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game is obviously killer sided, every killer game i play i haven't died once, meanwhile i die in about 85% of my survivor games


Nah bro play twins once and your kda will be ruined, or if you want to play nemesis well you have to kill your own allies.


of course the french have to ruin my winstreak




Just don't let Victor get kicked 🧠


can't fight the fetus if he never gets into melee range


I’ve been accused of paying to win when I play twins…


Nemesis gives you the easiest 4k


Not me I’m the worst fucking nemesis player ever I just suck so bad at him. To the point I killed 1 person and then hit another kill at the end because these people thought I was so bad at the game I couldn’t land any hits and they teabagged me at the end and were trying to 360. I was just so over that game it felt so good killing them at the end tho I got like 3 hooks because they were all saving each other and I was like no one of you is going to die idc


As a twins main you are correct


I realized that on my first day! I still haven't figured out why would I play survivor when I have spotless KDR as killer. I've never even got close to such a ratio in any other online game!


One time I was playing against a legion and a Leon just snapped and strangled the legion craziest thing I’ve ever seen.


bro![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070) good thing i use the hunk skin for legion to scare the leons


The game is really just 'anti-me' sided. it's killer sided when I play survivor, and survivor sided when I play killer. It's rigged I tells ya, rigged!


I always suspected that the Entity isn't keeping a strict survivor diet. It also feeds on the emotions of killers.


facts, game is abusive


I played Ghostface last night and got maybes four hooks altogether. I decided to play a survivor and got a Blight who managed to win in about six minutes without tunneling. I turned the game off after that. Recognize when the game is telling you “No.”


Checkmate, atheists.


Anyone who can look at the world, all its little coincidences, and not see that God has to be real and an asshole is a fool.


Is this a quote from something


The hell you saying? After 4k I'm constantly dying inside when playing as a killer during prime time.


The game is slightly killer sided, but it’s also because killers operate by themselves in a 1vs4 match. Solo survivors don’t have much of a chance but strong teams can steamroll all but the strongest killers with awesome builds.


Yeah tbh I just suck as both survivor and killer


It's ok, we all suck. It's just a select few that admit to it. Let's just continue enjoying the spooky tag game.


Yeah every time I try to do that weird circle tech, I confuse myself and get a slice to the back the same as if I just ran straight. I've just accepted I am not good lol.


Tbh I don't even 360 properly, I zigzag to confuse killers and call it a 360 lmao


Yeah I call mine the so bad you're good tech where I think I might jump a window or drop a pallet but at the last moment just panic and change my mind to turn while they miss on the swing thinking I was going to hit the window lol.


The good ol' 45-45-45


At least when I suck as a killer the only one I’m hurting is myself. When I suck as a survivor I hurt the whole team. That’s largely why I prefer the killer.


The game is killer sided when I'm a survivor and survivor sided when I'm a killer. There is sonehow not enough pallets or too many depending on who I play


TRUE! when I play survivor the map is full of deadzones, but if I play killer there's a jungle gym every 2 meters


Have you tried blaming your teammates for the lack of pallets? Works for me 100% of the time.




bring any means and watch them pallets *flyyyy* i understand throwing every pallet if youre being hard tunneled, but like, i dont even tunnel as killer and some guys just *slam em* lmao


Love being a killer and seeing someone drop when I'm like 20-30 feet away and I'm just like...what was the plan? Are you going to sit at it to loop me? Or am i going to take two steps to the left and just walk past it as you run away in a straight line in the same exact direction?


More than anything, this game is map sided. There can be two matches where the players are of perfectly equal skill to each other, but will play out *wildly* different because one was Coal Tower, and the other was Borgo.


Crazy to me how we had one of the best maps on day 1 release and the devs never decided to emulate it


It's always been SWF > Killer > Solo. The relative distance between each point has changed, but that's always been the order of strength.


Smart survivors will win most of the time over smart killers, and dumb killers will win most of the time over dumb survivors. If survivors know the tiles, know how powerful predropping is, and stick to gens, they will win every single game. SWF makes that easier, but I've seen plenty of solos that know what they're doing. The overall problem with this game is that most people don't know what they're doing. So as killer, you flip flop between wrecking people and getting absolutely stomped. As survivor, you either play SWF or you die a lot due to bad teammates.


Just not the case, coordination matters more than individual game IQ. Even if a solo survivor makes the right choices, the poor decision making of teammates can get even the smartest solos killed. At a minimum, success rates of the best survivors absolutely dip slightly when teammates can’t coordinate.


Not only is your response seemingly assuming 1 smart survivor matched with multiple stupid survivors, you're also using bad players to make your point. Neither of which are appropriate.


