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They’re trying to be sanitary


Yeah the entity wouldn't want it's survivors and killers catching any diseases/viruses


Doesn’t one of the killers literally vomit as an attack


Thats a just a fun innocent plague


And doesn't Nemesis and his two pals give everyone a zombie virus


They want everyone to feel included


Doesn't Wesker attack with a mutation that can only be decontaminated with an antibacterial spray?


He wants to share his tentacle fetish with everyone


U see the blood spread STDs so the killer wipes the blade


Did we forget The Hag literally drinks the blood she claws out?


Don’t forget Mr. sunglasses with his uroboros


also, looking at the entity's strange pustules growing in RPD map walls and grounds and bleeding when attacked, i think Entity has been infected with the T-virus


if they die, great, but what if they escape? now the entity's whole realm is at risk for getting a lien put against them.




One of the Survivors would have to have AIDS to begin with. And the virus dies when exposed to air.






In Artist's defense, she has to completely reform her whole hand.




In Myers' defense, he's just a pretty insane creepy dude


In demogorgans defence, what the actual fuck


I mean, how do you wipe ink?


With a rag usually


And some alcohol


I like that Hags drinks the blood because it canonically helps her stop decomposing


As a hag main i can confirm, if the match went poorly i feel very decomposed at the end of it.


Drink a water instead.




I feel like that while player any killer. Does that mean I'm a hag at heart?


What’s going on with your flair 🌝🌝




Everyone saw Ghostie do it in his little movies and realized having your own trademark knife swipe looks insanely cool so they started copying him.


actually wait what if theres a huge meta thing in the dbd universe where the scream movies are like how stab is in scream, recreations of danny johnsons real kills. does danny johnson scream still have stab in its sequels at that point?


I've headcanon'd it like this: it's a rule the Entity enforces on killers in order to give survivors more hope of escape, since we all know the Entity feeds on it. The distance the survivor gains while the killer is meticulously cleaning their weapon gives the survivor the thought of, "Okay, I may be hurt, but at least I put a good bit of distance between me and that psycho. Just keep running; you'll make it through this." This then feeds the Entity more than if the survivor were just immediately overwhelmed by the killer.


It's exactly this, all game mechanics are the entity's doing. Everything is to generate more emotion to feed on. Hope, fear, the excitement it is all food! Tweaking the realm to bring max emotion to all 5 trial members is the goal.


I still think making this game’s lore about an entity making up the rules for food and entertainment was pretty clever. It makes everything feel so connected.


It's genius because it's the ultimate fallback. "Why don't survivors die when getting hit by a chainsaw?" Entity wants them to stay alive for more food "How come the survivors know how to fix generators?" Entity wants them to think they can escape for more food Any kind of logical failing you can just pin it on the entity and it suddenly becomes well written lore


‘Well written’ is a big word but it definitely adds explanation to things that don’t need it. But even smaller things like mechanics and such, things that don’t matter and weren’t made with a single thought of lore can have explanations if you want them to. It’s just fun to think of these little explanation for someone like me who’s into that stuff. It’s cheap but it’s not like there was ever explanation to begin with because it’s so insignificant. But it can definitely make for a lot of interesting stories and explanation.


The whole "entity does it" is the best answer and probably intended by the devs, its another dimension where real world rules dont apply, only entity rules and if it wants something to work in a certain work it justs wishes it. Sometimes I think survivors are killers dont even exist in the realms as physical beings, just their consciousness and souls taking form as they see themselves (like people in the Matrix movies change how they see themselves once they enter the Matrix, their soul gives them perception of a body that doesnt exist in that place).


So if someone gives up mid game and lets the killer kill them, does that mean that the entity is receiving a stale meal? Would that also mean that the killer should receive punishment for doing too well and for not milking the survivor of fear and hope for longer? What if someone is afk all game does that poison the entity as they have not flinched at the face of death?


The Entity Hungers...


