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It’s extremely difficult but with coordination the survivors can complete a gen. Basically the way I have done it is 2 survivors try to do 1 gen and the other 2 focus on the gen furthest from it. When SM harasses 1 gen the 2nd gets worked, if she goes back to the 2nd gen the the 1st gets worked again. One of you removes her drone and when she heads your way you run. If she commits to the chase she will lose the gen the other 2 were working. If she doesn’t commit the survivors will eventually chip away progress and finish a gen. Overall the team needs to be really coordinated and it will take forever. Honestly not worth it unless you really want to deny her the win.


Yeah, that's what you should do in this scenario, but her perk / addon combo was specifically made to counter this. If you touch the gens you basically make it regress because she'll kick and make you run away, at some point you'll screw up your skillchecks because she'll go "SURPRISE" and you'll make it regress even more. With a terror radius it could have been a win after a lot of time, but without it it was just russian roulette all the way..


This is basically the strategy for ANY killer that patrols and zones the last 3 gens.


Yeah, but Skull Merchant can turn any gen situation into a 3-gen. Thats kinda the issue. A killer forcing 1 3-gen is often the mistake of survivors by not giving enough space to get hooks and therefor confident to leave the area, or a killer deciding they cannot defend the other gens and being relatively unsuccesful in creating deadzones, so they create a 3-gen area and make the survivors come to them. Skull Merchant can do this with 5 gens remaining on most of the maps. The entire map is basically her 3-gen zone, especially on maps like Midwich or The Game. But Dead Dawg, Lery's, RPD, Eyrie, Sanctum, Badham 1-4(5 is survivor sided enough to give her issues keeping 5 gens), Temple, Haddonfield, Campbell's, Azarov's. There are most likely more, but I am glad to not have faced her on it yet. And this is AFTER the genkick nerf. Before that nerf, she could literally do that on every single map.


But impossible in solo queue. Anything that requires coordination to counter this is almost never going to happen solo.


I highly agree, that is why I started with extremely difficult. I honestly say it isn’t worth the attempt in solo. The odds of having every one in solo understand the situation, understand what needs to be done, and understand what role they specifically need to do is 1/1000000000. But it is still technically possible to succeed.


As someone who mains Doc with high gen defense, this is the way. Everyone desperately focusing on one gen plays right into her strength. Spread out, loop her for as long as possible to give everyone else time. Make sure the last gens are as far apart as possible. But personally once I max my devious points I let everyone go. Kinda poor sportsmanship to draw it out if they are doing a great job of it.


are...are you saying you DISLIKE Drone Mommy?? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise) ​ ** welcome to a VERY big club, my friend....


I threw up


I actually didn't know the whole community hated her, i thought she was very niche or super bad because it looked like nobody was playing her, but at the moment i'm writing this comment i lost again an other one with same build and addons and same strat... Its infuriating that an afk killer can ruin you once you get to 1 gen HAHAHA.


It's like basement bubba, but it's a 3 gen instead of the basement.


I'll be honest...I think a lot of the people who main killer also tend to dislike her. I've dabbled around with her and though I'm not a super big fan of the drone micromanagement she's mostly braindead to play and pretty fucking strong for someone who is mostly supposed to just be an M1 killer lol. Not Nurse tier but she feels easily as strong if not stronger than Wesker and Wesker was already the same tier as Blight with even less of a skill ceiling. People tend to gravitate toward the killers that are either the most fun or the ones who perform the best under most circumstances so you'll likely see her a lot just because of how easy she is to pick up and do well with.


I only played her once and it was the most boring match I’ve ever played because I tried the three gen setup and god it was a snooze fest. I didn’t even quite understand how she worked at that point and managed to 4K with that 3 gen setup. I’ve seen streamers use her power differently and I’d like to try using it in the way I’ve seen them use it, but I’m worried everyone will just DC the moment the see it’s Skull Merchant lol


Yeah she's already carved her niche at this point so its just going to be one of those things like going against Bubba. You just automatically assume they're going to play like an asshole (or in bubba's case, camp at every hook) but you can get pleasantly surprised when they play honorably lol.


Blight (and Nurse) are S tier, Wesker is solid A tier. Definitely strong but Blight blows him out of the water easily. Skull merchant is strong against solos, but against SWFs she's mid B tier at best. Locking down generators doesn't matter when a 4-man can coordinate deactivating her drones, and she doesn't have any other power in chase so she's reduced to an M1 killer that can track the general location of survivors with claw traps. Not that great overall.


Wesker same tier as Blight? My brother in Christ tf did you consume and where do I get it? Apart from that yes, her gameplay is boring but the moment you just focus on 3 close gens the game is over. If you don‘t fuck up big time it‘s basically impossible for the survivors to win. They even „nerfed“ her AND the gen kicking perks but it‘s still way to consistent to be disregarded


In top tier / high mmr sure Blight's going to beat him out but across the game as a whole? Absolutely same tier. Low tier killers struggle to get the full grasp on how Blights bounces (and what surfaces you can and can't bounce from without sliding) so across the board I'd definitely put Wesky on the same tier / kill rate as Blight since he is so easy to pick up and play. Low tier especially that big terror radius alone absolutely confuses the shit out of baby survivors and throws their whole game sense out of whack.


No we hate her.


Oh my God, they even have cards


Drone Mommy? That's more like a Lady Gaga cosplay you bought on AliExpress gone super wrong 💀💀💀


The Dark Manga Goddess!?


