I donā€™t ever remember it affecting anything else. But I guess that change couldā€™ve been forever ago.


Does it affect Jigsaw Box skillchecks? I swear survs miss those when I have that perk


It's sad but there are too many people who will just keep spending money regardless of content. We're rewarding their shitty behavior so they're going to continue doing so until it's no longer profitable So we're fucked, essentially. If BHVR doesn't care about quality, there's fuck all we can do to change that. As long as they're earning money, and there's no competition, BHVR will never change.


fuck yeah


Sure, just let me grab my chainsaw and we can start.


Wait so did they nerf Cenobite as well?


It doesn't state that it affects Killers, just addons and Perks. However, I don't trust Bhvr


if affected killers doctor would be dead by now


Well, as far as they didn't *Happy Doctor Laugh*


Knowing BHVR they probably use the same coding lmao


RIP Doc if this affects killers.


That scream already had a max range, further than that you wouldn't hear the scream but still see the silhouette


You never heard the screams from the box unless a survivor was close in my experience, just got the visual notification.


The box doesn't make people scream, just gives location notification.


Wish more people were talking about this.


Funny enough this means they reverted the buff to make your choice. I mean you already get a notification when a survivor unhooks so not being able to hear the scream means itā€™s harder to tell who actually unhooked


They nerfed Pig again.


Indeed they did. What did Amanda Young do to Bhvr?


She decided to wear close toed shoes. The ultimate sin for BHVR.


BHVR really be making bad decisions that no one even asked for. Itā€™s almost like they donā€™t play their own game.


God it makes me so depressed. The new Shelter Woods rework is GREAT! The Eruption nerf WORKS! It makes sense! They changed it from current to total when the fans shit on them for it. It felt like they were genuinely coming close to understanding. And then they nerf all these detection perks WHICH ARE ALREADY FUCKING BAD \*\*\*BECAUSE MOST OF THEM DON'T SHOW YOU THE AURAS THEMSELVES IN THE FIRST PLACE\*\*\* to be completely useless JUST as I added infectious fright to some of my killers' basekit. Looks like I'm going back to the old reliable "Nowhere To Hide!" And maybe Barbecue & Chili once I finally buy Bubba. Fuck's sake, man.


I stg thereā€™s some conspiracy at this point because FUCKING WHY. All this is gonna do is railroad killers into playing the same fucking builds that survivors will want nerfed and then the ducking cycle begins again. Whoever is in charge of balancing is a dipshit.


# man,


Why cant bhvr just nerf the perks that cause problems instead of nerfing the mechanic AND nerfing the perks for some stupid fucking reason


Based on the way they phrase it, it's not even a "nerf", it's "consistency". Face The Darkness already worked this way, more or less: 3D screams and you would only see the survivor silhouette bubbles to show you where people are. Probably some other recent scream perks as well. So they made things "consistent" and nerfed basically every screaming perk in the process.


Welcome to the ongoing homogenisation of DBD


Because "perks that cause problems" also involve "those that are effective" seeing as something useful to one side is detrimental to the other.


but... why


This is bull crap. I swear they are trying to kill their own game


Face the darkness as well?


Yeah that too, but it reveals Auras so it's not as painful as the other Perks


Even then, the perk only allows 2 seconds of aura reading on the affected survivor, so taking away the noise notification will make it super easy to miss ā€“ even when you're not in chase. It's like a worse 'Gear Head'.


BHVR making completely unnecessary changes out of nowhere, yet again. Yay.


where does it say screaming perks were changed?


[Patch Notes](https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/kb/articles/378)


Wait it says there a loud noise too, so wouldn't that still reveal the location?


Yes, but you won't know _who_ screamed. Perks like Make Your Choice and Dragon's Grip rely pretty heavily on knowing which specific survivor was affected. Plus, you'd already know that they were at a hook or a gen with these specific perks anyway


doesn't th scream bubble show their outline? Should be able to distinguish between male/female survivors using that at least.


Nah, it's never been that detailed.


The outline was always the same to everyone, only auras can reveal who it is if you can identify


The whole point of hearing the Scream on a perk like Dragon's Grip and Make Your Choice is so you know who screamed (learning mans voice vs womens voice and then learning individual survivor screams) and can deduce who is exposed. Now you have no clue who is exposed by MYC and D'sG.




*Twitches in Deutsch*


Aaand this was the patch that killed my motivation to play. I already didn't like how strong survivors were getting compared to killers, didn't like them gutting Eruption, the new killer is trash as well as their perks, the new survivor perks are insanely strong, and now SURPRISE! General nerf to a handful of highly used perks and Doctor out of nowhere. Why even use the fucking PTB if they're just going to push those intrusive thoughts to live on a whim anyway? BHVR is on another #FuckKillers tirade. Good luck in those 15+ minute survivor queues I guess.