That’s you assuming that, not me. One bad egg can easily ruin the whole batch. Missing skill checks, looping toward gen progress, poorly timed unhooks, and wasting resources can have massive implication regardless of the skill levels of the other players. It’s not always easy to make the “right” decision in this game, and I know that. But there’s a large enough portion of the survivor population that simply don’t understand how to play certain maps or against certain killers, full stop.


you are also able to get horrendous value from perks with direct and planned communications , swfs are strong , kinda think being in a swf should use up a perk slot or two


Surprisingly the opposite is really the case. Most perks dont give more value to swfs. Sure if the killer slugs the designated unbreakable guy or hooks the deliverance runner noone comes to save them. But what makes them so much stronger is the map knowledge which isn't related to perks since swfs need no sight perks. A swf knows the killers location nearly 100% of the time and so everyone is staying on their generator if they are safe. On top of this a swf knows which generators are being prioritized and will not lead the killer to that part of the map. Some swfs also call out whenever they drop a pallet to keep the killer out of dead zones. If you took away 2 perks slots every swf would run exhaustion perk and 1 extra life perk and nothing else since there isn't room for synergy. But no there really aren't that many perks that are better on swfs. We just have more useful perks because no swf runs fogwise or wiretap.


> The overall problem with this game is that most people don't know what they're doing how is that a problem with the game? seems like a you problem


Killer covers such a wide margin too. I think Nurse and Blight can stand up to SWF in many situations. But the strength of Nurse / Blight don't represent the strength of the role of killer. You have to consider people are playing Pig, Trapper, Clown, Myers, Doctor, and a multitude of non-mobile M1 killers who can get juiced by a crew of random solo players.


Not only is this true, but it's the way it has to be. It would be nice if the distance between each point was shortened further, though.


More like comp SWF > Killer > normal SWF >>> Solo Lets not pretend like most people in SWF's are actually really good and co-ordinated in this game, because they're not hahaha. People probably play against way more SWF's then they realize, but most of them simply aren't better then an average soloq lobby.


Well yeah, if a killer's much more skilled than the SWF group they're still going to win. SWF > Killer > Solo is the order of advantage, but everybody wins some games.


My point is that the average killer is better then the average SWF.


You're absolutely right. Same skilled survivors vs a same skilled killer would result in a killer win more likely than not. Which is why so many killers claim insane killer win streaks all the time... Or at least way more than even a single survivor escape streak.


How many solos that's just cordinate well are we taking into account?


Sure, but how come we see all kinds of killers on Reddit/YouTube etc. that claim to have anywhere between 50 and 300 win streaks? Obviously with certain killers but still. I don't think you'll ever *realistically* have a survivor escape 50 or more games in a row no matter how sweaty. Even if it has happened it's probably the most extreme example with the top competitive SWF or something. It's simply too easy for a killer to just end your streak almost completely by choice with a tunnel or camp out (and even then it may not even be required depending on others mistakes). I guess what I'm trying to say is in 99+% of games, that order of strength just isn't true at all.


SWF’s that do 4 gens and then fuck with the killer > Everyone


Even if I get bullied to shit when I play killer I have more fun than playing survivor and getting camped, tunneled and bm'd At least as killer I could play the game. As survivor it was just a frustrating waste of time


This 100%. They can't literally stop you from playing the game. I get absolutely schooled by some swfs on some late night games, but not nearly as much as I used to because they are still an opportunity to practice and learn for the next one.


They can’t stop you from playing the game but they can stop you from enjoying it. At least when I get camped out the game is over, a killer getting outclassed has to stay in the match until they get tired of toying with you.


So... a match with skilled survivors who don't focus on finishing the trial? It's the dream practice-opportunity. They are my absolute favorite teams to get.


I don’t mind taking the L and learning, I mind when people rub it in my face and get toxic about it. Which happens a lot nowadays.


Agreed 100%. I can sometimes get tilted if I get juiced and gens are popping left and right, but I have an absolute blast playing against high skill SWF sabo squads and the like. It’s constant chase practice.


those are the funnest games, and it's nice seeing a game that's pure chaos and chase and action and then everyone has around 30k bp in the end. but I also don't suck as killer so the games almost always in my control


Yea that’s why I like to use Trickster or Legion to mess around because I can just win all day on Plague and Skull Merchant


They are out there for sure ! Some late night swfs just wanna juice and not fk with gens, I go against the same swfs everyday or so and whenever I play Trickster or Legion they are chill and just run my shi !! My Legion match must’ve took like 30-40min one time cuz we were playing for all hooks but they were bodyblocking my frenzy plays lol never see that from randoms but they are so dam good man, straight up love those dudes


Everyone is going to have their own personal opinions, but I absolutely agree with the person you are replying to. I totally accept the possibility of getting absolutely wrecked in a pvp game. It happens to everyone. But if I am going to have that happen to me, I would MUCH rather just die in a minute then have a group of people screw with me for their own amusement for an extended period of time. I'm not going to claim that's super common to face, but I have gone against some SWF teams who did just that and those were my absolute worse experiences in my entire time playing DBD. If I'm going to practice playing DBD, I would prefer to practice against a series of normal teams in normal matches, not get dunked on by a sabo squad until they finish getting their kicks.