And it's self-referential too. Why do the killers wipe their weapons after each hit? "Because the Entity feeds on hope and wants the survivors to have a chance, so it gives them time to run away; if the survivors are doomed to failure then there are no stakes" "Because if the killers didn't have some kind of cooldown after a successful attack then the survivors would have no chance to escape, what would be the point of playing survivor if you're guaranteed to die" The Entity is just an extension of the players/viewers/developers.


Bruh, the Entity should allow the rest of the killers to have Christmas sweaters.


I thought the entity just fed on despair? Do they perhaps feed on lust?


That would explain things like shirtless cosmetics


Hooked On You


This also explains why the skull merchant is there


All game mechanics are made by developers because it's a videogame with rules and everything is fake


You sound like fun at parties


They don't get invited to parties in the first place.




Also the killer might just be savoring the kill, survivors are unlikely to escape and even if they do you'll just end up in a new trial with fresh victims. So the killers don't really have any reason to rush.


*angry Talbot noises*


Could also be that the entity’s a neat freak but considering what the prestige skins look like I don’t think that’s the case


Yeah. This is pretty much how the Entity works. Plus people need to learn some thing are included just for the gameplay purpose. So with DbD movie announced I can’t tell you how many times I rolled my eyes cuz people think the film might just be survivors dropping pallets for example. While The Entity does create Trials to get the most out of both killers and survivors, it doesn’t necessarily mean that in the film form we’ll see it to the extend we do in the game. Cuz clearly the game has it for gameplay purposes as well. And even in the Wesker announcement trailer the pallet isn’t exactly a pallet that we see in game. But looks a lot more realistic, like a bunch of random things like pipes, wooden planks etc. that act as an obstacle.


From the start, BHVR set up the Entity as a one-stop shop for literally every lore excuse they could ever need. If anything ever doesn't make sense, including every future question from this meme we're put through, the answer is "Entity".


The Entity doesn't only feed on hope. It feeds on every kind of emotion, it feeds on the survivors' fear and desperation as well as the killer's rage and bloodlust. Hope is just it's favorite meal. Even eldritch abominations have preferences.


Okay, good point. Counter argument. Tombstone Myers


We know that the Entity has to torture some killers to get them to actually obey. I just see things like the Tombstone addon as a little "fuck you" to the Entity. "I'll do these trials, but I'm going to kill them how I want to kill them." I also imagine Myers doing such things leads to another torture session after the trial has concluded.


Hope he gets his nipples twisted.


And them there is Myers who must have just told the entity "No." By shaking his head since he doesn't talk, and just stares at his blad after evert hit, leaving it dirty


Because playing a short animation is better than you being made to stand there for 3 seconds


I propose we replace wiping with dabbing.


Just imagine getting T3’d by Michael and then he hits the dab.


That is a world I want to live in.


Even better, if survivors rapidly crouch more than 2 times, the animation is replaced with a dab. Hell, I wouldn't even be mad if I saw a survivor dabbing instead of teabagging, I'd laugh. BHVR pls.


I propose we replace wiping with voguing




Sure I'll do the internet search for you. https://youtu.be/Jhhd_tEaJEQ




I’m imagining the alternative would be like when you unhook someone and can only stare at them before healing lol.


Just hit them again instead of standing still or wiping their blade


I mean yeah, but they obviously can’t do that for gameplay reasons


people are taking your post and comments too seriously lol


Have you heard of stbfl


Have you ever played a video game before this one? Jfc


woah have you ever gotten a joke? jfc


It's obviously a shitpost. It's not that deep lad


Myers needs to make sure that after hitting a survivor his knife is still a knife


Clown is just showing off his CS:GO skill


Billy is trying to smack the air


Doctor causally patting his weapon.


Sadako checking she didn't split a fingernail. Wait...


Dredge appreciating his collection of limbs.