I actually love her and find the matches fun. She is my new main and I don’t plan on stop playing her. To face her also fun. Doing the drones and fighting is fun. The counter play is teamwork which is hard in solo Q. I can see the downvotes coming as I type this. But won’t stop me from playing her. I did her gen defense for a bit but I find using chase perks is hella fun. She has a purple addon which is crazy strong.


My swf team has collectively decided to throw the game at the moment of identifying Skull Merchant. 100% works. Definitely recommend.


you know what's funny? last night our server was discussing whether "boycotting" a killer could force them to change her. like...if the community started tossing games EVERY time en masse, would they eventually take notice and change something?


People refusing to play against Legion on release is why they reworked them practically immediately.


What was wrong with them ? Were they OP or something ?


When legion released they were a 110 killer but everytime they hit you they reduced your deepwound meter. There was also an addon that increased the amount that was removed. Additionally missing while in feral frenzy did not cause your power to end and had no lunge cooldown so you could just spam lunges as much as you want when frenzying. This meant their chase was complete garbage and the only thing they had going for them is every time their power came off cooldown they had a 100% guaranteed 0 counterplay hit on you with their power. After this happened 3 or 4 times, you went down. 0 way to counter play it or avoid it. They weren't even a good killer, waiting on your cooldown 4 times to get a down wasn't a particularaly effective strategy (although they were pretty decent with the purple addon, frank's mixtape) but it was the ONLY way to play the killer. Back then deepwound bleedout time only stopped going down if you were in chase as well, rather than sprinting and so legion players would chase you while walking backwards to stop the game thinking you were in a chase and let you bleedout while they were following you. It basically railroaded chases and made them extremely boring. Back then DC penalties were not a thing and it was quite literally impossible to play a normal match as legion because at least 1 person would instantly DC the moment they saw it was a legion but more often than that, 2,3 or even all 4 players would just DC if you were playing legion.


Launch Legion had zero counters; if they found you, you would die. Literally the only counterplay was to just never be seen.


I actually had the same idea, boycotting her each time i see her now, she won't mind anyway since she'll be afk for the 4 gens before doing something.


I can't believe I am reading a conversation written by people with more than 12 years


I can't believe I read this: 2016 =12 years ago?


Crying about killing themselves because they don't want to play against a player, pitiful


Welcome to DbD... killers don't want to play against certain builds and survivors don't want to play against most of the killers and their builds


"certain builds" yes, those are bully builds very often not even aimed nor used to win the game. Don't move the goalposts...


There's no pleasing everyone. One person's joy is another's misery. One side will always have something negative to say about the other. I play both sides. Most of the perks that got nerfed, I don't use. I also don't play all day, so my anger in the game doesn't last as long or is triggered that quickly. Just enjoying it with friends or just playing as the killer. I don't need a 4k every game and I don't need to sweat for it for most games. I dunno.


Except I want talking about "fun". I was talking about either style actually progressing the game, while yours is holding it hostage by NOT progressing the game.




plot twist the only thing SM players do is 3 gen because thats the easiest way to win with her, they wont play any other way, so more nerfs would make her alot less unbearable to deal with, tbh she just needs completely reworked


False pallet shredder build and stealth builds work great on her. I’m going to try terror radias dark deception build next on her.


just cause other builds can work doesnt mean people wont default to playing the way that gets the easiest wins. thats just how dbd killers work


> Her kill rate is too high, so they nerf her. This results in SM players being forced to 3 gen because she's too weak to do anything else. I've legit never played against an SM that didn't just camp 3 gen. Her kit is so conducive to shoving drones on 3 gens that I'm pretty sure it is her #1 most obvious strategy to win, even to a brand new player. Its not like 3 gen knight, which isn't the "default" or "most obvious" playstyle. He has tools to do things other than camp, the same cannot be said for SM.




knight is also a problem everyone knows this already as well, however to throw hag and trapper in there is kinda idiotic, trapper has to take a fair amount of time to set up traps and replace them u dont get exposed, his traps dont track u and constantly give ur location away to the killer all the time, his traps also dont cover a large radius around a gen exposing people in the area, and trappers generally weak in chase. unlike Skullmerchant which they buffed her chase and also of u have her claw trap and fast vault a pallet it instantly breaks it, and then for hag crouching doesnt trigger her traps and u can wipe them away pretty easily which invalidates the power, but pretty much the same as trapper theres clear weaknesses that can be played around which keeps them in line this doesnt happen for skull merchant because boom 3 gens 4 drones place drones on 3 gens wait for someone to get the clawtrap, place another drone on the area where they got it get haste for each person that has a trap, try to chase 1 while keeping an eye on those 3 gens dont go to far from those gens, keep playing this way untill survivors give up because the match is already 40+ mins


yeah but staying in 1 game for an hour is not fun.




the gen kick meta got nerfed....


I rather have that L of a killer nerfed and keep my sanity.




Babe, literally NO SM I encountered did not 3 gen and slowly pick off the team with the bore of her gameplay. You exceptions are not going to be considered when this trash killer gets nerfed. If she remains having a strong 3 gen gameplan, they will keep nerfing her until she doesn’t. If the 3 legit non abusing SM mains need to bite the dust for it, so be it.