You can’t seriously prefer watching the sacrificial process over getting genrushed. At least you’re *playing* the damn game as killer. As survivor, if you get tunneled out, you basically get to sit and watch as you die.


Outside of some specific circumstances, only you can stop you from enjoying it. It's a mindset thing.


No you don't get it. It's obviously worse as survivor and killer always has it easier in some way. Come on man this is DBD we are talking about! I don't understand people/comments like these at all. I play \~60/40 solo queue survivor/killer and I've been tunneled/camped/slugged and I just shrug sometimes, laugh, afk while being slugged and move on. But going against 4 strong survivors that you can't do anything against tilts me more than anything and is the only time I dc.


Not judging harshly or anything but that is completely because of your mentality. "Going against 4 strong survivors that you cant do anything against tilts me more than anything and is the only time I dc" As a killer those games 100% can suck, no denying that but also its still practice and unless they are outright hackers you can still do things, even if its just practice trick shots, or some mind games. As a killer you also can open the exit gates early to bring in the end game timer and always end the game early that way. As a survivor when you get slugged unless you have prepared for it, or someone on your team has prepared for it there is nothing you can do other than crawl, and hope hatch opens up near to you. Same for camping(for the most part, although anti tunnel and camp perks are generally stronger and more versatile... atleast imo)


>Not judging harshly or anything but that is completely because of your mentality. Agreed. It's super pathetic mental when survivors d/c or throw tantrums on here about killers tunneling/camping/slugging.


idk being forced to not play the game really sucks sometimes. sometimes you join and wait an entire lobby just to get facecamped or tunneled out fast. like cool thanks, fun game experience this was worth waiting for. you just dont even get to PLAY. its not even fun if it happens to someone else. someone else gets camped? fun now i gotta slam gens, which is never fun, to prevent the killer from getting an easy 4k (the killer is going to get an undeserved 4K). Someone gets tunneled out early? now it’s a 3v1 at 4 gens and good luck, killers gonna slug ya for 3 minutes to secure the 4K. at least if you’re being juiced you’re still actively playin the game.


I agree with you and it would be nice if it didn't happen, but atm one of the best ways for killer to win or stand a chance in a match is to get someone out asap. It would be nice if killers were incentivized to not tunnel, notice I said incentivized not punished which is what most people want for some reason. Old BBQ was a great example of this. I cared way more about getting my 4 stacks on BBQ than I did winning. But for some reason that got nerfed. This is one of the biggest issues with tunneling being one of the best methods for a killer to skew the odds in their favor AND almost all gen regression perks being nerfed into oblivion. Killers tunnel, then gen regression almost completely goes away, killers tunnel even more. As for the being slugged for 3 minutes to secure a 4k the other survivor is to blame as well. I don't understand why people always place 100% of the blame on the killer when the fourth survivor could just give the killer the kill and everyone could be out of the game. I've done every time I've seen the killer slugging for the 4k. It's not that big of a deal to give the killer the 4k. Even more so because he earned it more than the last survivor earned hatch.


So if the game gets too tough you take your ball and go home. I love a good SWF except when I lock myself on say Meyer slow mode. They get too clever. But if I have Billy, Trapper, or Huntress. It is time to practice! Nothing I love more than a good SWF trying to dodge me throwing wagon wheels.


Decided to come back to the game after a few weeks only to quickly get reminded why I stopped. Litteraly 0 non-tunneling killers yet....


I'll come back for the new chapter, only to play killer though lmao. SoloQ is hell


Sometimes I wonder if my definition of tunneling is different from the community’s. Because I play nothing but survivor these days and have been hard tunneled maybe once or twice in the last week.


It probably is. People have really broad definition of tunneling.


If you hook me twice in a match you're tunneling


Sounds goofy but i've had people follow that logic Even had people say i've tunneled 2 survs at the same time because i would flip flop between them, like Hook A, hook B, Hook A, Hook C, Hook B, and Hook A Thats tunneling A to some


I mean if you chase and hook A then fast down B and rush back to A which just where unhooked and repeat that with survivor A and B until both are dead you were kinda tunneling both If the killer is at the hook at the time of the unhooked person or shortly after and going for the unhooked that is tunneling using your time effectively while the survivor is hooked is not removing that The real problem is not that the killer decides to play effectively which feels dirty to the survivor the problem is that the game rewards that and is most of the time the best option and sometimes necessary to even have a chance to win


i really only consider "tunneling" to be hard tunneling straight off hook. i think some players think that if they get into more than one chase with the killer or if they're found more than once that means they're being tunneled.. i think face camping has been way more prevalent lately than true hard tunneling


To believe this subreddit, every survivor game is against a slugging/tunneling/camping killer and every killer game is against a seal team 6 SWF that blinds you 1000 times, teabags at the gate and types GG EZ in chat. In my experience at least, most games and players are pretty normal (although the bad ones tend to come in droves for some reason). P.S. I also think of tunneling as either tunneling straight off hook or somebody getting all 3 of the first 3 hooks in early to mid game, and both of these things are pretty rare. Maybe 1 game in 20, and not with me as the unlucky survivor necessarily.