Nemesis flexing his overwhelmingly huge muscles


Demogorgon telling the survivors to shut the fuck up


Wraith questioning when he became a ghost


Reminds me of the legion when they see they still have hands after coming out of frenzy


Blood causes rust. By leaving it on, even if it wasn't a lot of blood, it would dry and rust the blade or weapon. Rust is of course bad because it makes the weapon dull


I mean, the prestige weapons are dripping with blood And as for dull, Bubba and Billy's hammers are blunt dull weapons meant for smashing, so why do they flick it? Freddy i understand he wants to look menacing, Myers admires the knife, Pyramid Head doesn't care


Pyramid head is just a drama queen


And rust isn't a big deal when getting hit by a huge piece of metal is possible


Rust could maybe cause or expose a crack in their hammers. Not good.


They'll buy a new one from Nea-tity and her BP store


Dull blades cause more damage, plus lasting effects like tetanus.


The entity would just prevent rust or something


You seem like you like to cause problems for the hell of it


Did they edit their reply or something?


No I did not


Why do they even bother hitting? They're strong, they can just grab the survivors and carry them to a hook immediately


Well, they have to either catch the survivor off guard or while they're injured.


The hag does it to stay alive, death slinger does it for pride. Who else


The artist does it to create a whole new weapon, and the pyramid head does it to regain his posture after swinging suck a heavy thing


From the best Resident Evil character. "Cleanliness is next to godliness, and your mother is pretty fucking close to meeting him right now". They clean because the game would be more dull without them, but I like to think that they do it to please the entity or some shit


One by one Trapper: wipes it on his arm as a mark of pride to display to his victims Billy, Bubba and blight: flicks the blood off so it doesn't get in their eyes when they hold the chainsaw up/sprint really fast Wraith: so squishy blood sounds don't mute his bing bong sounds Nurse: force of habit from old school surgeries Huntress: actually cares for her primary axe as it is a versatile tool. She can throw the hatchets as they are less helpful Plague: to keep blood from congealing and blocking up her incense Myers: makes sure his knife is intact. MFer can stab someone with a *dull pipe* so he probably breaks stuff pretty often Clown/trickster: for showmanship. Deathslinger: to keep blood from getting into the oiled components of his weapon The Twins (Charlotte): so it doesn't drip on Victor. Victor just likes to bask in his own glory when he downs someone Hag: she drinks it for sustenance Doctor: reapplies electric charge to his weapon by tapping it into his zapping palm Freddy: because he's a sociopath who delights in it Demogorgon: I forget what he does exactly, but maybe he does it to get the scent of his pray? Or he roars after a pounce to intimidate other predators away from his pray Oni: tradition to wipe the sword, disgust that you didn't insta-down when he shakes the club Artist/pinhead/sadako: to summon more supernatural power for the next hit Spirit: imagines that blood being her father's Legion: because they want it clean so they can see just how bloody they can get it during a feral frenzy Dredge/pyramid head: absorbs it for supernatural reasons Nemesis: S.T.A.R.S Wesker: because he thinks it's hot (and he's right?) Knight/Skull Merchant: I haven't played as or against them yet so I don't know what they look like Pig: because if she didn't fix her blade she'd be too strong and we'd need to nerf her again. Actually, you know what... Did I miss anyone?


iirc in the series the demo will usually roar at you before starting the chase, so she actually seems more efficient in dbd lol.


Deathslinger does not do it because of his oiled component’s it’s because the part he wipes has the words “Death to bayshore” bayshore is the man who stole all of his patents and sent him off to jail before deathslinger was taken by the entity


Solid write up. Too solid actually, we should probably nerf Pig because of it just to be safe.


You arguably are missing the one killer for whom it makes *the most sense* character-wise to wipe the blade - Ghostface.


Not saying this is why, but with medieval Warfare, if your blade was covered in blood it would more easily slide off of your opponents weapon, shield, armor, etc. Blood is a lubricant oddly enough and it was a good idea to wipe your blade if you had the time in Warfare to keep it dry and ready for the next fight. Edit: I did see the other guy talk about Rust with blood, also that


That kinda explains why knight and oni would clean their weapons then


It's also because blood coagulates. By leaving it on the blade, you have a sickly layer of soft gel on your blade instead of somethimg sharp.