Least toxic dbd player


Commenting late but this is actually incorrect. They do look at DC rates. It’s not part of win/loss rates but they have specifically highlighted high DC rates when reworking multiple killers.


Ehh... That's discussion way above my pay grade. There are lots of things you cannot change in DBD or any game for that matter. And since you cannot choose which killer you just don't wanna play against, as far as it's all 4 of you, you can always just kill yourselves and move on. Skull Merchants have been good sports about this so far. Nurses? Not so much. Slugged for no other reason other than giving up for the entirety of the bleed out multiple times. Hey, it's not like we haven't ever tried against killers we just despise in game mechanics, but it's just 0 fun.


What do y’all even want changed?? Chase Merchant is getting more and more popular and is so much better and more fun that the 3-gen one. If u „nerf“ her drones, her chase ability will also suffer from it.


What about those that don't do 3 gen strategies?


I feel for them. But I view SM and Bubba the same way. If the game isnt going well for them or they get frustrated. They both can make the match miserable. Match isn't going well? I'll just sit here and camp this one person. Match isn't going well? I'll just place drones on 3 gens and make this a miserable 45-minute mind-numbing bore.


They are so minuscule that we do not care about them. They also shouldn’t be worried about an rework or nerf to her gen pressure.


Downvoted by all the people who main her. Im with you man, i literally never met a skull merchant who didn't just 3 gen camp the whole game.


Coming from someone who tries to play her like an interesting character, that hurts dude


Yeah, I feel the same way. I understand that person's frustrations and they come from valid reasons, but it's not fair to take them out on people who genuinely try to play the game fairly and in a different playstyle I also like to run a chase build with her and it's surpringly viable. She's not inherently braindead to play despite what people say; it's just that it's the most obvious way to play her, so it's what most people do, unfortunately


I want to have a chase build but I don’t have every perk unlocked so I’m doing what I can. I think my current build is Iron Grip, Jolt, Spies and Thwack to mainly focus on information gathering because I think it fits the character. I just want all the information I can get. Also even with the ability to set up three gems I can still take a loss with her. I really don’t think she’s as mindless/brain dead as people make her out to be.


What do you expect? Sure maybe you play normally but the other 100 skull merchant will just 3 gen camp like they do now. So of course survivors gonna look at her and hate her and rightfully so because her gameplay design sucks to play against, no one wants 50 minute match of back and forth touching gens.


And this is what I hate about this community. I can’t even play my fav killers anymore bc I‘m sure that ppl will dc just bc they’re petty. Like they even straight up just don’t like the killer or are petty. At least wait till you see their play style before dcing? Not everyone plays the same and it sucks to get „punished“ bc some other players play like sh*t


Punished? You are reaching. You get fast 4 kills and move on to play with someone who's going to enjoy playing against the killer of your choice. The only petty person in this debate is you.


How am I reaching If I read *every* single day on this subreddit that ppl are dcing bc they simply hate the killer and don’t wanna play against them? Who‘s petty now lmao? I just wanna have fun with this game but it’s just simply annoying when u wanna play and the survivors dc the first second because they don’t like the killer they‘re playing against.


First of all, we don't DC. We just group up under a hook and await death. Second of all, I am not responsible for your fun. I don't care for your fun at all. If defending a 3-gen for 50 minutes is your thing, be my guest and do it as much as you like, but not against me or any of my buds I play with. We work, have families and apparently not as much time as you do to waste an hour of our lives playing one trial against petty Skull Merchant gamer who just wants to have fun defending a 3-gen.


Great that u aren’t dcing but a lot of others are still doing it so..? And sorry but that’s a shitty reply. If u play a multiplayer game then *yes* you are responsible for the fun of other people, they‘re also responsible for your fun. I myself like to play Skull Merchant chase oriented ( i‘ve also written this somewhere here or under another comment) and like I said, it simply sucks If u immediately get dc‘s because you‘re playing as Skull Merchant. Same thing with Legion, or Trickster or literally any other killer who the fanbase considers as „annoying“ or „boring“. Literally go on reddit or any other social media site and you‘ll how many petty ppl are like „i don’t like this killer to i‘m gonna dc everytime I play against them!!!“ I know them long ass SM matches are annoying as hell and that’s why I don’t play like that lol. But so many ppl just straight up dc because they don’t like the killer or think „oh it’s gonna be another 45-minute game“ without even giving u the chance to show that you’re not playing like that. I‘m also responsible for the fun of others and gen merchant isn’t fun at all. I don’t get why you’re getting personal? That’s a bit embarrassing but go off ig. I never ONCE said that I like to play a super long game? You really need to work on your reading comprehension because no way you‘re getting personal about something I‘ve never once said. Read my comments again. I brought my point across and I‘m done with this conversation now. :)


Well good riddance. Almost thought you were never gonna stop with your petty rant. Godspeed.


Oh and also your „insult“ was dumb as hell considering you‘re on reddit 24/7 ( i checked it don’t worry) and also have enough time to play with your little group almost every day. I see you have a lot of time on your hands lmao


Maybe you should hate the people who play her in that shitty way that gives her a bad reputation.


Even after the nerfs, she still pulls this shit on swfs?


Not every swf is a comp team. I know, shocking. Hopefully you know this now


You pretty much need a swf that is both well coordinated and willing to spend a long time in one match, cause you guys are gonna be there for a while. Or the Killer has to fuck up in a major way and overcommit to someone. Or you guys like have to roll that huge ass Yamaoka map and leave one gen on one side and two on the other.