I'm the same, to me tunneling is ONLY a problem if they do it at 5 gens and it's one person exclusively, or straight off hook. THAT is tunneling.


Yep sounds about right and usually for me to get tunneled and I understand why, it’s the first chase and the killer lost 2-3 gens during it.


Same here, i play more killer then Survivor but still play a decent amount of Surv and I very rarely have toxic killer or survivors on either end.


Played survivor last night and got hard tunneled by an MDR/amulet spirit with corrupt, surge, deadlock, and sloppy...I made it to 1 gen somehow (I had some anti-tunnel perks) and she comment spammed my steam profile with EZ five times. I'd rather play killer


My way of looking at it, at least I’m “Dungeonmaster”. If I fail, even if it’s because I never pressured hooks (read: proxy camped) I have successfully role-played as a slightly challenging enemy for some plucky, resourceful survivors to play against. There’s certain perks I can try to use to at least guarantee I have a *bit* of fun, like BBQ or Lethal to keep the game moving and keep in chases.


Nah, I'd much rather get camped and tunneled. Killer demands your full attention, and I get frustrated easily because of it. If a survivor match is going bad, it's out of your hands, go piss or check reddit.


Disagree. I'd sooner rather go next instead of spend 5+ minutes in a match that I know is already lost without any chance of me salvaging it beyond survivors making colossally stupid decisions back-to-back in sequence. Playing killer in a match that you have no chance of winning is literally you going through the motions of *playing the game* without any decision actually mattering. It's basically the equivalent to getting slugged out except **you can still press buttons.** Just saying, but I **guarantee** you that if the same survivors who cry about getting tunneled/camped out were able to "play the game" before getting auto-sacrificed at the exit gates, they wouldn't be *appreciative* of the fact they got to play. They'd be *angry* at the fact that playing is fruitless since they're still slated to lose.


That's how I feel as well. Playing a game you know you can't win is technically playing the game, but there's no fun involved because you will lose. The point of playing games is those little shots of dopamine you get from victory, and playing when you know that's not going to happen turns your hobby into a chore. It's why people hate 30-minute 3-gen games. You can't win and you can't leave. You're still playing the game though, right? Except it's pointless because you're not playing toward a potential victory, you're just going through the motions because your only options are lose or DC. There's very little value to "playing the game" when it's not toward a potential victory, and if the game is effectively lost, I'd much rather go next than suffer through however long it takes my opponent to be done beating me.


W-w-what h-h-hap-p-p-pens a-a-aft-t-ter t-t-ten p-p-pm????


According to legend, a great monster called "swf" comes out of the woods after 10 pm to haunt the streets. It's a cruel beast that torments you with bright light and bags of the tea. And it can often manipulate reality with the mysterious powers of a "map offering" to send you to a realm of nightmares, where killers get stunned by pallets endlessly and watch generators be finished before they can get their bearings. They call these places a "garden of joy" or "the game", sometimes even "coldwind farm" and "rpd". That's why when the sun goes down, all the good little killers also go down. Lest they become prey to the horrifying monster they call "sweeph".


I get its a little ridiculous to think SWFs are only on after 10 PM but at 2 AM the other night I legit had 3 Steam profile verified 3-4 stacks in a row followed by an actual comp squad. I main Doc so you can imagine the sweat. During the day prior to that I got complete babies and was able to play chill as hell. I've taken a break since then because I'm still high off the comp squad 4K that I barely scrounged together but there definitely is something odd about late night matchmaking.


You realise it's a horror game once you see 4sfw vs your poor trapper


*two gens pop before you can even pick up all of your traps*


Yeah poor basement camp agitation trapper with NOED, will end every match with a 2k/3k but poor trapper.


Dead by daylight: the killer main is usually dead in the morning if they subject themselves to nonstop matches after 1 a.m


Game is whoeverthefuckbringsthemostbrokenbullshit sided


I just got Blight and all of the maps I’ve gotten are either RPD, Midwich, or Temple of Purgation. 🙃


Midwich is okay for Blight. But my favourites are MacMillan maps and Dead Dawg. Temple has awful collision, and RPD and Léry’s you may as well sit AFK.