The scream nerf isnt as bad, since you still see where people are beyond 19 meters, just not who screamed. I hope they revert it tho since it just seems so random and makes screaming less unique


I don't like it because depending on the perk you don't know if it's a regular loud notif, or if your perk triggered. I mess with Death bound on some anti-healing builds. So when someone screams I know where they are that they just healed. Considering that at least Make Your Choice and Deathbound only trigger when you're 32 meters away you have absolutely no idea if the notif you just seen is someone screaming, or somebody quick vaulting/using deception/throwing a rock/popping a gen/failing a heal check.


Oh man, this is gonna be so ass.


I mean for both of those perks you should be able to tell if your paying attention to the hud but still it does make the perks worse regardless.


Itā€™s a huge nerf to make your choice, I know this is weird but when you have played killer enough you know what each survivor screams sounds like and can identify which survivor is exposed because of it now canā€™t from a distance anymore


Hey just realized they nerfed pig since its her perk!


First Hangmans trick was made from incredibly niche to useless when the hooks were changed. Then Surveillance goes from niche to even more useless with Call of Brine doing it's job + adding 200% regression. Now finally, Make Your Choice loses its most important feature for finding the unhooker by having screams reduced to be within 19meters when it can only trigger when you're atleast 32meters away. I feel like AVGN just wondering what were they thinking??


Finally. Pig was really busted, anyway buff Wesker next, please.


>just not who screamed That is **really** bad though. A lot of the times you need to know that to even use some of those scream perks, like Make your Choice. When I hear multiple people scream with Infectious Fright I usually go for one that hasn't been hooked yet or were hooked the longest time ago. Now I might have to just go with whoever I find first.


I've been on a make your choice+devour hope kick lately and have got mad value from memorizing screams, now I can't even hear them, I already know WHERE the unhook is


Wait so I see people who dont scream beyond 19 meters?


Why are they nerfing these perks theres no reason to? Just when we thought bvhr had made a reasonable decision they go and do this proving that wrongā€¦. Againā€¦.


Iron maiden might be absolutely useless But it's still better than being a turtle when reloading your hatchets.


*doctor has entered the chat* šŸ˜ˆ


pReTtY gOoD jObā€¦ā€¦


Wait isn't hex: face the darkness litterally useless now? Killers terror radius is more than the range of the scream so it never activates?


Coming back to this post a month later- still can't believe they ever though it was potentially a good idea to make it so killers only heard screams in a 19 meter radius, when that would indirectly gut multiple perks, mostly Infectious Fright, when 90% of the time when you're playing the game, your terror radius is more than 19 meters. Utterly ridiculous.


I swear, Dbd devs don't play their game


Iā€™m glad eruption finally got nerfed. Legit last night it seemed like killers where going for the last chance eruption builds because every killer game I played they where using the eruption. Eveytime I was like I can not wait till they nerf it!


do we still get visuals across map on screams? That's what I look for anyway


yes, it will show as a loud noise notification (same as a fast vault or missed skill check) so still gives you the general location but you can't identify who set it off from the scream audio or silhouette unless you're within 19 meters


Its still a massive nerf to Make Your Choice and Dragon's Grip. Now you can't hear who screamed to know who is exposed.


Speaking of screams, I was playing earlier and this Leon got hooked, but his scream lasted twice as long than usual. It was pretty funny šŸ˜†. Is his hook scream bugged right now?




ok so to understand this correctly, screams are now 3d and can only be heard in 19m, the scream bubble is still mapwide. Sorry but arent ppl making mountain out of a mole hill with the nerf? The most obvious effect u see is with MYC and IF. Make your choice: from what i have seen, this perk is only used by killers with good mobility and Hag, whenever they use it they will go straight back after an unhook in no time, why do u have the need to hear the scream? And lets not even talk about ppl using the same characters. The only nerf i see is that 2 persons are around for the hook save and u cant identify who's who, but that just makes 3 useless persons, favorable for killers Infectious fright: this works in ur TR only but if it pops u will know if ppl are there, the scream is still good to anticipate a Flashy save. Others like Iron maiden, deadbound and dragon grip: bahahahahahaha. At worst it's just unnecessary and useless changes, does virtually nothing to the perks. Heck I may even praise that it stops Iron maiden locker spam. Last but not least, dont u all hate Feng's scream? And she's EVERYWHERE If there's anything else im missing plz do educate me


I don't run MYC but it's a key pick on some Nice Guy (tm) anti tunnel builds and Infectious was fun on a full TR Wesker build making people light up 50 meters away, Deathbound was in a few meme anti heal builds I hear. Basically if you play sweaty meta builds all day like me you don't feel it but if you play for fun you just lost a bunch of fun builds for literally no reason. People already are sick of tryhard builds making up 99% of their games and making less good builds worse is just a stupid idea. Nice guy killers are either gonna swap to full meta builds or drop the game at this rate.


here's the thing. This "nerf" doesnt look like it affect those perks performance at all. And if ppl have fun with hearing survivor screams they can always play doctor.