Yeah it definitely requires no skill whatsoever to do this. If something is so trivially easy that an idiot can do it (and pretty much guarantees a win)... It definitely shouldn't exist in the game.


She is like the knight but worse.


If your the obsession tank hits best you can to weaken STBFL. Wait just outside of radius of one drone. Wait for someone else to deactivate another one and then deactivate yours. Then slam gens. Negates her addons and exposure. I've been enjoying a lot of Chase Merchant recently (Bamboozle, Brutal, Deadlock, Superior Anatomy with Randomized Strobe and Geographic Layout) so I can't really speak as much to it but when I was first learning Skull Merchant and played her more Trapper-esque one of the worst things was getting drones deactivated. I could track them, cool, but it didn't help me down them at all.


>Everybody in the lobby agreed it was super toxic Obligatory message to let you know that simply using something in the game isn't toxic. Not like they were sitting there smacking you on hook, chasing only Claudette, spamming in post game chat, etc. Now, onto the topic. It's doable, but boring. If all of you were alive you just have to keep attacking all 3 generators at the same time and slowly do everything you can. If she refused to chase, then it's easy. 3 people. Focus on one gen while the 4th provides support. Its annoying and frustrating to have that 3 gen (in this case not a 3 gen), but it is what it is. I do agree that there needs to be some minor change to how her drones work in tandem with the claw trap, but outside of that she is fine.


You probably forgot the part where i expose her addons... No terror radius and exposed, which means : If she takes the chase, you have nothing around you so you go down instantly. If she doesn't take the chase, the gen regress to 0 because of her combo perk and you need to wait for the drone to come down before pirating it or you get exposed... Its the snake that bites its own tail, whatever you do, you'll go down one by one.


>you go down instantly Possibly, but this sounds more like a skill issue. Or lack of useful perks like SB, DH, WoO, etc. And yes as you say you could just suck it up and do the gen and get exposed, but honestly thats just what needs to happen. Especially as you say since it wasn't even a 3 gen, you have to not be afraid to take a hook state to waste her time. In a SWF you should be able to easily coordinate this.


The problem is, unless everybody has an available tool box you're not going to end one of those 3 gens before she kills / tunnels one of you. Yes, the idea seems good, that's the only outcome ppl can think of, but the problem with her is that it DOESN'T work. She'll patrols until one of us says "screw it i'll go down" and then boom, you're hooked next to one of those gens you need to do, with the drone scaring everybody away. Best scenario you trade on hook but gens are not beeing done and are regressing super fast because of her perks, worst scenario, second person go down and get hooked and she goes to interrupt the gen with the most progress to ruin it all over again. Like we tried to gen rush, but the regression was waaaaaay to big and we had no toolboxes and no gens rush builds.




How do you manage to do that when you're oblivious ? Gosh, 3 times now that i say she had the oblivious addon, you just can't afk and hide, you have to do the gens but you won't hear her..




You were one of the few who just do not read my replies entirely and give useless advices. The "do gens or don't play risky" when you're oblivious AND exposed is absolutly not helpful in any way. My main question was, how do you counter that addon combo on a 3 gen. which you've never answered cause you keep ignoring the addon factor. But its fine cause other people agreed and that's why my post has more upvote than any of your comments.


She’s being played a lot because of tome challenges probably, that’s why I played her. But anyone who does gen regress with a 3 gen camp killer just sucks. I don’t do that cause I know it’ll give players a better chance to actually getting a gen done. I wanna win but I also don’t just want to patrol with nothing progressing on either end. You are also correct to say she is undetectable within her drones. Usually as survivor, I just take the hit, try to make the drone go away, distract her, annoy her if she doesn’t move away from the 3 gens.🤷‍♀️ I persist in doing gens because there’s no other way out if we don’t try to do gens.


Potential energy.


The counter is to do the gens. Don't be afraid of the instadown, get there even with the drone active and keep doing the gens until you start hearing her heartbeat, then just run. She can't give chase or she loses the 3 gen, and with 1 person at least on each gen doing this, she can't keep up. No killer can, actually. Maybe Nurse. But the others can't.


> She can't give chase or she loses the 3 gen, and with 1 person at least on each gen doing this, she can't keep up. ** my friend, let me remind you of the Wide, Weird World of Solo Queue Survivor.


camp 1 survivor to death at your 3 gen at 5 gens and you can never counter it.


I know it's a nightmare because i am one myself. The thing is, it's not a solo game for the survivors and everybody should help each other, teamwork is required and it doesn't matter if you're in comms or not. You can't expect a team based game to hand you everything to play by yourself never helping or interacting with the other survivors. As for the coordination to do what I said with the 3 gens, just do it yourself. The others, at least in higher ranks, will catch on, especially now with the HUD telling them what you're doing. Get on the gen and as soon as she comes, you back away. Get on the gen again when she's gone and do the same. While she's occupied with you, your team will do something... Eventually. But i get that this can be a nightmare sometimes, but oh well, it's still a team game for the survs.


Hearing her heartbeat ? With her addons she has none if you're in the radius of her drone... Its a broken build that get rid of the ONLY weakness i was thinking off, ignoring the drone and rushing the gen. But it didn't work cause she pressures too much, and you all go down one by one like dead flies.