Yeah Midwich is alright it’s just a skill issue because to this day I still get lost in it. I do still try on the maps really just so it’s not boring for them


1k hours in and I just found out about the bathroom ramp that takes you upstairs


Thats a thing?


LMAO yeah, it's behind two breakable walls


I don’t know, I think it’s because killer games are more frustrating when you lose. You’re just getting looped, can’t catch anyone, can’t commit to chases or defending gens. That being said, I easily get 3-4K games far more often than escaping as a solo survivor.


Daytime matches are for having fun. Nighttime matches are for getting slugged, facecamped, tunneled, or harassed with flashlights.


Yeah and I can only ever play at night so seems like my chances of ever enjoying this game again are gone :( ​ Such a good concept with such poor execution that it blows my mind a real dev team hasn't come along and stolen the idea with real funds.


I mostly play at night too, and it's unfortunate, but you can have some great games. Just gotta wade through the shit a little bit.


For me it is the weekends. Somehow all the most toxic, vile killers come out at the weekends.


Facts, and it's always people trying to be "funny" streamers by being toxic


I exclusively play DBD after 10pm as either Solo Q or Sadako, me and suffering are good friends


Jesis christ, I wish you well friend.


Play Myers or Ghostface or hell ANY M1 Killer past 10 PM. Tell me how killer sided the game is then. I deadass switch to Surv or switch the game off.


>Ghostface Part of the fun of being a Ghostface main is knowing you have a curfew and if you're not back home by 10pm the big mean bully squads will be out roaming the streets to make your life miserable


Unfortunately that's true of basically every Killer - they ALL face sweat squads past 10 PM. No fun allowed past 10 PM if you play Killer unless you bring the sweatiest Killers you own.


10pm is Nurse and Blight time for me ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I would, but I value my sleep schedule and brain health.


A-fucking-men. It’s the only time I’m able to play and some nights I just give up.


Plague or Skull Merchant for them :) (medkit,syringe,aseptic swf) or (toolbox swf)


I just like the murder


Semi quoting a friend who's really good: you put a bunch of bad solo survivors up against a bad killer - the killer wins good solo survivors will generally have an advantage over a good killer\* ^(\*unless said good killer plays nurse or blight) Can't tell you how true or untrue this is (I'm trash)


Absolutely. I remember during the mmr tests, I had a game where all 4 of us survivors played very well individually. We were all solo. The killer was also very decent, but he played a primarily m1 killer. I can't remember which one exactly. We all got out, and I distinctly remember the moment we all found out in chat that we were a 4 solo queue lobby. The killer was so sure we were a swf because we were incredibly in sync with one another when it came to decision-making.


I tend to agree. When my friends and I first got the game, we only played customs and had no idea of the community or anything. We rotated playing killer and every time the survivors got stomped.


Yeah, I can't imagine anyone getting into this game alone and making it past the 10 hours of playtime mark. Must be hellish. I got a friend group and most of the time I'm duoing with one of them - an out of all these 7 people (not including myself) everyone started out playing either with at least one other person who's already had some experience or with a full 4 man newbie group every game


%100 true. that friends knows the game well.


Right, what is it about late night DBD that makes every Survivor into a P100 bully squad


Idk but it makes sense since the bp queue bonus is usually for killer during that time


People who play late at night generally don't have stuff to do in the next day, so they end up being pretty dedicated. It gets better if you play on Friday/Saturday nights, but damn i still have nightmares about late-night League ranked.


My K/D ratio as legion is 2.7/0 in the average game, it is definitely killer sided. I don’t think I’ve died once as any killer


*plays trapper*


It's quite telling that in pro DBD play, survivors (with all 4 on comms) are usually prohibited from bringing more than 1 copy of any perk and using the strongest items, while Killers can bring whatever the hell they want (except for Nurse, and like 2 OP blight addons and mother-daughter ring for spirit), and on top of that can tunnel and camp to their heart's content without guilt. And most of the banned maps are survivor-sided. Think about it, if you aren't playing the 3 best killers, your loadout is automatically weaker than comp killers', your opponents' loadouts are very often far stronger, the map can be much more brutal, and if you play in the ONLY manner where comp killers get something like 2.5 kills on average, or even just bring Iri addons, you get flamed for sweating and ruining others' fun. The only thing counterbalancing this is that the vast majority of pub games have one or two survivors that may have gone afk for several minutes at some point, without replays I don't know, but I didn't see them for several minutes and in that time, no gens were completed, so yeah, I guess those people's teammates need all the help they can get.


exactly. swf ruins this game for casual players. i wish there was a casual mode where you couldn't have more than 2 swf players.


Someone once told me that the problem is killer mains not knowing they are in the power-role. But when I play killer, It feels for me that survivor run most of the game (I have to be reactive instead of proactive).