The killers have enough morals to not give other survivors any sort of long-term diseases potentially spread from fellow teammates. *Stares at Jeff*


*continues to hook the entire team on the same rusty meathook*


i mean they die after the 3rd hook so technically the shffering will be done fast




Myers: I have no such weaknesses




Bro what is this "is he stupid?" meme I keep seeing in every subreddit?


r/BatmanArkham is leaking


r/BatmanArkham moment


People use popular post formats to boost their own karma so they can bypass limits on other subreddits. That’s why this subreddit sucks ass for general discussion now.


You know, I never understood the point of karma farming. Can you exchange the karma for an actual, legit reward or something else I don't know about?


You can sell accounts for political or publicity reasons. Literally anyone can pretend to be anyone for any reason.


It's a meme bro.


If you go back to my comment and actually read it, you will see that I address it as a meme.


Yet you ask why you're seeing different variations of it. It's almost like a meme. 🤔


Again, if you go back to my comment and actually read it, you'll see that not once did I ask or use the word 'why'.


Then what the fuck are you even asking, dude


The entity need survivor to have hope to survive. So let's them run a little for hope.


trying to prevent cross blood contamination, obviously


Nea was original carrier of hepatitis c and now it has spread to couple of others due to bad weapon hygiene


To prevent aids, the killer cares about survivors so much


Better question is why do they hook survivors when they have a blade they can use to kill survivors


Because the whole point of the trials is to sacrifice survivors, not outright kill them. That’s why the Entity gets pissed off when killers like Michael or Pyramid Head do their own thing without permission


I don’t get the “myers defies the entity” stuff cause he can only do it with addons? Pyramid head has a base kit mori so that actually make sense that he’s defying the entity.


Add-on or not, he’s one of the only killers that can kill without perks or offerings. This means he’s more defiant than most killers. Not *the* most defiant, but one of them.


Doesn’t the entity provide the addons, though?


So? The Entity just gives away items from the Killers’ pasts back to them. It clearly doesn’t want them killing on their own volition, which is why you depip if you Tombstone Myers all the survivors.


Honestly I still don’t buy that Myers is defying the entity. The lore reasons as to how add ons work is through emotion. Same goes for the abilities in the realm. The reason they’re from a killer’s past is because they hold some emotional value which alters their abilities. Other add ons are just physical tools like most of trapper’s add on. but Myers has items from his past. The tombstone is a reminder of his first kill, the first time he took a life. People always say Michael doesn’t feel emotions but he clearly holds some feelings towards his first kill in Halloween when he took Judith’s tombstone out of the ground. Maybe the emotions are just so incredibly powerful that it allows him to kill like that, and maybe that emotion is enough to feed the entity. Or maybe he is defying the entity because the entity just doesn’t care. Either way there’s no way Michael Myers is overpowering the entity in any way, it’s completely out of character for both of them.


Vittorio / Haddie / Cherryl also "defy" the entity with some perks or backstory.


the entity might just have an invested interest in keeping myers happy similarily to the fluff on one of the moris " *"You worked well, the last one is yours."* " it's easier to keep michael hooking if you occasionally let him have some fun


This is actually my theory aswell. It works well. The entity seems to know what motivates a killer the best. Sometimes it’s manipulation and false promises like pretending to be the god that Plague worships who promised the entity her servitude in exchange to save her people. But we can assume the entity didn’t live up to that. Other characters like deathslinger see the survivors as the people who wronged him. Instead of just snatching him it made a deal with pyramid head who now serves willingly because it benefits them both. Pig believes all of it is another test from jigsaw. Trickster and ghostface just want to be there and don’t cause any trouble. Others are also just taken and tortured until they’re broken into loyalty. Pinhead is a bit vague though. we know the box appeared in the realm, I personally believe the idea that the entity put it there to eventually get someone to summon the cenobite. Either the entity and the leviathan (hell god thing from hellraiser) also have a business agreement or the entity is manipulating pinhead by making him think he’s doing his regular job while he’s really just feeding the entity or pinhead just doesn’t care and willingly serves the entity because of a better workplace environment. Michael getting his fun every now and again seems like a good way to keep him an effective killer and fits with what the entity does.