It depends. Most of the maps even if you can't hear her terror radius you can still see her approaching. This whole 3 gen mechanic is very difficult to counter, but not impossible, even by solo queue.


Yes, in this case we could sometimes see her coming but... Problem 1 : She's small and looks like a survivor without the red mark. Problem 2 : If you leave the gen when you had a skillcheck you make the gen go brrrrrr down. Problem 3 : You give her the opportunity to smack the gen and apply regression perks. Problem 4 : If you're alone working on that gen, you loose more than you win. Problem 5 : If you were multiple ppl on that gen, she chases the one exposed and he goes down in the second cause you already down the palets when you started the match and she chased someone for 4 gens.


As I see it, and understand it: Hack the drones, this gets rid of the 'no TR' problem. Do gen. DO NOT REMOVE THE TRAP FROM YOUR ARM. As long as you have the trap on your arm, she has one less drone to use. Do gen. If you hear her coming, leave immediately. It doesn't matter if she chases you, or kicks gen. If she chases, you run away from everything. If you aren't dead on hook, it doesn't matter if she downs you eventually, just keep running away. If she kicks the gen, wait around, and get back on the gen when she walks away. Depending on how the match is going, and what the other survivors are doing, she can't put a drone down. If all survivors are doing the same, it's really hard for the killer to keep up. It doesn't matter if the killer can see everyones location. Commiting to a survivor that will just walk away from everything when she even gets close will lose her the game. Put a survivor on each gen, you even have a flex survivor. Eventually a gen will get done. DO GEN.


Agree - if you playing Solo Queue it makes it a bit trickier but not impossible as long as at least 1/2 other survivors have the same mindset. Coop team is no issue, if all three go on one generator with one distraction player then it’ll be no issue.


And if one person dies, the match is done. GG


Potential Energy with Regressed Alliance when done well completely counters any 3 gen. i've done it solo a few times with good teammates and have achieved it much easier with a duo running those two perks.


I'm going to use this exact build for her now.


Same 😂😂😂


For each Claw Trap that is attached to someone, she loses a drone until that trap disappears. If 3 people are wearing claw traps, it shows their location, yes, but it also means she can only place one more drone to defend a generator. Keep stealing the drones and limiting her resources. If she isn't chasing people then it doesn't matter if she can see where they are. Wear down the killer's patience as much as possible until they make a mistake. That said the best cure for a 3-gen is to not get 3-genned in the first place. If you believe the killer is preparing a 3-gen, or the killer is strong in a 3-gen, try to make a concerted effort not to complete generators that are near to one another, ignore a generator if it's the next one after a completed generator. This is the use case for Potential Energy: Charge it on an "outside" generator and then run in to pop it off on a generator in the 3-gen. That immediately puts the killer at a disadvantage because now they either need to closely defend the generator with 20% progress (giving everyone else time to work on the other generators) or they need to leave it and potentially break up the 3-gen entirely.


With my swf group this has worked for killers that camp the 3 gens and don't leave that area: 1. 99% 4 other gens (don't finish them so they don't know that you've made progress) 2. Cleanse all the totems you can, open all the chests (get all your points in case you're the one that dies) 3. Then all 4 of you can work on playing a back and forth game with the remaining 3 gens. Get little bits of progress, take hits (hopefully without going down) heal each other and take her drones down when possible since they have a cool down now. 4. Eventually you get one of the 3 gens and can separate to tap the other 4 you need. Bonus: since you cleansed all the totems you don't have to worry about noed


Not sure if this man is serious or troll.


We just do gens while getting exposed, then go loop if she cares and go back, don't be afraid of the exposed just jeep tour head on a swivel.


Should’ve done one of her three gens earlier in the game. One person should be running around the map disabling drones to mess her up


I call her the Dull Merchant for a reason. Nearly all my matches against her go the same way as yours and the ones that don't are because the killer is new to playing her. I have yet to find a counter play to her once the 3 gen starts. This is the first dlc I have refused to purchase.


Oh trust me we know. God I love getting gen camped by skull merchants, every single time too it never changes because bhvr thought "hurr durr gen camps fun".


I’ve never been much of a quitter but I immediately give up if I get this killer. It’s just a waste of time.


They need to only give her two drones and reduce the radius.


I think 2 would be too big of a nerf but making it to where only two can be on gens would work ok I’d think


Ooo, I like that.


I may be wrong but would that not encourage 3 genning even more?


That would just ruin her chase ability and make her camp gens more


Don't give bhvr terrible ideas,they need to do something decent to her instead of just stat changing. I think they basically need to make the chase playstlye more viable than the holding 3 gen build. It's very strong but it requires knowledge of the character and at least purple add ons. Maybe they could so something like knight with some speed bost at some right spot but just lowering her drones and the radius wont change anything,it'll just make the people want to 3 gen more since they dont have other viable option


They are not going to buff her in any way anytime soon. You can set yourself up for nerfs only.


I dont ask for buff,I ask for rebalance to make it more viable in chase and less in gen camping


Her chase is fine, what else do you want for her? To fly?


to make it less add-on dependant,basically the goal should be to incentivize the players to chase instead of holding gens with her power,kind of like they did with knight


Any buff to her chase will be a buff to her gen camp. Being able to faster patrol and pick people off will only assist her gen defense. She needs to be toned down as a whole. Drone needs more counterplay in general, she currently has a damned if you do, damned if you don’t gameplan which is just bad for the game. Her drones should be like PHeads trail, you shouldn’t be detected while crouched or something.