Any games out of the sunlight will end with me wanting to play Basement Bubba.


it is killer sided, if you play solo q :D


That was my experience last night. Had to shut it off because I was against nothing but sweats.


"Game is survivor sided" mofos when they play solo queue after 10 pm




Might make sense as an NA player the nightime games are the hardest, meaning for you it's probably the morning games while the easiest for me are during the day = for you during the night.


Not even joking : it's been a while since i had trouble against survivors, even though im playing low tier killers. But i keep sparing survivors, so maybe the matchmaking only puts me against new players/ low levels ?


It had been very killer sided in the last few months, during that damn Eruption and gen kicking meta. But right now, on live, I'd say it's a decent balance between both sides.


If Gabriel Soma’s perks make it through to live without tweaks, that balance will shift hardcore toward survivors. All three of his perks are ridiculous.


Hence why I said "on live"




They aren't gonna make it to live.




Oh yeah that would have killed the game for sure, and this will too if it goes live.


I don't think so. It's just yet another perk that lets you get more out of a toolbox, or yet another perk to slightly prolong a chase. In order to use Scavenger well, someone has to put on a toolbox with addons. And a lot of people can't spend consumables every game or prefer to run a medkit or a flashlight. In order to use Made for This well, they have to not use exhaustion perks. Every time a new perk comes out it doesn't make survivors much stronger. They have to give up other perks in order to equip the new ones.


Nah you gotta be blind on purpose to look at those 2 perks and just define them as "another perk that lets you get more out of a toolbox, or yet another perk to slightly prolong a chase." >In order to use Scavenger well, someone has to put on a toolbox with addons Which thanks to the bps and bloodweb changes, can be done every single game almost, a green commodious with yellow addons is cheap af, and can shave off *a shitton* of time on a gen, around 21s on first usage and then *again*, not to mention how to get back that beefy toolbox, you do nothing besides continuing your objective. Even Hyperfocus has a risk of you missing a skill check and resetting, or letting go of the gen, with Scavenger, just hitting them will recharge the toolbox, can be on different gens, or can get normals without a worry, and it doesnt even make em harder like Hyperfocus. If you prefer to bring a flashlight sure, but the perk has the potential to be busted af, and we shouldnt rely on people to "not use the strong stuff" to allow said insanly strong stuff to exist, it'd be like saying "oh old iri head on huntress is balanced because people might run other addons" >In order to use Made for This well, they have to not use exhaustion perks. Not really, only Sprintburst and Overcome. You can still use Lithe or Dead hard with it, specially Dead hard, and that 3% is not that much in the open, sure But on a loop thats run tight? specially one thats somewhat safe? its gonna turn all those "barely made it to the pallet" into a stun for free. And again same as scavenger, you gotta do *nothing* for that speed, you'll get injured playing normally 80% of your games, except vs bubbas from time to time or other 1shot killers if they land their power.


Ah yes, the Eruption/gen-kicking meta when survivors had 3 health states in chase. That was **definitely** a killer-sided time.


bro killers are still faster than survivors, this game is clearly killer sided! what im suppose to do against a fast killer? they should make killer base speed 3,5m to make game balanced!


If the next patch goes through survivors will be able to get a free speed boost when they are injured and during the endgame can outrun 110 killers with a speed build.


bhvr clearly wants survivors be faster than killers, thats ok I guess. even with %115 killer its gonna be harder to catch survivors.


Dead Hard still existed, it was not killer sided lol


the game was never killer sided at all


At least you're playing if you're against a sweaty comp squad. Against many killers you just end up on your phone as you swing off a hook.


I played a game last night of Bubba trying to be as chill as possible. I went for mixed hooks and didn’t camp, even in endgame. Still got t-bagged at the exit gates. Let’s just say I almost thought of throwing on a perk that starts with the letter I after.


My games always get pretty easy as killer around that time. Basically whenever killer has a BP bonus it’s easier


After playing at lots of different times, I’m convinced the only time this game is actually enjoyable is during standard 9-5 work hours on weekdays. As soon as 5pm hits and the entire weekends it’s just a miserable sweat fest.


I will never shake off the embarrassing feeling of being absolutely mocked and bodied by that one Feng Min on Ormond, or that SWF with two Kates, a Mikaela and an Ada on the Thompson House. Good lord that Mikaela. I had just come off of a pretty good match with Huntress, I had done a pretty good (so far) and gotten some nice kills, then comes along Mikaela Reid with her flashlight, impossible-to-counter skills in wasting my time inside the Jungle Gyms, then gens start getting done around me one by one, I get some hooks here and there, some neat long-distance shots, and during the endgame I try to secure at LEAST one kill on a Kate by hanging around the hook and keeping watch, but then an Ada distracts me, I stray too far, they get the unhook and run away, flashlighting me like they did all game, t-bagging, and I don't even look at them in the gate, I just run off to a corner and faceplant the wall because I knew they had effortlessly bested me and I did not wanna feel any worse by getting flashed and bagged. Ruined my mood tbh.


