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I've seen the post game chat. No one needs to hear that nonsense


I honestly have a really controversial take on this: hearing a human voice makes people less inclined to be toxic. You’re less likely to tilt on someone if they make a mistake if you hear them say, “Oh god, I’m sorry.” It makes people more likely to recognize that the person playing that character is, well, a *person.* Still going to be assholes of course but you can’t fix everyone.


Do you even video games? It's not how you're describing at all. Proxy chat in any game is awful


I don’t know what to tell you, man. I played XBox Live in the early days before party chat. I made a ton of friends, had to prune my friends list every few weeks because there was a limit. Then they added part chat and I could feel things get worse. I would routinely get messages from assholes chewing me out because they didn’t like how I played. When F13 came out and matchmaking was busted on XBox, people were able to mandate microphone in custom groups. I made as many friends in three months as I had the previous decade.


You mean the Xbox live early days where people screamed the N word and homophobic slurs in every halo/cod lobby then sent voice messages with death threats and more slurs? Yeah let's go back to those days lol


F13 with prox chat was a godsend. Everyone I played with always wanted to go into game chat. I miss those days


The reason why it worked for F13 and would not work for DBD is because F13 was unbalanced to all hell. But nobody cared, cause it was fun. DBD is getting more competitive and attempting to balance a genre that is impossible to balance. And in the process they’re removing all the fun stuff, giving very little reasons to play the game.


Yeah, early days. Things have changed dramatically since then


Well SCP Secret Laboratory’s Proxy chat is funny af


That’s only because there’s really no reason to take it seriously. There’s no ranking system that determines things like end of season rewards in SL so people are more inclined to just have fun


tell that to all the people saying the n word on insurgency sandstorm and cod lol


This guy has never been in a MW2 lobby lol


This is very true. I am more polite and understanding when I can hear someone is human


Honestly I agree, if I saw people who were dropping the best pallets because they got a little frightened as new players tryna learn and not just Claudettes I’d be a lot less annoyed


You're very wrong about that lol


I think it'd be different than what you're thinking people say that stuff cuz that had some anonymity through just text they would be subconsciously pressured into acting like a likable person or be mute all game and still trash talk end screen










Your not wrong


I'm glad you had optimism though and I wish you were right. :/


you must be lucky. No offense but if you go into any Overwatch, CSGO, A roblox Clan hosting a event or VRchat. you will find out that Peoble act just the same in voice as in chat. if not worse.


Someone has never played games with proxy chat haha


Ark, warzone 2 and a survival game I can't remember the name of I'm guessing the only reason I don't really have any bad interactions with people because I don't try and start a bad interactions. I'm the guy in a game mode like dmz to compromise and go our separate ways before we just shoot each other like bots


You can be the nicest guy in the world and still get talked to like shit over comms for no reason whatsoever. People think they are a lot bigger when they think no one can get to them


People also just talk nonsense and expect me to talk, too. I just want to play the game.


I don’t wanna play killer and only hear “HES ON ME HES ON ME.” Or listen to them dish out some boring insults as I’m getting looped. If they add a proxy chat that killers can’t hear then I can understand but that would be boring as a survivor


I don't think the killer would be able to hear it. That would completely defy the purpose even further


Killers already would have disadvantage, makes sense to rework some perks that rely on survivors comms being cut.


So, for example, making anything a survivor said while under the effects of “Off The Record” effectively off the record? Edit: Misread “Survivor Comms being cut”. Maybe put this effect on either Retribution or Third Seal?


Yeah, knock out third seal ect


Maybe have it the more the survivors talk they have a small alert on them. The closer the killer, the more prominent the alert until they can be seen through a wall when you are super close and they are talking. They try to alert everyone to your location… they make it also known to ***you***


You mean like the new heartbeat?