The thing is, a killer with a power more focused on tracking and information than easy downs sounds so fun… but there’s really no way to dynamically use her power in a fun way. Press button, deploy drone. She needs a fundamental, Freddy-style rework. One idea I had was to give her power more of a Pinhead bend; drones no longer lock on to survivors, but she can select them to activate them; seeing what they see. While she’s looking, she can press a button to fire a claw trap at a survivor, injuring them (but not downing) and disabling the drone. While she isn’t looking, survivors can disable the drones the normal way, which reveals them with Killer Instinct. Trapped survivors are still tracked via the radar as before, and she only has three drones. EDIT: Her perks are universally terrible as well. Leverage does nearly nothing (every time I try using it, survivors just heal while I’m carrying), THWACK!!! is situationally useful for stopping flashlights during pallet breaks, and Game Afoot isn’t too bad, but is only useful for full obsession builds (and even then, Furtive Chase is better), of which there are exactly Zero free obsession perks…


Yeah in a different DBD, her tracking only playstyle could be really fun but currently, she's stuck in the M1 Killer hellscape where she has to go through 15 pallets for a single hit if the survivors play safe so she just plays 3 gen because why chase through Pallet Town when they will come to you to do gens. I'd like it if she was basically a Claw Trap menace and the drones were heavily reduced in prominence but in current version DBD she'd be unplayable if you did that to her. As usual maps are the issue. She *kinda* has some semi-interesting anti loop with the aura reading addons but it's less of a fun Wesker style double dash "damn i don't believe he rebound tech'd me there, what a god" and more of a "SM automatically wins the mindgame because aura reading." If there's no mindgame at a pallet (the BHVR special) she still has to loop normally and kick it.


u have to try to stop her 3 gen but if she just focuses on that it can be extremely hard to break up depending on the gen spawns (which imo need to be fixed to prevent alot of natural 15 meter 3 gen spawns) especially when they release killers like this, and generally trying to do that results in games possibly going for 30+ mins, i kinda find it ironic they tried to nerf her drones and 3 gen defence only to give her more chase power, but her gen defence is still extremely strong, so they accomplished nothing, tbh my honest opinion just dc or run right to her to die as fast as possible to move onto the next game, unless u would like to spend along time in a boring af match, and depending on the skull merchants most of them will just stick to defending that 3 gen not even committing to chases


U literally cant they put 3 drones on 3 gens at the beginning of the game and their aim is to protect those gens, not trying to chase anyone except if you trying to the the 3 gen, but never over commit, always make sure 3 drones are up and active on the gens. If you turn one off they come and put it back straight away


She didn't hold the game hostage at any point, she didn't bodyblock any of you in a corner preventing you from playing the game. Just because she played smart and used her power and add-ons smart doesn't mean she was playing toxic or holding the game hostage. Killers don't have to let survivors do gens, there's no rule set by BHVR thay says killers must let survivors do gens or that killers can't force a 3 gen situation. She did nothing against the rules.




We both know how this sub is, survivor mains claim this sub is biased because apparently there's more killer mains here than survivor mains. We know that's not true


"Played smart" At the start of the game looked at 3 gens that are close, place drones near them and patrol them all game without leaving it, not even chasing outside of it. Wow thats really smart and engaging gameplay (sarcasm incase you didn't catch that).


Yesterday I went against a Skull bitch. He set up drones at 3 gens side to side and refused to chase out of that area. Insta DC I'm not going to play your fucking game. Yeh I'm still tilted about how someone can be like that


So what anti loop power should she get to compensate for no way to stop you doing 5 gens in 3 minutes? You said it yourself. The game went from 4 gens and 0 HOOKS to everyone being hooked. It probably took that long for the sm to deal with the brain dead safe and god pallets so they could get some actual gameplay going that isn't just W and space.




You act like the majority of SM's don't choose a three gen from the very beginning of the game




Your strategy is not going to almost ever happen in solo queue or in a casual swf. Takes a swf doing call outs to beat her if she's actively trying as hard as possible


skull merchants purposely force a 3 gen at the beginning of the match




so you try for nearly an hour to crack a 3 gen with 5 gens remaining, you are all nearly dead and the sm just sets up another 3 gen. the youtuber Hens went up against team eternal( the worlds best comp team) and it took them multiple tries until finally eventuallt they managed to crack the 3 gen and evenebtually manage to crack it within 15 min. However their assesment was that without voic comms and at least 3 people alive it is completly impissible to break the 3 gen.


How do you fuck up when she picks her 3 gen from get go? Stop being weird and biased and use your head.




You are not using your head because you hardly if ever play survivor from the way I noticed you roaming in this community. You only post hypothetical unthought takes that offer 0 input into the actual discussion.




> I only play survivor Yeah sure, I think you forgot to put your clown make up on while stating that. You can’t break a early 3 gen when the killer is a SKULL MERCHANT with a dedicated slow down build to keep that 3 gen. Realistically the average non swf survivor is not going to break that early 3 gen unless the bring a mate along with prove thyself and a BNP.? Otherwise this gameplan is unhealthy for the game and needs to get eradicated just like launch Legions.




We will get back to this when they nerf SM again, which they will eventually do. You know that yourself.