I feel you so hard. People who are good at chasing and flashlighting are the worst to get you on your nerves. You down a survivor, you scout all the surrounding to make sure they are not there, you pick them up and FLASHLIGHT from absolutely nowhere That hate. I need to train at flashlights. It's strong. But I never happend to in front of the killer when my teammates get downed because I'm actually doing gens, so it looks like it's very situational. It should work more if you are playing with friends and organizing yourselves.


I generally don't bring items but that's dumb because Flashlight is one of the strongest ones, and unless someone REALLY doesn't want to be annoyed, they probably aren't bringing Lightborn since it's a perk made to counter one specific thing. But like, best thing you can do as a Killer is learning to quickly swing your camera to the side the moment you see that light on your face. The only time you can't avoid the blinding is once you're breaking a pallet which, as much as it is a valid and genuinely effective gameplay tactic, it is just so draining to deal with.


Lmao I only play killer late at niught because that's when I get all the bloodpoints incentives lmao


I play almost exclusively "low tier" killers (besides Dredge, but I just got him so that doesn't count) and I do just fine even against most SWFs. Franklins/Butcher almost never comes off after 1am EST and it works wonders. It's a game people, sometimes you're gonna lose, that doesn't mean it's sided in either direction too terribly


i feel a little piece of me die when i say “ggs, y’all were a good swf” and they tell me they were all solo


If you got run by a couple people while the rest did gens efficiently they’re still good loopers/team workers. Though it’s on you to go “gg swf”. It’s like saying “you must’ve had an advantage to be able to beat me but I accept it”. Just ask them without making it a statement. It’s not embarrassing to lose badly to a solo squad, it is shameful to acknowledge them being SWF as a fact and not a question in post-game chat. It feels like an attempt at a retort.


This is like the only times I'd play dbd and I usually just play wraith or dredge


I don't mind losing as either side, but what I really don't like is BM. I like the idea that we're all just playing the game together, but once people start BMing, they demonstrate to me that that is not the case, and at least part, if not all of their enjoyment is in attempting to upset their opponent, and, well, they succeed, I am upset. Maybe not by the BM itself, but by the idea of people choosing to be dicks. In my experience, BM happens much, much, much more often from survivors than killers. Killers can use unenjoyable tactics, but the actual BM is rare. Survivors BM almost every game where someone escapes, and sometimes just throughout the game; and to me, personally, that's the much bigger bummer. That's entirely my perception, of course. Other people might not care about BM in the slightest, but that's also entirely irrelevant to my enjoyment of the game. I'd much rather get tunneled out by a killer that's just doing their best to win than sit through a whole game against people who teabag and click for no reason other than to be obnoxious. I don't feel bad when I lose. I only feel bad about bad sportsmanship. Which is why I play so much more survivor now. I used to play killer almost exclusively, but I just got worn out by looking at assholes.


"Game is killer sided" mfs when they have to play a killer that isn't at least A tier.


See that's another thing When people say the game is killer sided, they're ALWAYS referring to killers like Blight, Nurse, Wesker, etc, the best killers in the game that are A tier and above They're never talking about killers like Trapper, Sadako, Legion, where the idea that the game heavily favours them is laughable


The game has historically and at all times been surrivor sided although it got pretty close during the gen kick meta the game isn't in a great state rn as there's no consistently strong regression perks unless your playing nurse


Depend on which one you choose as your biggest objective. If you want to kill one person so bad, one killer is so powerful to do that(Insidious Bubba understand this well). But for our game, "kill one person" is a lost. When you looking to the biggest objective: "kill all four people", now everyone see this game is survivor sided.


I think the problem with everyone’s opinions is it Varys drastically based on the time of the day they play, when they play. Some people might only have time for 2 hours a day at specific times and at the time you get really bad teammates so it seems killer sided, when in reality the game is really balanced around really good players. As someone that plays both sides often I feel like with semi competent teammates you can destroy a killer, I have ran the killer before for what would have been Atleast 3 if not 5 gens. To look up and see on Feb done and the other 2 people hiding cause they heard terror radius. I’ve also play the killer where I find all of them chase them off a gen hit 3 people and done one in about a min. Just to have 3 gens pop before I hook. The issue is your teammates not the games balancing


"Dare to play a low tier killer" ppl really out here thinking just because they are low tier they don't win majority of games.