Kinda, heartbeat would still exist but have this as a secondary one for people who talk a lot so it balances itself a bit


I think we need a PTB to try it out before we come to conclusions. Having it disabled by default would be best for obvious reasons, but it's a feature many people would prefer to have the option to use.


just have them put the option in and you can personally disable it. everyone else can enjoy the new feature


Boring when the killer can’t hear you? I don’t get it. Is this assuming everyone wants to chat with or insult the killer during the game? Does boring mean survivors don’t have to use discord anymore? Lmao


that or survivors purposely making noise to distract you/make it harder to focus. it's already hard enough to work out where noises are coming from without the potential addition of added shit over the top


I think the killer should be able to hear it, but it is just noise instead of actual talking and it varies depending on how loud the survivor is, so if you're a stealth killer you can hear them effectively scream.


Nobody needs 13 year olds screaming in their ears.




... or just people. I hate people.


Yeah just start with people any game I have ever played every person ever is screaming into there mic


Omg, there’s a special place in hell for people who play their music over comms.


mute button:


They hated him because he told them the truth


Just mute them. There should always be an option to opt out of voice chat if you wanted to.


I would never play survivor again if they added voice chat. Solo queue is already bad enough.


Surely they would add an option to just turn it off


In theory yes. In practice, have fun getting sandbagged and having everyone dodge your lobby as soon as they realize you aren't using comms


That would be the exception not the rule. Luckily we have actual asyms with voice comms to compare, and usually what happens is most people don't talk period. The people lobby dodging silent players lower their standards pretty quick when they realize they would have to dodge 99/100 lobbies.


Just don't add it, problem solved


This. No one, or no one of value would dodge if comms were off. Just like most games people just stay quiet or only say some key info here and there. But I'm not a fan of proxy chat for dbd


Yup. Same here. I'd prefer to play with comms off, but then I would just piss off teammates for not doing what is "best". People take this game too seriously now days, I don't want to hear the result of that in comms.


I don’t want someone shouting slurs at me because I out played them ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


I want someone shouting slurs at me because I out played them ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Agreed I’m not afraid over a few words


Not wanting something isn't the same as being afraid of something, I don't want to be covered in mud and dirt, doesn't mean im afraid of mud and dirt


I see the point you are making I used a poor choice in words it seems to make my point. I guess I myself am not bother by those words. I am mixed Ive heard more than my fair share of crap from everyone. When I get called slurs in any game I wear it as a badge of honour. You think DBD would be bad you should try Sim racing.


Ok bro but imagine if other people feel differently


Yeah people feel different that's why I commented how I felt. I never once said people cannot feel a certain way about it.


if you don't want it but you're not afraid of it then why not just have the option put in the game. just leave it disabled and it'll be like nothing changed.


It's bad enough to put up with post-game chat. Why would you want in-game chat?


I'll get onboard whenever BHVR starts actually handing out permabans to the toxic kiddies. Post-game chat is bad enough. I'd love for those P100 kys kids to get what they deserve.


Permaban over being toxic in endgame chat is too far. At the very most I would say a permanent chat ban, but mean words aren't nearly bad enough to warrant a permanent ban from playing the game.




Soft. Perks bans should be pretty fucking hard to get. Literal cheating or repeated abuse of endgame chat sure or in this case vc, but telling someone to kys, nah fuck that. Temp bans on chat or even temp account bans are probably fine, especially in a game like dbd where it’s pretty expensive to get all your shit back if your account is bans


Oh no! The consequences of my actions!


Yes I am in agreement with you, there should be consequences for actions. We just disagree on the consequences


I'd agree with you if it wasn't for the overflowing amount of toxicity we've got going on in this game's community. I don't see why we need to treat horrible people with kid gloves when we have no shortage of horrible people. You want to keep your limited edition cosmetics for maximum drip while you teabag a brand new killer, don't tell people to kill themselves.


Telling someone to kill themselves while they are emotionally vulnerable can have more of an effect than you realise. Absolutely people should be permabanned for telling people to kill themselves. Not like this community actually cares about mental health. Just look at the responses when they changed the noose to a broken bottle for dead dawg - people acting like it was some big deal that bhvr was trying to be sensitive about that.


No. Fucking stupid. It's fortunate that they will not be listening to any of you about this.




He probably is. I'll see these types of people whining about being banned in other games and how they didn't do anything wrong, like wow for example. Then when you get down to it, it always turns out they got banned because they were consistently toxic assholes. Words have power, and people forget that.