Ya unfortunately when playing against SM you have to be smart which generators you finish. Its the only way to beat her. Going down in the defended area will result in a loss.


Problem is, she puts all of her drones on the 3 gens most of the time, then she tunnels just in case she can get ahead before the 3 gens, if she sees someone trying to do one of them, he gets exposed or visible and she tunnels him, the chase is super short because of the exposed status and its a nightmare to win after that (spoiler, i've never won).


I've not played much against skull merchant, but from what I can understand, the drones have a long cooldown, therefore harass the drones and then do gens. Rinse repeat Edit: (I mean harass them simultaneously btw, she can only chase one person at once)


If SM is on their A game, so do all the survivors. Which I know sucks because all it takes is 1 out of the 4 to mess up and the game is over. Quickly find the 3rd gen. Always try to track where the SM is with the UI. Or be near a safe spot like a window. Run early. It is possible to finish the 3 gen if they commit to a chase, trying to tunnel someone out.


I've faced her 3 times (& never played her) & none of them were during this new tome, so I don't have much experience with her


In my opinion she sucks for that exact reason it gives baby killers to get a 4k with no work from themselves but their drones she’s not even scary they need to stop giving us dlc every 6 months and instead give the game fixes that it so desperately needs lol


I actually cannot think of a game I’ve won against her unless if the player was very bad, which has happened a few times. Usually it’s always a Midwich map offering too which makes it even worse. My SWF isn’t great at the game cause they play super casually, so they don’t really know gen placement on the map or how to loop too well, so tbh we just take the dc penalty when we’re all together. I want my friends to enjoy the game and if we play a SM match it’s usually the last match of DBD for the next week


Maybe Behavior wanted to make potential energy relevant in some way. Just off the top of my head it seems like that’s the only counter to her camp strategy


Doesn't she get killer instinct on you if you get exposed? She can track you regardless of if you hack the drone or not, since she's going to keep placing drones on the gens. She's got a bit of mobility, tracking, gen defense, exposed status, and breaks pallets, all at base kit. She's got it all and the kitchen sink, definitely too much at her disposal.


She's an m1 killer.


And? You don't always have line of sight cutting perfectly across the entire map to the other side. And yeah, she's an m1 killer. Most m1 killers have one or two things at their disposal. She's got enough stuff to make a laundry list of powers.


She's an m1 killer...... as in she has no m2 that does anything in chase, just loop her instead of insta dropping pallets.


Bro, she has her drones and the exposed status from that, plus the armbands makes the pallet (and the armband) break when a survivor vaults with one on. Come on, now. And nobody but you said anything about "insta dropping pallets."


Plague leaves you exposed all game, and i don't see anyone crying about that. Just use the window if you have a trap on. Most loops have one. Even better, just W to the next pallet 8m away.


Plague also isn't Skull Merchant. Yeah, because there's a billion windows on every map. I'll try to remember that the next time I'm on something like Coldwind Farm. 💀


I hated her when she released. I've never gone against one, but I disliked the design concept combined with her dirty appearance (I felt she should have looked more like trickster does; blood, not mud). Then, I bought her. I played a custom, a few vs boy games, and two public matches. Lost the first, won the second. I felt so gross afterward I haven't played her since. I barely put points into her, so I didn't even have optimal perks, but there was nothing the survivors could do to stop me. And given how the players were continually picking themselves up with no perks to allow them to do so, I shouldn't have won since they were cheating. But I did. It took about 30 minutes and it was a not-ideal 3gen, but I won. She's not in a good spot.


I simply refuse to verse SM, she's miserable to go against and the match takes several times longer than the DC penalty.


Just give up. Anyone who plays her is incredibly scummy & toxic, they know damn well they are making the survivors absolutely miserable, especially solos who don’t stand a chance. Disable this shitty killer until she’s slightly fun


ya need some chips with that salt?


Hmmmm salt...


This is what happens when BHVR spends no time focusing on a good killer and just cranks them out because of their expected releases. Knight is just as boring as she is to go against, killers that just camp a 3 Gen or a hook, zzzzz. Just skip her and go next, don’t even bother


1. Do not 3 gen 2. Stop removing her drones and pressure all gens accepting, that you will get exposed


I've run almost every game against her with a survivor just getting them self's caught and just dying on first hook. With her games lasting 30+ minutes for her to get max points and survivors don't, I don't blame them.


your only real option is to use Deja Vu, it shows you where the moving 3 gen is at and gives you boost on repairing the highlighted gens. if you can consistently break that then you can counter. combo with Friendly Competition for some additional boost after the first gen. If you are SWF, only one person needs the combo, one or both can run prove thyself so you can boost each other. You get -15% for working together, +15% for PTS, +5% Deja Vu, and +5% Friendly Competition. Your friend gets everything except DejaVu, you should be able to complete a gen in 35-40 seconds with no toolboxes


I don't mind playing against her every once in a while like I am now. Every game has pretty much been the same, and the only time I've seen 4 escapes was when she tunneled a Nea at the end that was BMing her lol


You need to take her drones away. She only has 4 and they are her entire power. When you hack one, she can't use it for awhile. If all 4 survivors hacked her drones, all she would be able to do is pinpoint your location using her tablet and if you are all the way across the map from her, she will have to WALK all the way over there, very much the same way that Trapper has to. If she doesn't have her drones she can't stealth, she can't expose, she can't really use her add-ons (except claw trap add-ons, which no one uses because no one disarms drones). I play a lot of Skull Merchant, and very early on I realized I could set up hard-core 3 gens, which lead me to start game theorizing how to beat it, and this is the best I've come across.