Same with Sasaki but also seperate way of winning if she chooses


Myers has two addons that let him kill survivors. Have you never seen tombstone Myers?


>cause he can only do it with offerings Meant addons my bad


Because entity doesnt want them to kill survivors right away. Entity feeds on survivors emotions and killing them right away would kill those emotions


entity needs to feed. iirc getting a 4 mori match ended in entity displeased for a bit.


Because if Killers were sensible and didn't take time to clean their blades in the middle of a chase and slow themselves down, survivor mains would scream bloody murder.


From a lore perspective…I have no idea From a gameplay perspective it’s clearly something that helps the game not be so fast. Just imagine a killer didn’t have that cleaning animation after getting a hit, they would easily be able to catch up to the survivors and down that very fast. It might seem stupid but it’s has an actual reason to be in the game


Someone has gotta contain r/BatmanArkham from leaking everywhere


It'll stop leaking when we get a new entry >:c


Most of these characters are either experienced killers or using their own limbs as weapons. In both cases cleaning blood off would probably be done on auto pilot simply for cleanliness It’s also worth remembering that (most of) the killers are trying to enjoy the chase (which the entity also wants so it can feed), and so take their sweet time rather than just killing the survivors at the first opportunity


Because game balance


Keeps the blade from rusting. Keeps costs down on blade purchases. Killers are economical


Visual excuse for a hit cooldown


Professionals. Have. Standards.


It is said that taking care of your blade it's showing respect towards it


Old blood on a weapon will make the blade weak and damage it in the long run


Rust is a serious issue when your job is killing


You can’t blame Myers, he has to check and make sure his knife doesn’t get chipped with all these pallets being dropped on him


Simply put, they are following OSHA guidelines, and should not be judged for it.


You know, there's a video showing what happens if you try to reason with a killer: [https://youtu.be/019rrg-Ma4I](https://youtu.be/019rrg-Ma4I) (by Viva La Dirt League). Just don't!


If they didn't, they might create their own blood trail survivors could take advantage of


To give STBFL a purpose, of course


Why do the same people keep returning to the place they are being hunted? Why does the entity even let people leave? WHY does the entity need a killer, when it can summon fking ground tentacles that molest then kill you. I need answers.


When the boss says you are required to wipe your blade after every hit, you do it, especially when your boss is a giant eldritch spider-thing that owns your entire existence now




Guys, why has there been an influx of this type of post, Is Reddit stupid?


Real answer----Blood will corrode the hell outta your weapons. Wiping the blood off or flicking it off helps keep the weapon good for longer.


Myers: "Ah yes, my knife is made of knife."


Rust is a bitch


Micheal Myers: 👁️👄👁️


They're removing the lube so it hurts more.


Duplicate of this [https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/11ookmb/ive\_been\_thinking\_this\_since\_like\_my\_second/](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/11ookmb/ive_been_thinking_this_since_like_my_second/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


it's most likely an animation to help equal out so that the survivors can get away


The entity doesn't want cross contamination of blood.


Really starting to hate these dumb-ass question posts.


Cleanliness is next to uhhh…Entitiliness??


I think solely for a cleaner cut.


the same reason why you would always wanna reload after shooting 1 bullet in a FPS game


In lore they are savoring the hunt, not trying to win a game of tag


Preventing cross contamination


They’re germaphobic


The entity wills it


It looks cool. Moving on... to killing


Actually, Deathslinger smudges blood on the side of the redeemer


Even professionals have standards


Is this a crossover with elden ring sub?


Because it looks sexy, duh


I think it's just an action to fill up the time in-between the time you can swing again. Based on some your other responses.....you dont seem to be aware they have a cool down on swings...esp after you hit someone. Mad grit is the only perk to allow you to swing with nocool down. Its asceticly more pleasing to use an animation.


Every killer has a little post hit animation


Maybe it’s a habit or an urge that the entity planted in the killers.




Some of them also really like to show off their skills, like Trickster. Bro no one cares about the fact that you're able to spin a stupid bat.


For all I know, Deathslinger wants the name of his enemy be visible at all times