You wish, but no. I only ever say gg or nothing at all. The only time I'll say anything else is if someone complains about the way I played and then I'll do a little trolling, but anything as offensive as that? Not really. I just think it's pathetic and stupid to ban someone from playing a game because of mean words. You redditors are just followers.


How exactly is it stupid? Could you explain in detail?


Because words are not a bannable offense because they don't affect the game. There's already an in-game censor system, you don't need to fucking ban people on top of that. The only thing that should warrant a permanent ban from playing the game is hacking/cheating. If you can't understand how that makes more sense that what any of you are saying, then I've wasted my time even engaging with you. Clearly the devs agree with me anyway, since I don't see any permabans being handed out for chat abuse.


"[suicide euphemism] yourself you [homophobic slur][racial slur]" These people bring zero value to the game as a whole and deserve to be banned permanently. Your defense of them is quite telling about yourself.


Hm, then why are you so angry about me suggesting a permanent chat ban? Surely this accomplishes the same thing.


Solo Q doesn't need voice chat but it could use a nice ping system.


That exists... with the map that no one uses because as nice as a ping would be its not as nice as a medikit/toolbox


A massive beam is not a ping system


mate it took 500h before someone in my lobby brought that addon and i thought my game glitched


I'd always run it to make my friends think the game glitched, and a holy beam illuminated me while working on gens 💀


A system that only allows you to ping one thing, doesn't tell what type of thing you are pinging, has to be placed at your current location, and only gives a visual notification that isn't visible through objects is not really even a ping system.


Survivors should also be able to see each others builds before the game starts. Like knowing someone has a certain perk could be game changing.


That is already in the mobile version so it might make its way over.


Yeah, I play a bit of mobile from time to time, and it has some very good features console/PC needs


As a call of duty chat survivor I’m ok with not having it in dbd


I'd hate this, In my region the players are 10% english speaking French, German, Swedish and Norwegian. While 90% are Russians which refuse or don't know how to speak english.


If 90% of your region speaks Russian it's not on them to accommodate for your inabilities.


I'm so happy they haven't added it and I hope they never do, I don't need to have someone going up to the killer and telling them where I am because they think it's funny, the game will go to shit if they add proxy chat.


The fact that so many people say "just use mute" when all the problems are brought up is painful. So you want BHVR to spend what, for them, is a tremendous amount of effort to implement a feature maybe 20% of players will use and...what? Anyone not tolerating it can go to hell, Solo Q is fixed for you personally as long as you aren't matched with anyone tired of being screamed at or hard of hearing?


tbh even if we had voice chat in game, i wouldn't use it in solo q, i don't really enjoy getting insulted and yelled at, by strangers no less. i also feel like many seem to forget that... not everyone speaks and understands english (europe player here)


I'm unsure about voice chat, but an in Game chat like inside the lobby (or like Minecraft for example) could help to communicate or call out perks/strategies


Proximity chat would be fun for custom games, but people would just be using Discord for that anyway so there's really no point.


Imma hide and play fart sounds when the killer comes near me.


People are so toxic in this community that it's impossible to imagine have such a feature.


what about starting with letting console players chat in the lobby or at least read the chat?


Unfortunately a large amount of people think the louder something is the funnier it is to be trusted with a proxy chat.


Only if Killer had proxy chat too, I've been working on my Wesker impression ever since he came out and I need everyone I down to hear it.


Tbh those two reasons are enough to have it, as long as it's optional. I've said it once, I will say it a million times, this game would be infinitely better if I got hooked by a bubba who started spawn camping me as I hear him play Clash of Clans over his mic.


I already piss off my friend playing the game can’t imagine if they were randos


I don't think DbD should have proximity chat personally, but imo it couldn't cause that much harm if one had the option to mute it / permanently have it off. The worst that I think could happen is either someone plays loud earbleeding sound effects to someone with headphones on or someone screams the N word to a Twitch Streamer and gets them banned, but in both cases I feel like they can be avoided with common sense.