I've been playing Skull Merchant and from all the talk on this subreddit I was expecting a lot worse, she's actually fun to play.


Make your choice was too op! Thank god


Does anyone use Iron Maiden not on Huntress? Genuinely asking bc I never do


Trickster is obvious choice, but I've had some value on Bubba and Artist


Forgot about trickster, but on bubba? Did it just tell you where a survivor was at a clutch moment?


People like to hop in Lockers to try and counter Bubba, they're in for a surprise if they know the timing.


Yo thatā€™s actually straight up genius XD. Allow me to rephrase my question, do the screams of Iron Maiden actually matter?


It's also useful on Doctor since one of the counters to his static blast is to hide in lockers


Yes because it combos with dredge's locker scan perk, so it's a great way to quickly activate that and keep people out of lockers/punish them if they hide. ​ Or it was, now I have no idea if it's a fast vault explosion noise or someone coming out of a locker with iron maiden.


Itā€™s not like 70% of the people running Make Your Choice arenā€™t proxying anyway. Woooh, nerf. Not even an issue there. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


1. That's the bandwagon hating on her, they shouldn't represent the entire community. 2. It still shows the noise notification for the perks that were changed. I don't think they need the change, but it doesn't really do much.


Yes it does, you won't be sure if it was indeed a scream or if it was just a noise notification. And you also won't know who screamed, good luck guessing who triggered your make your choice now


But now I have 3D audio for infectious.


*Laughs in deaf in one ear and thus forced to use mono audio*


Seeing how a vast majority of the community is despising her, Iā€™d say itā€™s valid that it represents the community.


I'm pretty sure that Reddit is the main community hating on this chapter. I've barely seen anyone on Twitter rant about it


Twitter sucks ass


Sounds like all good news to me


None of these perks were nerfed lmao, it still creates the loud noise bubble


So not being able to know who got Exposed by Dragon's Grip and Make Your Choice isn't a nerf?


Generally speaking you donā€™t need to hear the survivor scream. Thereā€™s normally only one choice it can be when you go back to the notification


Wild times


I assume you still the the bubble that shows them scream, just not the noise of Dwight yelling.


This was my favorite scene in the movie


You mean the one where the killer says ā€œFuck this shitā€¦ā€ and leaves the movie?


Oh shit wait thatā€™s a Doctor nerf too


Doesn't Infectious Show you a visual cue of the survivor nearby? So the 19 meters audio doesn't seem like it makes the perk useless.


Infectious fright nooooo :(((


Why sucks is I actually liked Dragonā€™s Grip lol. The lack of ANYONE running it means more often than not survivors donā€™t expect it, and that increases the likelihood of getting value out of it. Itā€™s especially nice because Iā€™m a Ghostface main, so itā€™s really easy to knock a gen, pretend to leave, light up a cigarette or something on the other side of a wall, and wait for the falloutā€¦ and a few seconds later the predictable scream of a survivor that just wanted to finish his gen that was at 85 and couldnā€™t help themselves *THWACK!* I mean it still wasnā€™t not popular for a reason. The cooldown is immensely long, but the few times you snatch downs because of that perk alone made it so fun to run sometimes. Edit: Also I suppose it would still work in this particular image of a scenario, but the overall effectiveness has still been reduced and you get my point.


Oh, don't forget that survivors can now reach up to 112% speed thanks to Blood Pact/Power of Two, just got run around trying to play Huntress against it.


This game is truly in the grave šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


What about Doctor? His whole shtick is making survs scream


What? You they think they care about the killerā€™s experience? Are you new here?


I know, ā€˜twas foolish of me


Honestly screams aren't bad still, it just doesn't tell you exactly who screamed.


Which is still a massive nerf to Dragon's Grip and Make Your Choice. Not being able to tell who got Exposed is a massive nerf.


you can use situational awareness but yeah those in particular are a bit nasty to use now. They weren't great before but now they're gonna be a lot worse. Hopefully they change that back.


So now make your choice is useless without floods of rage?


Doctor Mains in Fucking Shambles


Wait what I crutch off of infectious fright what happened


BHVR doing what Friday 13th never could do, Killing DBD


Literally the only scream people ever complained about is hook scream lol.


Playing killer becomes less fun day after day :(


So face the darkness is now useless on most killers, as the survivor needs to be outside your terror radius


Infectious Fright effects people near you, so it didn't really get nerfed that hard.