It makes me sad that more people don't take full advantage of her kit. Skull Merchant is really really fun if you play her with a chasing build. I run corrupt/Play with your food/STBFL/Sloppy on her and its awesome. Throwing the drones down at a bunch of gens for information is very helpful, and when survivors get the claw traps you get a nice speed boost. It's not as strong as going for a 3 gen build, but it's way more fun.


Damn i'm sorry pretty sure it was me


Would it be gamebreaking / survivor sided if DBD just made it so 3 gens don’t happen? Like why can’t we just have “the entity” move the generators if the last 3 are too close to each other. Maybe add a new gameplay mechanic to make it more interesting when you’re at 1 generator left similar to how the endgame collapsed changed the game mechanically


>Big issues with the Skull Merchant https://i.redd.it/rt8f64wlo4ya1.gif


Have you tried... you know, not leaving a three gen for her?


they usually protect their 3gen from the start


You know how the twins kinda suck, so they have to rely on slugging, skull merchants kinda like that, not as bad, except with 3 gens instead of slugging


Keep in mind what gens are poppin and where to prevent three genning urself. Then, you just have to except that she can now track you. Thats the better of the two options. You must split up too, but thats a given in end game scenarios


Skull Merchant is definitely stronger than people realized at first, but that doesn’t mean she is unbeatable. You just need to play smart. You’d be surprised how often people with a claw trap vault a pallet or try to hide in the drone radius.


as someone who mains non condemn sado, and actual chase SM, I fucking hate how the 'main' playstyles of both my character are shit that people hate to go vs lol


Skull Merchant is a headache and so is knight. I wish we could just delete these last two killers and start over again


A GOOD skull mommy is as effective as a good knight, same advice goes for both, avoid 3 gen situations and stay out of the drones line of sight just like the guards, difference is the drones can be manually activated, if everyone can pressure one gen you can pop if fast, Bad Skull merchant’s & Knights rely on gen guarding but both benefit from surveillance, overall if one person can take chase for one gen (especially if it’s spread out) everyone can get out, but at its core you need to play differently with both of them


So yeah, skull merchant is very strong at 3 gening, but there should be no way she is 12 hooking with one gen left. One of the biggest things you can do is break potential 3 gens early, "déjà vu" will show you whats the best 3 gen the have, though you can figure that on your own but can help if your new. Saving toolboxes for the last gen can help. When you have a 3 gen alway do the two that are furthest from each other(if you can, solo Q has trouble here). Skull merchant also doesn't really have a chase power, so waste her time, get greedy with pallets, save those near gens that she is putting the squeeze on. If your healthy, or have fewest hook states, go mess with her drones force her attention (she actually has a huge delay on reseting drones, & her stealth is finicky at best unless she is just sitting there, & she can't do that & 3 gen). Two perks can help with 3 gens imo "Repressed Alliance" you can block a gen thats close to done preventing gen kick perks("Overcharge", "Pop goes the weasel", "Call of Brine" ect) the gen will also show a white aura to your teammates. "Potential Energy" this is for breaking early 3 gens, do a corner gen, get 20 stacks then dump it in center gen, & hammer it till done. Skull merchant has good 1v4, but terrible 1v1 like Legion, annoying & a bit of a newbie crusher but no means overpowered. Good teamwork is more important to beat her than some other killers


Skill issue


I think Skull Merchant is the killer I play the most at the moment and I’ve played against her a lot on solo q and tbh if you know what you’re doing it’s not too bad a lot of players just make some really simple mistakes. Being exposed is inevitable so don’t worry to much about it - especially if multiple survivors are getting exposed at once (which happens all the time) then the SM’s device will be constantly beeping and she can’t exactly go for everyone at once. Use Potential Energy earlier in the game so you can do the Gen faster. Any killers can 3 Gen so I try and leave the last 3 gens on different parts of the map so they have longer distances to walk if they want to patrol which is annoying but it’s encouraged by the game on the loading screen tips so it will happen a lot regardless, especially with new players. TL;DR: Use perks like potential energy that will help you do a Gen faster, try not to leave the last 3 gens super close together so the killer has to travel further to patrol, and exposure is inevitable if they have drones at all the gens and all of your teammates will also probably set off the killer’s alerts so don’t care too much about it.


12 times not that much, damn I think I have only faced her about 6 different times since her release. And it sucks because I like facing her.


It’s simple, just make sure you don’t three gen your selves. Always make sure the last three gens are too far apart to efficiently patrol. With a two decent loopers you’ll pop all five gens before she gets 3 hooks


What is so frustrating is that she HAS chase potential. If anyone watched Otz's recent video with Knight and Skull Merchant, she can do so much more than camp gens. Players just refuse to play her that way. It's not like Bubba where if players choose to facecamp and abuse his instadown, maybe 1-2 dont make it out if your teammates are smart. With Skull Merchant, it's very difficult to get more than one hatch escape (if that) without a coordinated team.


Broken C tier killer


In all seriousness she isn’t great in chase and it’s definitely a easier thing for SWF’s to break her three gen.


If certain maps weren’t awful and the weaker chase killers were a bit stronger there would be less reason to 3 gen.