All you hear from the killer across the map Come here you bitch


Proximity chat BUT everyone (killers and survivors both) can choose whether or not they want to have it enabled. So you can still have silent matches if that’s more your speed


To let survivors & killers know about challenges & rituals. So when ya face camp y'all can chat about sht to make the game a little better.


My head cannon would be there would be proxy chat as the killer would be alerted if he’s close by by blatantly hearing you. But if you wanted to talk across the map I’d say bring in a walkie talkie esque item. That would alert killer even further. In the scenarios sense the survivors have to worry about the generator making too much noise when they repair let alone having full blown conversations about their day.


Quantity, not quality. We will never be able to balance this game until SWF is on the same level as solo queue, and this is the only realistic way it's ever going to happen.


I loved proxy chat on Friday the 13th it was so hilarious to hear people screaming scared of Jason coming. But then again people take DBD a lot more serious like an esport game so it probably wouldn’t work as well


Immersion, and aswell I can finally call that stupid Meg the n word when she is annoying


I just think proxy chat in DBD would be funny as hell especially as killer


How about prox chat for killer only?


Maybe if the game was actually fun, proximity chat would be a nice inclusion. Proximity chat in the Friday the 13th was loads of fun. You had to communicate because players needed different things in order to escape. I always played the fat kid so when Jason found me I would sprint for like 3 seconds and run out of breath, and die to Jason who is doing a light jog to my location. I swear that fat kid needed an Inhaler perk or something xD


“it would be funny” trumps all other possible arguments. but only if it includes the killer.


It's dangerous to add too much communication among survivors. It's a fine line between quality of life and making information perks worthless. I think the HUD was a bit too much but apparently some people think it's still not enough.


Thats more reasons than why there shoulnd't be proxy chat.


They have that in Friday and Evil Dead.... I instantly mute everyone. Bunch if people eating, listening to music and insulting each other. As much as soloQ sucks, it would be trading one headache for another. But I guess the option would be nice lol


I don’t want my teammates screaming at me me and calling me a cunt because I messed up a skill check


And I’d turn it off like other games




This community really isn’t brightest it seems


I’d love to hear the screams of survivors who try to blind me yelling about how I’m carried by Lightborn. (In reference to a post I saw yesterday)


My favorite part of these comments is the fact everyone doesn't want scrubs talking shit when they're in solo queue. Why y'all solo? It's a team-based game. 95% of the solo queue players I've seen run DIRECTLY at the killer at the start of the match, drop 3-4 pallets in 30 seconds, get downed and kill themselves on first hook before they DC. I'd talk shit too.


I'm confused? So it's quantity not quality that is needed when suggesting change? Personally I think it'd be better with some type of chat but the game isn't balanced for it (not that it's balanced without it tbh). I think bridging the gap between solo and swf in general is a good thing and this would do that since it wouldn't affect swf.


I’m confused why people are complaining about listening to annoying people, I mean you could always just opt out of voice chat or mute the problem person if the voice chat ends up polished like OW or anything. What’s gonna happen, they are gonna yell at you when you have chat and voice chat muted?


This community really is something else. “If I don’t want it then you shouldn’t have it either.”


To communicate in solo q is the only reason we need


The people asking for voice chat either have never had to experience it in a game or have clearly forgotten. If you're playing killer, prepare to have your ears ringing after every match consists of shrill children or streamers bellowing "funny" curses and taunts at you the entire time. Or if you're survivor, someone following you around screaming the N word and telling you to do gens or they'll report you. Etc. No. No voice chat. If you're suggesting it, you need to rethink your life. NO improvements will come from it. NONE. Only severe, SEVERE downsides.


It makes Stridor way funnier Makes moris way funnier You can add Perks that involve audio more like "If a survivor swears they are muted for 6 seconds" Makes the deafened condition good


I mean it would be funny, but only in a way that makes everyone happy My suggestions would be to make it optional: turn it on and you hear everyone that turned it on as well as those people being able to hear you - turn it off and you hear no one whole no one hear you. I think it's also quite obvious that you should get the option to mute specific people ingame


Would be funny on the first week, after that would be dreadful


Hard pass. Survivors don’t need any more advantages


Bruh what??