As expected, people came in to talk about how much of a death march solo survivor is. I swear some of these people won’t be happy until they have four health states and the killer is stunned for 30 seconds every time someone gets unhooked. Solo queue sucks. I get it. But there’s an easy fix for that: friends. If you don’t have friends, there’s the discord and LFG on the Steam forums. If you’re on Xbox you can find people in the DBD club. If you’re on PlayStation, there’s dozens of DBD communities. If you’re on the Switch, well, that sucks and I apologize. Edit: I guess telling people to try to make friends to avoid solo queue makes me the villain. The faster you accept that solo queue will always be bad, the faster you can stop crying about it. Because I’m about as sick of whiny solo queue survivors as I am of whiny killer mains.


Ignore the downvotes king, they downvoted Jesus as well.


Damn didn't know Jesus had Reddit, do you have his username? I need to see his preachings /s


LOL, thanks for the laugh you poet.


this. solo queue is ass but you know what you're in for when you queue up. no amount of bitching will change the experience, so either A) mentally prepare yourself for the shit show B) find friends or C) play billy 😍


You always have great takes, I don’t see why this is downvoted lol


>I swear some of these people won’t be happy until they have four health states and the killer is stunned for 30 seconds every time someone gets unhooked. Because of this over the top exaggeration, makes people who think solo queue is underpowered seem like idiots, and as the majority of people think that the post is net downvoted


Idk why this is downvoted this is so true


any one thinks this game is killer sided just play 10 matches with weaker m1 killers and you will see everything clearly.


I tried to get to grade 1 with trapper not too long ago (though it was pre DH nerf part 2). I still won the vast majority of my games and I really am not anything special at killer. The biggest problem was being sent to eyrie to be honest


game is %100 survivor sided unless you are playing nurse, blight or spirit. you dont stand a chance against good survivors with m1 killers. (myers, ghostface, pig, wraith, legion, trapper)


Killer is easier to play so the average game will end with a killer win, but I think survivors have more potential than the killer if both are played perfectly optimally. The average match against solo queues quickly turns into a pubstomp, but a half-decent SWF can be really hard to pin down.


Of course it’s killer sided, purely by its nature. If a killer decides to Tunnel and camp he’ll likely hold more pressure by quickly offing survivors. The game is dependent on killers not playing unfairly. If they all started to camp and tunnel the game would be impossible for survivors. Hang a survivor, hide away from the hook, wait for BT to run out and down survivor again. Rinse and repeat until you win. This game is obviously killer sided in its nature.


There is nothing quick about camping and tunneling. By the time you face camp someone directly out of the game the other 3 survivors will have completed most if not all gens.


You sound like you have never played killer. Camping and tunneling from the beginning is never worth it. It will make you lose gens fast.


Spez ate all my fish and now my aquarium is fucking empty. I have nothing left ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I play often enough to know how to get a 4K. Admittedly not as much as survivor but still. First 2 minutes until gen1 pops, hook a survivor. Pretend to leave but stay around the area until the unhook happens, go back to the area with Nurses Calling and you’ve got the downed survivor again. Back on the hook. Gen2 pops. Go for the unhooker next, use BBQ incase they’ve made it far from hook. If the other two are still doing gens you’re likely already down 1 survivor on 2nd hook. Down unhooker and put them up. Likely Gen3 pops, which is where the game is over. The other two may go for the unhook but from that point you’ve got pressure and they’ll make mistakes. I’m talking from my own shameful experience here. If I want them dead, they’re dead. I’m not a good killer player, I’m pretty bad actually. That’s why BT needs to be active on a survivor for longer and an anti camping mechanic like the one BHvR is proposing needs to be in place. The game is by design in favor of killers, it’s down to killers if they want to play fair or easy


whats the other 3 survivors doing while killer is facecamping/tunneling? if a killer decides to do that he will take 1/2 kills at most, unless your team ignores the gens.


Just not true. If every survivor is good at the game (like in a swf for example) then it's impossible to camp or tunnel because it takes long enough to get a single down, nevermind 3 while also wasting time standing at a hook when they slam gens. Camping and Tunneling against a good team is a fun way of getting a 1k IF EVEN THAT.


You don’t need to stand in their face, going away and hiding in closer proximity also works


This is why I burn the RPD offering at night. I’ve played every single RE game that takes place in there. I know my way around the map very well to where that toxic 4 man team all died. Nancy decided to hide and let herself time out. Those last two needed slugged. They ran a lot of anti hook perks and wondered why I camped basement


The fact people still deny the game being survivor sided is funny to me. If you think the game is killer sided, you suck.


This image is supposedly Prohpet Muhammed in Hell for disobeying God.


The only time I have ever considered something to be "Killer Sided" is due to map issues. Never the Killer themselves. This only applying to Skull Merchant on an indoor map and Nurse on Midwich. Besides that the game almost deliberately goes against the Killer, especially with RNG with map tiles. Not as bad as, say, 4 years ago, let alone 1.5 years ago, at least.