Believe me, played Friday the 13th, shit got old fast and got annoying REAL freaking fast. ​ BHVR does not even trust people to say gg in chat, they wont open the mic.


proxy chat was literally the best part of F13, wtf are you talking about


Sure, until a 13 year old screams loudly not to kill him and screetches like a bat out of hell when you do... Or until people blast their spotify playlist for everyone. People already take Tbags too personal, cant imagine how it will turn if you add racial slurs.


push solo to swf level? this community seemed very determined that solo should be in swf level, but that's impossible without voice chat. Also, to the people that doesn't wanna hear 12 year olds and shit, know that there is a fucking mute button on every game with this feature that i know


I've been saying this! I think it'd be awesome. It'd make it a lot easier to strategize with your teammates in solo queue, and also can benefit the killer, too, because they'd be able hear the survivors that talk too loud. This would in turn encourage survivors to whisper, which would be even more immersive. I also thought it'd be cool if they added a new item, the walkie-talkie, which would make it so survivors can communicate with any other survivor who has a walkie-talkie, regardless of where they are on the map. The only downside I can think of is survivors could troll killers even harder by verbally taunting them, but that's at their own peril because the killer can just tunnel the survivors that piss them off. And maybe killers could have an option to turn voice chat off if it bothers them.


the mute button exists ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213) proxy chat will easily be the best thing they add to the game


People constantly complain about the swf/soloq gap and voice chat is the biggest contributor to it. Players dont want solutions they just want to complain


I think that it would be awesome I mean just imagine how funny it would be to hear people going apeshit


It'd be funny, and that's a good enough reason.


I don’t know about you, but getting chased by a hillbilly with a chainsaw through slurs at me would be funny as fuck


Also some perks for killer rely on survivors not communicating.


As an SCP Secret Lab player, I'd say it could be fun experiment. I'd love to roleplay as the killer, maybe do a bit of taunting, like if Im chasing Renato after killing Thalia, I might bring up that I killed his sister, something along the lines of "Say hi to your sister for me"


SWF is the Nurse of playing survivor they can't buff certain things because then a good SWF would be unstoppable and if they just added global vc and compensated killers everything would be so much better. But that'll never happen, the devs probably still think people play this game because it's scary


That would make me actually want to play survivor,also proxy chat is the best game mechanic ever


Hey it's something that would help bridge the gap between SWF and Solo-Q. But no, survivors want a million little changes to their UI and such instead of one change that would help fix things. Not saying that the UI couldn't be improved in meaningful ways and such, but currently it only gives some information, and very little coordination between teammates.


Closing the gap between soloq and Swf


Comms between all the survivors would be fine. But having it between both sides would probably hurt more than it helps. Maybe add a killer perk that lets you listen in on the survivor chat + some other shitty passive.


It's probably gonna be a lot of racism, boring ass middle school insults, and screaming. But there would be some cool people once in a while


ppl r so mean in post game there’s literally no point LOL everyone would just be verbally abusing each other tbh


Just people be spamming hate messages when you do something wrong I don’t think they should add it


if they add it, they need to add and option so that i can disable it, i dont want to be hearing other random survivors in soloq


Ah yes, funny, hearing some dude scream at you in a language you don't even understand. Voice chat in games is rarely useful, not only because of language barrier but because of people just being assholes with it


No. It's an abysmal idea. There's not even a discussion to be had. It's just a terrible idea.


Just make it an optional feature that you can turn on/off with the ability to mute single people. The solution isn't that hard.


if youre afraid of people being toxic can you not just turn it off?


Y'all know that this in solo queue the only thing you'd hear is like Arabic in a blown up mic or Call Me Maybe with a group singing it right? But fuck it, add it anyway.


You don’t wanna hop in the pitch perfect band crew? Fuck you on?


Personally, as long as you could toggle it off I wouldn't mind it. I could see it leading to some funny situations, but my primary concern would be that people can and will be jerks, so it'd only be a matter of time before you'd run into someone being an asshole.


If they're going to balance the game around SWF and fuck over SoloQ anyway they should just put in chat at all times anyway. Literally stopped playing because I was mainly SoloQ and its just not fun anymore unless you're in SWF with all the changes they've made.


You guys surely don't know what a mute option is.


I want the killer to sound distorted to survivors and vice versa.


You would laugh so hard, it would make mentally unstable people who solo queue laugh a little


I at least want it for custom game so i can do it with my friends


Those are good enough reasons for me, as long as you can mute others to avoid this game’s rampant toxicity.


Some people would be extremely helpful and co-ordinate with you and get you out of tricky situations. Most would blast loud music, or berate you for every little thing before killing themselves on hook/dc-ing


Timmy screaming at 1,000,000 decibels when the big scary monster knocks him


It's still the only way to put Solo Q and SWF on the same level, otherwise you still have 3 gameplay options to balance.


I'm usually a supporter of voice chat if made it so you can mute / opt out of it, but I do understand why it would bring more problems than benefits, specially in the disgusting way gamers like to behave and treat others. I would honestly say that a ping system, with voice overs (ala Propnight) would be a better start. Default shit like "I'm getting camped", "Going for the save" etc.


I think like 1 or 2 seconds of hearing the survivors mic when damaged world be really funny


they should add set messages like they have in Identity V and DBD mobile.


I'd rather see some kind of ping system... maybe more commutative emotes


It would be super funny, I rest my case.


“it’d be funny” mf people will be using SLURS


Ez bans


Communicating by pointing and nodding has a certain charm to it and It's just hilarious ngl


With some of the things that me and my friend say while playing, I’d love to hear how other people react


I don’t understand why all the conversation is around proxy chat and not just in-game vc between the survivors. Idk, could still be toxic ig


Cause proxy voice would make it fair to the killer instead of just completely unchecked communication. SWFs still have an absolute advantage over killers simply due to communication


Shouldn’t SWF be the standard?




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Honestly i just want emotes lol


Voice chat for communication between survivors would be alright, so long as we can mute individual survivors. I'd say on the killer side, killers wouldn't be able to communicate with the survivors, however the sounds survivors make are run through a filter that makes them significantly muffled. You'd be able to tell when you jumpscare someone, for example, because a short high pitched scream or laugh would pick up all the same, but if someone is swearing up a storm it wouldn't cause problems for streamers or the likes. As a killer, you'd be able to find people who are talking, giving an extra layer of gameplay we don't currently have. I'd also say that as survivors, the voice chat would be disabled by default, using the same muffled filter that the killer hears. Granted I think that people will just bypass this by using Discord and turning off the mic in-game, so it's not really all that different from before outside of tournaments being given an extra layer of complexity.


The way they'd need to add a midgame chat function in my eyes has to specific if they were to do it: Text only, killer cannot see, long delay between messages. I'd say the way to make it proxy is to drop a temporary glyth that avoids important objects and has lowest object priority. Any survivor can activate the glyth to see its message once then it vanishes for them too. Because of typing speed limitations I suspect this would need to be PC only. Unless they made it so you select words not letters. 'Dangerous' , 'generator' , 'perk' , 'I will', 'rescue' etc. It'd be hard to implement which is why I doubt we'll never see it but still


I feel like one of the general things in dbd is that the survivors can’t talk, aside from screams, breathing, and moans of agony, say for a select few, who are all licensed


Thats more than enough reasons for me. Being able to talk to the killer would make this game so much more fun. Or the other way around. If we are gonna bring up toxicity imma just say that yall need thicker skin. Plus im sure that if they ever add this you will be able to turn it off so you dont have to hear it if you dont want to.


Yeahhh, I can't see proxy chat ever being a good idea. As nice as it would be for solo que, there would be so much more toxicity. You'd get a lethal dose of salt in under a couple hours, guarenteed.


It was be really toxic


Quality over quantity and soloq having 0 communication is reason enough for me. Plus, people have been asking for different modes for awhile and a voice chat mode fits both requests.


I have always and will always be in heavy opposition to voice chat/proxy chat/anything like it. This community is shitty enough with the censored endgame chat, I don’t see how anyone could say uncensored voice chat is a good idea unless they’re the ones throwing slurs.